* Added implementation files for image_resize and resize_bicubic ops.
* Image resize and image.resize_bicubic ops implementation. Initial revision.
* Finished with infrastructure development for image.resize_bilinear op and image_resizo op implementation.
* Refactored resize methods.
* Added processing for Mitchelcubic algorithm.
* Added check for input/output sizes.
* Added int and float types for crop_and_resize op.
* Refactored crop_and_resize output type check.
* Added helper for bicubic interpolation as TF v.1 does.
* Added TF v.1 bicubic helper for cuda platform.
* Added cached class for bicubic algorithm.
* Refactored cuda implementation for crop_and_resize helper to use proper output type.
* Added facilities for bicubic interpolation.
* Portion bicubic interpolation from TF.
* Added tests for resize_bilinear testing.
* Working implementation of bicubic interpolation and tests.
* Refactored routines with image_resize bicubic op helper.
* Refactored code with coding standards.
* Refactored cpu helpers for resize_bicubic op.
* Refactored bicubic helpers.
* Added bicubic resize facilities.
* Implementing cuda kernels for bicubic interpolation. Implementation step.
* Cuda implementation of resize_bicubic op helper.
* Refactor image.resize_bicubic op helpers.
* Refactored helpers for resize_bicubic. Added error checking with cuda implementation.
* Refactored cuda implementation of resize_bicubic op helper. The first working revision.
* Cuda arch implementation for resize_bicubic op helper. Full working single-threaded revision.
* Intermediate bicubic interpolation helper for cuda.
* Refactored cpu helper for resize_bicubic.
* Multithreaded cuda implementation for resize_bicubic.
* Fixed merge issues.
* Refactored nlp helpers.
* Replicated resize_bicubic for 3D also.
* Eliminated waste comments of unused code.
* Eliminated waste comments with unused code.
* Eliminated waste template definitions.
* Eliminated waste debug code.
* Eliminated waste comments.
* Fixed multithreading with helpers.
* Fixed test suites for float and double in float point input lists.
* Fixed usage of reshape with 3D/4D on resizes.
* Final fixes.
* Fixed resize_neighbor op problem.
* Added a pair of tests for failed ops.
* Fixed cpu helper for draw_bounding_boxes op.
* Refactored implementation of draw_bounding_boxes op to full conform with TF.
* Improved multithreading with draw_bounding_boxes op cuda helper.
* Eliminated log messages.
* Changed logging with draw_bounding_boxes op helper and tests.
* Resize_biliear with 3D input allowed.
* Refactored 3D input acception with resize_bilinear op.
* And another improvement.
* Refactored reshape of input/output for resize_bilinear.
* Improvements final.
* Finished with 3D replication for image.resize_bilinear/_nearest_neighbor.
* Added copyrights for TF code.
* Using new form of multithreading for cpu implementation.
* Fixed shape error.
* Added multithreaded with batches on crop_and_resize functor.
* Refactored multithreading with crop_and_resize and draw_bounding_boxes.
* Added implementation files for image_resize and resize_bicubic ops.
* Image resize and image.resize_bicubic ops implementation. Initial revision.
* Minor fix
* Some TF imports disabled.
* Finished with infrastructure development for image.resize_bilinear op and image_resizo op implementation.
* Refactored resize methods.
* Added processing for Mitchelcubic algorithm.
* adjust_contrast
* Small fix for TF import expected value loading when variable name starts with the test name
Signed-off-by: AlexDBlack <blacka101@gmail.com>
* Tests
* Tests added.
* Removed tf names absent in mapping.
* Some fixes.
* Small fixes
* Minor change
* Some failing tests.
* Disable failed test
* Ignore some tests
* Fix import class mapping
Signed-off-by: AlexDBlack <blacka101@gmail.com>
* Fix float property mapping (flatbuffers)
Signed-off-by: AlexDBlack <blacka101@gmail.com>
* Override equality function for model 'dropout'
Signed-off-by: AlexDBlack <blacka101@gmail.com>
* Fail tests
* Failed tests ignored temporarily.
* Minor fixes
* Small fix
* Conflict resolved
* Default implementations of tensorflowName and onnxName
* Corrected randomuniform declaration.
* Refactored uniform distribution for both cuda and cpu platforms.
* Refactored uniform distribution and tests.
* Fixed type usage with indices.
* Refactored uniform distribution implementation and tests to full conform with TF implementation.
* Refactored gamma function to use type util method.
* Copyright changes and fixes with ConstantHelper.
* Added error checking on allocate cuda device memory and operations.
* Added implementation for random_gamma op.
* Added implementation for random_poisson op and support classes.
* Added helpers for random_poisson and random_gamma ops.
* Implementation of random_poisson. The first working edition.
* Implementation of random_poisson. Parallelized working edition.
* Implementation of random_gamma. Parallelized working edition with alpha only.
* Added cuda implementation for helper of poisson distribution.
* Corrected shape calculation with random_gamma and tests.
* Finished cpu implementation for gamma distribution.
* Finished cuda implementation for random_gamma op.
* Refactored cpu helpers for random_gamma and random_poisson ops.
* Refactored cuda helpers for gamma and poisson distribution.
* Refactored cuda helper for gamma distribution.
* Refactored cpu helper for random_poisson op.
* Refactored cpu helper for random_gamma op.
* - provide possibility to pass axis as last input array in concat op
- corrcect sumation in bias_add_bp op for NHWC case
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - write code for deconv2d op based on mkl dnn api
* no unsafe math
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* no unsafe math
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* - get rid of e<> and p<> methods in svd helper
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - provide mkl api support for deconvolution 3d
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - write deconv2d_bp based on mkl api
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - write deconv3d_bp based on mkl api
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - testing and fixing deconv based on mkl api
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - remove dilation form conv2d/3d mkl
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - minor changes
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - further corrections of deconv ops based on mkl dnn api
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - provide deconv2d_tf based on mkl dnn api
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - add minor corrections required by reviewer
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* Added non_max_suppression_overlaps op and tests.
* Refactored implementation of non_max_suppression_overlaps.
* Refactoring of implementation of non_max_suppression_overlaps op.
* Refactoring of implementation of non_max_suppression op.
* Fixed portion error.
* Added cuda frontends for image suppression ops.
* Eliminated crash with cuda arch on image.non_max_suppression_overlaps op.
* Improved implementation of image_suppression helper for cpu platform.
* The generic approach of non_max_suppression_overlaps op helper with cuda platform.
* Working cuda implementation of helper non_max_suppression_overlaps op.
* Eliminated waste comments.
* Improved implementations for both platforms
* Refactored cuda implementation of image.non_max_suppression_overlaps op helper.
* Improved cuda implementation of non_max_suppression op helper.
* Refactored cuda implementation of image.non_max_suppression_overlaps op helper.
* Improved cuda implementation of image.non_max_suppression_overlaps op helper.
* Added modifications into cuda implementation for image suppression overlaps op.
* Correct queue emulation with cuda implementation of non_max_suppression_overlaps op.
* Prefinal stage of cuda implementation of non_max_suppression_overlaps.
* Worked cuda implementation of non_max_suppresion_overlaps helper.
* Fixed return to proper thread.
* Improvements for cuda implementation of image.non_max_suppression_overlaps op helper.
* Fixed implementation issues with non_max_suppression_overlaps on cuda platform.
* Fixed skip for non_max_suppression_overlaps on cuda platform.
* Finalize implementation of image_suppression helper and tests.
* Cosmetic changes only.
* - write code for new batchnorm backprop
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - testing batchnorm backprop
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - write code for batchnorm backprop based on mkl dnn api
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - testing and fixing bugs in batchnorm_bp mkl dnn
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - made corrections required by reviewer
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - change name in java wrapper for batchnorm op
Signed-off-by: Yurii <iuriish@yahoo.com>
* - profiling bias_add op
- add some docementation
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - minor change
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - provide addBias cuda kernel
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - improve shape::getIndexOfffset and change its signature
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - same as previous
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - improve and change signature in some shape:: stuff which has to do with calculation of offsets for array elements
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - minor changes in flatten
Signed-off-by: Yurii <shyrma@skymind.io>
* - add function shape::getIndexOffsetOrdered
Signed-off-by: Yurii <shyrma@skymind.io>
* - correct shape::getIndexOffsetOrdered()
Signed-off-by: Yurii <shyrma@skymind.io>
* - move getIndexOffsetOrdered to flatten.h header in order to isolate this function
Signed-off-by: Yurii <shyrma@skymind.io>
* Comments axis shifts.
* Fixed LUP solver usage. Added helpers doc.
* Switch off OMP for roll and lup. Fixed omp usage for ClipByGlobalNorm.
* Switch off omp for ClipByGlobalNorm to reduce omp ambigiousness.
* - documenting and profiling matrix_set_diag cuda kernel
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - correct formula of pnorm pooling in cuda 2d/3d kernels
- remove helper matrix_diag which duplicates work of helper matrix_set_diag
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* throw exception if op execution failed
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* expected for test
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* one more ismax test
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* ismax view fix
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* - start working on space_to_batch_nd
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - provide cpu helper for space_to_batch_nd op
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* few typos fixed
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* - add tests for space_to_batch and correct bugs
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - write cuda kernel for space_to_batch op
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - add order argument to shape::index2coords method in convolution cuda ops
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - restore some previous code
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* old col2im kernel activated
Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
* - change coords calculation in col2im kernel
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - restore old col2im kernel
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - add custom op for batch_to_space
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - provide cpu version for batch_to_space_nd op
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>
* - provide cuda kernel for batch_to_space_nd op
Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io>