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Import IR



Proposed by: Adam Gibson (28-09-2020)

Discussed with: Paul Dubs


Currently, there is a gap in the way samediff/nd4j operations are implemented vs. how other frameworks represent their models.

Keras, Tensorflow, and Pytorch use an attribute based format with names. Interop between Onnx ,Tensorflow, and Keras tends to follow the following formula:

  1. Map names to equivalent names in the other framework for each operation configuration. Names being both op names and associated attributes of the operations such as in Conv2D where you have strides, kernel sizes.
  2. Map input/output tensors to the equivalent tensor type in each framework.
  3. Setup the complete graph in the equivalent framework. Sometimes the framework's concepts don't map 1 to 1. They should output equivalent results regardless though. In order to do this, sometimes the framework needs to add/remove operations in order to produce equivalent output in a different graph. The tensorflow onnx import is a good example of this.

Samediff/nd4j have their internal op representations as a set of ordered arguments for execution in the form of:

  1. t arguments: floating point arguments (float, double,..)
  2. integer arguments: integer arguments (long, integer)
  3. boolean argument: boolean arguments
  4. data type arguments: data types for input/output
  5. input arguments: ndarrays for input
  6. output arguments: often optional (dynamically created) output ndarray arguments. If the user wants to pass in outputs to control memory, they are allowed to do so.
  7. axis arguments: Integer arguments that represent the dimension(s) for an operation to be executed on.

Reference implementation

This maps well enough for execution, but not for file formats.

This may encourage future work to be done to the samediff file format. Implementation of serialization of file format via flatbuffers can be found here Of note here for prior work is the [current code generation] (

The definitions for the kotlin dsl can be found here

While it does have the intended description, its kotlin specific and is only available for a very small subset of the ops where pre-created objects were created for specific operations. The goal of this ADR is to expand upon that and make it language agnostic by providing this information in a neutral file format that has code generation with it.

Current code generation efforts can be augmented using this file format. More on this decision making can be found here


We expose a symbol based mapping in libnd4j in protobuf format, similar to how other frameworks are doing it, as a bridge/intermediary format.

This makes it easier to implement interop with the other frameworks, because it adds the necessary information that is needed to be able to define a direct mapping.

This could be a future file format depending on how the framework evolves. For now, this is considered a work around for making writing import code easier/more portable.

Similar to ONNX and Tensorflow we use protobuf to express an attribute based file format and map samediff/nd4j operations to this format.

We use a translation layer that handles mapping from attributes to the ordered arguments approach reflected in samediff/nd4j.

For each operation, we define a mapping process to/from this attribute format to the order based execution format.

A separate but similar set of rules are used for mapping ndarrays.

This attribute based format is an Intermediary Representation that we then "compile" to the equivalent calls in libnd4j.

The format definitions for the IR can be found here


Migration to an attribute based import format makes working with other deep learning frameworks easier in the future.


  1. Yet another file format.
  2. Risk migrating to new file format in the future.
  3. A lot of up front manual work to index set of current operations.
  4. Backwards compatibility: yet another thing to maintain. We wrote converters for any forward compatibility. We address this by specifying an opset schema scheme similar to onnx.


  1. Easy to maintain.
  2. Backwards compatible.
  3. Easily interops with existing other deep learning frameworks.
  4. No additional dependencies from what's already normal.
  5. Protobuf allows easy code generation for other languages.
  6. Industry standard conventions being used over proprietary tooling reducing friction for adoption for people coming from other frameworks
  7. Straightforward mapping of arguments for import
  8. Provide an easy bridge to existing libnd4j
  9. Allow automation of op descriptors in any language that would understand how to pass data to the c++ library.

Appendix A: Comparison with other Frameworks, implicit vs. explicit

We can find the existing attributes from the conventions of the libnd4j code base. The libnd4j conv1d.cpp file contains the following declaration:

auto inputShapeInfo   = inputShape->at(0);
auto weightsShapeInfo = inputShape->at(1);
Nd4jLong const* biasShapeInfo    = block.width() > 2 ? inputShape->at(2) : nullptr;

int kW = INT_ARG(0) > 0 ? INT_ARG(0) : static_cast<int>(shape::sizeAt(weightsShapeInfo, 0)); // filter(kernel) width
int sW = INT_ARG(1);                                                        // strides width
int pW = INT_ARG(2);                                                        // paddings width
int dW = INT_ARG(3);                                                        // dilations width
int paddingMode = INT_ARG(4);                                               // 0-VALID, 1-SAME
int isNCW  = block.getIArguments()->size() > 5 ? !INT_ARG(5) : 1;           // INT_ARG(4): 1-NWC, 0-NCW
int wFormat = block.getIArguments()->size() > 6 ? INT_ARG(6) : 0;           // 0 - [kW, iC, oC], 1 - [oC, iC, kW], 2 - [oC, kW, iC]

We can see that there are macros in the libnd4j code base, which reflect how each argument is accessed. Each list of arguments has an expected order, that we need to explicitly map to a parseable structure.

In comparison, the onnx Convolution operator has explicit attributes of various types such as lists of ints and named tensors.

As shown above, these concepts exist internally in the operations and layers themselves in nd4j/samediff, but they are not exposed directly to the user.

A theoretical op descriptor from libnd4j is as follows:

    private String name;
    private int nIn,nOut,tArgs,iArgs;
    private boolean inplaceAble;
    private List<String> inArgNames;
    private List<String> outArgNames;
    private List<String> tArgNames;
    private List<String> iArgNames;
    private List<String> bArgNames;
    private OpDeclarationType opDeclarationType;

    public enum OpDeclarationType {

It contains all the op declarations and fields associated with a descriptor.

In the libnd4j code base, we represent the op descriptor types above implicitly through validation as well as the different macros present in the code base representing what an op execution looks like.

Validation for what can be present in the various names can be found here

The set of macro declarations in libnd4j can be found here

Appendix B: Format Comparison to other frameworks

An add op in tensorflow looks like:

op {
  name: "Add"
  input_arg {
    name: "x"
    type_attr: "T"
  input_arg {
    name: "y"
    type_attr: "T"
  output_arg {
    name: "z"
    type_attr: "T"
  attr {
    name: "T"
    type: "type"
    allowed_values {
      list {
        type: DT_BFLOAT16
        type: DT_HALF
        type: DT_FLOAT
        type: DT_DOUBLE
        type: DT_UINT8
        type: DT_INT8
        type: DT_INT16
        type: DT_INT32
        type: DT_INT64
        type: DT_COMPLEX64
        type: DT_COMPLEX128
        type: DT_STRING

Onnxs add can be found here

Onnx and tensorflow are purely attribute based formats.