Brian Rosenberger irn-bru
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irn-bru pushed tag v2.0.2 to Brutex/XServices

2023-09-28 10:55:23 +02:00

irn-bru pushed to master at Brutex/XServices

  • 6d85158246 Allow logging via SLF4J and logback-classic. Fixes #5

2023-09-28 10:49:52 +02:00

irn-bru closed issue Brutex/XServices#5

Prevent duplicate log lines to be send to server.log, ensure XServices.log is used

2023-09-28 10:49:52 +02:00

irn-bru opened issue Brutex/XServices#5

Prevent duplicate log lines to be send to server.log, ensure XServices.log is used

2023-09-28 10:48:46 +02:00

irn-bru pushed to master at Brutex/XServices

  • b2cd9fbda7 Initial release of lock/ unlock operation in MiscService

2023-09-28 09:09:43 +02:00

irn-bru pushed to master at Brutex/XServices

2023-09-28 09:08:54 +02:00

irn-bru released "XServices 2.0.1" at Brutex/XServices

2023-09-27 11:54:13 +02:00

irn-bru pushed tag 2.0.1 to Brutex/XServices

2023-09-27 11:54:13 +02:00

irn-bru pushed to master at Brutex/XServices

2023-09-27 11:49:55 +02:00

irn-bru pushed to master at Brutex/XServices

  • 4777c132d4 Allow init_delay and configurable alf_event filters. This closes #4 and closes #2

2023-09-27 11:42:46 +02:00

irn-bru closed issue Brutex/XServices#2

Allow <EventNotice><Base><EventId> to be truncated to a limited size

2023-09-27 11:42:46 +02:00

irn-bru closed issue Brutex/XServices#4

MiscService: Allow for a delay before alf event merge service starts forwarding from outbound queue

2023-09-27 11:42:46 +02:00

irn-bru opened issue Brutex/XServices#4

MiscService: Allow for a delay before alf event merge service starts forwarding from outbound queue

2023-09-27 09:27:45 +02:00

irn-bru opened issue Brutex/XServices#3

Allow reload of configuration while MiscService -> mergeALFEvent is running

2023-09-27 09:20:36 +02:00

irn-bru opened issue Brutex/XServices#2

Allow <EventNotice><Base><EventId> to be truncated to a limited size

2023-09-27 08:17:28 +02:00

irn-bru pushed to master at Brutex/XServices

  • 39855ae8ba Synchronising MERGE INTO alf event inbound queue. This fixes #1

2023-09-26 15:07:54 +02:00

irn-bru closed issue Brutex/XServices#1

MiscService-> mergeALFEvent fails to MERGE INTO during highly parallel incoming events

2023-09-26 15:07:53 +02:00

irn-bru opened issue Brutex/XServices#1

MiscService-> mergeALFEvent fails to MERGE INTO during highly parallel incoming events

2023-09-26 14:59:35 +02:00

irn-bru deleted branch origin/xservices-jre5 from Brutex/XServices

2023-09-26 11:32:42 +02:00

irn-bru deleted branch origin/xservices-jre6 from Brutex/XServices

2023-09-26 11:32:39 +02:00