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123 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import numpy as np
from ..java_classes import DataType
from ..java_classes import ArrayDescriptor as getArrayDescriptor
from ..java_classes import DatasetDescriptor
import ctypes
from .dataset import Dataset
from ..ndarray import array
ArrayDescriptor = None
def np2desc(nparray):
if nparray is None:
return None
nparray = array(nparray).numpy()
address = nparray.__array_interface__['data'][0]
shape = nparray.shape
stride = nparray.strides
nptype = nparray.dtype
if nptype == np.float32:
dtype = "float"
elif nptype == np.float64:
dtype = "double"
raise Exception("Unsupported data type: " + str(nptype))
return (address, shape, stride, dtype)
def desc2np(desc):
if desc is None:
return None
address, shape, stride, dtype = desc
mapping = {
'double': ctypes.c_double,
'float': ctypes.c_float,
'half': ctypes.c_short,
'long': ctypes.c_long,
'int': ctypes.c_int,
'short': ctypes.c_short,
'bool': ctypes.c_bool
Pointer = ctypes.POINTER(mapping[dtype])
pointer = ctypes.cast(address, Pointer)
np_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(pointer, shape)
return np_array
def desc2ds(desc):
if desc is None:
return None
return Dataset(*list(map(desc2np, desc)))
def ds2desc(ds):
if ds is None:
return None
items = [ds.features, ds.labels, ds.features_mask, ds.labels_mask]
return tuple(map(np2desc, items))
def j2py_arr_desc(jdesc):
if jdesc is None:
return None
address = jdesc.getAddress()
shape = tuple(jdesc.getShape())
stride = tuple(jdesc.getStride())
dtype = jdesc.getType().toString().lower()
supported_dtypes = ["float", "double"]
if dtype not in supported_dtypes:
raise Exception("Unsupported data type: " + dtype)
return (address, shape, stride, dtype)
def py2j_arr_desc(pydesc):
global ArrayDescriptor
if pydesc is None:
return None
address = pydesc[0]
shape = pydesc[1]
stride = pydesc[2]
dtype = pydesc[3]
dtype = {"float": DataType.FLOAT, "double": DataType.DOUBLE}[dtype]
if ArrayDescriptor is None:
ArrayDescriptor = getArrayDescriptor()
return ArrayDescriptor(address, shape, stride, dtype, 'c')
def j2py_ds_desc(jdesc):
jfeaturesdesc = jdesc.getFeatures()
pyfeaturesdesc = j2py_arr_desc(jfeaturesdesc)
jlabelsdesc = jdesc.getLabels()
pylabelsdesc = j2py_arr_desc(jlabelsdesc)
jfmaskdesc = jdesc.getFeaturesMask()
pyfmaskdesc = j2py_arr_desc(jfmaskdesc)
jlmaskdesc = jdesc.getLabelsMask()
pylmaskdesc = j2py_arr_desc(jlmaskdesc)
return (pyfeaturesdesc, pylabelsdesc, pyfmaskdesc, pylmaskdesc)
def py2j_ds_desc(pydesc):
return DatasetDescriptor()(*list(map(py2j_arr_desc, pydesc)))