242 lines
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242 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author raver119@gmail.com
#include <vector>
#include <NDArray.h>
#include <graph/Variable.h>
#include <graph/VariableSpace.h>
#include <graph/ContextPrototype.h>
#include <memory/Workspace.h>
#include <execution/Engine.h>
// CUDA-specific includes
#ifdef __CUDACC__
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_device_runtime_api.h>
namespace nd4j {
namespace graph {
* This class defines input desired for any given node/operation within graph
class ND4J_EXPORT Context : public nd4j::graph::ContextPrototype {
nd4j::memory::Workspace* _workspace = nullptr;
nd4j::graph::VariableSpace* _variableSpace = nullptr;
std::pair<Nd4jLong, Nd4jLong> _executionTime;
nd4j::random::RandomBuffer* _rng = nullptr;
nd4j::DataType _dataType = nd4j::DataType::FLOAT32;
// branch for divergent_op
int _branch = 0;
// temporary context for standalone ops execution
LaunchContext* _context = nullptr;
std::vector<nd4j::DataType> _dataTypes;
// fields for fast execution (out-of-graph ops use)
std::vector<NDArray*> _fastpath_in;
std::vector<NDArray*> _fastpath_out;
std::vector<NDArray*> _handles;
bool _helpersAllowed = true;
// in some cases we might be able to skip shape function for validation purposes
bool _shapeFunctionOverride = false;
// special flag used during conversion from Graph exec to FastPath exec
bool _forbidFastPath = false;
Context(ContextPrototype* prototype, VariableSpace* variableSpace);
explicit Context(int nodeId, VariableSpace *variableSpace = nullptr);
Context(int nodeId, VariableSpace *variableSpace, bool isInplace);
// default destructor
// these methods are for execution timing
void setOuterTime(Nd4jLong time);
void setInnerTime(Nd4jLong time);
Nd4jLong getOuterTime();
Nd4jLong getInnerTime();
nd4j::DataType dataType() override;
nd4j::DataType dataType(int index) override;
void setDataType(int index, nd4j::DataType type) override;
// these methods are related to Workspace abstraction
bool hasWorkspaceProvided();
void attachWorkspace(nd4j::memory::Workspace* workspace);
void forgetWorkspace();
// these methods return full-time workspace
nd4j::memory::Workspace* getWorkspace();
nd4j::memory::Workspace* workspace();
nd4j::memory::Workspace* fWorkspace();
// this method returns workspace for temporary allocations
nd4j::memory::Workspace* tWorkspace();
// this method returns workspace for object allocations
nd4j::memory::Workspace* oWorkspace();
void setVariableSpace(VariableSpace* variableSpace);
nd4j::random::RandomBuffer* getRNG();
void setRNG(nd4j::random::RandomBuffer* rng);
void setTargetEngine(samediff::Engine engine);
VariableSpace *getVariableSpace();
LaunchContext* launchContext();
// these fields define, if we can execute specific node in-place, without generating new array
// these variables are only for Divergent Nodes
int getBranch();
void setBranch(int branch);
* @return
Stash* getStash();
void trackList(NDArrayList* list);
* This method returns variable for a given input index for this block
* @param idx
* @return
Variable* getVariable(int idx);
Variable* variable(int idx);
* This method is shortcut to getVariable(int idx);
* + it check fastpath for array availability (preferred)
* @return
NDArray* getNDArray(int idx);
NDArray* array(int idx);
* This method fetches variable from VariableSpace DIRECTLY
* @param p
* @return
Variable* variable(int node, int index);
Variable* variable(std::pair<int,int>& p);
Variable* variable(std::initializer_list<int> p);
void pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArray* array, bool removable = true);
void pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(std::pair<int, int>& pair, NDArray* array, bool removable = true);
void pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArrayList* list, bool track = true);
void pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(std::pair<int, int>& pair, NDArrayList* list, bool track = true);
bool isValueAvailable(int idx = 0);
Variable* ensureVariable(int idx = 0);
unsigned long width() override;
// methods used in java interop
* This method checks if Context uses fastpath variable access
* @return
bool isFastPath();
* Method allows to forbid FastPath execution
* @param reallyForbid
void forbidFastPath(bool reallyForbid);
#ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
std::vector<NDArray*>& fastpath_in();
std::vector<NDArray*>& fastpath_out();
void setInputArray(int index, NDArray *array, bool removable = false);
void setInputArray(int index, void *buffer, void *shapeInfo, void *specialBuffer, void *specialShapeInfo);
void setInputArray(int index, void *databuffer, void *shapeInfo, void *specialShapeInfo);
void setOutputArray(int index, NDArray *array, bool removable = false);
void setOutputArray(int index, void *buffer, void *shapeInfo, void *specialBuffer, void *specialShapeInfo);
void setOutputArray(int index, void *databuffer, void *shapeInfo, void *specialShapeInfo);
void setTArguments(double *arguments, int numberOfArguments);
void setIArguments(Nd4jLong *arguments, int numberOfArguments);
void setBArguments(bool *arguments, int numberOfArguments);
void setDArguments(nd4j::DataType *arguments, int numberOfArguments);
void setTArguments(const std::vector<double> &tArgs);
void setIArguments(const std::vector<Nd4jLong> &tArgs);
void setBArguments(const std::vector<bool> &tArgs);
void setDArguments(const std::vector<nd4j::DataType> &dArgs);
* This method purges fastpath in/out contents and releases all the handles.
* PLEASE NOTE: I/T/B/D args will stay intact
void clearFastPath();
void setCudaContext(Nd4jPointer cudaStream, Nd4jPointer reductionPointer, Nd4jPointer allocationPointer);
void allowHelpers(bool reallyAllow);
bool helpersAllowed();
void setShapeFunctionOverride(bool reallyOverride);
bool shapeFunctionOverride();
samediff::ExecutionMode executionMode();
void setExecutionMode(samediff::ExecutionMode executionMode);
bool isTraining();
bool isInference();
#endif //LIBND4J_BLOCK_H