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# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from collections import OrderedDict
class Schema(object):
def __init__(self):
self.columns = OrderedDict()
def add_column(self, column_type, column_name, *args):
if column_name in self.columns:
raise Exception(
"Column names should be unique. Another column with name " + column_name + " already exists.")
self.columns[column_name] = [column_type] + list(args)
def add_string_column(self, column):
self.add_column("string", column)
def add_integer_column(self, column, *args):
self.add_column("integer", column, *args)
def add_long_column(self, column, *args):
self.add_column("long", column, *args)
def add_float_column(self, column, *args):
self.add_column("float", column, *args)
def add_double_column(self, column, *args):
self.add_column("double", column, *args)
def add_categorical_column(self, column, categories):
self.add_column("categorical", column, *categories)
def get_column_type(self, column):
return self.columns[column][0]
def serialize(self):
config = {}
meta = []
col_names = []
for k in self.columns:
config['column_names'] = col_names
config['meta'] = meta
return config
def deserialize(cls, config):
schema = cls()
col_names = config['column_names']
meta = config['meta']
for c, m in zip(col_names, meta):
schema.columns[c] = m
return schema
def to_java(self):
from .java_classes import SchemaBuilder
from .java_classes import JFloat, JDouble
builder = SchemaBuilder()
for c in self.columns:
meta = self.columns[c]
col_type = meta[0]
col_name = c
col_args = meta[1:]
if col_type == "string":
elif col_type == "categorical":
builder.addColumnCategorical(col_name, *col_args)
# numerics
num_type = col_type[0].upper() + col_type[1:]
f = getattr(builder, 'addColumn' + num_type)
col_args = list(col_args)
if num_type in ('Float', 'Double'):
jtype = eval('J' + num_type)
for i, a in enumerate(col_args):
if type(a) in [int, float]:
col_args[i] = jtype(a)
f(col_name, *col_args)
def copy(self):
config = str(self.serialize())
clone = Schema.deserialize(eval(config))
return clone