
120 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 17.10.2017.
#include <ops/declarable/LegacyStatsOp.h>
#include <helpers/ShapeUtils.h>
#include <helpers/TAD.h>
#include <helpers/ConstantTadHelper.h>
#include <array/DataTypeUtils.h>
namespace sd {
namespace ops {
Nd4jStatus LegacyStatsOp::validateAndExecute(Context &block) {
auto x = INPUT_VARIABLE(0);
auto z = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0);
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({z}, {x});
// we assume that opNuk is either stored in block, or was provided via op constructor
int opNum = block.opNum() < 0 ? this->_opNum : block.opNum();
// bias goes as first argument, unlike all other reductions
bool biasCorrected = false;
if (block.getIArguments()->size() > 0)
biasCorrected = INT_ARG(0) > 0;
ExtraArguments extras(*block.getTArguments());
PointersManager manager(block.launchContext(),"LegacyStatsOp");
if (block.getIArguments()->size() == 1 || (block.getIArguments()->size() == 2 && INT_ARG(1) == sd::DataTypeUtils::max<int>())) {
// scalar
NativeOpExecutioner::execSummaryStatsScalar(block.launchContext(), opNum, x->buffer(), x->shapeInfo(), x->specialBuffer(), x->specialShapeInfo(),
extras.argumentsAsT(z->dataType()), z->buffer(), z->shapeInfo(), z->specialBuffer(), z->specialShapeInfo(), biasCorrected);
} else {
// dimensions for TAD
// we should skip first argument here, because it's addressing bias correction
std::vector<int> dims(*block.getIArguments());
for (int e = 0; e < dims.size(); e++)
if (dims[e] < 0)
dims[e] += x->rankOf();
REQUIRE_TRUE(dims.size() > 0, 0, "Some dimensions requuired for reduction!");
auto packX = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(x->shapeInfo(), dims);
auto pTadShape = Environment::getInstance().isCPU() ? packX.primaryShapeInfo() : packX.specialShapeInfo(); //(Nd4jLong *) manager.replicatePointer(tad.tadOnlyShapeInfo, shape::shapeInfoByteLength(tad.tadOnlyShapeInfo));
auto pTadOffsets = Environment::getInstance().isCPU() ? packX.primaryOffsets() : packX.specialOffsets(); //(Nd4jLong *) manager.replicatePointer(tad.tadOffsets, tad.numTads * sizeof(Nd4jLong));
NativeOpExecutioner::execSummaryStats(block.launchContext(), opNum, x->buffer(), x->shapeInfo(), x->specialBuffer(), x->specialShapeInfo(), extras.argumentsAsT(z->dataType()),
z->buffer(), z->shapeInfo(), z->specialBuffer(), z->specialShapeInfo(),, (int) dims.size(), pTadShape, pTadOffsets, biasCorrected);
return Status::OK();
LegacyStatsOp::LegacyStatsOp() : LegacyOp::LegacyOp(1) {
LegacyStatsOp::LegacyStatsOp(int opNum) : LegacyOp::LegacyOp(1, opNum) {
LegacyOp* LegacyStatsOp::clone() {
return new LegacyStatsOp(this->_opNum);
* For all reductions rules are simple: either you return scalar, or you return reduced NDArray.
* It solely depends on input shape, and requested dimensions
ShapeList *LegacyStatsOp::calculateOutputShape(ShapeList *inputShape, sd::graph::Context &block) {
auto inShape = inputShape->at(0);
Nd4jLong *newShape;
if (block.getIArguments()->size() == 0 || (block.getIArguments()->size() == 1 && INT_ARG(0) == sd::DataTypeUtils::max<int>())) {
// in this case we just return scalar
ALLOCATE(newShape, block.getWorkspace(), shape::shapeInfoLength(2), Nd4jLong);
newShape[0] = 2;
newShape[1] = 1;
newShape[2] = 1;
newShape[3] = 1;
newShape[4] = 1;
newShape[5] = 0;
newShape[6] = 1;
newShape[7] = 99;
} else {
// in this case we're building proper shape for reduction
auto array = new NDArray(nullptr, inShape, block.launchContext());
auto newShape = ShapeUtils::evalReduceShapeInfo('c', *block.getIArguments(), *array, false, true);
delete array;
return SHAPELIST(newShape);
return SHAPELIST(CONSTANT(newShape));