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* Copyright (c) 2020 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Yurii Shyrma (
#include <helpers/HessenbergAndSchur.h>
#include <helpers/EigenValsAndVecs.h>
namespace sd {
namespace ops {
namespace helpers {
template <typename T>
EigenValsAndVecs<T>::EigenValsAndVecs(const NDArray& matrix) {
if(matrix.rankOf() != 2)
throw std::runtime_error("ops::helpers::EigenValsAndVecs constructor: input matrix must be 2D !");
if(matrix.sizeAt(0) != matrix.sizeAt(1))
throw std::runtime_error("ops::helpers::EigenValsAndVecs constructor: input array must be 2D square matrix !");
Schur<T> schur(matrix);
NDArray& schurMatrixU = schur._U;
NDArray& schurMatrixT = schur._T;
_Vecs = NDArray(matrix.ordering(), {schurMatrixU.sizeAt(1), schurMatrixU.sizeAt(1), 2}, matrix.dataType(), matrix.getContext());
_Vals = NDArray(matrix.ordering(), {matrix.sizeAt(1), 2}, matrix.dataType(), matrix.getContext());
// sequence of methods calls matters
calcPseudoEigenVecs(schurMatrixT, schurMatrixU); // pseudo-eigenvectors are real and will be stored in schurMatrixU
template <typename T>
void EigenValsAndVecs<T>::calcEigenVals(const NDArray& schurMatrixT) {
const int numOfCols = schurMatrixT.sizeAt(1);
// calculate eigenvalues _Vals
int i = 0;
while (i < numOfCols) {
if (i == numOfCols - 1 || schurMatrixT.t<T>(i+1, i) == T(0.f)) {
_Vals.r<T>(i, 0) = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i, i); // real part
_Vals.r<T>(i, 1) = T(0); // imaginary part
if(!math::nd4j_isfin<T>(_Vals.t<T>(i, 0))) {
throw std::runtime_error("ops::helpers::igenValsAndVec::calcEigenVals: got infinite eigen value !");
else {
T p = T(0.5) * (schurMatrixT.t<T>(i, i) - schurMatrixT.t<T>(i+1, i+1));
T z;
T t0 = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i+1, i);
T t1 = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i, i+1);
T maxval = math::nd4j_max<T>(math::nd4j_abs<T>(p), math::nd4j_max<T>(math::nd4j_abs<T>(t0), math::nd4j_abs<T>(t1)));
t0 /= maxval;
t1 /= maxval;
T p0 = p / maxval;
z = maxval * math::nd4j_sqrt<T,T>(math::nd4j_abs<T>(p0 * p0 + t0 * t1));
_Vals.r<T>(i, 0) = _Vals.r<T>(i+1, 0) = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i+1, i+1) + p;
_Vals.r<T>(i, 1) = z;
_Vals.r<T>(i+1,1) = -z;
if(!(math::nd4j_isfin<T>(_Vals.t<T>(i,0)) && math::nd4j_isfin<T>(_Vals.t<T>(i+1,0)) && math::nd4j_isfin<T>(_Vals.t<T>(i,1))) && math::nd4j_isfin<T>(_Vals.t<T>(i+1,1))) {
throw std::runtime_error("ops::helpers::igenValsAndVec::calcEigenVals: got infinite eigen value !");
i += 2;
template <typename T>
void EigenValsAndVecs<T>::calcPseudoEigenVecs(NDArray& schurMatrixT, NDArray& schurMatrixU) {
const int numOfCols = schurMatrixU.sizeAt(1);
T norm = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numOfCols; ++j)
norm += schurMatrixT({j,j+1, math::nd4j_max<Nd4jLong>(j-1, 0),numOfCols}).reduceNumber(reduce::ASum).template t<T>(0);
if (norm == T(0))
for (int n = numOfCols-1; n >= 0; n--) {
T p = _Vals.t<T>(n, 0); // real part
T q = _Vals.t<T>(n, 1); // imaginary part
if(q == (T)0) { // not complex
T lastr((T)0), lastw((T)0);
int l = n;
schurMatrixT.r<T>(n, n) = T(1);
for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
T w = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,i) - p;
T r = mmul(schurMatrixT({i,i+1, l,n+1}, true), schurMatrixT({l,n+1, n,n+1}, true)).template t<T>(0); // dot
if (_Vals.t<T>(i, 1) < T(0)) {
lastw = w;
lastr = r;
else {
l = i;
if (_Vals.t<T>(i, 1) == T(0)) {
if (w != T(0))
schurMatrixT.r<T>(i, n) = -r / w;
schurMatrixT.r<T>(i, n) = -r / (DataTypeUtils::eps<T>() * norm);
else {
T x = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i, i+1);
T y = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i+1, i);
T denom = (_Vals.t<T>(i, 0) - p) * (_Vals.t<T>(i, 0) - p) + _Vals.t<T>(i, 1) * _Vals.t<T>(i, 1);
T t = (x * lastr - lastw * r) / denom;
schurMatrixT.r<T>(i, n) = t;
if (math::nd4j_abs<T>(x) > math::nd4j_abs<T>(lastw))
schurMatrixT.r<T>(i+1, n) = (-r - w * t) / x;
schurMatrixT.r<T>(i+1, n) = (-lastr - y * t) / lastw;
T t = math::nd4j_abs<T>(schurMatrixT.t<T>(i, n));
if((DataTypeUtils::eps<T>() * t) * t > T(1))
schurMatrixT({schurMatrixT.sizeAt(0)-numOfCols+i,-1, n,n+1}) /= t;
else if(q < T(0) && n > 0) { // complex
T lastra(0), lastsa(0), lastw(0);
int l = n - 1;
if(math::nd4j_abs<T>(schurMatrixT.t<T>(n, n-1)) > math::nd4j_abs<T>(schurMatrixT.t<T>(n-1, n))) {
schurMatrixT.r<T>(n-1, n-1) = q / schurMatrixT.t<T>(n, n-1);
schurMatrixT.r<T>(n-1, n) = -(schurMatrixT.t<T>(n, n) - p) / schurMatrixT.t<T>(n, n-1);
else {
divideComplexNums(T(0),-schurMatrixT.t<T>(n-1,n), schurMatrixT.t<T>(n-1,n-1)-p,q, schurMatrixT.r<T>(n-1,n-1),schurMatrixT.r<T>(n-1,n));
schurMatrixT.r<T>(n,n-1) = T(0);
schurMatrixT.r<T>(n,n) = T(1);
for (int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--) {
T ra = mmul(schurMatrixT({i,i+1, l,n+1}, true), schurMatrixT({l,n+1, n-1,n}, true)).template t<T>(0); // dot
T sa = mmul(schurMatrixT({i,i+1, l,n+1}, true), schurMatrixT({l,n+1, n,n+1}, true)).template t<T>(0); // dot
T w = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,i) - p;
if (_Vals.t<T>(i, 1) < T(0)) {
lastw = w;
lastra = ra;
lastsa = sa;
else {
l = i;
if (_Vals.t<T>(i, 1) == T(0)) {
divideComplexNums(-ra,-sa, w,q, schurMatrixT.r<T>(i,n-1),schurMatrixT.r<T>(i,n));
else {
T x = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,i+1);
T y = schurMatrixT.t<T>(i+1,i);
T vr = (_Vals.t<T>(i, 0) - p) * (_Vals.t<T>(i, 0) - p) + _Vals.t<T>(i, 1) * _Vals.t<T>(i, 1) - q * q;
T vi = (_Vals.t<T>(i, 0) - p) * T(2) * q;
if ((vr == T(0)) && (vi == T(0)))
vr = DataTypeUtils::eps<T>() * norm * (math::nd4j_abs<T>(w) + math::nd4j_abs<T>(q) + math::nd4j_abs<T>(x) + math::nd4j_abs<T>(y) + math::nd4j_abs<T>(lastw));
divideComplexNums(x*lastra-lastw*ra+q*sa,x*lastsa-lastw*sa-q*ra, vr,vi, schurMatrixT.r<T>(i,n-1),schurMatrixT.r<T>(i,n));
if(math::nd4j_abs<T>(x) > (math::nd4j_abs<T>(lastw) + math::nd4j_abs<T>(q))) {
schurMatrixT.r<T>(i+1,n-1) = (-ra - w * schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,n-1) + q * schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,n)) / x;
schurMatrixT.r<T>(i+1,n) = (-sa - w * schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,n) - q * schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,n-1)) / x;
divideComplexNums(-lastra-y*schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,n-1),-lastsa-y*schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,n), lastw,q, schurMatrixT.r<T>(i+1,n-1),schurMatrixT.r<T>(i+1,n));
T t = math::nd4j_max<T>(math::nd4j_abs<T>(schurMatrixT.t<T>(i, n-1)), math::nd4j_abs<T>(schurMatrixT.t<T>(i,n)));
if ((DataTypeUtils::eps<T>() * t) * t > T(1))
schurMatrixT({i,numOfCols, n-1,n+1}) /= t;
throw std::runtime_error("ops::helpers::EigenValsAndVecs::calcEigenVecs: internal bug !");
for (int j = numOfCols-1; j >= 0; j--)
schurMatrixU({0,0, j,j+1}, true).assign( mmul(schurMatrixU({0,0, 0,j+1}, true), schurMatrixT({0,j+1, j,j+1}, true)) );
template <typename T>
void EigenValsAndVecs<T>::calcEigenVecs(const NDArray& schurMatrixU) {
const T precision = T(2) * DataTypeUtils::eps<T>();
const int numOfCols = schurMatrixU.sizeAt(1);
for (int j = 0; j < numOfCols; ++j) {
if(math::nd4j_abs<T>(_Vals.t<T>(j, 1)) <= math::nd4j_abs<T>(_Vals.t<T>(j, 0)) * precision || j+1 == numOfCols) { // real
_Vecs({0,0, j,j+1, 0,1}).assign(schurMatrixU({0,0, j,j+1}));
_Vecs({0,0, j,j+1, 1,2}) = (T)0;
// normalize
const T norm2 = _Vecs({0,0, j,j+1, 0,1}).reduceNumber(reduce::SquaredNorm).template t<T>(0);
if(norm2 > (T)0)
_Vecs({0,0, j,j+1, 0,1}) /= math::nd4j_sqrt<T,T>(norm2);
else { // complex
for (int i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
_Vecs.r<T>(i, j, 0) = _Vecs.r<T>(i, j+1, 0) = schurMatrixU.t<T>(i, j);
_Vecs.r<T>(i, j, 1) = schurMatrixU.t<T>(i, j+1);
_Vecs.r<T>(i, j+1, 1) = -schurMatrixU.t<T>(i, j+1);
// normalize
T norm2 = _Vecs({0,0, j,j+1, 0,0}).reduceNumber(reduce::SquaredNorm).template t<T>(0);
if(norm2 > (T)0)
_Vecs({0,0, j,j+1, 0,0}) /= math::nd4j_sqrt<T,T>(norm2);
// normalize
norm2 = _Vecs({0,0, j+1,j+2, 0,0}).reduceNumber(reduce::SquaredNorm).template t<T>(0);
if(norm2 > (T)0)
_Vecs({0,0, j+1,j+2, 0,0}) /= math::nd4j_sqrt<T,T>(norm2);
template class ND4J_EXPORT EigenValsAndVecs<float>;
template class ND4J_EXPORT EigenValsAndVecs<float16>;
template class ND4J_EXPORT EigenValsAndVecs<bfloat16>;
template class ND4J_EXPORT EigenValsAndVecs<double>;