
131 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
import sys
from doc_generator import BaseDocumentationGenerator
class JavaDocumentationGenerator(BaseDocumentationGenerator):
def __init__(self, args):
super(JavaDocumentationGenerator, self).__init__(args)
'''Doc strings (in Java/Scala) need to be stripped of all '*' values.
Convert '@param' to '- param'. Strip line with author as well.
TODO can be vastly improved.
def process_main_docstring(self, doc_string):
lines = doc_string.split('\n')
doc = [line.replace('*', '').lstrip(' ').rstrip('/') for line in lines[1:-1] if not '@' in line]
return '\n'.join(doc)
'''Doc strings (in Java/Scala) need to be stripped of all '*' values.
Convert '@param' to '- param'. TODO can be vastly improved.
def process_docstring(self, doc_string):
lines = doc_string.split('\n')
doc = [line.replace('*', '').lstrip(' ').replace('@', '- ') for line in lines]
return '\n'.join(doc)
'''Takes unformatted signatures and doc strings and returns a properly
rendered piece that fits into our markdown layout.
def render(self, signature, doc_string, class_name, is_method):
if is_method: # Method name from signature
method_regex = r'public (?:static )?[a-zA-Z0-9]* ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\('
name = re.findall(method_regex, signature)[0]
else: # Constructor takes class name
name = class_name
sub_blocks = ['##### {} \n{}'.format(name, self.to_code_snippet(signature))]
if doc_string:
sub_blocks.append(doc_string + '\n')
return '\n\n'.join(sub_blocks)
'''Returns main doc string of class/object in question.
def get_main_doc_string(self, class_string, class_name):
doc_regex = r'\/\*\*\n([\S\s]*?.*)\*\/\n' # match "/** ... */" at the top
doc_string =, class_string)
doc_match =;
doc_match = ''
doc = self.process_main_docstring(doc_match)
if not doc_string:
print('Warning, no doc string found for class {}'.format(class_name))
doc_index = 0 if not doc_match else doc_string.end()
return doc, class_string[doc_index:]
'''Returns doc string and signature data for constructors.
def get_constructor_data(self, class_string, class_name, use_contructor):
constructors = []
if 'public ' + class_name in class_string and use_contructor:
doc_regex = r'\/\*\*\n([\S\s]*?.*)\*\/\n[\S\s]*?(public ' \
+ class_name + '.[\S\s]*?){'
result =, class_string)
if result:
doc_string, signature = result.groups()
doc = self.process_docstring(doc_string)
class_string = class_string[result.end():]
constructors.append((signature, doc))
print("Warning, no doc string found for constructor {}".format(class_name))
return constructors, class_string
'''Returns doc string and signature data for methods
in the public API of an object
def get_public_method_data(self, class_string, includes, excludes):
method_regex = r'public (?:static )?[a-zA-Z0-9]* ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\('
# Either use all methods or use include methods that can be found
method_strings = re.findall(method_regex, class_string)
if includes:
method_strings = [i for i in includes if i in method_strings]
# Exclude all 'exclude' methods
method_strings = [m for m in method_strings if m not in excludes]
methods = []
for method in method_strings:
# print("Processing doc string for method {}".format(method))
doc_regex = r'\/\*\*\n([\S\s]*?.*)\*\/\n[\S\s]*?' + \
'(public (?:static )?[a-zA-Z0-9]* ' + method + '[\S\s]*?){'
# TODO: this will sometimes run forever. fix regex
result =, class_string)
if result:
doc_string, signature = result.groups()
doc = self.process_docstring(doc_string)
class_string = class_string[result.end():]
methods.append((signature, doc))
print("Warning, no doc string found for method {}".format(method))
return methods