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* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Yurii Shyrma (, created on 15.02.2018
// implementation of gated Recurrent Unit cell
// (cf.
// Kyunghyun Cho, Bart van Merrienboer, Caglar Gulcehre, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Fethi Bougares, Holger Schwenk, Yoshua Bengio
// "Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation"
#include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h>
#include <MmulHelper.h>
namespace nd4j {
namespace ops {
namespace helpers {
void gruCell(nd4j::LaunchContext * context, const NDArray* x, const NDArray* hLast, const NDArray* Wru, const NDArray* Wc,
const NDArray* bru, const NDArray* bc,
NDArray* r, NDArray* u, NDArray* c, NDArray* h) {
// x input [bS x inSize]
// hLast previous cell output [bS x numUnits], that is at previous time step t-1
// Wru RU weights - [bS, 2*numUnits] - reset and update gates
// Wc C weights - [bS, numUnits] - cell gate
// bru r and u biases, [2*numUnits] - reset and update gates
// bc c biases, [numUnits] - cell gate
// r Reset gate output [bS, numUnits]
// u Update gate output [bS, numUnits]
// c Cell gate output [bS, numUnits]
// h current cell output [bS, numUnits]
const int nIn = x->sizeAt(1);
const int nU = hLast->sizeAt(1); // number of units
//Concat inputs: [x, yt-1]: concat([bs,nIn],[bs,nOut]) -> [bs, (nIn+nOut)]
nd4j::ops::concat concatOp;
std::vector<NDArray*> inputs;
std::vector<double> targs;
std::vector<Nd4jLong> iargs({1}); //Axis = 1
std::vector<bool> bargs;
auto result = concatOp.execute(inputs, targs, iargs, bargs);
auto concatOut = result->at(0);
//mmul/z for reset and update gates: (x * weight_ux + hLast * weight_xr + b_u)
auto m = mmul(*concatOut, *Wru); //mmul: [bs, (nIn+numUnits)]* [(inSize+numUnits), 2*numUnits] = [bs, 4*numUnits]
m += (*bru);
sigmoidInplace(m); //sigmoid(rz) and sigmoid(uz)
auto mr = m({0,0, 0, nU});
auto mu = m({0,0, nU, 2*nU});
//Concatenated inputs: [x, yt-1 .* r]
auto yr = (*concatOut)({0,0, nIn, nIn+nU});
yr *= (*r);
//c = tanh(x * weight_cx + (hLast .* r) * weight_cr + b_c)
MmulHelper::mmul(concatOut, const_cast<NDArray*>(Wc), c, 1.0, 0.0); //c = 1.0 * concatOut * Wc + 0.0 * c
*c += *bc;
//Output: h = (1-u).*c + u .* hPrev
//auto hResult = (*u) * (*hLast) + (1.0f - *u) * (*c); const_cast<NDArray*>(h)->assign(&hResult);
u->applyPairwiseTransform(pairwise::Multiply, hLast, h, nullptr); //h = u * hLast
auto temp = (1.0f - *u);
temp *= (*c);
(*h) += temp;
delete result;
void gruTimeLoop(nd4j::LaunchContext * context, const NDArray* x, const NDArray* h0, const NDArray* Wx, const NDArray* Wh, const NDArray* b, NDArray* h) {
void gruCellBP(nd4j::LaunchContext * context, const NDArray* x, const NDArray* h0, const NDArray* Wx, const NDArray* Wh, const NDArray* b, const NDArray* dLdh, const NDArray* dLdWx0,
const NDArray* dLdWh0, const NDArray* dLdb0, NDArray* dLdx, NDArray* dLdh0, NDArray* dLdWx, NDArray* dLdWh, NDArray* dLdb) {