
244 lines
8.2 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author
#include <atomic>
#include <system/pointercast.h>
#include <string>
#include <array/NDArray.h>
#include "Context.h"
#include <ops/declarable/DeclarableOp.h>
#include <graph/generated/node_generated.h>
namespace sd {
namespace graph {
class Graph;
class ND4J_EXPORT Node {
// TODO: this field must be removed
sd::DataType _dataType;
OpType _opType;
ContextPrototype* _protoContext = nullptr;
Nd4jLong _opNum;
int _id;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> _input;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> _output;
std::vector<int> _dimensions;
std::vector<int> _referencedBy;
int * _dim = nullptr;
std::string _name;
// this variable points to onion layer within graph
int _layer = -1;
// many ops require extra parameters to run
double *_extraParams = nullptr;
// optional scalar. used in scalar ops and in summary stats
// TODO: this field must be removed
NDArray _scalar;
bool _hasExternalOutputs;
bool _hasExternalInputs;
bool _hasInternalOutputs;
bool _hasInternalInputs;
// this field is used to check, if op should be used in-place (so it can/will modify its inputs)
bool _isInplace = false;
// this field is used to delete attached customOp
bool _isDeductable = false;
OpClass _opClass;
// these fields are used to store embedded CustomOps and Graph in case of Graph-in-Graph scenario
sd::graph::Graph * _graph= nullptr;
sd::ops::DeclarableOp *_customOp = nullptr;
// each node can be active or inactive, if used with divergents, like IF statements
bool _active = true;
// these fields contain information about Scope these ops are related to
int _scope_id = 0;
std::string _scope_name;
// TODO: these 3 fields should be removed
int _rewindNode = -1;
std::pair<int, int> _rewindLayer = {-1, -1};
Nd4jLong _frameId = -1;
explicit Node(sd::ops::DeclarableOp *customOp, int id = 0, std::initializer_list<int> input = {}, std::initializer_list<int> output = {}, std::initializer_list<int> dimensions = {}, float scalar = 0.0f, std::initializer_list<double> tArgs = {}, std::initializer_list<int> iArgs = {});
explicit Node(OpType opType = OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, int opNum = 0, int id = 0, std::initializer_list<int> input = {}, std::initializer_list<int> output = {}, std::initializer_list<int> dimensions = {}, float scalar = 0.0f, std::initializer_list<double> tArgs = {}, std::initializer_list<int> iArgs = {});
explicit Node(const sd::graph::FlatNode *node);
bool equals(Node *other);
sd::DataType dataType();
ContextPrototype *protoContext();
OpType opType();
Nd4jLong opNum();
int id();
std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> *input();
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> *output();
Nd4jLong getFrameId();
void setFrameId(Nd4jLong frameId);
int getRewindNode();
void setRewindNode(int nodeId);
std::pair<int, int>& getRewindLayer();
void setRewindLayer(int layerId, int stepId = 0);
void setId(int id);
double *extraParams();
bool isMultiInput();
bool isMultiOutput();
int getLayer();
void setLayer(int layer);
bool isDivergencePoint();
void setActive(bool reallyActive);
bool isActive();
bool hasExternalOutputs();
bool hasExternalInputs();
bool hasInternalOutputs();
bool hasInternalInputs();
double scalar();
std::vector<int> * getDimensions();
int * getDimensionsPtr();
void pickOutputOnce(int outputId);
void pickOutput(int outputId);
void pickOutput(int nodeId, int outputId);
void pickExternalOutput(int outputId);
void pickInput(int inputId);
void pickInput(int nodeId, int outputId);
void pickInput(std::pair<int,int>& id);
bool isDeductable();
void setDeductable(bool reallyDeductable);
void setName(std::string *name);
void setName(const std::string& name);
std::string * getName();
std::string * name();
int totalReferences();
void addReference(int nodeId);
void setContextPrototype(ContextPrototype *block);
ContextPrototype* getContextPrototype();
bool hasBlockAttached();
void setCustomOp(sd::ops::DeclarableOp *customOp = nullptr);
sd::ops::DeclarableOp* getCustomOp();
bool hasCustomOp();
void setGraph(sd::graph::Graph* graph = nullptr);
sd::graph::Graph* getGraph();
bool hasGraphEmbedded();
bool isInplace();
void markInplace(bool reallyInplace);
OpClass getOpClass();
// these methods are used for internal profiling
void setOuterTime(Nd4jLong time);
void setInnerTime(Nd4jLong time);
// methods related to scopes
bool isScoped();
void setScopeInfo(int id, const char* name = nullptr);
int scopeId();
std::string* scopeName();
void setOpType(OpType opType);
// clone Node
Node* clone();
template <typename T>
Node* asT();
FORCEINLINE void pullValues(Node *other) {
if (this->_protoContext != nullptr)
delete _protoContext;
this->_dataType = other->dataType();
this->_protoContext = other->protoContext()->clone();
this->_scalar = other->scalar();
this->_hasExternalInputs = other->hasExternalInputs();
this->_hasExternalOutputs = other->hasExternalOutputs();
this->_hasInternalInputs = other->hasInternalInputs();
this->_hasInternalOutputs = other->hasInternalOutputs();
this->setScopeInfo(other->scopeId(), other->scopeName()->c_str());
if (this->_customOp != nullptr && _isDeductable)
delete this->_customOp;
for (auto v: *other->input())
for (auto v: *other->output())
for (auto v: *other->getDimensions())
static sd::ops::DeclarableOp* buildOpByType(OpType opType, int numInputs, int numIArgs, int numTArgs, int opNum, NDArray *scalar);
static void deleteOpByType(OpType opType, void *op);
#endif //LIBND4J_GNODE_H