436 lines
18 KiB
436 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2019 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Yurii Shyrma (iuriish@yahoo.com), created on 20.04.2018
#include <array/ResultSet.h>
#include <helpers/ShapeUtils.h>
#include <numeric>
#include <array/NDArrayFactory.h>
#include <helpers/TAD.h>
#include <exceptions/cuda_exception.h>
#include <helpers/PointersManager.h>
#include <helpers/ConstantTadHelper.h>
namespace sd {
namespace ops {
namespace helpers {
template<typename T>
__global__ static void invertPermutationCuda(const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo) {
const T* x = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(vx);
T* z = reinterpret_cast<T*>(vz);
__shared__ Nd4jLong len, totalThreads;
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
len = shape::length(xShapeInfo);
totalThreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
const auto tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (Nd4jLong i = tid; i < len; i += totalThreads) {
const auto xOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, xShapeInfo);
const Nd4jLong index = x[xOffset];
const auto zOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(index, zShapeInfo);
z[zOffset] = i;
template<typename T>
__host__ static void invertPermutationCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const cudaStream_t *stream,
const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo) {
invertPermutationCuda<T><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, 1024, *stream>>>(vx, xShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo);
void invertPermutation(sd::LaunchContext* context, const NDArray& input, NDArray& output) {
const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS;
const int blocksPerGrid = (input.lengthOf() + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
PointersManager manager(context, "invertPermutation");
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&output}, {&input});
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(input.dataType(), invertPermutationCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, context->getCudaStream(), input.specialBuffer(), input.specialShapeInfo(), output.specialBuffer(), output.specialShapeInfo()), LIBND4J_TYPES);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&output}, {&input});
template<typename T>
__global__ static void traceCuda(const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo, const uint diagLen) {
const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(vx);
auto z = reinterpret_cast<T*>(vz);
__shared__ T* sharedMem;
__shared__ int xRank, zRank, *coordsMem; // xRank = zRank + 2
__shared__ Nd4jLong xLen, zLen;
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[];
sharedMem = reinterpret_cast<T*>(shmem);
coordsMem = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem + blockDim.x * sizeof(T));
xRank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo);
zRank = shape::rank(zShapeInfo);
xLen = shape::length(xShapeInfo);
zLen = shape::length(zShapeInfo); // corresponds to number of matrices
auto coords = coordsMem + threadIdx.x * xRank;
for (uint m = blockIdx.x; m < zLen; m += gridDim.x) { // one block per each element of z, that is per each matrix
shape::index2coords(m, zShapeInfo, coords);
const auto zOffset = shape::getOffset(zShapeInfo, coords);
sharedMem[threadIdx.x] = 0;
for (uint i = threadIdx.x; i < diagLen; i += blockDim.x) {
coords[zRank] = coords[zRank + 1] = i;
const auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, coords);
sharedMem[threadIdx.x] += x[xOffset];
// aggregate sum
for (Nd4jLong activeThreads = blockDim.x / 2; activeThreads > 0; activeThreads /= 2) {
if (threadIdx.x < activeThreads)
sharedMem[threadIdx.x] += sharedMem[threadIdx.x + activeThreads];
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
z[zOffset] = *sharedMem;
template<typename T>
static void traceCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream,
const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo,
void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo,
const uint diagLen) {
traceCuda<T><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(vx, xShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo, diagLen);
void trace(sd::LaunchContext* context, const NDArray& input, NDArray& output) {
PointersManager manager(context, "trace");
const uint diagLen = input.sizeAt(-1) < input.sizeAt(-2) ? input.sizeAt(-1) : input.sizeAt(-2);
const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4;
const int blocksPerGrid = (output.lengthOf() + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
const int sharedMem = threadsPerBlock * (sizeof(int) * input.rankOf() + input.sizeOfT()) + 128;
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&output}, {&input});
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(input.dataType(), traceCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), input.specialBuffer(), input.specialShapeInfo(), output.specialBuffer(), output.specialShapeInfo(), diagLen), LIBND4J_TYPES);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&output}, {&input});
template<typename T>
__global__ static void triuBPCuda(const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo, const int diag) {
// x and z have same shapes
const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(vx); // gradO
auto z = reinterpret_cast<T*>(vz); // gradI
__shared__ int rank, areSameOffsets, *sharedMem; // xRank = zRank
__shared__ Nd4jLong len, totalThreads; // xLen = zLen
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[];
sharedMem = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem);
areSameOffsets = shape::haveSameShapeAndStrides(xShapeInfo, zShapeInfo);
rank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo);
len = shape::length(zShapeInfo);
totalThreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
auto coords = sharedMem + threadIdx.x * rank;
const auto tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (Nd4jLong i = tid; i < len; i += totalThreads) {
shape::index2coords(i, zShapeInfo, coords);
const auto zOffset = shape::getOffset(zShapeInfo, coords);
if((coords[rank - 2] + diag > coords[rank - 1])) // row + diag > col
z[zOffset] = 0;
z[zOffset] = x[areSameOffsets ? zOffset : shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, coords)];
template<typename T>
static void triuBPCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream, const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo, const int diag) {
triuBPCuda<T><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(vx, xShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo, diag);
void triuBP(sd::LaunchContext* context, const NDArray& input, const NDArray& gradO, NDArray& gradI, const int diagonal) {
const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4;
const int blocksPerGrid = (gradO.lengthOf() + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
const int sharedMem = threadsPerBlock * sizeof(int) * gradO.rankOf() + 128;
PointersManager manager(context, "triuBP");
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&gradI}, {&gradO});
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(gradI.dataType(), triuBPCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), gradO.specialBuffer(), gradO.specialShapeInfo(), gradI.specialBuffer(), gradI.specialShapeInfo(), diagonal), LIBND4J_TYPES);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&gradI}, {&gradO});
template<typename T>
__global__ static void tileBPCuda(const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo, Nd4jLong* globMem) {
// x and z have same shapes
const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(vx); // gradO
auto z = reinterpret_cast<T*>(vz); // gradI
__shared__ int xRank, zRank, *sharedMem; // xRank >= zRank
__shared__ Nd4jLong numOfXOffsets, zLen, totalThreads; // xLen >= zLen
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[];
sharedMem = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem);
xRank = shape::rank(zShapeInfo);
zLen = shape::length(zShapeInfo);
numOfXOffsets = shape::length(xShapeInfo) / zLen;
totalThreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
const auto tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
auto memBuff = sharedMem + threadIdx.x * 2 * xRank;
auto xOffsets = globMem + tid * numOfXOffsets;
for (Nd4jLong i = tid; i < zLen; i += totalThreads) {
const auto zOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, zShapeInfo);
shape::outerArrayOffsets(xOffsets, i, xShapeInfo, zShapeInfo, memBuff);
z[zOffset] = x[xOffsets[0]]; // first offset
for (Nd4jLong j = 1; j < numOfXOffsets; ++j) // rest offsets
z[zOffset] += x[xOffsets[j]];
template<typename T>
static void tileBPCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream, const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo, Nd4jLong* globMem) {
tileBPCuda<T><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(vx, xShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo, globMem);
void tileBP(sd::LaunchContext * context, const NDArray& gradO /*input*/, NDArray& gradI /*output*/, const std::vector<Nd4jLong> reps) {
NDArray memBuff('c', gradO.getShapeAsVector(), sd::DataType::INT64, context); // empty auxiliary array for storing device memory which will be used in kernel calculations
const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4;
const int blocksPerGrid = (gradI.lengthOf() + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
const int sharedMem = threadsPerBlock * sizeof(int) * 2 * gradO.rankOf() + 128;
PointersManager manager(context, "tileBP");
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&gradI}, {&gradO, &memBuff});
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(gradI.dataType(), tileBPCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), gradO.specialBuffer(), gradO.specialShapeInfo(), gradI.specialBuffer(), gradI.specialShapeInfo(), reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong*>(memBuff.specialBuffer())), FLOAT_TYPES);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&gradI}, {&gradO, &memBuff});
template <typename T>
static __global__ void swapShuffleKernel(T* input, Nd4jLong const* shape, Nd4jLong firstDim, sd::graph::RandomGenerator* rng) {
auto tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
auto step = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
for (int i = firstDim - 1 - tid - threadIdx.x; i > 0; i -= step) {
int r = rng->relativeInt(i) % i;
if (i != r) {
const auto iOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, shape);
const auto rOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(r, shape);
T e0 = input[iOffset];
T e1 = input[rOffset];
//math::nd4j_swap<T>(input(i), input(r));
input[iOffset] = e1;
input[rOffset] = e0;
template <typename T>
static __global__ void fillShuffleKernel(T* input, Nd4jLong const* inputShape, T* output, Nd4jLong const* outputShape, Nd4jLong firstDim, int* indices, sd::graph::RandomGenerator* rng) {
// PRAGMA_OMP_PARALLEL_FOR_IF((firstDim-1) > Environment::getInstance().tadThreshold())
auto tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
auto step = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
for(int i = firstDim - 1 - tid - threadIdx.x; i > 0; i -= step) {
int r = rng->relativeInt(i) % i;
output[shape::getIndexOffset(i, outputShape)] = input[shape::getIndexOffset(indices[r], inputShape)];
if(i != r) {
output[shape::getIndexOffset(r, outputShape)] = input[shape::getIndexOffset(indices[i], inputShape)];
// output.p(r, input.e<T>(indices[i]));
// math::nd4j_swap<int>(indices[i], indices[r]);
atomicExch(&indices[i], indices[r]);
template <typename T>
void randomShuffle_(sd::LaunchContext * context, NDArray& input, NDArray& output, sd::graph::RandomGenerator& rng, const bool isInplace) {
// check edge cases first
int temp;
const int firstDim = input.sizeAt(0);
auto stream = context->getCudaStream();
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&output}, {&input});
if(input.lengthOf() == 1 || firstDim == 1) {
else if (input.isVector() || shape::isLikeVector(input.shapeInfo(), temp)) {
// apply Fisher-Yates shuffle
sd::graph::RandomGenerator* dRandom = nullptr;
cudaMalloc(&dRandom, sizeof(sd::graph::RandomGenerator));
cudaMemcpy(dRandom, &rng, sizeof(sd::graph::RandomGenerator), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
T* inputBuf = reinterpret_cast<T*>(input.specialBuffer());
if(isInplace) {
swapShuffleKernel<T><<<128, 256, 1024, *stream>>>(inputBuf, input.specialShapeInfo(), firstDim, dRandom);
else {
std::vector<int> indices(firstDim);
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);
cudaMemcpy(output.specialBuffer(), input.specialBuffer(), sizeof(T), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
//output.p<T>(Nd4jLong(0), input.e<T>(0));
PointersManager pointersManager(context, "helper::randomShuffle_");
int* indicesDev = reinterpret_cast<int*>(pointersManager.replicatePointer(indices.data(), indices.size() * sizeof(int)));
T* outputBuf = reinterpret_cast<T*>(output.specialBuffer());
fillShuffleKernel<T><<<128, 256, 1024, *stream>>>(inputBuf, input.specialShapeInfo(), outputBuf, output.specialShapeInfo(), firstDim, indicesDev, dRandom);
// rng.rewindH(firstDim - 1);
else {
// evaluate sub-arrays list of input array through all dimensions excluding first one
std::vector<int> dimensions = ShapeUtils::evalDimsToExclude(input.rankOf(), {0});
auto subArrsListIn = input.allTensorsAlongDimension(dimensions);
// apply Fisher-Yates shuffle
if(isInplace) {
for(int i = firstDim - 1; i > 0; --i) {
int r = rng.relativeInt(i) % i;
if(i != r)
else {
// evaluate sub-arrays list of output array through all dimensions excluding first one
auto subArrsListOut = output.allTensorsAlongDimension(dimensions);
std::vector<int> indices(firstDim);
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);
bool isZeroShuffled = false;
for(int i = firstDim - 1; i > 0; --i) {
int r = rng.relativeInt(i) % i;
if(r == 0)
isZeroShuffled = true;
if(i != r) {
math::nd4j_swap<int>(indices[i], indices[r]);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&output}, {&input});
void randomShuffle(sd::LaunchContext * context, NDArray& input, NDArray& output, sd::graph::RandomGenerator& rng, const bool isInplace) {
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(input.dataType(), randomShuffle_, (context, input, output, rng, isInplace), LIBND4J_TYPES);
BUILD_SINGLE_TEMPLATE(template void randomShuffle_, (sd::LaunchContext * context, NDArray& input, NDArray& output, sd::graph::RandomGenerator& rng, const bool isInplace), LIBND4J_TYPES);
void eye(sd::LaunchContext * context, NDArray& output) {