* initial commit Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com> * - gruCell_bp further Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * - further work on gruCell_bp Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * Inverse matrix cublas implementation. Partial working revision. * Separation of segment ops helpers. Max separation. * Separated segment_min ops. * Separation of segment_mean/sum/prod/sqrtN ops heleprs. * Fixed diagonal processing with LUP decomposition. * Modified inversion approach using current state of LU decomposition. * Implementation of matrix_inverse op with cuda kernels. Working revision. * Implemented sequence_mask cuda helper. Eliminated waste printf with matrix_inverse implementation. Added proper tests. * - further work on gruCell_bp (ff/cuda) Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * comment one test for gruCell_bp Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * - provide cuda static_rnn Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * Refactored random_shuffle op to use new random generator. * Refactored random_shuffle op helper. * Fixed debug tests with random ops tests. * Implement random_shuffle op cuda kernel helper and tests. * - provide cuda scatter_update Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * Implementation of random_shuffle for linear case with cuda kernels and tests. * Implemented random_shuffle with cuda kernels. Final revision. * - finally gruCell_bp is completed Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * Dropout op cuda helper implementation. * Implemented dropout_bp cuda helper. * Implemented alpha_dropout_bp with cuda kernel helpers. * Refactored helper. * Implementation of suppresion helper with cuda kernels. * - provide cpu code fot hsvToRgb, rgbToHsv, adjustHue Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * Using sort by value method. * Implementation of image.non_max_suppression op cuda-based helper. * - correcting and testing adjust_hue, adjust_saturation cpu/cuda code Signed-off-by: Yurii <yurii@skymind.io> * Added cuda device prefixes to declarations. * Implementation of hashcode op with cuda helper. Initital revision. * rnn cu impl removed Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com> |
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bernoulli.cpp | ||
exponential.cpp | ||
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uniform.cpp |