
329 lines
19 KiB

/* ******************************************************************************
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Yurii Shyrma (, created on 18.09.2018
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/convolutions.h>
#include <execution/Threads.h>
namespace sd {
namespace ops {
template <typename T>
static void pooling3dBP_(sd::graph::Context& block, const NDArray& input, const NDArray& gradO, NDArray& gradI, const int kD, const int kH, const int kW, const int sD, const int sH, const int sW, const int pD, const int pH, const int pW, const int dD, const int dH, const int dW, const int poolingMode, const int extraParam0) {
// input [bS, iC, iD, iH, iW]
// gradI [bS, iC, iD, iH, iW] -> gradI is output in this function
// gradO [bS, iC, oD, oH, oW]
// initial zeroing of gradI
T* in = const_cast<NDArray&>(input).bufferAsT<T>();
T* gO = const_cast<NDArray&>(gradO).bufferAsT<T>();
T* gI = gradI.bufferAsT<T>();
const int kDEff = kD + (kD-1)*(dD-1);
const int kHEff = kH + (kH-1)*(dH-1);
const int kWEff = kW + (kW-1)*(dW-1);
const int bS = gradI.sizeAt(0);
const int iC = gradI.sizeAt(1);
const int iD = gradI.sizeAt(2);
const int iH = gradI.sizeAt(3);
const int iW = gradI.sizeAt(4);
const int oC = gradO.sizeAt(1);
const int oD = gradO.sizeAt(2);
const int oH = gradO.sizeAt(3);
const int oW = gradO.sizeAt(4);
nd4j_debug("MKL-DNN is not used for pooling3d_bp!\n", 0);
const Nd4jLong iStride0 = input.stridesOf()[0];
const Nd4jLong iStride1 = input.stridesOf()[1];
const Nd4jLong iStride2 = input.stridesOf()[2];
const Nd4jLong iStride3 = input.stridesOf()[3];
const Nd4jLong iStride4 = input.stridesOf()[4];
const Nd4jLong gIStride0 = gradI.stridesOf()[0];
const Nd4jLong gIStride1 = gradI.stridesOf()[1];
const Nd4jLong gIStride2 = gradI.stridesOf()[2];
const Nd4jLong gIStride3 = gradI.stridesOf()[3];
const Nd4jLong gIStride4 = gradI.stridesOf()[4];
const Nd4jLong oStride0 = gradO.stridesOf()[0];
const Nd4jLong oStride1 = gradO.stridesOf()[1];
const Nd4jLong oStride2 = gradO.stridesOf()[2];
const Nd4jLong oStride3 = gradO.stridesOf()[3];
const Nd4jLong oStride4 = gradO.stridesOf()[4];
const Nd4jLong iStep2 = dD*iStride2;
const Nd4jLong iStep3 = dH*iStride3;
const Nd4jLong iStep4 = dW*iStride4;
const Nd4jLong gIStep2 = dD*gIStride2;
const Nd4jLong gIStep3 = dH*gIStride3;
const Nd4jLong gIStep4 = dW*gIStride4;
const int kProd = kD*kH*kW;
const bool sameStrides = iStride0 == gIStride0 && iStride1 == gIStride1 && iStride2 == gIStride2 && iStride3 == gIStride3 && iStride4 == gIStride4;
if(poolingMode == 0) { // max
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_2D {
Nd4jLong dstart, hstart, wstart, dend, hend, wend, maxKD, maxKH, maxKW;
T sum, valO, *pIn, *pgI;
for (int b = start_x; b < stop_x; b++) {
for (int c = start_y; c < stop_y; c++) {
for (int od = 0; od < oD; od++) {
for (int oh = 0; oh < oH; ++oh) {
for (int ow = 0; ow < oW; ++ow) {
pIn = in + b * iStride0 + c * iStride1;
dstart = od * sD - pD;
hstart = oh * sH - pH;
wstart = ow * sW - pW;
dend = dstart + kDEff;
hend = hstart + kHEff;
wend = wstart + kWEff;
if (dstart < 0)
dstart += dD * ((-dstart + dD - 1) / dD);
if (hstart < 0)
hstart += dH * ((-hstart + dH - 1) / dH);
if (wstart < 0)
wstart += dW * ((-wstart + dW - 1) / dW);
if (dend > iD)
dend -= dD * ((dend - iD + dD - 1) / dD);
if (hend > iH)
hend -= dH * ((hend - iH + dH - 1) / dH);
if (wend > iW)
wend -= dW * ((wend - iW + dW - 1) / dW);
sum = -DataTypeUtils::max<T>();
valO = gO[b * oStride0 + c * oStride1 + od * oStride2 + oh * oStride3 + ow * oStride4];
if (sameStrides) {
dstart *= iStride2;
dend *= iStride2;
hstart *= iStride3;
hend *= iStride3;
wstart *= iStride4;
wend *= iStride4;
maxKD = dstart;
maxKH = hstart;
maxKW = wstart;
for (Nd4jLong kd = dstart; kd < dend; kd += iStep2)
for (Nd4jLong kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += iStep3)
for (Nd4jLong kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += iStep4) {
T valIn = pIn[kd + kh + kw];
if (valIn > sum) {
sum = valIn;
maxKD = kd;
maxKH = kh;
maxKW = kw;
gI[pIn - in + maxKD + maxKH + maxKW] += valO;
} else {
// we set these to default values
maxKH = hstart;
maxKW = wstart;
maxKD = dstart;
for (Nd4jLong kd = dstart; kd < dend; kd += dD)
for (Nd4jLong kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += dH)
for (Nd4jLong kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += dW) {
T valIn = pIn[kd * iStride2 + kh * iStride3 + kw * iStride4];
if (valIn > sum) {
sum = valIn;
maxKD = kd;
maxKH = kh;
maxKW = kw;
gI[b * gIStride0 + c * gIStride1 + maxKD * gIStride2 + maxKH * gIStride3 + maxKW * gIStride4] += valO;
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, iC, 1);
else if(poolingMode == 1) { // avg
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_2D {
Nd4jLong dstart, hstart, wstart, dend, hend, wend, maxKD, maxKH, maxKW;
T sum, valO, *pIn, *pgI;
for (int b = start_x; b < stop_x; b++) {
for (int c = start_y; c < stop_y; c++) {
for (int od = 0; od < oD; od++) {
for (int oh = 0; oh < oH; ++oh) {
for (int ow = 0; ow < oW; ++ow) {
pgI = gI + b * gIStride0 + c * gIStride1;
dstart = od * sD - pD;
hstart = oh * sH - pH;
wstart = ow * sW - pW;
dend = dstart + kDEff;
hend = hstart + kHEff;
wend = wstart + kWEff;
if (dstart < 0)
dstart += dD * ((-dstart + dD - 1) / dD);
if (hstart < 0)
hstart += dH * ((-hstart + dH - 1) / dH);
if (wstart < 0)
wstart += dW * ((-wstart + dW - 1) / dW);
if (dend > iD)
dend -= dD * ((dend - iD + dD - 1) / dD);
if (hend > iH)
hend -= dH * ((hend - iH + dH - 1) / dH);
if (wend > iW)
wend -= dW * ((wend - iW + dW - 1) / dW);
dstart *= gIStride2;
dend *= gIStride2;
hstart *= gIStride3;
hend *= gIStride3;
wstart *= gIStride4;
wend *= gIStride4;
valO = gO[b * oStride0 + c * oStride1 + od * oStride2 + oh * oStride3 + ow * oStride4];
if (extraParam0 == 0) //Exclude padding
valO /= sd::math::nd4j_ceil<double, T>(static_cast<double>(dend - dstart) / static_cast<double>(gIStep2)) * sd::math::nd4j_ceil<double, T>(static_cast<double>(hend - hstart) / static_cast<double>(gIStep3)) * sd::math::nd4j_ceil<double, T>(static_cast<double>(wend - wstart) / static_cast<double>(gIStep4)); //Accounts for dilation
else if (extraParam0 == 1) //Include padding
valO /= kProd;
for (Nd4jLong kd = dstart; kd < dend; kd += gIStep2)
for (Nd4jLong kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += gIStep3)
for (Nd4jLong kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += gIStep4)
pgI[kd + kh + kw] += valO;
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, iC, 1);
else if(poolingMode == 2) { // pnorm
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_2D {
Nd4jLong dstart, hstart, wstart, dend, hend, wend, maxKD, maxKH, maxKW;
T sum, valO, *pIn, *pgI;
for (int b = start_x; b < stop_x; b++) {
for (int c = start_y; c < stop_y; c++) {
for (int od = 0; od < oD; od++) {
for (int oh = 0; oh < oH; ++oh) {
for (int ow = 0; ow < oW; ++ow) {
pIn = in + b * iStride0 + c * iStride1;
pgI = gI + (pIn - in);
dstart = od * sD - pD;
hstart = oh * sH - pH;
wstart = ow * sW - pW;
dend = dstart + kDEff;
hend = hstart + kHEff;
wend = wstart + kWEff;
if (dstart < 0)
dstart += dD * ((-dstart + dD - 1) / dD);
if (hstart < 0)
hstart += dH * ((-hstart + dH - 1) / dH);
if (wstart < 0)
wstart += dW * ((-wstart + dW - 1) / dW);
if (dend > iD)
dend -= dD * ((dend - iD + dD - 1) / dD);
if (hend > iH)
hend -= dH * ((hend - iH + dH - 1) / dH);
if (wend > iW)
wend -= dW * ((wend - iW + dW - 1) / dW);
sum = static_cast<T>(0.);
valO = gO[b * oStride0 + c * oStride1 + od * oStride2 + oh * oStride3 + ow * oStride4];
if (sameStrides) {
dstart *= iStride2;
dend *= iStride2;
hstart *= iStride3;
hend *= iStride3;
wstart *= iStride4;
wend *= iStride4;
for (Nd4jLong kd = dstart; kd < dend; kd += iStep2)
for (Nd4jLong kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += iStep3)
for (Nd4jLong kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += iStep4)
sum += sd::math::nd4j_pow<T, T, T>(sd::math::nd4j_abs<T>(pIn[kd + kh + kw]), extraParam0);
valO *= sd::math::nd4j_pow<T, T, T>(sum, ((T) 1.f - extraParam0) / extraParam0);
for (Nd4jLong kd = dstart; kd < dend; kd += iStep2)
for (Nd4jLong kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += iStep3)
for (Nd4jLong kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += iStep4)
pgI[kd + kh + kw] += valO * sd::math::nd4j_pow<T, T, T>(sd::math::nd4j_abs<T>(pIn[kd + kh + kw]),extraParam0 - (T) 1.f) * sd::math::nd4j_sgn<T, T>(pIn[kd + kh + kw]);
} else {
for (Nd4jLong kd = dstart; kd < dend; kd += dD)
for (Nd4jLong kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += dH)
for (Nd4jLong kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += dW)
sum += sd::math::nd4j_pow<T, T, T>(sd::math::nd4j_abs<T>(pIn[kd * iStride2 + kh * iStride3 + kw * iStride4]), extraParam0);
valO *= sd::math::nd4j_pow<T, T, T>(sum, ((T) 1.f - extraParam0) / extraParam0);
for (Nd4jLong kd = dstart; kd < dend; kd += dD)
for (Nd4jLong kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += dH)
for (Nd4jLong kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += dW) {
const auto inVal = pIn[kD * iStride2 + kh * iStride3 + kw * iStride4];
pgI[kd * gIStride2 + kh * gIStride3 + kw * gIStride4] += valO * sd::math::nd4j_pow<T, T, T>(sd::math::nd4j_abs<T>(inVal), extraParam0 - 1.f) * sd::math::nd4j_sgn<T, T>(inVal);
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, iC, 1);
else {
nd4j_printf("ConvolutionUtils::pooling3dBP: pooling mode argument can take three values only: 0, 1, 2, but got %i instead !\n", poolingMode);
throw "";
void ConvolutionUtils::pooling3dBP(sd::graph::Context& block, const NDArray& input, const NDArray& gradO, NDArray& gradI, const int kD, const int kH, const int kW, const int sD, const int sH, const int sW, const int pD, const int pH, const int pW, const int dD, const int dH, const int dW, const int poolingMode, const int extraParam0) {
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(input.dataType(), pooling3dBP_, (block, input, gradO, gradI, kD, kH, kW, sD, sH, sW, pD, pH, pW, dD, dH, dW, poolingMode, extraParam0), FLOAT_TYPES);