
1713 lines
83 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <legacy/NativeOpExecutioner.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <system/op_boilerplate.h>
#include <helpers/DebugHelper.h>
#include <array/DataTypeUtils.h>
#include <exceptions/datatype_exception.h>
#include <exceptions/cuda_exception.h>
#include <helpers/CudaLaunchHelper.h>
#include <helpers/ShapeBuilders.h>
#include <helpers/PointersManager.h>
#include <array/ConstantDataBuffer.h>
#include <array/ShapeDescriptor.h>
#include <helpers/ConstantShapeHelper.h>
#include <loops/transform_float.h>
#include <loops/transform_bool.h>
#include <loops/transform_any.h>
#include <loops/transform_same.h>
#include <loops/transform_strict.h>
#include <loops/reduce_float.h>
#include <loops/reduce_same.h>
#include <loops/reduce_bool.h>
#include <loops/reduce_long.h>
#include <loops/indexreduce.h>
#include <loops/pairwise_transform.h>
#include <loops/pairwise_bool.h>
#include <loops/pairwise_int.h>
#include <loops/broadcasting_bool.h>
#include <loops/broadcasting_int.h>
#include <loops/broadcasting.h>
#include <loops/reduce_float.h>
#include <loops/reduce3.h>
#include <loops/summarystatsreduce.h>
#include <loops/transform_same.h>
#include <loops/random.h>
#include <loops/special_kernels.h>
#include <loops/scalar.h>
#include <loops/scalar_bool.h>
#include <loops/scalar_int.h>
using namespace sd;
* This is utility kernel, that updates given special buffer with proper values in device memory
extern "C" __global__ void prepareShapeBuffer(int *dimension, int *maxDimension, Nd4jLong *specialPointer, int rows, sd::DataType dataType) {
Nd4jLong tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid > 0)
dimension[0] = 0;
maxDimension[0] = 1;
specialPointer[0] = 2;
specialPointer[1] = rows;
specialPointer[2] = 1;
specialPointer[3] = 1;
specialPointer[4] = 1;
specialPointer[5] = 0;
specialPointer[6] = 1;
specialPointer[7] = 99;
ArrayOptions::setDataType(specialPointer, dataType);
//printf("special[0]: [%lld]\n", (long long) specialPointer[0]);
//shape::printShapeInfoLinear("prepareShapeBuffer", specialPointer);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseTransform(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (xType != zType && yType != zType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseTransform requires Z operand to have either X or Y type");
if (lc == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseTransform: launch context cannot be nullptr !");
if (stream == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseTransform: CUDA stream cannot be nullptr !");
dim3 launchDims(256, 1024, 8192);
BUILD_PAIRWISE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, zType, functions::pairwise_transforms::PairWiseTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraParams), LIBND4J_TYPES, LIBND4J_TYPES)
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR_THRICE(xType, functions::pairwise_transforms::PairWiseTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraParams), LIBND4J_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execPairwiseTransform failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseBoolTransform( sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isB(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseBoolTransform wrong Z operand data type", sd::DataType::BOOL, zType);
if (yType != xType)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseBoolTransform both operands must have same data type", xType, yType);
dim3 launchDims(256, 1024, 16384);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::pairwise_transforms::PairWiseBoolTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraParams), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execPairwiseBoolTransform failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseIntTransform( sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void * hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void * dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isZ(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseIntTransform wrong Z operand data type", sd::DataType::BOOL, zType);
if (yType != xType || zType != xType)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execPairwiseIntTransform both operands must have same data type", xType, yType);
dim3 launchDims(256, 1024, 16384);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::pairwise_transforms::PairWiseIntTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraParams), INTEGER_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execPairwiseIntTransform failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execSummaryStatsScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
bool biasCorrected) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
dim3 launchDims = dim3(256, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::summarystats::SummaryStatsReduce, ::execSummaryStatsReduceScalar(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, nullptr, nullptr, biasCorrected, reductionPointer), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execSummaryStatsScalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastBool(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isB(zType))
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastBool requires Z operand to have BOOL type");
if (yType != xType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastBool requires both X & Y operands to have same type");
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("F3B opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
dim3 launchDims(256, 256, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::broadcast::BroadcastBool, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraParams, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execBroadcastBool failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastBool(sd::LaunchContext* lc, const int opNum,
const void *hX, const Nd4jLong *hXShapeInfo,
const void *dX, const Nd4jLong *dXShapeInfo,
const void *hY, const Nd4jLong *hYShapeInfo,
const void *dY, const Nd4jLong *dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, const Nd4jLong *hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, const Nd4jLong *dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams) {
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
dim3 launchDims;
launchDims.y = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4; // threadsPerBlock
launchDims.x = (shape::length(hZShapeInfo) + launchDims.y - 1) / launchDims.y; // blocksPerGrid
launchDims.z = 1024; // shared memory
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::broadcast::BroadcastBool, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraParams), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execBroadcastBool failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execInverseBroadcastBool(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void* hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isB(zType))
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastBool requires Z operand to have BOOL type");
if (yType != xType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastBool requires both X & Y operands to have same type");
dim3 launchDims(256, 256, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::broadcast::BroadcastBool, ::execInverseBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraParams, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execInverseBroadcastBool failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfoZ,Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isZ(zType))
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt requires Z operand to have INT type");
if (yType != xType || zType != xType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt requires both X & Y operands to have same type");
dim3 launchDims(256, 256, 1024);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::broadcast::BroadcastInt, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), INTEGER_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execBroadcastBool failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt(sd::LaunchContext* lc, const int opNum,
const void *hX, const Nd4jLong *hXShapeInfo,
const void *dX, const Nd4jLong *dXShapeInfo,
const void *hY, const Nd4jLong *hYShapeInfo,
const void *dY, const Nd4jLong *dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, const Nd4jLong *hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, const Nd4jLong *dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isZ(zType))
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt requires Z operand to have INT type");
if (yType != xType || zType != xType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt requires both X & Y operands to have same type");
dim3 launchDims;
launchDims.y = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4; // threadsPerBlock
launchDims.x = (shape::length(hZShapeInfo) + launchDims.y - 1) / launchDims.y; // blocksPerGrid
launchDims.z = 1024; // shared memory
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::broadcast::BroadcastInt, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo), INTEGER_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execBroadcastBool failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execInverseBroadcastInt(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfoZ,Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isZ(zType))
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt requires Z operand to have INT type");
if (yType != xType || zType != xType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcastInt requires both X & Y operands to have same type");
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("F3BI opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
dim3 launchDims(256, 256, 1024);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::broadcast::BroadcastInt, ::execInverseBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), INTEGER_TYPES)
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execInverseBroadcastInt failed", res);
* @param opNum
* @param dX
* @param dXShapeInfo
* @param dY
* @param dYShapeInfo
* @param dZ
* @param dZShapeInfo
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
void NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcast(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfoZ,Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
dim3 launchDims(256, 256, 1024);
BUILD_PAIRWISE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, zType, functions::broadcast::Broadcast, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES, LIBND4J_TYPES);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR_THRICE(xType, functions::broadcast::Broadcast, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execBroadcast failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execBroadcast(sd::LaunchContext *lc, const int opNum,
const void *hX, const Nd4jLong *hXShapeInfo,
const void *dX, const Nd4jLong *dXShapeInfo,
const void *hY, const Nd4jLong *hYShapeInfo,
const void *dY, const Nd4jLong *dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, const Nd4jLong *hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, const Nd4jLong *dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
dim3 launchDims;
launchDims.y = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4; // threadsPerBlock
launchDims.x = (shape::length(hZShapeInfo) + launchDims.y - 1) / launchDims.y; // blocksPerGrid
launchDims.z = 1024; // shared memory
BUILD_PAIRWISE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, zType, functions::broadcast::Broadcast, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo), LIBND4J_TYPES, LIBND4J_TYPES);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR_THRICE(xType, functions::broadcast::Broadcast, ::execBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execBroadcast failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execInverseBroadcast(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfoZ,Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hYShapeInfo))
dim3 launchDims(256, 256, 1024);
BUILD_PAIRWISE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, zType, functions::broadcast::Broadcast, ::execInverseBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES, LIBND4J_TYPES);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR_THRICE(xType, functions::broadcast::Broadcast, ::execInverseBroadcast(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadOnlyShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execInverseBroadcast failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceSame(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("SF7 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (zType != xType)
throw datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceSame requires both X & Z operands to have same type", xType, zType);
auto numBlocks = shape::length(hZShapeInfo);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::reduce::ReduceSameFunction, ::execReduceXD(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, reductionPointer, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, dimension), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceSame failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceLong(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension,int dimensionLength) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("LF7 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (zType != sd::DataType::INT64)
throw datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceLong wrong Z data type", sd::DataType::INT64, zType);
auto numBlocks = shape::length(hZShapeInfo);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce::ReduceLongFunction, ::execReduceXD(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, reductionPointer, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, dimension), LIBND4J_TYPES, LONG_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceLong failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceBool(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("BF7 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (zType != sd::DataType::BOOL)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceBool requires Z operand to have BOOL type");
auto numBlocks = shape::length(hZShapeInfo);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce::ReduceBoolFunction, ::execReduceXD(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, reductionPointer, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, dimension), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceBool failed", res);
* @param opNum
* @param dX
* @param dXShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param dZ
* @param dZShapeInfo
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceFloat(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
const void *hX, const Nd4jLong *hXShapeInfo,
const void *dX, const Nd4jLong *dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, const Nd4jLong *hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, const Nd4jLong *dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("F8 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
auto numBlocks = shape::length(hZShapeInfo);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, 256, 32768);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce::ReduceFloatFunction, ::execReduceXD(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, reductionPointer, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, dimension), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceFloat failed", res);
* @param opNum
* @param dX
* @param dXShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param dZ
* @param dZShapeInfo
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
void NativeOpExecutioner::execIndexReduce(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto allocationPointer = lc->getAllocationPointer();
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("F2 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
auto numBlocks = shape::length(hZShapeInfo);
auto tadLength = shape::length(hXShapeInfo) / numBlocks;
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, tadLength < CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE ? tadLength : CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
if (zType != sd::DataType::INT64 && zType != sd::DataType::INT32)
throw datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execIndexReduce requires Z operand to have INT32/INT64 type", zType);
auto dz = reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong*>(dZ);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::indexreduce::IndexReduce, ::executeIndexReduce(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, shape::rank(hXShapeInfo), extraParams, dz, dZShapeInfo, shape::rank(hZShapeInfo), dimension, dimensionLength, 1, allocationPointer, reductionPointer, tadShapeInfo, tadOffsets), LIBND4J_TYPES, INDEXING_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execIndexReduce failed", res);
* @param opNum
* @param dX
* @param dXShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
void NativeOpExecutioner::execIndexReduceScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo){
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebug())
printf("F1 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto allocationPointer = lc->getAllocationPointer();
auto xLength = shape::length(hXShapeInfo);
auto blockWidth = 256;
auto numBlocks = CudaLaunchHelper::getReductionBlocks(xLength, blockWidth);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose() && launchDims.x == 1)
printf("AF1 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
// FIXME: we want Z to be one of integer types
//if (!DataTypeUtils::isZ(zType))
// throw sd::datatype_exception("NativeOpExecutioner::execIndexReduceScalar requires Z operand to have one of integer types")
if (zType != sd::DataType::INT64 && zType != sd::DataType::INT32)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execIndexReduceScalar requires Z operand to have INT32/INT64 data type", zType);
auto dz = reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong*>(dZ);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::indexreduce::IndexReduce, ::executeIndexReduceScalar(launchDims, stream,
dX, dXShapeInfo, shape::rank(hXShapeInfo),
dz, dZShapeInfo, 0,
nullptr, 0,
allocationPointer, reductionPointer,
nullptr, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, INDEXING_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execIndexReduceScalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceFloatScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
auto xLength = shape::length(hXShapeInfo);
auto blockWidth = 256;
auto numBlocks = CudaLaunchHelper::getReductionBlocks(xLength, blockWidth);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce::ReduceFloatFunction, ::execReduceScalar(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX,dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ,dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, nullptr, 0, reductionPointer, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceFloatScalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceBoolScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (zType != sd::DataType::BOOL)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceBoolScalar requires Z operand to have BOOL type");
auto xLength = shape::length(hXShapeInfo);
auto blockWidth = CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE;
auto numBlocks = CudaLaunchHelper::getReductionBlocks(xLength, blockWidth);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, blockWidth, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce::ReduceBoolFunction, ::execReduceScalar(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, nullptr, 0, reductionPointer, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceBoolScalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceSameScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (zType != xType)
throw datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceSameScalar requires both X & Z operands to have same type", xType, zType);
auto xLength = shape::length(hXShapeInfo);
auto blockWidth = CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE;
auto numBlocks = CudaLaunchHelper::getReductionBlocks(xLength, blockWidth);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, blockWidth, 1024);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::reduce::ReduceSameFunction, ::execReduceScalar(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, nullptr, 0, reductionPointer, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceSameScalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceLongScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (zType != sd::DataType::INT64)
throw datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceLongScalar wrong Z data type", sd::DataType::INT64, zType);
auto xLength = shape::length(hXShapeInfo);
auto blockWidth = CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE;
auto numBlocks = CudaLaunchHelper::getReductionBlocks(xLength, blockWidth);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, blockWidth, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce::ReduceLongFunction, ::execReduceScalar(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, nullptr, 0, reductionPointer, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, LONG_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduceLongScalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformSame(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xRank = shape::rank(hXShapeInfo);
auto zRank = shape::rank(hZShapeInfo);
auto xType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo)) {
if (xType != zType) {
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformSame requires X & Z to have same type");
dim3 launchDims(512, 512, 16384);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::transform::TransformSame, ::executeTransformShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, xRank, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, zRank, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execTransformSame failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformBool(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xRank = shape::rank(hXShapeInfo);
auto zRank = shape::rank(hZShapeInfo);
auto xType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo)) {
if (!DataTypeUtils::isB(zType)) {
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformBool requires Z to have same boolean type");
dim3 launchDims(512, 512, 16384);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::transform::TransformBool, ::executeTransformShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, xRank, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, zRank, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execTransformBool failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformAny(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets, bool allowParallelism) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xRank = shape::rank(hXShapeInfo);
auto zRank = shape::rank(hZShapeInfo);
auto xType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo))
if (opNum == sd::transform::Assign && shape::order(hXShapeInfo) == shape::order(hZShapeInfo) && shape::order(hXShapeInfo) == 'c' && xType == zType && shape::elementWiseStride(hXShapeInfo) == 1 && shape::elementWiseStride(hZShapeInfo) == 1) {
cudaMemcpyAsync(dZ, dX, shape::length(hXShapeInfo) * sd::DataTypeUtils::sizeOfElement(xType), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, *stream);
else {
dim3 launchDims(512, 512, 2048);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::transform::TransformAny, ::executeTransformShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, xRank, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, zRank, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execTransformAny failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformStrict(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xRank = shape::rank(hXShapeInfo);
auto zRank = shape::rank(hZShapeInfo);
auto xType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo)) {
if (xType != zType || !DataTypeUtils::isR(xType)) {
throw datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformStrict requires X & Z to have same floating point type", xType, zType);
dim3 launchDims(512, 512, 16384);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::transform::TransformStrict, ::executeTransformShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, xRank, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, zRank, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr), FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execTransformStrict failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformFloat(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto xRank = shape::rank(hXShapeInfo);
auto zRank = shape::rank(hZShapeInfo);
auto xType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo))
if (!DataTypeUtils::isR(zType))
throw datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execTransformFloat requires Z to have floating point type", zType);
dim3 launchDims(512, 512, 2048);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::transform::TransformFloat, ::executeTransformShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, xRank, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, zRank, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execTransformFloat failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execSummaryStats(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
bool biasCorrected) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
dim3 launchDims = dim3(256, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (!DataTypeUtils::isR(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execSummaryStats requires Z operand to have floating point data type", zType);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::summarystats::SummaryStatsReduce, ::execSummaryStatsReduce(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, nullptr, nullptr, biasCorrected, reductionPointer), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execSummaryStats A failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execSummaryStats(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
bool biasCorrected) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
dim3 launchDims = dim3(256, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (!DataTypeUtils::isR(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execSummaryStats requires Z operand to have floating point data type", zType);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::summarystats::SummaryStatsReduce, ::execSummaryStatsReduce(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, tadShapeInfo, tadOffsets, biasCorrected, reductionPointer), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execSummaryStats B failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto allocationPointer = lc->getAllocationPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
auto blockWidth = CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE;
auto numBlocks = CudaLaunchHelper::getReductionBlocks(shape::length(hXShapeInfo), blockWidth);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, blockWidth, 1024);
if (xType != yType)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3 requires Y operand to have X type", xType, yType);
if (!DataTypeUtils::isR(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3 requires Z operand to have floating point data type", zType);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce3::Reduce3, ::execScalar(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, allocationPointer, reductionPointer, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduce3 failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* yTadOnlyShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* yTadOffsets) {
if(shape::isScalar(hZShapeInfo)) {
NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3(lc, opNum, hX, hXShapeInfo, dX, dXShapeInfo, extraParams, hY, hYShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, hZ, hZShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo);
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto allocationPointer = lc->getAllocationPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (xType != yType)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3 requires Y operand to have X type", xType, yType);
if (!DataTypeUtils::isR(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3 requires Z operand to have floating point data type", zType);
auto numBlocks = shape::length(hZShapeInfo);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce3::Reduce3, ::exec(launchDims, stream, opNum,
dX, dXShapeInfo,
dY, dYShapeInfo,
dZ, dZShapeInfo,
dimension, dimensionLength,
tadOnlyShapeInfo, tadOffsets,
yTadOnlyShapeInfo, yTadOffsets), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduce3 B failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3Scalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto allocationPointer = lc->getAllocationPointer();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
auto xLength = shape::length(hXShapeInfo);
auto blockWidth = CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE;
auto numBlocks = CudaLaunchHelper::getReductionBlocks(xLength, blockWidth);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, blockWidth, 1024);
if (xType != yType)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3Scalar requires Y operand to have X type", xType, yType);
if (!DataTypeUtils::isR(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3Scalar requires Z operand to have floating point data type", zType);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce3::Reduce3, ::execScalar(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, allocationPointer, reductionPointer, nullptr), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduce3Scalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarBool(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void const* hScalar, Nd4jLong const* hScalarShapeInfo,
void const* dScalar, Nd4jLong const* dScalarShapeInfo,
void *extraParams, bool allowParallelism) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
dim3 launchDims = dim3(256, 512, 8192);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hScalarShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hScalarShapeInfo))
if (xType != yType )
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarBool requires X & Y to have same type");
if (!DataTypeUtils::isB(zType) )
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarBool requires Z operand to have BOOL type");
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::scalar::ScalarBoolTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dScalar, extraParams), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execScalarBool failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarBool(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void const* hScalars, Nd4jLong const* hScalarShapeInfo,
void const* dScalars, Nd4jLong const* dScalarShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfoZ, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
dim3 launchDims(256, 512, 8192);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hScalarShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hScalarShapeInfo))
if (xType != yType )
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarBool requires X & Y to have same type");
if (!DataTypeUtils::isB(zType) )
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarBool requires Z operand to have BOOL type");
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::scalar::ScalarBoolTransform, ::executeCudaAlongDimension(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dScalars, extraParams, dimension, dimensionLength, tadShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES, BOOL_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execScalarBool B failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarInt(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void const* hScalar, Nd4jLong const* hScalarShapeInfo,
void const* dScalar, Nd4jLong const* dScalarShapeInfo,
void *extraParams, bool allowParallelism) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
dim3 launchDims = dim3(256, 512, 8192);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hScalarShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hScalarShapeInfo))
if (xType != yType || zType != xType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarInt requires X & Y to have same type");
if (!DataTypeUtils::isZ(zType) )
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarInt requires Z operand to have INT type");
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::scalar::ScalarIntTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dScalar, extraParams), INTEGER_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execScalarInt failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarInt(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void const* hScalars, Nd4jLong const* hScalarShapeInfo,
void const* dScalars, Nd4jLong const* dScalarShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfoZ, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
dim3 launchDims(256, 512, 8192);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hScalarShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hScalarShapeInfo))
if (xType != yType || zType != xType)
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarInt requires X & Y to have same type");
if (!DataTypeUtils::isZ(zType) )
throw std::runtime_error("NativeOpExecutioner::execScalarInt requires Z operand to have INT type");
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::scalar::ScalarIntTransform, ::executeCudaAlongDimension(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dScalars, extraParams, dimension, dimensionLength, tadShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), INTEGER_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execScalarInt B failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void* hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void* dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void const* hScalar, Nd4jLong const* hScalarShapeInfo,
void const* dScalar, Nd4jLong const* dScalarShapeInfo,
void *extraParams, bool allowParallelism) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
dim3 launchDims(256, 512, 8192);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hScalarShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hScalarShapeInfo))
BUILD_PAIRWISE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, zType, functions::scalar::ScalarTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, dScalar, extraParams), LIBND4J_TYPES, LIBND4J_TYPES);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR_THRICE(xType, functions::scalar::ScalarTransform, ::executeCudaShaped(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, hXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, hZShapeInfo, dScalar, extraParams), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execScalar failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execScalar(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void const* hScalars, Nd4jLong const* hScalarShapeInfo,
void const* dScalars, Nd4jLong const* dScalarShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfoZ, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsetsZ) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hScalarShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (shape::isEmpty(hXShapeInfo) || shape::isEmpty(hScalarShapeInfo))
dim3 launchDims(256, 256, 16384);
BUILD_PAIRWISE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, zType, functions::scalar::ScalarTransform, ::executeCudaAlongDimension(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dScalars, extraParams, dimension, dimensionLength, tadShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES, LIBND4J_TYPES);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR_THRICE(xType, functions::scalar::ScalarTransform, ::executeCudaAlongDimension(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dScalars, extraParams, dimension, dimensionLength, tadShapeInfo, tadOffsets, tadShapeInfoZ, tadOffsetsZ), LIBND4J_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execScalar B failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execRandom(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
Nd4jPointer stateHost,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraArguments) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto sizeOf = sizeof(sd::graph::RandomGenerator);
Nd4jPointer stateDevice;
cudaError_t res = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&stateDevice), sizeOf);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpyAsync(stateDevice, stateHost, sizeOf, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, *stream));
dim3 launchDims = dim3(512, 512, 32768);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
auto rng = reinterpret_cast<sd::graph::RandomGenerator*>(stateHost);
// functions::random::RandomFunction<float>::executeCudaSingle(launchDims, extraPointers, opNum, stateHost, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraArguments),
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(zType, functions::random::RandomFunction, ::executeCudaSingle(launchDims, stream, opNum, stateDevice, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraArguments), FLOAT_TYPES);
res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execRandom X failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execRandom(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
Nd4jPointer stateHost,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraArguments) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto sizeOf = sizeof(sd::graph::RandomGenerator);
Nd4jPointer stateDevice;
cudaError_t res = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&stateDevice), sizeOf);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpyAsync(stateDevice, stateHost, sizeOf, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, *stream));
auto rng = reinterpret_cast<sd::graph::RandomGenerator*>(stateHost);
dim3 launchDims = dim3(512, 512, 32768);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
// functions::random::RandomFunction<float>::executeCudaDouble(launchDims, extraPointers, opNum, stateHost, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraArguments);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::random::RandomFunction, ::executeCudaDouble(launchDims, stream, opNum, stateDevice, dX, dXShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraArguments), FLOAT_TYPES);
res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execRandom XY failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execRandom(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
Nd4jPointer stateHost,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
void *extraArguments) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto sizeOf = sizeof(sd::graph::RandomGenerator);
Nd4jPointer stateDevice;
cudaError_t res = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&stateDevice), sizeOf);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpyAsync(stateDevice, stateHost, sizeOf, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, *stream));
auto rng = reinterpret_cast<sd::graph::RandomGenerator*>(stateHost);
dim3 launchDims = dim3(512, 512, 32768);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
// functions::random::RandomFunction<float>::executeCudaTriple(launchDims, extraPointers, opNum, stateHost, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraArguments);
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, functions::random::RandomFunction, ::executeCudaTriple(launchDims, stream, opNum, stateDevice, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo, extraArguments), FLOAT_TYPES);
res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execRandom XYZ failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3All(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParamsVals,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* xTadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* xOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* yTadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* yOffsets) {
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto allocationPointer = lc->getAllocationPointer();
auto reductionPointer = lc->getReductionPointer();
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose())
printf("D119 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
dim3 launchDims(shape::length(hZShapeInfo), CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE / 2, 1024);
if (sd::Environment::getInstance().isVerbose() && launchDims.x == 1)
printf("AD119 opNum:[%i]\n", opNum);
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (yType != xType)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3All both operands must have same data type", xType, yType);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce3::Reduce3, ::execAll(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, extraParamsVals, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, 1, allocationPointer, xTadShapeInfo, xOffsets, yTadShapeInfo, yOffsets), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduce3All failed", res);
void NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3TAD(sd::LaunchContext *lc,
int opNum,
void const* hX, Nd4jLong const* hXShapeInfo,
void const* dX, Nd4jLong const* dXShapeInfo,
void *extraParams,
void const* hY, Nd4jLong const* hYShapeInfo,
void const* dY, Nd4jLong const* dYShapeInfo,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong const* hZShapeInfo,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong const* dZShapeInfo,
int *dimension, int dimensionLength,
Nd4jLong const* tadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* tadOffsets,
Nd4jLong const* yTadShapeInfo, Nd4jLong const* yTadOffsets) {
if(shape::isScalar(hZShapeInfo)) {
NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3(lc, opNum, hX, hXShapeInfo, dX, dXShapeInfo, extraParams, hY, hYShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, hZ, hZShapeInfo, dZ, dZShapeInfo);
auto stream = lc->getCudaStream();
auto allocationPointer = lc->getAllocationPointer();
auto xType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hXShapeInfo);
auto yType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hYShapeInfo);
auto zType = sd::ArrayOptions::dataType(hZShapeInfo);
if (xType != yType)
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3TAD requires Y operand to have X type", xType, yType);
if (!DataTypeUtils::isR(zType))
throw sd::datatype_exception::build("NativeOpExecutioner::execReduce3TAD requires Z operand to have floating point data type", zType);
auto numBlocks = shape::length(hZShapeInfo);
dim3 launchDims(numBlocks == 0 ? 1 : numBlocks, CUDA_BLOCK_SIZE, 1024);
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, zType, functions::reduce3::Reduce3, ::exec(launchDims, stream, opNum, dX, dXShapeInfo, dY, dYShapeInfo, extraParams, dZ, dZShapeInfo, dimension, dimensionLength, 1, allocationPointer, tadShapeInfo, tadOffsets, yTadShapeInfo, yTadOffsets), LIBND4J_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
// TODO: remove after the release
auto res = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (res != 0)
throw cuda_exception::build("execReduce3TAD failed", res);