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* Copyright (c) 2019 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/random.h>
//#include <NativeOps.h>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <graph/Context.h>
#include <helpers/RandomLauncher.h>
#include <ShapeUtils.h>
#include <NDArrayFactory.h>
#include <cuda_exception.h>
#include <helpers/ConstantTadHelper.h>
#include <PointersManager.h>
namespace nd4j {
namespace ops {
namespace helpers {
* fillGammaKernel - fill up output with gamma distributed values
* uList - uniformly distributed values set
* uLength - length of uList
* alpha - alpha param
* beta - beta param
* output - distributed output.
* */
template <typename T>
static __global__ void fillGammaKernel(T* uList, Nd4jLong uLength, T* alpha, Nd4jLong* alphaShape,
T* beta, Nd4jLong* betaShape, T* output, Nd4jLong* outputShape) {
// fill up
__shared__ Nd4jLong aLength;
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
aLength = shape::length(alphaShape);
for (auto k = blockIdx.x; k < (int)uLength; k += gridDim.x) {
auto pos = k * aLength;
auto u = uList[k]; // this is a vector
for (auto e = threadIdx.x; e < (int)aLength; e += blockDim.x) {
auto aIndex = shape::getIndexOffset(e, alphaShape);
auto bIndex = betaShape?shape::getIndexOffset(e, betaShape):-1LL;
auto betaV = T(beta != nullptr ? beta[bIndex] * u : u);
auto zIndex = shape::getIndexOffset(e + pos, outputShape);
output[zIndex] = math::nd4j_igamma<T, T, T>(alpha[aIndex], betaV);
template <typename T>
static void fillRandomGamma_(LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* alpha, NDArray* beta, NDArray* output) {
// To fill up output need to broadcast alpha and beta to the same shape and in
Nd4jLong* broadcasted = nullptr;
if (beta != nullptr)
ShapeUtils::evalBroadcastShapeInfo(*alpha, *beta, true, broadcasted, context->getWorkspace());
broadcasted = alpha->shapeInfo();
auto step = shape::length(broadcasted);
auto shift = output->lengthOf() / step;
auto copyAlpha = alpha;
auto copyBeta = beta;
if (beta != nullptr) {
NDArray alphaBroadcasted(broadcasted, alpha->dataType(), true, context);
NDArray betaBroadcasted(broadcasted, beta->dataType(), true, context);
copyAlpha = new NDArray(alphaBroadcasted.applyTrueBroadcast(BroadcastOpsTuple::Assign(), *alpha));
copyBeta = new NDArray(betaBroadcasted.applyTrueBroadcast(BroadcastOpsTuple::Assign(), *beta));
copyAlpha->tickWriteDevice(); copyBeta->tickWriteDevice();
auto stream = context->getCudaStream();
NDArray uniform = NDArrayFactory::create<T>('c', {shift}, context);
// fill up uniform with given length
RandomLauncher::fillUniform(context, rng, &uniform, 0., 1.);
fillGammaKernel<T><<<128, 128, 256, *stream>>>(uniform.dataBuffer()->specialAsT<T>(), shift,
copyAlpha->dataBuffer()->specialAsT<T>(), copyAlpha->specialShapeInfo(),
output->dataBuffer()->specialAsT<T>(), output->specialShapeInfo());
if (beta != nullptr) {
delete copyAlpha;
delete copyBeta;
//delete broadcasted;
void fillRandomGamma(LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* alpha, NDArray* beta, NDArray* output) {
if (beta)
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({output}, {alpha, beta});
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({output}, {alpha});
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(output->dataType(), fillRandomGamma_, (context, rng, alpha, beta, output), FLOAT_NATIVE);
if (beta)
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({output}, {alpha, beta});
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({output}, {alpha});
BUILD_SINGLE_TEMPLATE(template void fillRandomGamma_, (LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* alpha, NDArray* beta, NDArray* output), FLOAT_NATIVE);
* algorithm Poisson generator based upon the inversion by sequential search
Let x ← 0, p ← eλ, s ← p.
using uniformly random sequence U (u in U) distributed at [0, 1].
while u > s do:
x ← x + 1.
p ← p * λ / x.
s ← s + p.
return x.
* */
template <typename T>
static __global__ void fillPoissonKernel(T* uList, Nd4jLong uLength, T* lambda, Nd4jLong* lambdaShape, T* output,
Nd4jLong* outputShape) {
__shared__ Nd4jLong step;
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
step = shape::length(lambdaShape);
for (auto k = blockIdx.x; k < (int)uLength; k += gridDim.x) {
auto pos = k * step;
auto u = uList[k];
for (auto e = threadIdx.x; e < step; e += blockDim.x) {
auto p = math::nd4j_exp<T,T>(-lambda[e]);
auto s = p;
auto x = T(0.f);
auto lIndex = shape::getIndexOffset(e, lambdaShape);
auto zIndex = shape::getIndexOffset(e + pos, outputShape);
while (u > s) {
x += T(1.);
p *= lambda[lIndex] / x;
s += p;
output[zIndex] = x;
template <typename T>
static void fillRandomPoisson_(LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* lambda, NDArray* output) {
auto shift = output->lengthOf() / lambda->lengthOf();
NDArray uniform('c', {shift}, output->dataType());
auto stream = context->getCudaStream();
// fill up uniform with given length
RandomLauncher::fillUniform(context, rng, &uniform, 0., 1.);
fillPoissonKernel<T><<<128, 256, 128, *stream>>>(uniform.dataBuffer()->specialAsT<T>(), uniform.lengthOf(),
lambda->dataBuffer()->specialAsT<T>(), lambda->specialShapeInfo(),
output->dataBuffer()->specialAsT<T>(), output->specialShapeInfo());
void fillRandomPoisson(LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* lambda, NDArray* output) {
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({output}, {lambda});
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(output->dataType(), fillRandomPoisson_, (context, rng, lambda, output), FLOAT_NATIVE);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({output}, {lambda});
BUILD_SINGLE_TEMPLATE(template void fillRandomPoisson_, (LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* lambda, NDArray* output), FLOAT_NATIVE);
template <typename T>
static __global__ void fillUniformKernel(graph::RandomGenerator* devRng, T from, T to, T* output, Nd4jLong* outputShape) {
auto start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
auto step = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
__shared__ Nd4jLong outputLen;
if (0 == threadIdx.x) {
outputLen = shape::length(outputShape);
for (auto i = start; i < outputLen; i += step) {
auto zIndex = shape::getIndexOffset(i, outputShape);
output[zIndex] = devRng->relativeT<T>(i, from, to);
template <typename T>
static void fillRandomUniform_(LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* min, NDArray* max, NDArray* output) {
T minVal = T(0);
T maxVal = DataTypeUtils::infOrMax<T>();
if (min)
minVal = min->t<T>(0);
if (max)
maxVal = max->t<T>(0);
if (output->isR())
RandomLauncher::fillUniform(context, rng, output, minVal, maxVal);
else {
auto stream = context->getCudaStream();
graph::RandomGenerator *devRng;
auto err = cudaMalloc(&devRng, sizeof(graph::RandomGenerator));
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomUniform_: Cannot allocate device memory for random generator due error", err);
err = cudaMemcpy(devRng, &rng, sizeof(graph::RandomGenerator), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomUniform_: Cannot copy random generator to device", err);
auto outputBuf = output->dataBuffer()->specialAsT<T>();
auto outputShape = output->specialShapeInfo();
fillUniformKernel<T><<<128, 128, 128, *stream>>>(devRng, minVal, maxVal, outputBuf, outputShape);
err = cudaStreamSynchronize(*stream);
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomUniform_: Cannot successfully finish kernel call", err);
err = cudaFree(devRng);
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomUniform_: Cannot deallocate device memory for random generator", err);
void fillRandomUniform(LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* min, NDArray* max, NDArray* output) {
BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(output->dataType(), fillRandomUniform_, (context, rng, min, max, output), NUMERIC_TYPES);
BUILD_SINGLE_TEMPLATE(template void fillRandomUniform_, (LaunchContext* context,
graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray* min, NDArray* max, NDArray* output), NUMERIC_TYPES);
// used
// methods: gumbel trick + softmax + argmax
template<typename X, typename Z>
__global__ static void fillMultiNomialCuda_(graph::RandomGenerator* devRng, const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo,
void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong batchValue,
const Nd4jLong numOfSamples, const Nd4jLong numOfClassX,
const Nd4jLong dimA, const X minVal, const X maxVal) {
const X* x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx);
Z* z = reinterpret_cast<Z*>(vz);
__shared__ Nd4jLong xDimAstride, zDimAstride, xDimCstride, zDimCstride, dimC;
if (0 == threadIdx.x) {
dimC = (0 == dimA) ? 1 : 0;
zDimAstride = shape::stride(zShapeInfo)[dimA];
xDimAstride = shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[dimA];
zDimCstride = shape::stride(zShapeInfo)[dimC];
xDimCstride = shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[dimC];
const auto tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (Nd4jLong index = tid; index < batchValue*numOfSamples; index += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) {
Nd4jLong nBatchIndex = index / numOfSamples;
Nd4jLong nSampleIndexInBatch = index - (nBatchIndex * numOfSamples);
const X* xTad = x + (nBatchIndex * xDimCstride);
Z* zTad = z + (nBatchIndex * zDimCstride);
Z& arg = zTad[nSampleIndexInBatch * zDimAstride];
X Max = -minVal;
Nd4jLong nSamplesPerBatch = nBatchIndex * numOfClassX * numOfSamples;
Nd4jLong nClassPerSamples = nSampleIndexInBatch * numOfClassX;
for (Nd4jLong nClass = 0; nClass < numOfClassX; nClass++) {
Nd4jLong nIndex = nSamplesPerBatch + nClassPerSamples + nClass;
X tValue = (xTad[nClass * xDimAstride] - nd4j::math::nd4j_log<X, X>(-nd4j::math::nd4j_log<X, X>(devRng->relativeT<X>(nIndex, minVal, maxVal))));
if (tValue > Max) {
Max = tValue;
arg = nClass;
template<typename X, typename Z>
__host__ static void fillMultiNomialCudaLauncher(
const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const cudaStream_t* stream,
graph::RandomGenerator* devRng, const void* vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo,
void* vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo,
const Nd4jLong batchValue, const Nd4jLong numOfSamples,
const Nd4jLong numOfClassX, const Nd4jLong dimA){
const X minVal = DataTypeUtils::min<X>();
const X maxVal = 1.0;
fillMultiNomialCuda_<X, Z> <<< blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, 256, * stream >>> (
devRng, vx, xShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo, batchValue,
numOfSamples, numOfClassX, dimA, minVal, maxVal);
void fillRandomMultiNomial(LaunchContext* context, graph::RandomGenerator& rng, NDArray& input, NDArray& output, const Nd4jLong numOfSamples, const int dimC) {
Nd4jLong dimA = (0 == dimC) ? 1 : 0;
const Nd4jLong batchValue = output.sizeAt(dimC);
const Nd4jLong numOfClassX = input.sizeAt(dimA);
const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 2;
const int blocksPerGrid = (batchValue * numOfSamples + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
PointersManager manager(context, "fillMultinomial");
graph::RandomGenerator *devRng;
auto err = cudaMalloc(&devRng, sizeof(graph::RandomGenerator));
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomMultiNomial: Cannot allocate device memory for random generator due error", err);
err = cudaStreamSynchronize(*context->getCudaStream());
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomMultiNomial: Cannot synchronize stream for random generator due error", err);
err = cudaMemcpyAsync(devRng, &rng, sizeof(graph::RandomGenerator), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, *context->getCudaStream());
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomMultiNomial: Cannot copy random generator to device", err);
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({ &output }, { &input });
BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(input.dataType(), output.dataType(), fillMultiNomialCudaLauncher,
(blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, context->getCudaStream(), devRng, input.getSpecialBuffer(),
input.getSpecialShapeInfo(), output.specialBuffer(),
output.specialShapeInfo(), batchValue, numOfSamples,
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({ &output }, { &input });
err = cudaFree(devRng);
if (err != 0) {
cuda_exception::build("fillRandomMultiNomial: Cannot deallocate device memory for random generator", err);
rng.rewindH(output.lengthOf() * numOfClassX);