448 lines
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448 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from collections import OrderedDict
from .conditions import *
from .schema import Schema
import warnings
import logging
from .java_classes import JString
def _dq(x):
return "JString(\"" + x.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\")"
def _to_camel(x, first_upper=False):
tokens = x.split('_')
if first_upper:
y = ''
for t in tokens:
y += t[0].upper() + t[1:]
y = tokens[0]
for t in tokens[1:]:
y += t[0].upper() + t[1:]
return y
def _dict_to_jmap(d, JMap):
jmap = JMap()
for k, v in d.items():
jmap.put(k, v)
return jmap
class TransformProcess(object):
def __init__(self, schema, inplace=True):
self.schema = schema
self.final_schema = schema.copy()
self.steps = []
self.executors = {}
self.inplace = inplace
def add_step(self, step, *args):
self.steps.append((step,) + args)
def remove_column(self, *columns):
if len(columns) == 1:
columns = columns[0]
if type(columns) in (list, tuple):
self.add_step("removeColumns", *columns)
for c in columns:
del self.final_schema.columns[c]
self.add_step("removeColumns", columns)
del self.final_schema.columns[columns]
self.add_step("removeColumns", *columns)
for c in columns:
del self.final_schema.columns[c]
if not self.inplace:
return self
def remove_columns_except(self, *columns):
if len(columns) == 1:
columns = columns[0]
if type(columns) in (list, tuple):
self.add_step("removeAllColumnsExceptFor", *columns)
to_del = []
for c in self.final_schema.columns:
if c not in columns:
for c in to_del:
del self.final_schema.columns[c]
self.add_step("removeAllColumnsExceptFor", columns)
to_del = []
for c in self.final_schema.columns:
if c != columns:
for c in to_del:
del self.final_schema.columns[c]
self.add_step("removeAllColumnsExceptFor", *columns)
to_del = []
for c in self.final_schema.columns:
if c not in columns:
for c in to_del:
del self.final_schema.columns[c]
if not self.inplace:
return self
def filter(self, condition):
col_name = condition.column
col_type = self.final_schema.get_column_type(col_name)
col_type = col_type[0].upper() + col_type[1:]
if condition.name in ("InSet", "NotInSet"):
code = "filter(ConditionFilter({}ColumnCondition({}, ConditionOp.{}, HashSet(Arrays.asList({})))))"
code = code.format(col_type, _dq(col_name), condition.name, ','.join(
[_dq(x) for x in condition.set]))
code = "filter(ConditionFilter({}ColumnCondition({}, ConditionOp.{}, {})"
code = code.format(col_type, _dq(col_name),
condition.name, condition.value)
self.add_step("exec", code)
if not self.inplace:
return self
def replace(self, column, value, condition):
# there are 2 columns involved
# the column whose content we are replacing
# and the column against which the condition is written
column1_type = self.final_schema.get_column_type(column)
column1_type = column1_type[0].upper() + column1_type[1:]
column2 = condition.column
column2_type = self.final_schema.get_column_type(column2)
column2_type = column2_type[0].upper() + column2_type[1:]
if condition.name in ("InSet", "NotInSet"):
code = "conditionalReplaceValueTransform({}, {}Writable({}), {}ColumnCondition({}, ConditionOp.{}, HashSet(Arrays.asList({}))))"
code = code.format(_dq(column), column1_type, value, column2_type, _dq(
column2), condition.name, ','.join([_dq(x) for x in condition.set]))
code = "conditionalReplaceValueTransform({}, {}Writable({}), {}ColumnCondition({}, ConditionOp.{}, {}))"
code = code.format(_dq(column), column1_type, value, column2_type, _dq(
column2), condition.name, condition.value)
self.add_step("exec", code)
if not self.inplace:
return self
def rename_column(self, column, new_name):
new_d = OrderedDict()
old_d = self.final_schema.columns
for k in old_d:
if k == column:
new_d[new_name] = old_d[k]
new_d[k] = old_d[k]
self.final_schema.columns = new_d
self.add_step("renameColumn", JString(column), JString(new_name))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def string_to_time(self, column, format="YYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS", time_zone="UTC"):
self.final_schema.columns[column][0] = "DateTime"
py_string = "stringToTimeTransform({}, {}, {})".format(_dq(column), _dq(format), "DateTimeZone." + time_zone)
self.add_step("exec", py_string)
if not self.inplace:
return self
def derive_column_from_time(self, source_column, new_column, field):
code = 'transform(DeriveColumnsFromTimeTransformBuilder({}).addIntegerDerivedColumn({}, DateTimeFieldType.{}()).build())'
code = code.format(_dq(source_column), _dq(
new_column), _to_camel(field))
self.add_step("exec", code)
self.final_schema.add_column("integer", new_column)
if not self.inplace:
return self
def categorical_to_integer(self, column):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'categorical':
raise Exception('Can not apply categorical_to_integer'
' transform on column \"{}\" because it is not a categorcal column.'.format(column))
self.final_schema.columns[column][0] = 'integer'
self.add_step('categoricalToInteger', column)
if not self.inplace:
return self
def append_string(self, column, string):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply append_string transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
self.add_step('appendStringColumnTransform', JString(column), JString(string))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def lower(self, column):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply lower transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
'exec', 'transform(ChangeCaseStringTransform({}, ChangeCaseStringTransformCaseType.LOWER))'.format(_dq(column)))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def upper(self, column):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply lower transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
'exec', 'transform(ChangeCaseStringTransform({}, ChangeCaseStringTransformCaseType.UPPER))'.format(_dq(column)))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def concat(self, columns, new_column=None, delimiter=','):
for column in columns:
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply concat transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
if new_column is None:
new_column = 'concat({})'.format(','.join(columns))
if new_column in self.final_schema.columns:
raise Exception(
'Another column with name {} already exists.'.format(new_column))
columns = [_dq(c) for c in columns]
self.add_step('exec', 'transform(ConcatenateStringColumns({}, {}, Arrays.asList({})))'.format(
_dq(new_column), _dq(delimiter), ', '.join(columns)))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def remove_white_spaces(self, column):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply remove_white_spaces transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
'exec', 'transform(RemoveWhiteSpaceTransform({}))'.format(_dq(column)))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def replace_empty_string(self, column, value):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply replace_empty_string transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
self.add_step('exec', 'transform(ReplaceEmptyStringTransform({}, {}))'.format(
_dq(column), _dq(value)))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def replace_string(self, column, *args):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply replace_string transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
if len(args) == 1:
args = args[0]
assert type(
args) is dict, 'Invalid argument. Possible signatures are replace(str, str, str) and replace(str, dict)'
elif len(args) == 2:
assert type(args[0]) == str and type(
args[1]) == str, 'Invalid argument. Possible signatures are replace(str, str, str) and replace(str, dict)'
args = {args[0]: args[1]}
raise Exception(
'Invalid argument. Possible signatures are replace(str, str, str) and replace(str, dict)')
self.add_step('exec', 'transform(ReplaceStringTransform({}, _dict_to_jmap({}, JMap)))'.format(
_dq(column), str(args)))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def map_string(self, column, mapping):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'string':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply replace_string transform to column {} because it is not a string column'.format(column))
self.add_step('exec', 'transform(StringMapTransform({}, _dict_to_jmap({}, JMap)))'.format(
_dq(column), str(mapping)))
if not self.inplace:
return self
def one_hot(self, column):
if self.final_schema.columns[column][0] != 'categorical':
raise Exception(
'Can not apply one_hot transform to column {} because it is not a categorical column'.format(column))
categories = self.final_schema.columns[column][2:]
new_col_names = [column + '[{}]'.format(cat) for cat in categories]
new_schema = OrderedDict()
for k in self.final_schema.columns:
if k == column:
for c in new_col_names:
new_schema[c] = ['integer']
new_schema[k] = self.final_schema.columns[k]
self.final_schema.columns = new_schema
self.add_step('categoricalToOneHot', column)
if not self.inplace:
return self
def reduce(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
# possible signatures:
# tp.reduce(column_name, default_redcution) # example: tp.reduce('person', 'sum') # sums all columns
# tp.reduce(column, {'amount' : 'sum', 'hours' : 'mean'}) # Explicit reduction for each columns
# tp.reduce(column, 'sum', {'hours' : 'mean'}) # Explicit reduction for some columns, default reduction for others
# tp.reduce(column, 'sum', 'hours'='mean') # kwargs instead of dict
if type(key) is str:
key = [key]
key = list(key)
non_key_columns = [
x for x in self.final_schema.columns if x not in key]
col_2_reduction = {}
if args:
if type(args[0]) is dict:
default = None
col_2_reduction = args[0]
default = args[0]
if len(args) > 1:
assert type(args[1]) == dict, 'Expected dict'
col_2_reduction = args[1]
col_2_reduction = kwargs
default = None
col_2_reduction = kwargs
reductions = ['min', 'max', 'sum', 'prod', 'mean', 'std', 'uncorrected_std',
'var', 'pop_var', 'count', 'range', 'count_unique', 'first', 'last',
'append', 'prepend']
if default is None:
for k in non_key_columns:
assert k in col_2_reduction, "Reduction not specified for column {}.".format(
assert default in reductions, "Invalid default reduction {}. Valid redcutions are {}.".format(
default, reductions)
for k, v in col_2_reduction.items():
assert v in reductions, "Invalid redcution {} specified for column {}. Valid reductions are {}.".format(
v, k, reductions)
reduction_to_function = {'std': 'stdevColumns', 'uncorrected_std': 'uncorrectedStdevColumns', 'var': 'variance',
'pop_var': 'populationVariance', 'first': 'takeFirstColumns', 'last': 'takeLastColumns', 'max': 'maxColumn'}
if default is None:
default = col_2_reduction[list(col_2_reduction.keys())[0]]
reduction_to_op = {'std': 'Stdev', 'uncorrected_std': 'UncorrectedStdDev', 'var': 'Variance', 'pop_var': 'PopulationVariance',
'first': 'TakeFirst', 'last': 'TakeLast'}
default_op = reduction_to_op.get(default, _to_camel(default, True))
col_2_function = {}
for k, v in col_2_reduction.items():
f = reduction_to_function.get(v, _to_camel(v) + 'Columns')
col_2_function[k] = f
code = 'reduce(ReducerBuilder(ReduceOp.{}).keyColumns({})'.format(
default_op, ','.join([_dq(k) for k in key]))
for c, f in col_2_function.items():
code += ".{}({})".format(f, _dq(c))
code += '.build())'
self.add_step('exec', code)
reduction_to_type = {}
for r in ['mean', 'std', 'var', 'pop_var', 'uncorrected_std']:
reduction_to_type[r] = 'double'
for r in ['append', 'prepend']:
reduction_to_type[r] = 'string'
for r in ['count', 'count_unique']:
reduction_to_type[r] = 'long'
new_schema = OrderedDict()
for k, v in self.final_schema.columns.items():
if k in key:
new_schema[k] = v
reduction = col_2_reduction.get(k, default)
old_type = v[0]
op = reduction_to_op.get(reduction, _to_camel(default, True))
new_name = op.lower() + '(' + k + ')'
new_type = reduction_to_type.get(reduction, old_type)
new_schema[k] = [new_type, new_name]
self.final_schema.columns = new_schema
if not self.inplace:
return self
def serialize(self):
config = {'steps': self.steps, 'schema': self.schema.serialize()}
return config
def deserialize(cls, config):
schema = Schema.deserialize(config['schema'])
tp = cls(schema)
tp.steps = config['steps'][:]
return tp
# TODO from_java is used in konduit a lot
def to_java(self):
from .java_classes import TransformProcessBuilder
from .java_classes import ConditionOp
from .java_classes import ConditionFilter
from .java_classes import BooleanColumnCondition
from .java_classes import CategoricalColumnCondition
from .java_classes import DoubleColumnCondition
#from .java_classes import FloatColumnCondition
from .java_classes import StringColumnCondition
from .java_classes import DateTimeZone
from .java_classes import DeriveColumnsFromTimeTransformBuilder
from .java_classes import Arrays, HashSet
from .java_classes import BooleanWritable
from .java_classes import IntegerWritable
from .java_classes import LongWritable
from .java_classes import FloatWritable
from .java_classes import DoubleWritable
from .java_classes import DateTimeFieldType
from .java_classes import ChangeCaseStringTransform
from .java_classes import ChangeCaseStringTransformCaseType
from .java_classes import ConcatenateStringColumns
from .java_classes import RemoveWhiteSpaceTransform
from .java_classes import ReplaceEmptyStringTransform
from .java_classes import ReplaceStringTransform
from .java_classes import StringMapTransform
from .java_classes import JMap
from .java_classes import Arrays
from .java_classes import ReducerBuilder
from .java_classes import ReduceOp
from .java_classes import JString
jschema = self.schema.to_java()
builder = TransformProcessBuilder(jschema)
for step in self.steps:
if step[0] == "exec":
code = step[1]
exec("builder." + code)
f = getattr(builder, step[0])
return builder.build()
def __call__(self, csv, executor='spark'):
executor = self.executors[executor]
if executor == 'spark':
from .java_classes import spark_available
if not spark_available:
'Spark not available. Running local executor instead.')
from .executors import LocalExecutor
executor = LocalExecutor()
self.executors['local'] = executor
self.executors['spark'] = executor
from .executors import SparkExecutor
executor = SparkExecutor()
self.executors['spark'] = executor
if executor == 'local':
from .executors import LocalExecutor
executor = LocalExecutor()
self.executors['local'] = executor
return executor(self, csv)