
138 lines
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/* ******************************************************************************
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 20.10.2017.
#include <graph/execution/LogicConditional.h>
#include <graph/GraphExecutioner.h>
#include <graph/execution/LogicReturn.h>
#include <graph/Status.h>
namespace sd {
namespace graph {
Nd4jStatus LogicConditional::processNode(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto __variableSpace = graph->getVariableSpace();
auto size = node->input()->size();
// propagating inputs (optional)
for (int e = 0; e < size - 3; e++) {
std::pair<int, int> pair(node->id(), e);
if (!__variableSpace->hasVariable(pair)) {
__variableSpace->putVariable(pair, new Variable(nullptr, nullptr, node->id(), e));
auto va = node->input()->at(e);
auto inputVar = __variableSpace->getVariable(va);
auto innerVar = __variableSpace->getVariable(pair);
if (innerVar->hasNDArray()) {
// TODO: ???
} else {
// FIXME: in some cases it's possible to have no NDArray
if (inputVar->hasNDArray())
innerVar->setNDArray(new NDArray(inputVar->getNDArray()->dup()));
int scopeConditionIndex = node->input()->at(size - 3).first;
int scopeFalseIndex = node->input()->at(size - 2).first;
int scopeTrueIndex = node->input()->at(size - 1).first;
auto scopeCondition = graph->scopeById(scopeConditionIndex);
int lastNode = 0;
for (auto v: *scopeCondition->nodes()) {
GraphExecutioner::executeFlatNode(graph, v, __variableSpace);
lastNode = v->id();
// now we should take result of the Scope run, and evaluate it
//nd4j_debug("", "");
auto result = __variableSpace->getVariable(lastNode)->getNDArray();
//result->printBuffer("Result of the last node:");
bool isReturn = false;
// now we're executing one of the scopes, depending on condition evaluation
if (result->e<int>(0) == 0) {
auto scopeFalse = graph->scopeById(scopeFalseIndex);
lastNode = 0;
int nodes = scopeFalse->nodes()->size();
for (int e = 0; e < nodes - 1; e++) {
auto v = scopeFalse->nodes()->at(e);
GraphExecutioner::executeFlatNode(graph, v, __variableSpace);
lastNode = v->id();
// last node is either return or just last op
auto *node = scopeFalse->nodes()->at(nodes -1);
if (node->opType() == OpType_LOGIC && node->opNum() == 40) {
isReturn = true;
LogicReturn::processNode(graph, node);
} else {
GraphExecutioner::executeFlatNode(graph, node, __variableSpace);
lastNode = node->id();
} else {
auto scopeTrue = graph->scopeById(scopeTrueIndex);
lastNode = 0;
int nodes = scopeTrue->nodes()->size();
for (int e = 0; e < nodes - 1; e++) {
auto v = scopeTrue->nodes()->at(e);
GraphExecutioner::executeFlatNode(graph, v, __variableSpace);
lastNode = v->id();
// last node is either return or just last op
auto node = scopeTrue->nodes()->at(nodes -1);
if (node->opType() == OpType_LOGIC && node->opNum() == 40) {
isReturn = true;
LogicReturn::processNode(graph, node);
} else {
GraphExecutioner::executeFlatNode(graph, node, __variableSpace);
lastNode = node->id();
// now fetch and transfer variables to Conditional node
// but only if return wasn't called at the end of scope
if (!isReturn) {
for (int e = 0; e < DataTypeUtils::max<int>(); e++) {
std::pair<int, int> pair(lastNode, e);
std::pair<int, int> pairNew(node->id(), e);
if (__variableSpace->hasVariable(pair)) {
auto array = __variableSpace->getVariable(pair)->getNDArray();
auto newVar = new Variable(array);
newVar->setId(lastNode, e);
__variableSpace->putVariable(pairNew, newVar);
} else
return sd::Status::OK();