* Added a pair of tests for failed ops.
* Fixed cpu helper for draw_bounding_boxes op.
* Refactored implementation of draw_bounding_boxes op to full conform with TF.
* Improved multithreading with draw_bounding_boxes op cuda helper.
* Eliminated log messages.
* Changed logging with draw_bounding_boxes op helper and tests.
* Resize_biliear with 3D input allowed.
* Refactored 3D input acception with resize_bilinear op.
* And another improvement.
* Refactored reshape of input/output for resize_bilinear.
* Improvements final.
* Finished with 3D replication for image.resize_bilinear/_nearest_neighbor.
* Added copyrights for TF code.
* Using new form of multithreading for cpu implementation.
* Fixed shape error.
* Added multithreaded with batches on crop_and_resize functor.
* Refactored multithreading with crop_and_resize and draw_bounding_boxes.