
471 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2019 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Yurii Shyrma (
#include "cudnnUtils.h"
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/convolutions.h>
namespace sd {
namespace ops {
namespace platforms {
static void depthwiseConv2dCUDNN(const LaunchContext* context,
const NDArray* input, const NDArray* weights, const NDArray* bias, NDArray* output,
const int kH, const int kW,
const int sH, const int sW,
const int pH, const int pW,
const int dH, const int dW,
const int paddingMode, const bool isNCHW) {
// cudnn supports only following case: mC = 1, oC = iC (groupCount == iC)
// input [bS, iC, iH, iW] nchw or [bS, iH, iW, iC] nhwc
// weights [iC, mC, kH, kW]
// bias [oC], may be nullptr
// output [bS, oC, oH, oW] nchw or [bS, oH, oW, oC] nhwc
// oC = iC*mC
int bS, iC, iH, iW, mC, oC, oH, oW; // batch size, input channels, input height/width, output channels, output height/width;
int indIOioC, indIiH, indWmC, indWiC, indWkH, indOoH; // corresponding indexes
ConvolutionUtils::getSizesAndIndexesConv2d(isNCHW, 0, *input, *output, bS, iC, iH, iW, oC, oH, oW, indIOioC, indIiH, indWiC, indWmC, indWkH, indOoH);
mC = weights->sizeAt(1);
auto handle = reinterpret_cast<cudnnHandle_t *>(context->getCuDnnHandle());
cudnnStatus_t err = cudnnSetStream(*handle, *context->getCudaStream());
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: can't set stream for cuDNN", err);
cudnnTensorFormat_t format = isNCHW ? CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW : CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC;
// input descriptor
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t x;
if(input->ews() == 1 && input->ordering() == 'c')
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(x, format, cudnnDataType(input->dataType()), bS, iC, iH, iW);
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx(x, cudnnDataType(input->dataType()), bS, iC, iH, iW, input->strideAt(0), input->strideAt(indIOioC), input->strideAt(indIiH), input->strideAt(indIiH + 1));
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor/cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx for input failed", err);
// weights descriptor
cudnnFilterDescriptor_t w;
err = cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(w, cudnnDataType(weights->dataType()), CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, iC, mC, kH, kW);
if(err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor failed", err);
// output descriptor
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t z;
if(output->ews() == 1 && output->ordering() == 'c')
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(z, format, cudnnDataType(output->dataType()), bS, oC, oH, oW);
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx(z, cudnnDataType(output->dataType()), bS, oC, oH, oW, output->strideAt(0), output->strideAt(indIOioC), output->strideAt(indOoH), output->strideAt(indOoH + 1));
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor/cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx for output failed", err);
// description of convolution
cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t conv;
err = cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(conv, pH, pW, sH, sW, dH, dW, CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION, cudnnDataType(output->dataType()));
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor failed", err);
err = cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount(conv, iC); // set number of groups (depthwise mode) in description of convolution, groupCount == iC
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount failed", err);
// algorithm description
cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t algo;
err = cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(*handle, x, w, conv, z, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_PREFER_FASTEST, 0, &algo);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm failed", err);
// allocate auxiliary device memory, abbreviation ws means workspace
size_t wsSize;
err = cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize(*handle, x, w, conv, z, algo, &wsSize);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize failed", err);
void* wsData;
auto cudaErr = cudaMalloc(&wsData, wsSize);
if (cudaErr != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudaMalloc for auxiliary workspace memory failed", cudaErr);
// provide scaling parameters
const float alpha32(1), beta32(0);
const double alpha64(1), beta64(0);
const void* alpha = output->sizeOfT() <= 4 ? reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha32) : reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha64);
const void* beta = output->sizeOfT() <= 4 ? reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&beta32) : reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&beta64);
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({output}, {input, weights, bias});
// run calculation
err = cudnnConvolutionForward(*handle, alpha, x, input->getSpecialBuffer(), w, weights->getSpecialBuffer(), conv, algo, wsData, wsSize, beta, z, output->specialBuffer());
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnConvolutionForward failed", err);
// add bias if it is present
if (bias != nullptr) {
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t b;
// err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(b, format, cudnnDataType(bias->dataType()), 1, isNCHW ? bias->lengthOf() : 1, 1, isNCHW ? 1: bias->lengthOf());
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(b, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, cudnnDataType(bias->dataType()), 1, oC, 1, 1);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor for bias failed", err);
err = cudnnAddTensor(*handle, alpha, b, bias->getSpecialBuffer(), alpha, z, output->specialBuffer());
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudnnAddTensor bias failed", err);
// cudaErr = cudaStreamSynchronize(*context->getCudaStream());
// if (cudaErr != 0)
// throw cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudaStreamSynchronize failed !", cudaErr);
cudaErr = cudaFree(wsData);
if (cudaErr != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dCUDNN: cudaFree for auxiliary workspace memory failed", cudaErr);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({output}, {input, weights, bias});
static void depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN(const LaunchContext* context,
const NDArray* input, const NDArray* weights, const NDArray* gradO,
NDArray* gradI, NDArray* gradW, NDArray* gradB,
const int kH, const int kW,
const int sH, const int sW,
const int pH, const int pW,
const int dH, const int dW,
const int paddingMode, const bool isNCHW) {
// cudnn supports only following case: mC = 1, oC = iC (groupCount == iC)
// input, gradI [bS, iC, iH, iW] nchw or [bS, iH, iW, iC] nhwc
// weights, gradW [iC, mC, kH, kW]
// gradB [oC], may be nullptr
// gradO [bS, oC, oH, oW] nchw or [bS, oH, oW, oC] nhwc
// oC = iC*mC
int bS, iC, iH, iW, mC, oC, oH, oW; // batch size, input channels, input height/width, output channels, output height/width;
int indIOioC, indIiH, indWmC, indWiC, indWkH, indOoH; // corresponding indexes
ConvolutionUtils::getSizesAndIndexesConv2d(isNCHW, 0, *input, *gradO, bS, iC, iH, iW, oC, oH, oW, indIOioC, indIiH, indWiC, indWmC, indWkH, indOoH);
mC = weights->sizeAt(1);
auto handle = reinterpret_cast<cudnnHandle_t *>(context->getCuDnnHandle());
cudnnStatus_t err = cudnnSetStream(*handle, *context->getCudaStream());
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: can't set stream for cuDNN", err);
cudnnTensorFormat_t format = isNCHW ? CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW : CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC;
// input descriptor
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t x;
if(input->ews() == 1 && input->ordering() == 'c')
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(x, format, cudnnDataType(input->dataType()), bS, iC, iH, iW);
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx(x, cudnnDataType(input->dataType()), bS, iC, iH, iW, input->strideAt(0), input->strideAt(indIOioC), input->strideAt(indIiH), input->strideAt(indIiH + 1));
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor/cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx for input failed", err);
// gradO descriptor
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dz;
if(gradO->ews() == 1 && gradO->ordering() == 'c')
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(dz, format, cudnnDataType(gradO->dataType()), bS, oC, oH, oW);
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx(dz, cudnnDataType(gradO->dataType()), bS, oC, oH, oW, gradO->strideAt(0), gradO->strideAt(indIOioC), gradO->strideAt(indOoH), gradO->strideAt(indOoH + 1));
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor/cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx for gradO failed", err);
// gradI descriptor
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dx;
if(gradI->ews() == 1 && gradI->ordering() == 'c')
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(dx, format, cudnnDataType(gradI->dataType()), bS, iC, iH, iW);
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx(dx, cudnnDataType(gradI->dataType()), bS, iC, iH, iW, gradI->strideAt(0), gradI->strideAt(indIOioC), gradI->strideAt(indIiH), gradI->strideAt(indIiH + 1));
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor/cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptorEx for gradI failed", err);
// gradW descriptor
cudnnFilterDescriptor_t dw;
err = cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(dw, cudnnDataType(gradW->dataType()), CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, iC, mC, kH, kW);
if(err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor gradW failed", err);
// description of convolution
cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t conv;
err = cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(conv, pH, pW, sH, sW, dH, dW, CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION, cudnnDataType(gradO->dataType()));
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor failed", err);
err = cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount(conv, iC); // set number of groups (depthwise mode) in description of convolution, groupCount == iC
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount failed", err);
// gradW algorithm description
cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t algoGradW;
err = cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm(*handle, x, dz, conv, dw, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_PREFER_FASTEST, 0, &algoGradW);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm failed", err);
// gradI algorithm description
cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t algoGradI;
err = cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm(*handle, dw, dz, conv, x, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_PREFER_FASTEST, 0, &algoGradI);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm failed", err);
// allocate auxiliary device memory for gradW calculation, abbreviation ws means workspace
size_t wsGradWSize;
err = cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize(*handle, x, dz, conv, dw, algoGradW, &wsGradWSize);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize failed", err);
void* wsGradWData;
auto cudaErr = cudaMalloc(&wsGradWData, wsGradWSize);
if (cudaErr != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudaMalloc for auxiliary workspace memory wsGradWData failed", cudaErr);
// allocate auxiliary device memory for gradI calculation, abbreviation ws means workspace
size_t wsGradISize;
err = cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataWorkspaceSize(*handle, dw, dz, conv, dx, algoGradI, &wsGradISize);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataWorkspaceSize failed", err);
void* wsGradIData;
cudaErr = cudaMalloc(&wsGradIData, wsGradISize);
if (cudaErr != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudaMalloc for auxiliary workspace memory wsGradIData failed", cudaErr);
// provide scaling parameters
const float alpha32(1), beta32(0);
const double alpha64(1), beta64(0);
const void* alpha = gradO->sizeOfT() <= 4 ? reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha32) : reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&alpha64);
const void* beta = gradO->sizeOfT() <= 4 ? reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&beta32) : reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&beta64);
NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({gradI, gradW, gradB}, {input, weights, gradO});
// run calculation for gradB (if not nullptr)
if(gradB != nullptr) {
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t db;
// err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(db, format, cudnnDataType(gradB->dataType()), 1, isNCHW ? gradB->lengthOf() : 1, 1, isNCHW ? 1: gradB->lengthOf());
err = cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(db, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, cudnnDataType(gradB->dataType()), 1, oC, 1, 1);
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor for gradB failed", err);
err = cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias(*handle, alpha, dz, gradO->getSpecialBuffer(), beta, db, gradB->getSpecialBuffer());
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnConvolutionBackwardBias failed", err);
// run calculation for gradW
err = cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(*handle, alpha, x, input->getSpecialBuffer(), dz, gradO->getSpecialBuffer(), conv, algoGradW, wsGradWData, wsGradWSize, beta, dw, gradW->getSpecialBuffer());
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter failed", err);
// run calculation for gradI
err = cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(*handle, alpha, dw, weights->getSpecialBuffer(), dz, gradO->getSpecialBuffer(), conv, algoGradI, wsGradIData, wsGradISize, beta, dx, gradI->getSpecialBuffer());
if (err != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudnnConvolutionBackwardData failed", err);
// cudaErr = cudaStreamSynchronize(*context->getCudaStream());
// if (cudaErr != 0)
// throw cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudaStreamSynchronize failed !", cudaErr);
cudaErr = cudaFree(wsGradWData);
if (cudaErr != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudaFree for auxiliary workspace memory wsGradWData failed", cudaErr);
cudaErr = cudaFree(wsGradIData);
if (cudaErr != 0) throw sd::cuda_exception::build("depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN: cudaFree for auxiliary workspace memory wsGradIData failed", cudaErr);
NDArray::registerSpecialUse({gradI, gradW, gradB}, {input, weights, gradO});
PLATFORM_IMPL(depthwise_conv2d, ENGINE_CUDA) {
auto input = INPUT_VARIABLE(0); // [bS, iH, iW, iC] (NHWC) or [bS, iC, iH, iW] (NCHW)
auto weights = INPUT_VARIABLE(1); // [kH, kW, iC, mC], [mC, iC, kH, kW], [mC, kH, kW, iC]
auto bias = block.width() > 2 ? INPUT_VARIABLE(2) : nullptr; // [oC] = iC*mC
auto output = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0); // [bS, oH, oW, iC*mC] (NHWC) or [bS, iC*mC, oH, oW] (NCHW)
REQUIRE_TRUE(input->rankOf() == 4, 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D CUDNN OP: rank of input array must be equal to 4, but got %i instead !", input->rankOf());
REQUIRE_TRUE(weights->rankOf() == 4, 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D CUDNN OP: rank of weights array must be equal to 4, but got %i instead !", weights->rankOf());
int kH = INT_ARG(0) > 0 ? INT_ARG(0) : static_cast<int>(weights->sizeAt(0));// filter(kernel) height
int kW = INT_ARG(1) > 0 ? INT_ARG(1) : static_cast<int>(weights->sizeAt(1));// filter(kernel) width
int sH = INT_ARG(2); // strides height
int sW = INT_ARG(3); // strides width
int pH = INT_ARG(4); // paddings height
int pW = INT_ARG(5); // paddings width
int dH = INT_ARG(6); // dilations height
int dW = INT_ARG(7); // dilations width
int paddingMode = INT_ARG(8); // 0-VALID, 1-SAME
int isNCHW = block.getIArguments()->size() > 9 ? !INT_ARG(9) : 1; // INT_ARG(9): 0-NCHW, 1-NHWC
int wFormat = block.getIArguments()->size() > 10 ? INT_ARG(10) : 0; // 0 - [kH, kW, iC, mC], 1 - [mC, iC, kH, kW], 2 - [mC, kH, kW, iC]
int bS, iC, iH, iW, mC, oC, oH, oW; // batch size, input channels, input height/width, channels multiplier(oC = iC*mC), output channels, output height/width
int indIOioC, indIiH, indWmC, indWiC, indWkH, indOoH; // corresponding indexes
ConvolutionUtils::getSizesAndIndexesConv2d(isNCHW, wFormat, *input, *output, bS, iC, iH, iW, oC, oH, oW, indIOioC, indIiH, indWiC, indWmC, indWkH, indOoH);
mC = weights->sizeAt(indWmC); // channels multiplier
ConvolutionUtils::calcPadding2D(pH, pW, oH, oW, iH, iW, kH, kW, sH, sW, dH, dW, paddingMode);
std::vector<Nd4jLong> expectedWeightsShape = ConvolutionUtils::expectWeightsShape(wFormat, kH, kW, iC, mC);
REQUIRE_TRUE(weights->isSameShape(expectedWeightsShape), 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D CUDNN OP: wrong shape of weights array, expected is %s, but got %s instead !", ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(expectedWeightsShape).c_str(), ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(weights).c_str());
REQUIRE_TRUE(output->sizeAt(indIOioC) == iC*mC, 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D CUDNN OP: the output_channels must be equal to input_channels * channels_multiplier = %i !", iC*mC);
if (bias)
REQUIRE_TRUE(bias->rankOf() <= 2 && oC == bias->lengthOf(), 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D CUDNN OP: wrong shape of array with biases, expected rank, length: <=2, %i, but got %i, %i instead !", oC, bias->rankOf(), bias->lengthOf());
std::vector<int> wPermut; // cudnn support format {oC, iC/groupCount, kH, kW} only, mC = 1, oC = iC (groupCount == iC) that is {iC, mC, kH, kW} in our case
if(0 == wFormat)
wPermut = {2,3,0,1}; // kH, kW, iC, mC -> iC, mC, kH, kW
else if(1 == wFormat)
wPermut = {1,0,2,3}; // mC, iC, kH, kW -> iC, mC, kH, kW
wPermut = {3,0,1,2}; // mC, kH, kW, iC -> iC, mC, kH, kW
NDArray* newWeights = new NDArray(weights->ordering(), {iC, mC, kH, kW}, weights->dataType(), weights->getContext());
NDArray* newInput = input;
NDArray* newGradI = nullptr;
if(paddingMode == 1) // in same paddingMode cudnn doesn't support asymmetric left/right top/bottopm paddings
checkConv2dCUDNNPadAsymmetric(newInput, newGradI, iH, iW, oH, oW, kH, kW, sH, sW, pH, pW, dH, dW, isNCHW);
depthwiseConv2dCUDNN(block.launchContext(), newInput, newWeights, bias, output, kH,kW,sH,sW,pH,pW,dH,dW, paddingMode, isNCHW);
if(newInput != input)
delete newInput;
delete newWeights;
return Status::OK();
PLATFORM_CHECK(depthwise_conv2d, ENGINE_CUDA) {
auto input = INPUT_VARIABLE(0); // [bS, iH, iW, iC] (NHWC) or [bS, iC, iH, iW] (NCHW)
auto weights = INPUT_VARIABLE(1); // [kH, kW, iC, mC], [mC, iC, kH, kW], [mC, kH, kW, iC]
auto bias = block.width() > 2 ? INPUT_VARIABLE(2) : nullptr; // [oC] = iC*mC
const int paddingMode = INT_ARG(8); // 0-VALID, 1-SAME, 2-CAUSAL
const int wFormat = block.getIArguments()->size() > 10 ? INT_ARG(10) : 0; // 0 - [kH, kW, iC, mC], 1 - [mC, iC, kH, kW], 2 - [mC, kH, kW, iC]
const int mC = weights->sizeAt(0 == wFormat ? 3 : 0);
const bool badInputType = input->dataType() != DataType::DOUBLE && input->dataType() != DataType::FLOAT32 && input->dataType() != DataType::HALF;
const bool badWeightsType = weights->dataType() != DataType::DOUBLE && weights->dataType() != DataType::FLOAT32 && weights->dataType() != DataType::HALF;
const bool badBiasType = bias == nullptr ? false : (bias->dataType() != DataType::DOUBLE && bias->dataType() != DataType::FLOAT32 && bias->dataType() != DataType::HALF);
return mC == 1 && paddingMode != 2 && !badInputType && !badWeightsType && !badBiasType;
PLATFORM_IMPL(depthwise_conv2d_bp, ENGINE_CUDA) {
auto input = INPUT_VARIABLE(0); // [bS, iH, iW, iC] (NDHWC) or [bS, iC, iH, iW] (NCDHW)
auto weights = INPUT_VARIABLE(1); // [kH, kW, iC, mC], [mC, iC, kH, kW], [mC, kH, kW, iC]
auto bias = block.width() > 3 ? INPUT_VARIABLE(2) : nullptr; // [oC] = [iC*mC]
auto gradO = block.width() > 3 ? INPUT_VARIABLE(3) : INPUT_VARIABLE(2); // [bS, oH, oW, oC] (NDHWC) or [bS, oC, oH, oW] (NCDHW), epsilon_next
auto gradI = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0); // [bS, iH, iW, iC] (NDHWC) or [bS, iC, iH, iW] (NCDHW), epsilon
auto gradW = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(1); // [kH, kW, iC, mC], [mC, iC, kH, kW], [mC, kH, kW, iC]
auto gradB = block.width() > 3 ? OUTPUT_VARIABLE(2) : nullptr; // [oC]
REQUIRE_TRUE(input->rankOf() == 4, 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D_BP CUDNN OP: rank of input array must be equal to 4, but got %i instead !", input->rankOf());
REQUIRE_TRUE(weights->rankOf() == 4, 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D_BP CUDNN OP: rank of weights array must be equal to 4, but got %i instead !", weights->rankOf());
REQUIRE_TRUE(gradO->rankOf() == 4, 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D_BP CUDNN OP: rank of output gradients (next epsilon) array must be equal to 4, but got %i instead !", gradO->rankOf());
int kH = INT_ARG(0) > 0 ? INT_ARG(0) : static_cast<int>(weights->sizeAt(0));// filter(kernel) height
int kW = INT_ARG(1) > 0 ? INT_ARG(1) : static_cast<int>(weights->sizeAt(1));// filter(kernel) width
int sH = INT_ARG(2); // strides height
int sW = INT_ARG(3); // strides width
int pH = INT_ARG(4); // paddings height
int pW = INT_ARG(5); // paddings width
int dH = INT_ARG(6); // dilations height
int dW = INT_ARG(7); // dilations width
int paddingMode = INT_ARG(8); // 0-VALID, 1-SAME
int isNCHW = block.getIArguments()->size() > 9 ? !INT_ARG(9) : 1; // INT_ARG(9): 1-NHWC, 0-NCHW
int wFormat = block.getIArguments()->size() > 10 ? INT_ARG(10) : 0; // 0 - [kH, kW, iC, mC], 1 - [mC, iC, kH, kW], 2 - [mC, kH, kW, iC]
int bS, iC, iH, iW, mC, oC, oH, oW; // batch size, input channels, input height/width, channels multiplier(oC = iC*mC), output channels, output height/width
int indIOioC, indIiH, indWmC, indWiC, indWkH, indOoH; // corresponding indexes
ConvolutionUtils::getSizesAndIndexesConv2d(isNCHW, wFormat, *input, *gradO, bS, iC, iH, iW, oC, oH, oW, indIOioC, indIiH, indWiC, indWmC, indWkH, indOoH);
mC = weights->sizeAt(indWmC); // channels multiplier
int trueoH, trueoW; // correct output height, width
ConvolutionUtils::calcOutSizePool2D(trueoH, trueoW, kH, kW, sH, sW, pH, pW, dH, dW, iH, iW, paddingMode);
ConvolutionUtils::calcPadding2D(pH, pW, oH, oW, iH, iW, kH, kW, sH, sW, dH, dW, paddingMode);
std::vector<Nd4jLong> expectedGradOShape = ShapeUtils::composeShapeUsingDimsAndIdx({bS,oC,trueoH,trueoW, 0,indIOioC,indOoH,indOoH+1});
std::vector<Nd4jLong> expectedWeightsShape = ConvolutionUtils::expectWeightsShape(wFormat, kH, kW, iC, mC);
REQUIRE_TRUE(gradO->isSameShape(expectedGradOShape), 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D_BP CUDNN OP: wrong shape of output gradients (next epsilon) array, expected is %s, but got %s instead !", ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(expectedGradOShape).c_str(), ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(gradO).c_str());
REQUIRE_TRUE(weights->isSameShape(expectedWeightsShape), 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D_BP CUDNN OP: wrong shape of weights array, expected is %s, but got %s instead !", ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(expectedWeightsShape).c_str(), ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(weights).c_str());
REQUIRE_TRUE(bias->rankOf() <= 2 && oC == bias->lengthOf(), 0, "DEPTHWISECONV2D_BP CUDNN OP: wrong shape of array with biases, expected rank, length: <=2, %i, but got %i, %i instead !", oC, bias->rankOf(), bias->lengthOf());
std::vector<int> wPermut, gradWPermut; // cudnn support format {oC, iC/groupCount, kH, kW} only, mC = 1, oC = iC (groupCount == iC) that is {iC, mC, kH, kW}
if(0 == wFormat) {
wPermut = {2,3,0,1}; // kH, kW, iC, mC -> iC, mC, kH, kW
gradWPermut = {2,3,0,1}; // iC, mC, kH, kW -> kH, kW, iC, mC
else if(1 == wFormat) {
wPermut = {1,0,2,3}; // mC, iC, kH, kW -> iC, mC, kH, kW
gradWPermut = {1,0,2,3}; // iC, mC, kH, kW -> mC, iC, kH, kW
else {
wPermut = {3,0,1,2}; // mC, kH, kW, iC -> iC, mC, kH, kW
gradWPermut = {1,2,3,0}; // iC, mC, kH, kW -> mC, kH, kW, iC
NDArray* newGradW = new NDArray(gradW->ordering(), {iC, mC, kH, kW}, gradW->dataType(), gradW->getContext());
NDArray* newWeights = new NDArray(weights->ordering(), {iC, mC, kH, kW}, weights->dataType(), weights->getContext());
NDArray* newInput = input;
NDArray* newGradI = gradI;
if(paddingMode == 1) // in same paddingMode cudnn doesn't support asymmetric left/right top/bottopm paddings
checkConv2dCUDNNPadAsymmetric(newInput, newGradI, iH, iW, oH, oW, kH, kW, sH, sW, pH, pW, dH, dW, isNCHW);
depthwiseConv2dBpCUDNN(block.launchContext(), newInput, newWeights, gradO, newGradI, newGradW, gradB, kH,kW,sH,sW,pH,pW,dH,dW,paddingMode,isNCHW);
if(newInput != input) {
gradI->assign((*newGradI)({0,0, 0,0, 0,gradI->sizeAt(2), 0,gradI->sizeAt(3)}));
gradI->assign((*newGradI)({0,0, 0,gradI->sizeAt(1), 0,gradI->sizeAt(2), 0,0}));
delete newInput;
delete newGradI;
delete newWeights;
delete newGradW;
return Status::OK();
PLATFORM_CHECK(depthwise_conv2d_bp, ENGINE_CUDA) {
auto input = INPUT_VARIABLE(0); // [bS, iH, iW, iC] (NDHWC) or [bS, iC, iH, iW] (NCDHW)
auto weights = INPUT_VARIABLE(1); // [kH, kW, iC, mC], [mC, iC, kH, kW], [mC, kH, kW, iC]
auto bias = block.width() > 3 ? INPUT_VARIABLE(2) : nullptr; // [oC] = [iC*mC]
auto gradO = block.width() > 3 ? INPUT_VARIABLE(3) : INPUT_VARIABLE(2); // [bS, oH, oW, oC] (NDHWC) or [bS, oC, oH, oW] (NCDHW), epsilon_next
const int paddingMode = INT_ARG(8); // 0-VALID, 1-SAME, 2-CAUSAL
const int isNCHW = block.getIArguments()->size() > 9 ? !INT_ARG(9) : 1; // INT_ARG(9): 0-NCHW, 1-NHWC
const int wFormat = block.getIArguments()->size() > 10 ? INT_ARG(10) : 0; // 0 - [kH, kW, iC, mC], 1 - [mC, iC, kH, kW], 2 - [mC, kH, kW, iC]
const int mC = weights->sizeAt(0 == wFormat ? 3 : 0);
const bool badInputType = input->dataType() != DataType::DOUBLE && input->dataType() != DataType::FLOAT32 && input->dataType() != DataType::HALF;
const bool badWeightsType = weights->dataType() != DataType::DOUBLE && weights->dataType() != DataType::FLOAT32 && weights->dataType() != DataType::HALF;
const bool badGradOType = gradO->dataType() != DataType::DOUBLE && gradO->dataType() != DataType::FLOAT32 && gradO->dataType() != DataType::HALF;
const bool badBiasType = bias == nullptr ? false : (bias->dataType() != DataType::DOUBLE && bias->dataType() != DataType::FLOAT32 && bias->dataType() != DataType::HALF);
return mC == 1 && isNCHW && paddingMode != 2 && !badInputType && !badWeightsType && !badGradOType && !badBiasType;