/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ /* * templatemath.h * * Created on: Jan 1, 2016 * Author: agibsonccc */ #ifndef TEMPLATEMATH_H_ #define TEMPLATEMATH_H_ #include #include #include #define BFLOAT16_MAX_VALUE 32737. #define HALF_MAX_VALUE 65504. #define FLOAT_MAX_VALUE 3.4028235E38 #define DOUBLE_MAX_VALUE 1.7976931348623157E308 #define FLOAT_MIN_NORMAL 1.17549435e-38 #ifndef M_E #define M_E 2.718281828459 #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif namespace nd4j { #ifdef __CUDACC__ #endif namespace math { template math_def inline T nd4j_abs(T value); template math_def inline void nd4j_swap(T &val1, T &val2); template math_def inline T nd4j_max(T val1, T val2); template math_def inline T nd4j_min(T val1, T val2); template math_def inline bool nd4j_eq(T val1, T val2, double eps); template math_def inline Z nd4j_re(T val1, T val2); template math_def inline Z nd4j_rint(T val1); template math_def inline Z nd4j_copysign(T val1, T val2); //#ifndef __CUDACC__ template math_def inline Z nd4j_dot(X *x, Y *y, int length); //#endif template math_def inline Z nd4j_ceil(T val1); template math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(T val1); template math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(T val1); template math_def inline bool nd4j_isfin(T val1); template math_def inline Z nd4j_cos(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_cosh(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_exp(X val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_floor(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_log(X val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_pow(X val, Y val2); template math_def inline Z nd4j_round(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_remainder(X num, Y denom); template math_def inline Z nd4j_fmod(X num, Y denom); template math_def inline Z nd4j_erf(T num); template math_def inline Z nd4j_erfc(T num); template math_def inline Z nd4j_sigmoid(T val) { return (Z) 1.0f / ((Z) 1.0f + nd4j_exp(-val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_elu(T val, T alpha) { if (val >= (T) 0.f) return val; return static_cast(alpha) * (nd4j_exp(val) - static_cast(1.0f)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_leakyrelu(T val,T alpha) { if (val < (T) 0.0f) return alpha * val; else return val; } template math_def inline Z nd4j_eluderivative(T val, T alpha) { if (val >= static_cast(0.0f)) return static_cast(1.0f); return static_cast(alpha) * nd4j_exp(val); //return val >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : nd4j_exp(val); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_sin(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_sinh(T val); template math_def inline Z softplus(T val) { return nd4j_log((Z) 1.0f + nd4j_exp(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_softsign(T val) { return val / ((T) 1.0f + nd4j::math::nd4j_abs(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_sqrt(X val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_tanh(X val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_tan(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_atan2(X val1, X val2); template math_def inline Z nd4j_atan2(X val1, X val2) { return p_atan2(static_cast(val1), static_cast(val2)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_tan(T tval) { return p_tan(static_cast(tval)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_tanhderivative(T val) { Z tanh = nd4j_tanh(val); return (Z) 1.0f - tanh * tanh; } template math_def inline T nd4j_sigmoidderivative(T val) { Z sigmoid = nd4j_sigmoid(val); return sigmoid * ((Z) 1.0f - sigmoid); } template math_def inline T nd4j_softsignderivative(T val) { T y = (T) 1.0f + nd4j_abs(val); return (Z) 1.0f / (y * y); } template math_def inline T nd4j_sgn(T val) { return val < (T) 0.0f ? (Z) -1.0f : val > (T) 0.0f ? (Z) 1.0f : (Z) 0.0f; } template math_def inline Z nd4j_sign(T val) { return nd4j_sgn(val); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_signum(T val) { return nd4j_sgn(val); } //#ifndef __CUDACC__ /* template<> math_def inline float16 nd4j_dot(float16 *x, float16 *y, int length) { float16 dot = (float16) 0.0f; // TODO: since we can't use simd on unions, we might use something else here. for(int e = 0; e < length; e++) { dot += x[e] * y[e]; } return dot; } */ template math_def inline Z nd4j_dot(X *x, Y *y, int length) { Z dot = (Z)0.0f; for(int e = 0; e < length; e++) { dot += static_cast(x[e]) * static_cast(y[e]); } return dot; } //#endif template math_def inline Z nd4j_acos(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_sech(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_acosh(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_asin(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_asinh(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_asinh(T val) { //Math.log(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + 1) + x) return nd4j_log(nd4j_sqrt(nd4j_pow(val, (T) 2) + (Z) 1.f) + (Z) val); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_atan(T val); template math_def inline Z nd4j_atanh(T val); template<> math_def inline float16 nd4j_abs(float16 value) { #ifdef NATIVE_HALFS if (value < (float16) 0.f) { return float16(__hneg(value.data)); } else return value; #else return (float16) fabsf((float) value); #endif } template<> math_def inline bfloat16 nd4j_abs(bfloat16 value) { return (bfloat16) fabsf((float) value); } template<> math_def inline float nd4j_abs(float value) { return fabsf(value); } template<> math_def inline double nd4j_abs(double value) { return fabs(value); } template<> math_def inline int nd4j_abs(int value) { return abs(value); } template<> math_def inline Nd4jLong nd4j_abs(Nd4jLong value) { return llabs(value); } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_abs(bool value) { return value; } template<> math_def inline uint8_t nd4j_abs(uint8_t value) { return value; } template<> math_def inline uint16_t nd4j_abs(uint16_t value) { return value; } template<> math_def inline uint32_t nd4j_abs(uint32_t value) { return value; } template<> math_def inline Nd4jULong nd4j_abs(Nd4jULong value) { return value; } template<> math_def inline int8_t nd4j_abs(int8_t value) { return value < 0 ? -value : value; } template<> math_def inline int16_t nd4j_abs(int16_t value) { return value < 0 ? -value : value; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(float16 value) { return *(value.data.getXP()) == 0x7fffU; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(bfloat16 value) { return value == bfloat16::nan(); //0x7fffU; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(float value) { return value != value; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(double value) { return value != value; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(int value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(uint32_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(uint16_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(uint8_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(int16_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(int8_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(bool value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(Nd4jLong value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isnan(Nd4jULong value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(float16 value) { return value < (float16) -HALF_MAX_VALUE || value > (float16) HALF_MAX_VALUE; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(bfloat16 value) { return value < (bfloat16) -BFLOAT16_MAX_VALUE || value > (bfloat16) BFLOAT16_MAX_VALUE; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(float value) { #ifdef __CUDACC__ return isinf(value); #else return std::isinf(value); #endif //return value < -FLOAT_MAX_VALUE || value > FLOAT_MAX_VALUE; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(double value) { #ifdef __CUDACC__ return isinf(value); #else return std::isinf(value); #endif //return value < -DOUBLE_MAX_VALUE || value > DOUBLE_MAX_VALUE; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(int value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(uint32_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(uint16_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(uint8_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(int16_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(int8_t value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(bool value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(Nd4jLong value) { return false; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_isinf(Nd4jULong value) { return false; } template math_def inline bool nd4j_isfin(T value) { return !nd4j_isnan(value) && !nd4j_isinf(value); } template<> math_def inline float16 nd4j_copysign(float16 val1, float16 val2) { return (float16) copysignf((float) val1, (float) val2); } template<> math_def inline float nd4j_copysign(float val1, float val2) { return copysignf(val1, val2); } template<> math_def inline double nd4j_copysign(double val1, double val2) { return copysign(val1, val2); } template<> math_def inline int nd4j_copysign(int val1, int val2) { if (val2 < 0) return -(nd4j_abs(val1)); else return nd4j_abs(val1); } template<> math_def inline Nd4jLong nd4j_copysign(Nd4jLong val1, Nd4jLong val2) { if (val2 < 0) return -(nd4j_abs(val1)); else return nd4j_abs(val1); } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_max(bool val1, bool val2) { return (val1 || val2) ? true : false; } template math_def inline T nd4j_max(T val1, T val2) { return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2; } template<> math_def inline bool nd4j_min(bool val1, bool val2) { return (val1 && val2) ? true : false; } template math_def inline T nd4j_min(T val1, T val2) { return val1 < val2 ? val1 : val2; } template math_def inline bool nd4j_eq(T d1, T d2, double eps) { if (nd4j::math::nd4j_isinf(d1) && nd4j::math::nd4j_isinf(d2)) { if (d1 > 0 && d2 > 0) return true; else if (d1 < 0 && d2 < 0) return true; else return false; } auto diff = static_cast(nd4j::math::nd4j_abs(d1 - d2)); // works well except in the range of very large numbers if (diff <= eps) return true; // Knuth approach // works well except in the range of very small numbers if (diff <= nd4j::math::nd4j_max(nd4j::math::nd4j_abs(static_cast(d1)), nd4j::math::nd4j_abs(static_cast(d2))) * eps) return true; return false; } template math_def inline Z nd4j_ceil(X val) { return static_cast(p_ceil(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_round(X val) { return static_cast(p_round(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_asin(X val) { return p_asin(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_atan(X val) { return p_atan(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_atanh(X val) { return p_atanh(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_cosh(X val) { return p_cosh(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_rint(X val) { return p_rint(val); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_sinh(X val) { return p_sinh(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_acos(X val) { return p_acos(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_sech(X val) { return static_cast(1) / nd4j_cosh(val); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_acosh(X val) { return p_acosh(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_cos(X val) { return p_cos(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_exp(X val) { return p_exp(val); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_floor(X val) { return static_cast(p_floor(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_log(X val) { return static_cast(p_log(val)); } /** * This func is special case - it must return floating point value, and optionally Y arg can be floating point argument * @tparam X * @tparam Y * @tparam Z * @param val * @param val2 * @return */ template math_def inline Z nd4j_pow(X val, Y val2) { return p_pow(static_cast(val), static_cast(val2)); } template math_def inline T nd4j_re(T val1, T val2) { if (val1 == (T) 0.0f && val2 == (T) 0.0f) return (T) 0.0f; return nd4j_abs(val1 - val2) / (nd4j_abs(val1) + nd4j_abs(val2)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_remainder(X val, Y val2) { return p_remainder(static_cast(val), static_cast(val2)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_fmod(X val, Y val2) { return p_fmod(static_cast(val), static_cast(val2)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_sin(X val) { return p_sin(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_sqrt(X val) { return p_sqrt(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline X neg_tanh(X val) { X o = static_cast(1.0f); X t = static_cast(2.0f); X e = static_cast(M_E); auto p = nd4j::math::nd4j_pow(e, val * t); return (p - o)/ (p + o); } template math_def inline X pos_tanh(X val) { X o = static_cast(1.0f); X t = static_cast(-2.0f); X e = static_cast(M_E); auto p = nd4j::math::nd4j_pow(e, val * t); return (o - p) / (o + p); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_tanh(X val) { return val <= 0 ? neg_tanh(val) : pos_tanh(val); //return p_tanh(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_erf(X val) { return p_erf(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_erfc(X val) { return p_erfc(static_cast(val)); } template math_def inline void nd4j_swap(T &val1, T &val2) { T temp = val1; val1=val2; val2=temp; }; template math_def inline Z nd4j_gamma(X a) { return (Z)std::tgamma(a); } template math_def inline Z nd4j_igamma(X a, Y x) { Z aim = nd4j_pow(x, a) / (nd4j_exp(x) * nd4j_gamma(a)); auto sum = Z(0.); auto denom = Z(1.); for (int i = 0; Z(1./denom) > Z(1.0e-12); i++) { denom *= (a + i); sum += nd4j_pow(x, i) / denom; } return aim * sum; } template math_def inline Z nd4j_igammac(X a, Y x) { return Z(1.) - nd4j_igamma(a, x); } #ifdef __CUDACC__ namespace atomics { template inline __device__ T nd4j_atomicAdd(T* address, T val); template inline __device__ T nd4j_atomicSub(T* address, T val); template inline __device__ T nd4j_atomicMul(T* address, T val); template inline __device__ T nd4j_atomicDiv(T* address, T val); template inline __device__ T nd4j_atomicMin(T* address, T val); template inline __device__ T nd4j_atomicMax(T* address, T val); template <> inline __device__ int32_t nd4j_atomicMin(int32_t* address, int32_t val) { return atomicMin(address, val); } template <> inline __device__ uint32_t nd4j_atomicMin(uint32_t* address, uint32_t val) { return atomicMin(address, val); } template <> inline __device__ float nd4j_atomicMin(float* address, float val) { int* address_as_ull = (int*)address; int old = __float_as_int(val), assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __float_as_int(math::nd4j_min(val, __int_as_float(assumed)))); } while (assumed != old); return __int_as_float(old); } template <> inline __device__ double nd4j_atomicMin(double* address, double val) { unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address; unsigned long long int old = __double_as_longlong(val), assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __double_as_longlong(math::nd4j_min(val, __longlong_as_double(assumed)))); } while (assumed != old); return __longlong_as_double(old); } template <> inline __device__ uint64_t nd4j_atomicMin(uint64_t* address, uint64_t val) { #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 350 return atomicMin((unsigned long long*)address, (unsigned long long)val); #else unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address; unsigned long long int old = __double_as_longlong(val), assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, math::nd4j_min((unsigned long long)val, assumed)); } while (assumed != old); return old; #endif } template <> inline __device__ Nd4jLong nd4j_atomicMin(Nd4jLong* address, Nd4jLong val) { #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 350 return atomicMin((unsigned long long*)address, (unsigned long long)val); #else unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address; unsigned long long int old = (unsigned long long)val, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, math::nd4j_min(val, (Nd4jLong)assumed)); } while (assumed != old); return old; #endif } template <> inline __device__ int16_t nd4j_atomicMin(int16_t* address, int16_t val) { int32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMin(&temp, (int)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ bfloat16 nd4j_atomicMin(bfloat16* address, bfloat16 val) { return bfloat16(nd4j_atomicMin(&address->_data, val._data)); } template <> inline __device__ float16 nd4j_atomicMin(float16* address, float16 val) { return float16(nd4j_atomicMin(reinterpret_cast(&address->data), (int16_t)val.data)); } template <> inline __device__ int32_t nd4j_atomicMax(int32_t* address, int32_t val) { return atomicMax(address, val); } template <> inline __device__ uint32_t nd4j_atomicMax(uint32_t* address, uint32_t val) { return atomicMax(address, val); } template <> inline __device__ double nd4j_atomicMax(double* address, double val) { unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address; unsigned long long int old = __double_as_longlong(val), assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __double_as_longlong(math::nd4j_max(val, __longlong_as_double(assumed)))); } while (assumed != old); return __longlong_as_double(old); } template <> inline __device__ float nd4j_atomicMax(float* address, float val) { int* address_as_ull = (int*)address; int old = __float_as_int(val), assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __float_as_int(math::nd4j_max(val, __int_as_float(assumed)))); } while (assumed != old); return __int_as_float(old); } template <> inline __device__ uint8_t nd4j_atomicMin(uint8_t* address, uint8_t val) { uint32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMin(&temp, (uint32_t)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ int8_t nd4j_atomicMin(int8_t* address, int8_t val) { int32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMin(&temp, (int)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ uint16_t nd4j_atomicMin(uint16_t* address, uint16_t val) { uint32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMin(&temp, (uint32_t)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ uint8_t nd4j_atomicMax(uint8_t* address, uint8_t val) { uint32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMax(&temp, (uint32_t)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ int8_t nd4j_atomicMax(int8_t* address, int8_t val) { int32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMax(&temp, (int)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ uint16_t nd4j_atomicMax(uint16_t* address, uint16_t val) { uint32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMax(&temp, (uint32_t)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ int16_t nd4j_atomicMax(int16_t* address, int16_t val) { int32_t temp = *address; *address = atomicMax(&temp, (int32_t)val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ float16 nd4j_atomicMax(float16* address, float16 val) { auto address_as_ull = (int*) address; long addr = (long) address; bool misaligned = addr & 0x3; if (misaligned) address_as_ull = (int *) (address - 1); PAIR old, assumed, fresh; old.W = *address_as_ull; do { if (!misaligned) { float16 res = nd4j_max((float16) old.B.H, val); fresh.B.H = res.data; fresh.B.L = old.B.L; } else { float16 res = nd4j_max((float16) old.B.L, val); fresh.B.L = res.data; fresh.B.H = old.B.H; } assumed.W = old.W; old.W = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed.W, fresh.W); } while (assumed.W != old.W); if (!misaligned) return old.B.H; else return old.B.L; } template <> inline __device__ bfloat16 nd4j_atomicMax(bfloat16* address, bfloat16 val) { auto address_as_ull = (int*) address; long addr = (long)(address); bool misaligned = addr & 0x3; if (misaligned) address_as_ull = (int *) (address - 1); BPAIR old, assumed, fresh; old.W = *address_as_ull; do { if (!misaligned) { bfloat16 res = nd4j_max(old.B.H, val); fresh.B.H = res; fresh.B.L = old.B.L; } else { bfloat16 res = nd4j_max(old.B.L, val); fresh.B.L = res; fresh.B.H = old.B.H; } assumed.W = old.W; old.W = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed.W, fresh.W); } while (assumed.W != old.W); if (!misaligned) return old.B.H; else return old.B.L; } template <> inline __device__ uint64_t nd4j_atomicMax(uint64_t* address, uint64_t val) { #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 350 return atomicMax((unsigned long long*)address, (unsigned long long)val); #else unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*)address; unsigned long long int old = __double_as_longlong(val), assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, math::nd4j_max((unsigned long long)val, assumed)); } while (assumed != old); return old; #endif } template <> inline __device__ Nd4jLong nd4j_atomicMax(Nd4jLong* address, Nd4jLong val) { unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int *) address; //return (Nd4jLong) atomicAdd(address_as_ull, (unsigned long long int) val); unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, (unsigned long long)nd4j_max(val, (Nd4jLong)assumed)); } while (assumed != old); return old; } template <> inline __device__ double nd4j_atomicAdd(double* address, double val) { unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int *) address; unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed,__double_as_longlong(val + __longlong_as_double(assumed))); } while (assumed != old); return __longlong_as_double(old); } template <> inline __device__ Nd4jLong nd4j_atomicAdd(Nd4jLong* address, Nd4jLong val) { unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int *) address; //return (Nd4jLong) atomicAdd(address_as_ull, (unsigned long long int) val); unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, val + assumed); } while (assumed != old); return old; } template <> inline __device__ long nd4j_atomicAdd(long* address, long val) { unsigned long long* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int *) address; // return atomicAdd(address, val); unsigned long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, val + assumed); } while (assumed != old); return old; } template <> inline __device__ uint32_t nd4j_atomicAdd(uint32_t* address, uint32_t val) { return atomicAdd(address, val); } template <> inline __device__ uint64_t nd4j_atomicAdd(uint64_t* address, uint64_t val) { // unsigned long long* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int *) address; // //// return atomicAdd(address, val); // unsigned long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; // do { // assumed = old; // old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, val + assumed); // } while (assumed != old); // return old; return (uint64_t)atomicAdd((unsigned long long*)address, (unsigned long long)val); } template <> inline __device__ float16 nd4j_atomicAdd(float16* address, float16 val) { #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700 && defined(CUDA_10) atomicAdd(reinterpret_cast<__half*>(address), val.data); #else auto address_as_ull = (int*) address; long addr = (long) address; bool misaligned = addr & 0x3; if (misaligned) address_as_ull = (int *) (address - 1); PAIR old, assumed, fresh; old.W = *address_as_ull; do { if (!misaligned) { float16 res = ((float16) old.B.H) + val; fresh.B.H = res.data; fresh.B.L = old.B.L; } else { float16 res = ((float16) old.B.L) + val; fresh.B.L = res.data; fresh.B.H = old.B.H; } assumed.W = old.W; old.W = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed.W, fresh.W); } while (assumed.W != old.W); if (!misaligned) return old.B.H; else return old.B.L; #endif } template <> inline __device__ bfloat16 nd4j_atomicAdd(bfloat16* address, bfloat16 val) { auto address_as_ull = (int*) address; auto addr = (long)(address); bool misaligned = addr & 0x3; if (misaligned) address_as_ull = (int *) (address - 1); BPAIR old, assumed, fresh; old.W = *address_as_ull; do { if (!misaligned) { bfloat16 res = old.B.H + val; fresh.B.H = res; fresh.B.L = old.B.L; } else { bfloat16 res = old.B.L + val; fresh.B.L = res; fresh.B.H = old.B.H; } assumed.W = old.W; old.W = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed.W, fresh.W); } while (assumed.W != old.W); if (!misaligned) return old.B.H; else return old.B.L; } template <> inline __device__ int16_t nd4j_atomicAdd(int16_t* address, int16_t val) { return nd4j_atomicAdd((bfloat16*)address, (bfloat16)val); } template <> inline __device__ uint16_t nd4j_atomicAdd(uint16_t* address, uint16_t val) { return nd4j_atomicAdd((bfloat16*)address, (bfloat16)val); } template <> inline __device__ int8_t nd4j_atomicAdd(int8_t* address, int8_t val) { int res = *address; atomicAdd(&res, (int)val); *address = res; return *address; } template <> inline __device__ uint8_t nd4j_atomicAdd(uint8_t* address, uint8_t val) { int res = *address; atomicAdd(&res, (int)val); *address = res; return *address; } template <> inline __device__ bool nd4j_atomicAdd(bool* address, bool val) { *address += (val); return *address; } template <> inline __device__ double nd4j_atomicSub(double* address, double val) { return nd4j_atomicAdd(address, -val); } template <> inline __device__ double nd4j_atomicMul(double* address, double val) { unsigned long long int* address_as_ull = (unsigned long long int*) address; unsigned long long int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed,__double_as_longlong(val * __longlong_as_double(assumed))); } while (assumed != old); return __longlong_as_double(old); } template <> inline __device__ double nd4j_atomicDiv(double* address, double val) { return nd4j_atomicMul(address, 1./val); } template <> inline __device__ float nd4j_atomicAdd(float* address, float val) { return atomicAdd(address,val); } //template <> //inline __device__ int nd4j_atomicAdd(int* address, int val) { // return atomicAdd(address, val); //} template <> inline __device__ int32_t nd4j_atomicAdd(int32_t* address, int32_t val) { return (int32_t)atomicAdd((int*)address, (int)val); } template <> inline __device__ float nd4j_atomicSub(float* address, float val) { return nd4j_atomicAdd(address, -val); } template <> inline __device__ float16 nd4j_atomicSub(float16* address, float16 val) { return nd4j_atomicAdd(address, -val); } template <> inline __device__ bfloat16 nd4j_atomicSub(bfloat16* address, bfloat16 val) { return nd4j_atomicAdd(address, -val); } template <> inline __device__ float nd4j_atomicMul(float* address, float val) { int* address_as_ull = ( int*)address; int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __float_as_int(val * __int_as_float(assumed))); } while (assumed != old); return __int_as_float(old); } template <> inline __device__ int8_t nd4j_atomicMul(int8_t* address, int8_t val) { unsigned int *base_address = (unsigned int *)((size_t)address & ~3); unsigned int selectors[] = {0x3214, 0x3240, 0x3410, 0x4210}; unsigned int sel = selectors[(size_t)address & 3]; unsigned int old, assumed, mul, new_; old = *base_address; do { assumed = old; mul = val * (int8_t)__byte_perm(old, 0, ((size_t)address & 3) | 0x4440); new_ = __byte_perm(old, mul, sel); if (new_ == old) break; old = atomicCAS(base_address, assumed, new_); } while (assumed != old); return (int8_t)old; } template <> inline __device__ unsigned char nd4j_atomicMul(unsigned char* address, unsigned char val) { unsigned int *base_address = (unsigned int *)((size_t)address & ~3); unsigned int selectors[] = {0x3214, 0x3240, 0x3410, 0x4210}; unsigned int sel = selectors[(size_t)address & 3]; unsigned int old, assumed, mul, new_; old = *base_address; do { assumed = old; mul = val * (uint8_t)__byte_perm(old, 0, ((size_t)address & 3) | 0x4440); new_ = __byte_perm(old, mul, sel); if (new_ == old) break; old = atomicCAS(base_address, assumed, new_); } while (assumed != old); return (uint8_t)old; } template <> inline __device__ int16_t nd4j_atomicMul(int16_t* address, int16_t val) { size_t shift = ((size_t)address & 2); int *base_address = (int *)((char*)address - shift); int old = val, assumed; //printf("%u %x", *base_address); do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(base_address, assumed, (old * val)); } while (assumed != old); return (int16_t)old; } template <> inline __device__ uint16_t nd4j_atomicMul(uint16_t* address, uint16_t val) { size_t shift = ((size_t)address & 2); unsigned int *base_address = (unsigned int *)((char*)address - shift); unsigned int old = val, assumed; //printf("%u %x", *base_address); do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(base_address, assumed, (old * val)); } while (assumed != old); return (uint16_t)old; } template <> inline __device__ int nd4j_atomicMul(int* address, int val) { int* res_address = address; int old = *res_address, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(res_address, assumed, val * assumed); } while (assumed != old); return old; } template <> inline __device__ unsigned int nd4j_atomicMul(unsigned int* address, unsigned int val) { unsigned int* res_address = address; unsigned int old = *res_address, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(res_address, assumed, val * assumed); } while (assumed != old); return old; } template <> inline __device__ int64_t nd4j_atomicMul(int64_t* address, int64_t val) { unsigned long long int* res_address = (unsigned long long int*)address; unsigned long long int old = *res_address, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(res_address, assumed, val * assumed); } while (assumed != old); return (int64_t)old; } template <> inline __device__ uint64_t nd4j_atomicMul(uint64_t* address, uint64_t val) { unsigned long long int* res_address = (unsigned long long int*)address; unsigned long long int old = *res_address, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(res_address, assumed, val * assumed); } while (assumed != old); return (uint64_t)old; } //template <> //inline __device__ unsigned long long nd4j_atomicMul(unsigned long long* address, unsigned long long val) { // unsigned long long int* res_address = address; // unsigned long long int old = *res_address, assumed; // do { // assumed = old; // old = atomicCAS(res_address, assumed, val * assumed); // } while (assumed != old); // return old; //} #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) template <> inline __device__ Nd4jLong nd4j_atomicMul(Nd4jLong* address, Nd4jLong val) { unsigned long long int* res_address = (unsigned long long*)address; unsigned long long int old = *res_address, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(res_address, assumed, val * assumed); } while (assumed != old); return (Nd4jLong)old; } #endif template <> inline __device__ bfloat16 nd4j_atomicMul(bfloat16* address, bfloat16 val) { auto address_as_ull = (int*) address; long addr = (long)(address); bool misaligned = addr & 0x3; if (misaligned) address_as_ull = (int *) (address - 1); BPAIR old, assumed, fresh; old.W = *address_as_ull; do { if (!misaligned) { bfloat16 res = old.B.H * val; fresh.B.H = res; fresh.B.L = old.B.L; } else { bfloat16 res = old.B.L * val; fresh.B.L = res; fresh.B.H = old.B.H; } assumed.W = old.W; old.W = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed.W, fresh.W); } while (assumed.W != old.W); if (!misaligned) return old.B.H; else return old.B.L; } template <> inline __device__ float16 nd4j_atomicMul(float16* address, float16 val) { auto address_as_ull = (int*) address; long addr = (long)(address); bool misaligned = addr & 0x3; if (misaligned) address_as_ull = (int *) (address - 1); BPAIR old, assumed, fresh; old.W = *address_as_ull; do { if (!misaligned) { bfloat16 res = old.B.H * val; fresh.B.H = res; fresh.B.L = old.B.L; } else { bfloat16 res = old.B.L * val; fresh.B.L = res; fresh.B.H = old.B.H; } assumed.W = old.W; old.W = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed.W, fresh.W); } while (assumed.W != old.W); if (!misaligned) return old.B.H; else return old.B.L; } template <> inline __device__ float nd4j_atomicDiv(float* address, float val) { int* address_as_ull = (int*)address; int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __float_as_int(__int_as_float(assumed) / val )); } while (assumed != old); return __int_as_float(old); } template <> inline __device__ float16 nd4j_atomicDiv(float16* address, float16 val) { int* address_as_ull = (int*)address; int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __float_as_int(val * __float_as_int(assumed))); } while (assumed != old); return __int_as_float(old); } template <> inline __device__ bfloat16 nd4j_atomicDiv(bfloat16* address, bfloat16 val) { int* address_as_ull = (int*)address; int old = *address_as_ull, assumed; do { assumed = old; old = atomicCAS(address_as_ull, assumed, __float_as_int(val * __float_as_int(assumed))); } while (assumed != old); return __int_as_float(old); } } #endif } } #endif /* TEMPLATEMATH_H_ */