/* ******************************************************************************
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 *  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 *  information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//  @author raver119@gmail.com


#include <ops/declarable/BroadcastableOp.h>
#include <ops/declarable/BroadcastableBoolOp.h>
#include <ops/declarable/headers/common.h>
#include <ops/declarable/generic/helpers/BroadcastHelper.h>

namespace sd {
    namespace ops {
        // TODO: make broadcastables separate class

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Max(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_maximum)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(maximum, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(maximum_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Min(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_minimum)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(minimum, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(minimum_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Add(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_add)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(add, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(add_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Subtract(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_subtract)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(subtract, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(subtract_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Subtract(Y, X)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_reversesubtract)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(reversesubtract, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(reversesubtract_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = ReverseMod(X, Y) == Mod(Y, X)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_reversemod)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(reversemod, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(reversemod_bp, 3, 2, true, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Subtract(X, Y) * Subtract(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_squaredsubtract)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(squaredsubtract, 0, 0)
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(squaredsubtract_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Multiply(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_multiply)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(multiply, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(multiply_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Divide(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_divide)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(divide, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(divide_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Divide(X, Y) with exception, 0 if Y = 0
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_divide_no_nan)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(divide_no_nan, 0, 0);
         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Divide(Y, x)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_reversedivide)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(reversedivide, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(reversedivide_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = FloorMod(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_floormod)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(floormod, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(floormod_bp, 3, 2, true, 0, 0);

        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_mod)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(mod, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(mod_bp, 3, 2, true, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = FloorDiv(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_floordiv)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(floordiv, 0, 0)
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(floordiv_bp, 2, 1, true, 0, 0)

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Divide(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_realdiv)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(realdiv, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(realdiv_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * @tparam T
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(truncatediv, 0, 0);

         * This is one of auto-broadcastable operations. It accepts 2 operands, and operation is applied based on their shapes:
         * 1) if shapes are equal that's pairwise operation, result will have the same shape.
         * 2) if shape X is scalar and shape Y is array - result will have shape equal to Y.
         * 3) if shape X is array and shape Y is scalar - result will have shape equal to X.
         * 4) if shape X and Y are both arrays, but shapes aren't equal - result shape will be broadcast result.
         * This operation returns Z = Assign(X, Y)
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_assign)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(assign, 0, 0);
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(assign_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_meshgrid)
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(meshgrid, -1, -1, false, 0, 0);

         * This op takes 2 equally shaped arrays as input, and provides binary matrix as output.
         * Math is: _x == _y ? (T) 1.0f : (T) 0.0f;
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_equals)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_BOOL_OP(equals, 0, 0);

         * This op takes 2 equally shaped arrays as input, and provides binary matrix as output.
         * Math is: _x != _y ? (T) 1.0f : (T) 0.0f;
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_not_equals)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_BOOL_OP(not_equals, 0, 0);

         * This op takes 2 equally shaped arrays as input, and provides binary matrix as output.
         * Math is: _x <= _y ? (T) 1.0f : (T) 0.0f;
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_less_equal)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_BOOL_OP(less_equal, 0, 0);

         * This op takes 2 equally shaped arrays as input, and provides binary matrix as output.
         * Math is: _x >= _y ? (T) 1.0f : (T) 0.0f;
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_greater_equal)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_BOOL_OP(greater_equal, 0, 0);

         * This op takes 2 equally shaped arrays as input, and provides binary matrix as output.
         * Math is: _x < _y ? (T) 1.0f : (T) 0.0f;
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_less)

         * This op takes 2 equally shaped arrays as input, and provides binary matrix as output.
         * Math is: _x > _y ? (T) 1.0f : (T) 0.0f;
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_greater)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_BOOL_OP(greater, 0, 0);

        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_boolean_and)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(boolean_and, 0, 0);

        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_boolean_or)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(boolean_or, 0, 0);

        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_boolean_xor)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(boolean_xor, 0, 0);

         * This operation performs calculation of percentile of input array along given axises
         * Input - tensor with rank N > 0
         * Output - tensor with rank (N - length(axis)) or scalar if number of Integer arguments is zero
         * Float arguments:
         *   0: percentile (scalar) in range [0,100] (inclusively)
         *   1: interpolation (optional), possible values are 0-"lower", 1-"higher", 2-"nearest"(default)
         *   2: keepDims (optional), if it is non zero, then unities are kept in reduced resulting shape of output array, default is 0
         * Integer arguments - axis - the sequence of axises to calculate percentile along, if sequence is empty then calculate percentile for whole input tensor and return result as scalar
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_percentile)
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(percentile, 1, 1, false, 1, -2);

         * Special atan2 op impl for TF's args order
         * @tparam T
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_tf_atan2)
        DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(tf_atan2, 0, 0);

         * Broadcastable pow implementation
         * @tparam T
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_Pow)
        DECLARE_CUSTOM_OP(Pow_bp, 3, 2, false, 0, 0);

         * Broadcastable igamma implementation
         * igamma(a, x) = gamma(а, x) / Gamma(a) - Gamma distribution function P(a,x)
         * Gamma(a) = int from 0 to infinity { t ^ {a - 1} e^{-t}dt }
         * gamma(a, x) = int from 0 to x { t ^ {a - 1} e^{-t}dt }
         * @tparam T
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_igamma)
                DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(igamma, 0, 0);
         * Broadcastable igammac implementation
         * igammac(a, x) = Gamma(a,x)/Gamma(а) - Gamma distribution function Q(a,x)
         * Gamma(a) = int from 0 to infinity { t ^ {a - 1} e^{-t}dt }
         * Gamma(a, x) = int from x to infinity { t ^ {a - 1} e^{-t}dt }
         * @tparam T
        #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_igammac)
                DECLARE_BROADCASTABLE_OP(igammac, 0, 0);
