/******************************************************************************* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) Carl Rogers, 2011 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ //Copyright (C) 2011 Carl Rogers //Released under MIT License //license available in LICENSE file, or at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #include <system/pointercast.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <cnpy/cnpy.h> #include <types/types.h> /** * * @return */ char cnpy::BigEndianTest() { unsigned char x[] = {1,0}; short y = *(short*) x; return y == 1 ? '<' : '>'; } /** * * @param t * @return */ char cnpy::mapType(const std::type_info &t) { if(t == typeid(float) ) return 'f'; if(t == typeid(double) ) return 'f'; if(t == typeid(long double) ) return 'f'; if(t == typeid(int) ) return 'i'; if(t == typeid(char) ) return 'i'; if(t == typeid(short) ) return 'i'; if(t == typeid(long) ) return 'i'; if(t == typeid(long long) ) return 'i'; if(t == typeid(unsigned char) ) return 'u'; if(t == typeid(unsigned short) ) return 'u'; if(t == typeid(unsigned long) ) return 'u'; if(t == typeid(unsigned long long) ) return 'u'; if(t == typeid(unsigned int) ) return 'u'; if(t == typeid(bool) ) return 'b'; if(t == typeid(std::complex<float>) ) return 'c'; if(t == typeid(std::complex<double>) ) return 'c'; if(t == typeid(std::complex<long double>) ) return 'c'; else return '?'; } template <typename T> char cnpy::mapType() { if(std::is_same<float16, T>::value) return 'f'; if(std::is_same<float, T>::value) return 'f'; if(std::is_same<double, T>::value) return 'f'; if(std::is_same<long double, T>::value) return 'f'; if(std::is_same<int, T>::value) return 'i'; if(std::is_same<int8_t, T>::value) return 'i'; if(std::is_same<signed char, T>::value) return 'i'; if(std::is_same<char, T>::value) return 'i'; if(std::is_same<short, T>::value) return 'i'; if(std::is_same<long, T>::value) return 'i'; if(std::is_same<long long, T>::value) return 'i'; if(std::is_same<unsigned char, T>::value) return 'u'; if(std::is_same<unsigned short, T>::value) return 'u'; if(std::is_same<unsigned long, T>::value) return 'u'; if(std::is_same<unsigned long long, T>::value) return 'u'; if(std::is_same<unsigned int, T>::value) return 'u'; if(std::is_same<bool, T>::value) return 'b'; if(std::is_same<std::complex<float>, T>::value) return 'c'; if(std::is_same<std::complex<double>, T>::value) return 'c'; if(std::is_same<std::complex<long double>, T>::value) return 'c'; else return '?'; } sd::DataType cnpy::dataTypeFromHeader(char *data) { // indices for type & data size const int st = 10; const int ti = 22; const int si = 23; // read first char to make sure it looks like a header if (data == nullptr || data[st] != '{') throw std::runtime_error("cnpy::dataTypeFromHeader() - provided pointer doesn't look like a pointer to numpy header"); const auto t = data[ti]; const auto s = data[si]; switch (t) { case 'b': return sd::DataType::BOOL; case 'i': switch (s) { case '1': return sd::DataType::INT8; case '2': return sd::DataType::INT16; case '4': return sd::DataType::INT32; case '8': return sd::DataType::INT64; default: throw std::runtime_error("Only data sizes of [1, 2, 4, 8] are supported for Integer data types import"); } case 'f': switch (s) { case '1': return sd::DataType::FLOAT8; case '2': return sd::DataType::HALF; case '4': return sd::DataType::FLOAT32; case '8': return sd::DataType::DOUBLE; default: throw std::runtime_error("Only data sizes of [1, 2, 4, 8] are supported for Float data types import"); } case 'u': switch (s) { case '1': return sd::DataType::UINT8; case '2': return sd::DataType::UINT16; case '4': return sd::DataType::UINT32; case '8': return sd::DataType::UINT64; default: throw std::runtime_error("Only data sizes of [1, 2, 4, 8] are supported for Unsigned data types import"); } case 'c': throw std::runtime_error("Import of complex data types isn't supported yet"); default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown type marker"); } } template <typename T> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const T rhs) { //write in little endian for(char byte = 0; byte < sizeof(T); byte++) { char val = *((char*)&rhs+byte); lhs.push_back(val); } return lhs; } /** * * @param lhs * @param rhs * @return */ template<> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const std::string rhs) { lhs.insert(lhs.end(),rhs.begin(),rhs.end()); return lhs; } /** * * @param lhs * @param rhs * @return */ template<> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const char* rhs) { //write in little endian size_t len = strlen(rhs); lhs.reserve(len); for(size_t byte = 0; byte < len; byte++) { lhs.push_back(rhs[byte]); } return lhs; } /** * Load the whole file in to memory * @param path * @return */ char* cnpy::loadFile(const char *path) { char* buffer = 0; long length; FILE * f = fopen (path, "rb"); //was "rb" if (f) { fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell (f); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = (char*) malloc ((length+ 1) * sizeof(char)); // just getting rid of compiler warning Nd4jLong fps = 0; if (buffer) { fps += fread (buffer, sizeof(char), length, f); } fclose (f); } buffer[length] = '\0'; return buffer; } /** * Parse the numpy header from * the given file * based on the pointers passed in * @param fp the file to parse from * @param wordSize the size of * the individual elements * @param shape * @param ndims * @param fortranOrder */ void cnpy::parseNpyHeaderStr(std::string header, unsigned int &wordSize, unsigned int *&shape, unsigned int &ndims, bool &fortranOrder) { int loc1, loc2; //fortran order loc1 = header.find("fortran_order") + 16; fortranOrder = (header.substr(loc1,5) == "True" ? true : false); //shape loc1 = header.find("("); loc2 = header.find(")"); std::string str_shape = header.substr(loc1 + 1,loc2 - loc1 - 1); if(str_shape[str_shape.size() - 1] == ',') ndims = 1; else ndims = std::count(str_shape.begin(),str_shape.end(),',')+1; shape = new unsigned int[ndims]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { loc1 = str_shape.find(","); shape[i] = atoi(str_shape.substr(0,loc1).c_str()); str_shape = str_shape.substr(loc1 + 1); } //endian, word size, data type //byte order code | stands for not applicable. //not sure when this applies except for byte array loc1 = header.find("descr") + 9; bool littleEndian = (header[loc1] == '<' || header[loc1] == '|' ? true : false); assert(littleEndian); //char type = header[loc1+1]; //assert(type == map_type(T)); std::string str_ws = header.substr(loc1 + 2); loc2 = str_ws.find("'"); wordSize = atoi(str_ws.substr(0,loc2).c_str()); } /** * * * * * @param fp the file to open * @param wordSize the size of each element in the array * @param shape the pointer to where the shape is stored * @param ndims the number of dimensions for the array * @param fortranOrder */ void cnpy::parseNpyHeader(FILE *fp, unsigned int &wordSize, unsigned int *&shape, unsigned int &ndims, bool &fortranOrder) { char buffer[256]; size_t res = fread(buffer,sizeof(char),11,fp); if(res != 11) throw std::runtime_error("parse_npy_header: failed fread"); std::string header = fgets(buffer,256,fp); assert(header[header.size() - 1] == '\n'); cnpy::parseNpyHeaderStr(header, wordSize, shape, ndims, fortranOrder); } /** * * @param fp * @param nrecs * @param global_header_size * @param global_header_offset */ void cnpy::parseZipFooter(FILE* fp, unsigned short& nrecs, unsigned int& global_header_size, unsigned int& global_header_offset) { std::vector<char> footer(22); fseek(fp, -22, SEEK_END); size_t res = fread(&footer[0],sizeof(char),22,fp); if(res != 22) throw std::runtime_error("parse_zip_footer: failed fread"); unsigned short disk_no, disk_start, nrecs_on_disk, comment_len; disk_no = *(unsigned short*) &footer[4]; disk_start = *(unsigned short*) &footer[6]; nrecs_on_disk = *(unsigned short*) &footer[8]; nrecs = *(unsigned short*) &footer[10]; global_header_size = *(unsigned int*) &footer[12]; global_header_offset = *(unsigned int*) &footer[16]; comment_len = *(unsigned short*) &footer[20]; assert(disk_no == 0); assert(disk_start == 0); assert(nrecs_on_disk == nrecs); assert(comment_len == 0); } /** * Load the numpy array from the given file. * @param fp the file to load * @return the loaded array */ cnpy::NpyArray cnpy::loadNpyFromFile(FILE *fp) { unsigned int *shape; unsigned int ndims, wordSize; bool fortranOrder; cnpy::parseNpyHeader(fp,wordSize,shape,ndims,fortranOrder); unsigned long long size = 1; //long long so no overflow when multiplying by word_size for(unsigned int i = 0;i < ndims;i++) size *= shape[i]; cnpy::NpyArray arr; arr.wordSize = wordSize; arr.shape = std::vector<unsigned int>(shape,shape + ndims); arr.data = new char[size * wordSize]; arr.fortranOrder = fortranOrder; size_t nread = fread(arr.data,wordSize,size,fp); if(nread != size) throw std::runtime_error("load_the_npy_file: failed fread"); return arr; } /** * * @param data * @return */ cnpy::NpyArray cnpy::loadNpyFromPointer(char *data) { //move the pointer forward by 11 imitating //the seek in loading directly from a file return cnpy::loadNpyFromHeader(data); } /** * * @param data * @return */ cnpy::NpyArray cnpy::loadNpyFromHeader(char *data) { // check for magic header if (data == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("NULL pointer doesn't look like a NumPy header"); if (data[0] == (char) 0x93) { std::vector<char> exp({(char) 0x93, 'N', 'U', 'M', 'P', 'Y', (char) 0x01}); std::vector<char> hdr(data, data+7); if (hdr != exp) throw std::runtime_error("Pointer doesn't look like a NumPy header"); } else throw std::runtime_error("Pointer doesn't look like a NumPy header"); //move passed magic data += 11; unsigned int *shape; unsigned int ndims, wordSize; bool fortranOrder; cnpy::parseNpyHeaderStr(std::string(data), wordSize, shape, ndims, fortranOrder); //the "real" data starts after the \n char currChar = data[0]; int count = 0; while(currChar != '\n') { data++; currChar = data[0]; count++; } //move pass the \n data++; count++; unsigned long long size = 1; //long long so no overflow when multiplying by word_size for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) size *= shape[i]; char *cursor = data; cnpy::NpyArray arr; arr.wordSize = wordSize; arr.shape = std::vector<unsigned int>(shape,shape + ndims); delete[] shape; arr.data = cursor; arr.fortranOrder = fortranOrder; return arr; } /** * Load the numpy z archive * @param fp FILE pointer * @return the arrays */ cnpy::npz_t cnpy::npzLoad(FILE* fp){ cnpy::npz_t arrays; while(1) { std::vector<char> local_header(30); size_t headerres = fread(&local_header[0],sizeof(char),30,fp); if(headerres != 30) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); //if we've reached the global header, stop reading if(local_header[2] != 0x03 || local_header[3] != 0x04) break; //read in the variable name unsigned short name_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[26]; std::string varname(name_len,' '); size_t vname_res = fread(&varname[0],sizeof(char),name_len,fp); if(vname_res != name_len) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); //erase the lagging .npy for (int e = 0; e < 4; e++) varname.pop_back(); //read in the extra field unsigned short extra_field_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[28]; if(extra_field_len > 0) { std::vector<char> buff(extra_field_len); size_t efield_res = fread(&buff[0],sizeof(char),extra_field_len,fp); if(efield_res != extra_field_len) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); } arrays[varname] = loadNpyFromFile(fp); } return arrays; } /** * Load the numpy z archive * @param fname the fully qualified path * @return the arrays */ cnpy::npz_t cnpy::npzLoad(std::string fname) { FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"rb"); if(!fp) printf("npz_load: Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",fname.c_str()); assert(fp); cnpy::npz_t arrays; while(1) { std::vector<char> local_header(30); size_t headerres = fread(&local_header[0],sizeof(char),30,fp); if(headerres != 30) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); //if we've reached the global header, stop reading if(local_header[2] != 0x03 || local_header[3] != 0x04) break; //read in the variable name unsigned short name_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[26]; std::string varname(name_len,' '); size_t vname_res = fread(&varname[0],sizeof(char),name_len,fp); if(vname_res != name_len) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); //erase the lagging .npy for (int e = 0; e < 4; e++) varname.pop_back(); //read in the extra field unsigned short extra_field_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[28]; if(extra_field_len > 0) { std::vector<char> buff(extra_field_len); size_t efield_res = fread(&buff[0],sizeof(char),extra_field_len,fp); if(efield_res != extra_field_len) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); } arrays[varname] = loadNpyFromFile(fp); } fclose(fp); return arrays; } /** * Loads a npz (multiple numpy arrays) file * @param fname the file name * @param varname * @return */ cnpy::NpyArray cnpy::npzLoad(std::string fname, std::string varname) { FILE *fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"rb"); if(!fp) { printf("npz_load: Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",fname.c_str()); } while(1) { std::vector<char> local_header(30); size_t header_res = fread(&local_header[0],sizeof(char),30,fp); if(header_res != 30) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); //if we've reached the global header, stop reading if(local_header[2] != 0x03 || local_header[3] != 0x04) break; //read in the variable name unsigned short name_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[26]; std::string vname(name_len,' '); size_t vname_res = fread(&vname[0],sizeof(char),name_len,fp); if(vname_res != name_len) throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); //erase the lagging .npy for (int e = 0; e < 4; e++) varname.pop_back(); //read in the extra field unsigned short extra_field_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[28]; fseek(fp,extra_field_len,SEEK_CUR); //skip past the extra field if(vname == varname) { NpyArray array = cnpy::loadNpyFromFile(fp); fclose(fp); return array; } else { //skip past the data unsigned int size = *(unsigned int*) &local_header[22]; fseek(fp,size,SEEK_CUR); } } fclose(fp); printf("npz_load: Error! Variable name %s not found in %s!\n",varname.c_str(),fname.c_str()); throw std::runtime_error("Variable wasn't found in file"); } /** * Load a numpy array from the given file * @param fname the fully qualified path for the file * @return the NpArray for this file */ cnpy::NpyArray cnpy::npyLoad(std::string fname) { FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "rb"); if(!fp) { printf("npy_load: Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",fname.c_str()); } NpyArray arr = cnpy::loadNpyFromFile(fp); fclose(fp); return arr; } /** * Save the numpy array * @tparam T * @param fname the file * @param data the data for the ndarray * @param shape the shape of the ndarray * @param ndims the number of dimensions * for the ndarray * @param mode the mode for writing */ template<typename T> void cnpy::npy_save(std::string fname, const T* data, const unsigned int* shape, const unsigned int ndims, std::string mode) { FILE* fp = NULL; if(mode == "a") fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"r+b"); if(fp) { //file exists. we need to append to it. read the header, modify the array size unsigned int word_size, tmp_dims; unsigned int* tmp_shape = 0; bool fortran_order; parseNpyHeader(fp, word_size, tmp_shape, tmp_dims, fortran_order); assert(!fortran_order); if(word_size != sizeof(T)) { std::cout<<"libnpy error: " << fname<< " has word size " << word_size<<" but npy_save appending data sized " << sizeof(T) <<"\n"; assert( word_size == sizeof(T) ); } if(tmp_dims != ndims) { std::cout<<"libnpy error: npy_save attempting to append misdimensioned data to "<<fname<<"\n"; assert(tmp_dims == ndims); } for(int i = 1; i < ndims; i++) { if(shape[i] != tmp_shape[i]) { std::cout<<"libnpy error: npy_save attempting to append misshaped data to " << fname << "\n"; assert(shape[i] == tmp_shape[i]); } } tmp_shape[0] += shape[0]; fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); std::vector<char> header = createNpyHeader<T>(data,tmp_shape,ndims); fwrite(&header[0],sizeof(char),header.size(),fp); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); delete[] tmp_shape; } else { fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"wb"); std::vector<char> header = createNpyHeader<T>(data,shape,ndims); fwrite(&header[0],sizeof(char),header.size(),fp); } unsigned long long nels = 1; for(int i = 0;i < ndims;i++) nels *= shape[i]; fwrite(data,sizeof(T),nels,fp); fclose(fp); } /** * * @tparam T * @param data * @param shape * @param ndims * @return */ template<typename T> std::vector<char> cnpy::createNpyHeader(const void *vdata, const unsigned int *shape, const unsigned int ndims, unsigned int wordSize) { auto data = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(vdata); std::vector<char> dict; dict += "{'descr': '"; dict += sizeof(T) > 1 ? BigEndianTest() : '|'; dict += mapType<T>(); dict += tostring(wordSize); dict += "', 'fortran_order': False, 'shape': ("; if (ndims > 0) { dict += tostring(shape[0]); for (int i = 1; i < ndims; i++) { dict += ", "; dict += tostring(shape[i]); } if (ndims == 1) dict += ","; } // 0D case still requires close dict += "), }"; //pad with spaces so that preamble+dict is modulo 16 bytes. preamble is 10 bytes. dict needs to end with \n int remainder = 64 - (10 + dict.size()) % 64; dict.insert(dict.end(),remainder,' '); dict.back() = '\n'; std::vector<char> header; header += (char) 0x93; header += "NUMPY"; header += (char) 0x01; //major version of numpy format header += (char) 0x00; //minor version of numpy format header += (unsigned short) dict.size(); header.insert(header.end(),dict.begin(),dict.end()); return header; } BUILD_SINGLE_TEMPLATE(template ND4J_EXPORT std::vector<char> cnpy::createNpyHeader, (const void *data, const unsigned int *shape, const unsigned int ndims, unsigned int wordSize), LIBND4J_TYPES); //template ND4J_EXPORT std::vector<char> cnpy::createNpyHeader<void>(const void *data, const unsigned int *shape, const unsigned int ndims, unsigned int wordSize); template ND4J_EXPORT void cnpy::npy_save<float>(std::string fname, const float* data, const unsigned int* shape, const unsigned int ndims, std::string mode);