/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // // Created by raver119 on 15.10.2017. // #include "testlayers.h" #include <graph/Graph.h> #include <graph/Node.h> #include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h> using namespace sd; using namespace sd::graph; class ScopeTests : public testing::Test { public: }; TEST_F(ScopeTests, BasicTests_1) { Graph graph; auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {2, 2}); x->assign(0.0f); auto variableSpace = graph.getVariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); sd::ops::Scope opScope; auto scopeBody = new Node(OpType_LOGIC, 10, 1); scopeBody->setName("scopeBody"); scopeBody->setCustomOp(&opScope); graph.addNode(scopeBody); ASSERT_EQ(1, graph.totalNodes()); auto scopedB0 = new Node(OpType_SCALAR, 0, 6, {-1}, {}, {}, 1.0f); scopedB0->markInplace(true); scopedB0->setScopeInfo(1, "scopeBody"); graph.addNode(scopedB0); ASSERT_EQ(1, graph.totalNodes()); } /* TEST_F(ScopeTests, RealTests_1) { Graph graph; auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {2, 2}); x->assign(0.0f); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {2, 2}); y->assign(0.0); // auto scalar = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {1, 1}); auto scalar = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>(10.f); //scalar->p(0, 10); auto variableSpace = graph.getVariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); variableSpace->putVariable(-3, scalar); // just few ops coming before while auto nodeA = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, transform::OneMinus, 1, {-1}); auto nodeB = new Node(OpType_SCALAR, scalar::Add, 2, {1}, {}, {}, 1.0); // auto scopeCondition = new Node(OpType_LOGIC, logic::Scope, 3); scopeCondition->setName("scopeCondition"); sd::ops::Scope opScope; scopeCondition->setCustomOp(&opScope); // this is scope of the body, it'll be executed multiple times auto scopeBody = new Node(OpType_LOGIC, logic::Scope, 10); scopeBody->setName("scopeBody"); scopeBody->setCustomOp(&opScope); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// filling out condition scope //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this is Sum accumulation, which feed auto scopedA0 = new Node(OpType_REDUCE_SAME, reduce::Sum, 4, {12}); scopedA0->setScopeInfo(3, "scopeCondition"); // this op compares LT A0 result with variable `scalar` which is 10; sd::ops::lt_scalar op; auto scopedA1 = new Node(&op, 5, {4, -3}); scopedA1->setScopeInfo(3, "scopeCondition"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// filling out body scope //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// auto scopedB0 = new Node(OpType_SCALAR, scalar::Add, 6, {12}, {}, {}, 1.0f); scopedB0->markInplace(false); scopedB0->setScopeInfo(10, "scopeBody"); auto nodeReturn = new Node(OpType_LOGIC, logic::Return, 7, {6}, {12}); sd::ops::Return opReturn; nodeReturn->setCustomOp(&opReturn); nodeReturn->setScopeInfo(10, "scopeBody"); // WHILE operations takes 2 scopes - :0 is condition scope, and :1 is loop body scope auto nodeWhile = new Node(OpType_LOGIC, logic::While, 12, {-2, 3, 10}); sd::ops::While opWhile; nodeWhile->setCustomOp(&opWhile); // adding root nodes first, nothing unusual expected here graph.addNode(nodeA); graph.addNode(nodeB); // now we're registering our scopes graph.addNode(scopeCondition); graph.addNode(scopeBody); // at this moment graph should have 4 (four) nodes registered ASSERT_EQ(4, graph.totalNodes()); // adding node that's attached to some scope. so it should be pushed to specific scope graph.addNode(scopedA0); // we should still have 4 ops in graph, because node added above - goes directly into the scope // thus falls out of the graph direct execution - it can be executed only via Scope ASSERT_EQ(4, graph.totalNodes()); graph.addNode(scopedA1); graph.addNode(scopedB0); graph.addNode(nodeReturn); // should be still 4. no options here. ASSERT_EQ(4, graph.totalNodes()); // WHILE is valid node, so we expect nodes counter to go up graph.addNode(nodeWhile); ASSERT_EQ(5, graph.totalNodes()); // now, let's try to execute graph Nd4jStatus status = GraphExecutioner::execute(&graph); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); auto w = variableSpace->getVariable(12, 0)->getNDArray(); w->printShapeInfo("w shape"); ASSERT_NEAR(12.f, w->sumNumber().e<float>(0), 1e-5f); } */