Eclipse Deeplearning4J: Neural Networks for Java/JVM

## Using Eclipse Deeplearning4j

To get started using Deeplearning4j, please go to our [Quickstart]( You'll need to be familiar with a Java automated build tool such as Maven and an IDE such as IntelliJ.

## Main Features
- Versatile n-dimensional array class
- GPU integration (supports devices starting from Kepler, cc3.0. You can check your device's compute compatibility [here](

## Modules
- datavec = Library for converting images, text and CSV data into format suitable for Deep Learning
- nn = core neural net structures MultiLayer Network and Computation graph for designing Neural Net structures
- core = additional functionality building on deeplearning4j-nn
- modelimport = functionality to import models from Keras
- nlp = natural language processing components including vectorizers, models, sample datasets and renderers
- scaleout = integrations
    - spark = integration with Apache Spark versions 1.3 to 1.6 (Spark 2.0 coming soon)
    - parallel-wraper = Single machine model parallelism (for multi-GPU systems, etc)
    - aws = loading data to and from aws resources EC2 and S3
- ui = provides visual interfaces for tuning models. [Details here](

## Documentation
Documentation is available at []( and [JavaDocs]( Open-source contributors can help us improve our documentation for Deeplearning4j by sending pull requests for the DL4J website [here](

## Support

. Github issues should focus on bug reports and feature requests.
Please join the community on [Gitter](, where we field questions about how to install the software and work with neural nets. For support from Skymind, please see our [contact page](

## Installation

To install Deeplearning4J, see our [Quickstart]( and below. More information can be found on the [ND4J web site]( as well as [here](

#### Use Maven Central Repository

Search Maven Central for [deeplearning4j]( to get a list of dependencies. 

Add the dependency information to your `pom.xml` file. **We highly recommend downloading via Maven unless you plan to help us develop DL4J.** An easy way to get up-to-date dependencies is to use the ones listed in our [dl4j-examples POM](

#### Yum Install / Load RPM (Fedora or CentOS)
Create a yum repo and run yum install to load the Red Hat Package Management (RPM) files. First create the repo file to setup the configuration locally.

    $ sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/dl4j.repo

Add the following to the `dl4j.repo` file:



Then run the following command on the dl4j repo packages to install them on your machine:

    $ sudo yum install [package name] -y
    $ sudo yum install DL4J-Distro -y

Note, be sure to install the ND4J modules you need first, especially the backend and then install DataVec and DL4J.

## Contribute

1. Check for [open issues]( or open a fresh one to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
2. If you feel uncomfortable or uncertain about an issue or your changes, don't hesitate to contact us on Gitter using the link above.
3. Fork [the repository](
   on GitHub to start making your changes (branch off of the master branch).
4. Write a test that shows the bug was fixed or the feature works as expected.
5. Note the repository follows
   the [Google Java style](
   with two modifications: 120-char column wrap and 4-spaces indentation. You
   can format your code to this format by typing `mvn formatter:format` in the
   subproject you work on, by using the `contrib/formatter.xml` at the root of
   the repository to configure the Eclipse formatter, or by [using the Intellij
6. Send a pull request and bug us on Gitter until it gets merged and published. :)
7. Add technical documentation on the [Deeplearning4j website]( and fix any typos you see.