 * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// @author Yurii Shyrma, created on 25.02.2018

#include <helpers/ShapeUtils.h>
#include <OmpLaunchHelper.h>
#include <execution/Threads.h>

namespace nd4j 	  {
namespace ops 	  {
namespace helpers {

template <typename T>
static void batchnorm_(const NDArray* input, const NDArray* mean, const NDArray* variance, const NDArray* gamma, const NDArray* beta, NDArray* output, const std::vector<int>& axes, const double epsilon) {

    // formula: output = gamma * ((input - mean) / sqrt(variance + epsilon)) + beta

    NDArray sigmaInvGam(mean);  // do not copy mean's buffer, take only its shapeInfo
    T eps = epsilon;

    if(gamma != nullptr) {
        auto lambda = LAMBDA_TT(x, y, eps) {return x / nd4j::math::nd4j_sqrt<T, T>(y + eps);};
        const_cast<NDArray*>(gamma)->applyPairwiseLambda<T>(variance, lambda, &sigmaInvGam);
    else {
        auto lambda = LAMBDA_T(x, eps) { return 1. / nd4j::math::nd4j_sqrt<T, T>(x + eps); };
        const_cast<NDArray*>(variance)->applyLambda<T>(lambda, &sigmaInvGam);

    // auto sigmaInvGam = (*variance + epsilon).transform(transform::RSqrt);   //  sigmaInvGam = 1 / sqrt(variance + epsilon)
    // if(gamma != nullptr) sigmaInvGam *= *gamma;

    const T* sigmaBuff = sigmaInvGam.bufferAsT<T>();
    const T* meanBuff  = mean->bufferAsT<T>();
    const T* inBuff    = input->bufferAsT<T>();
          T* outBuff   = output->bufferAsT<T>();

    const Nd4jLong  lenBig        = input->lengthOf();
    const Nd4jLong  lenSmall      = mean->lengthOf();
    const Nd4jLong* inShapeInfo   = input->getShapeInfo();
    const Nd4jLong* meanShapeInfo = mean->getShapeInfo();

    uint inShapeInfoCast[MAX_RANK];
    uint meanShapeInfoCast[MAX_RANK];
    bool canCastIn   = nd4j::DataTypeUtils::castShapeInfo(inShapeInfo, inShapeInfoCast);
    bool canCastMean = nd4j::DataTypeUtils::castShapeInfo(meanShapeInfo, meanShapeInfoCast);

    const Nd4jLong step = lenBig / lenSmall;
    std::vector<int> dimsToExclude = ShapeUtils::evalDimsToExclude(input->rankOf(), axes);

    OmpLaunchHelper info(lenBig, lenSmall);

    if(beta != nullptr) {
        const T* betaBuff  = beta->bufferAsT<T>();
        auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_DO {
            const auto threadNum = thread_id;
            Nd4jLong* inOffsets = new Nd4jLong[step];
            Nd4jLong* memBuff = new Nd4jLong[2 * inShapeInfo[0]];

            for (int j = 0; j < lenSmall; ++j) {

                const bool isOwner = j < info._numThreads ? threadNum == j : threadNum == j % info._numThreads;
                if (!isOwner) continue;

                const Nd4jLong start = j * step;
                const Nd4jLong end   = start + step;

                // calculate offset for mean, variance, gamma, beta (all of them have the same shape)
                auto offsetSmall = shape::indexOffset(j, meanShapeInfo, meanShapeInfoCast, canCastMean);
                // calculate offset for input and output (all of them have the same shape)
                shape::outerArrayOffsets(inOffsets, j, inShapeInfo, meanShapeInfo, memBuff, dimsToExclude.data());

                for (Nd4jLong i = 0; i < step; ++i) {
                    auto offsetBig = inOffsets[i];
                    outBuff[offsetBig] = (inBuff[offsetBig] - meanBuff[offsetSmall]) * sigmaBuff[offsetSmall] + betaBuff[offsetSmall];
            delete []inOffsets;
            delete []memBuff;

        samediff::Threads::parallel_do(func, info._numThreads);
    else {
        auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_DO {
            const auto threadNum = thread_id;
            Nd4jLong* inOffsets = new Nd4jLong[step];
            Nd4jLong* memBuff = new Nd4jLong[2 * inShapeInfo[0]];

            for (int j = 0; j < lenSmall; ++j) {
                const bool isOwner = j < info._numThreads ? threadNum == j : threadNum == j % info._numThreads;
                if (!isOwner) continue;

                const Nd4jLong start = j * step;
                const Nd4jLong end   = start + step;

                // calculate offset for mean, variance, gamma, beta (all of them have the same shape)
                auto offsetSmall = shape::indexOffset(j, meanShapeInfo, meanShapeInfoCast, canCastMean);
                // calculate offset for input and output (all of them have the same shape)
                shape::outerArrayOffsets(inOffsets, j, inShapeInfo, meanShapeInfo, memBuff, dimsToExclude.data());

                for (Nd4jLong i = 0; i < step; ++i) {
                    auto offsetBig = inOffsets[i];
                    outBuff[offsetBig] = (inBuff[offsetBig] - meanBuff[offsetSmall]) * sigmaBuff[offsetSmall];
            delete []inOffsets;
            delete []memBuff;

        samediff::Threads::parallel_do(func, info._numThreads);

void batchnorm(const NDArray* input, const NDArray* mean, const NDArray* variance, const NDArray* gamma, const NDArray* beta, NDArray* output, const std::vector<int>& axes, const double epsilon) {

    BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(input->dataType(), batchnorm_, (input, mean, variance, gamma, beta, output, axes, epsilon), FLOAT_TYPES);

BUILD_SINGLE_TEMPLATE(template void batchnorm_, (const NDArray* input, const NDArray* mean, const NDArray* variance, const NDArray* gamma, const NDArray* beta, NDArray* output, const std::vector<int>& axes, const double epsilon), FLOAT_TYPES);
