--- title: Tokenization short_title: Tokenization description: Breaking text into individual words for language processing in DL4J. category: Language Processing weight: 10 --- ## What is Tokenization? Tokenization is the process of breaking text down into individual words. Word windows are also composed of tokens. [Word2Vec](./word2vec.html) can output text windows that comprise training examples for input into neural nets, as seen here. ## Example Here's an example of tokenization done with DL4J tools: //tokenization with lemmatization,part of speech taggin,sentence segmentation TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory = new UimaTokenizerFactory(); Tokenizer tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.tokenize("mystring"); //iterate over the tokens while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); } //get the whole list of tokens List<String> tokens = tokenizer.getTokens(); The above snippet creates a tokenizer capable of stemming. In Word2Vec, that's the recommended a way of creating a vocabulary, because it averts various vocabulary quirks, such as the singular and plural of the same noun being counted as two different words.