// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify /** * @const * @namespace */ var nd4j = nd4j || {}; /** * @const * @namespace */ nd4j.graph = nd4j.graph || {}; /** * @enum */ nd4j.graph.VarType = { VARIABLE: 0, CONSTANT: 1, ARRAY: 2, PLACEHOLDER: 3 }; /** * @constructor */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable = function() { /** * @type {flatbuffers.ByteBuffer} */ this.bb = null; /** * @type {number} */ this.bb_pos = 0; }; /** * @param {number} i * @param {flatbuffers.ByteBuffer} bb * @returns {nd4j.graph.FlatVariable} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.__init = function(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.ByteBuffer} bb * @param {nd4j.graph.FlatVariable=} obj * @returns {nd4j.graph.FlatVariable} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.getRootAsFlatVariable = function(bb, obj) { return (obj || new nd4j.graph.FlatVariable).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); }; /** * @param {nd4j.graph.IntPair=} obj * @returns {nd4j.graph.IntPair|null} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.id = function(obj) { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? (obj || new nd4j.graph.IntPair).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Encoding=} optionalEncoding * @returns {string|Uint8Array|null} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.name = function(optionalEncoding) { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null; }; /** * @returns {nd4j.graph.DType} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.dtype = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? /** @type {nd4j.graph.DType} */ (this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : nd4j.graph.DType.INHERIT; }; /** * @param {number} index * @returns {flatbuffers.Long} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.shape = function(index) { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); }; /** * @returns {number} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.shapeLength = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; }; /** * @param {nd4j.graph.FlatArray=} obj * @returns {nd4j.graph.FlatArray|null} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.ndarray = function(obj) { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return offset ? (obj || new nd4j.graph.FlatArray).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; }; /** * @returns {number} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.device = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; }; /** * @returns {nd4j.graph.VarType} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.variabletype = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); return offset ? /** @type {nd4j.graph.VarType} */ (this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : nd4j.graph.VarType.VARIABLE; }; /** * @param {number} index * @param {flatbuffers.Encoding=} optionalEncoding * @returns {string|Uint8Array} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.controlDeps = function(index, optionalEncoding) { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 18); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4, optionalEncoding) : null; }; /** * @returns {number} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.controlDepsLength = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 18); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; }; /** * @param {number} index * @param {flatbuffers.Encoding=} optionalEncoding * @returns {string|Uint8Array} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.controlDepForOp = function(index, optionalEncoding) { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 20); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4, optionalEncoding) : null; }; /** * @returns {number} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.controlDepForOpLength = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 20); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; }; /** * @param {number} index * @param {flatbuffers.Encoding=} optionalEncoding * @returns {string|Uint8Array} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.controlDepsForVar = function(index, optionalEncoding) { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 22); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4, optionalEncoding) : null; }; /** * @returns {number} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.prototype.controlDepsForVarLength = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 22); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.startFlatVariable = function(builder) { builder.startObject(10); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} idOffset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addId = function(builder, idOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(0, idOffset, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} nameOffset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addName = function(builder, nameOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(1, nameOffset, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {nd4j.graph.DType} dtype */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addDtype = function(builder, dtype) { builder.addFieldInt8(2, dtype, nd4j.graph.DType.INHERIT); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} shapeOffset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addShape = function(builder, shapeOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(3, shapeOffset, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {Array.<flatbuffers.Long>} data * @returns {flatbuffers.Offset} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.createShapeVector = function(builder, data) { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt64(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {number} numElems */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.startShapeVector = function(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} ndarrayOffset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addNdarray = function(builder, ndarrayOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(4, ndarrayOffset, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {number} device */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addDevice = function(builder, device) { builder.addFieldInt32(5, device, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {nd4j.graph.VarType} variabletype */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addVariabletype = function(builder, variabletype) { builder.addFieldInt8(6, variabletype, nd4j.graph.VarType.VARIABLE); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} controlDepsOffset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addControlDeps = function(builder, controlDepsOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(7, controlDepsOffset, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {Array.<flatbuffers.Offset>} data * @returns {flatbuffers.Offset} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.createControlDepsVector = function(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {number} numElems */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.startControlDepsVector = function(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} controlDepForOpOffset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addControlDepForOp = function(builder, controlDepForOpOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(8, controlDepForOpOffset, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {Array.<flatbuffers.Offset>} data * @returns {flatbuffers.Offset} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.createControlDepForOpVector = function(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {number} numElems */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.startControlDepForOpVector = function(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} controlDepsForVarOffset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.addControlDepsForVar = function(builder, controlDepsForVarOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(9, controlDepsForVarOffset, 0); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {Array.<flatbuffers.Offset>} data * @returns {flatbuffers.Offset} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.createControlDepsForVarVector = function(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {number} numElems */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.startControlDepsForVarVector = function(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @returns {flatbuffers.Offset} */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.endFlatVariable = function(builder) { var offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} offset */ nd4j.graph.FlatVariable.finishFlatVariableBuffer = function(builder, offset) { builder.finish(offset); }; // Exports for Node.js and RequireJS this.nd4j = nd4j;