''' @author : Abdelrauf rauf@konduit.ai ''' # /* ****************************************************************************** # * # * # * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the # * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at # * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # * # * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional # * information regarding copyright ownership. # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # * under the License. # * # * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ******************************************************************************/ import argparse import sys import re import os import subprocess import fnmatch import json import gzip import argparse try: from bigGzipJson import json_gzip_extract_objects except ImportError: pass from pathlib import Path from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager ,cpu_count import traceback import html # compiler_name :[ (check_operation, version, name_entry), ..] # positions playes role as checking will stop if it finds non empty entry STDIN_COMPILER_ENTRY = { 'gcc' : [('<','9','gcc_old')], 'g++' : [('<','9','gcc_old'), ('t','_','')],'nc++' :[('t','_', 'ncxx')] } # FSAVE_SUPPORT compiler_name : (check_operation, version ) True or False # if you want to make it false for all just put 'f' and 't' for true case FSAVE_SUPPORT = { 'gcc' : ('>=','9'), 'g++' : ('>=','9'), 'nc++' : ('f','_')} stdin_parser = None HAS_FSAVE = False FALLBACK_TO_FSAVE_FILES = True FSAVE_INVERTED_INDEX = False number_replace = re.compile(r"(\d+)?\.?(\d+)?_?\d+\.?(\d+)?") cmake_build_progress = re.compile(r"\s{0,4}\[\s{0,2}\d+\%\]") internal_match = 'deeplearning4j'+os.path.sep+'libnd4j'+os.path.sep internal_match_replace = "./" BASE_URL = '' FSAVE_IGNORE_EXTERNALS = True FSAVE_SHOW_SUCCESSFULS = True def general_stdin_parser(std_success_msg, std_fail_msg , std_line_regex_str): ''' General Parser from success and error message and line regex extractor Parameters: std_line_regex_str: it should match group(1) to file, group(2) to line_number and group(3) to message ''' matcher = re.compile(std_line_regex_str) def local_parser(line, helper_storage): #for generic we will parsing stdin input line by line #so we dont need any storage parse_info = ParseInfo() x = matcher.match(line) parse_info.external_source = True if x: #print(line) file_name =x.group(1).strip() ppos = file_name.find(internal_match) if ppos>=0: file_name = internal_match_replace + file_name[ppos+len(internal_match):] parse_info.external_source = False parse_info.line_pos = int(x.group(2)) msg = x.group(3).lower().strip() parse_info.file_name = file_name if std_fail_msg in msg: msg = number_replace.sub("_numb",msg.replace(std_fail_msg,"fail:")) parse_info.msg = msg.strip() parse_info.miss = 1 parse_info.success = 0 #print(parse_info.__dict__) return parse_info elif std_success_msg in msg: parse_info.msg = msg.strip() parse_info.miss = 0 parse_info.success = 1 #print(parse_info.__dict__) return parse_info return None return local_parser # entry: parser list for compilers that can parse compilers output and return Parse_info # the signature of the parser function is `Parse_info parser_function_name_(line, helper_storage)` # Please note that Parse_info members should be the same as we defined in `general_stdin_parser local_parser` # the line is a compiler output. helper_storage is a dict and can be used as a state storage # to parse multi-line and et cetera, as parser called for each line. STDIN_PARSERS = { 'gcc_old' : general_stdin_parser('loop vectorized', 'note: not vectorized:', r"[^/]*([^:]+)\:(\d+)\:\d+\:(.*)" ), 'ncxx' : general_stdin_parser("vectorized loop", "unvectorized loop", r'[^/]+([^,]+)\,\s*line\s*(\d+)\:(.*)') } def version_check( version1, version2, op='>='): op_list = {"<": (lambda x,y: x": (lambda x,y: x>y), ">=": (lambda x,y: x>=y), 'f': (lambda x,y: False),'t': (lambda x,y: True) } return op_list[op](version1.split('.'),version2.split('.')) def init_global_options(args): global stdin_parser global HAS_FSAVE global BASE_URL global FSAVE_INVERTED_INDEX FSAVE_INVERTED_INDEX = args.inverted_index BASE_URL = args.base_url if BASE_URL.endswith("/")==False: BASE_URL = BASE_URL + "/" entry_name = '' if args.compiler in STDIN_COMPILER_ENTRY: for x in STDIN_COMPILER_ENTRY[args.compiler]: ret = version_check(args.compiler_version,x[1],x[0]) if ret == True: entry_name = x[2] break if len(entry_name)>0: stdin_parser = STDIN_PARSERS[entry_name] if args.compiler in FSAVE_SUPPORT: x = FSAVE_SUPPORT[args.compiler] HAS_FSAVE = version_check(args.compiler_version,x[1],x[0]) class info: def __repr__(self): return str(self.__dict__) def get_cxx_filt_result(strx): if len(strx)<1: return "" res = subprocess.Popen(["c++filt","-i", strx], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] res =res.decode('utf-8') #replace some long names to reduce size res = res.replace("unsigned long long", "uLL") res = res.replace("unsigned long int","uL") res = res.replace("unsigned long", "uL") res = res.replace("unsigned int", "ui") res = res.replace("unsigned char", "uchar") res = res.replace("unsigned short", "ushort") res = res.replace("long long", "LL") res = res.replace(", ",",") return res.strip() def internal_glob(dir, match): listx = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, match): listx.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return listx def get_obj_json_gz(filename): with gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'r') as f: return json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))[-1] class ParseInfo: pass class File_Info: ''' Holds information about vectorized and miss vectorized lines for one file ''' def __init__(self): self.infos = {} self.total_opted =0 self.total_missed = 0 self.external = False def add_line(self, line_pos): if line_pos not in self.infos: v = info() v.optimized = 0 v.missed = 0 v.miss_details = set() self.infos[line_pos] = v return v else: return self.infos[line_pos] def add_line_fsave(self, line_pos): if line_pos not in self.infos: v = info() v.optimized = 0 v.missed = 0 v.miss_details2 = dict() self.infos[line_pos] = v return v else: return self.infos[line_pos] def add_fsave(self, line_pos,success, msg, function ,inline_fns=''): v = self.add_line_fsave(line_pos) if success and "loop vectorized" in msg: v.optimized +=1 self.total_opted +=1 if FSAVE_SHOW_SUCCESSFULS==True: if "success" in v.miss_details2: ls = v.miss_details2.get("success") ls.add(function) else: ls =set() v.miss_details2["success"]=ls ls.add(function) elif success==False and "not vectorized:" in msg: #reduce this msg msg = msg.replace("not vectorized:","").strip() v.missed +=1 self.total_missed +=1 msg = sys.intern(msg) if msg in v.miss_details2: ls = v.miss_details2.get(msg) ls.add(function) else: ls =set() v.miss_details2[msg]=ls ls.add(function) return self def add(self, line_pos, msg, success, missed): v = self.add_line(line_pos) if msg is not None: v.optimized += success v.missed += missed self.total_opted += success self.total_missed += missed if msg is not None: v.miss_details.add(msg) return self def __repr__(self): return str(self.__dict__) def process_gzip_json_mp(args): process_gzip_json_new(*args) def process_gzip_json_new(json_gz_fname,list_Queue): gz_name = Path(json_gz_fname).stem #print("::--open and process {0}".format(gz_name)) queue_count = len(list_Queue) #print(queue_count) q = list_Queue[0] old_fname = '' total_c = 0 for x in json_gzip_extract_objects(json_gz_fname,'message','vectorized'): external_source = True if len(x['message'])>0 and 'location' in x: line = int(x['location']['line']) file_name = x['location']['file'].strip() ppos = file_name.find(internal_match) if ppos>=0: file_name = internal_match_replace + file_name[ppos+len(internal_match):] external_source = False msg = x['message'][0] success = x['kind'] == 'success' func = '' if 'function' not in x else x['function'] if file_name!=old_fname: #send our info to the right consumer queue_ind = hash(file_name) % queue_count #print("quen index {0}".format(queue_ind)) q =list_Queue[queue_ind] old_fname = file_name total_c +=1 #print("pp {0} {1}".format(q,(file_name,line,success, msg, func,external_source ))) if FSAVE_IGNORE_EXTERNALS==True and external_source == True: continue q.put((file_name,line,success, msg, func,external_source )) print("::finished {0:60s} :{1:8d}".format(gz_name,total_c)) def consume_processed_mp(args): return consume_processed_new(*args) def consume_processed_new(list_Queue , c_index): info_ = dict() func_list = dict() last_func_index = 0 q = list_Queue[c_index] print("::consumer {0}".format(c_index)) total_c = 0 r_c = 0 while True: #print("try to get new from {0}".format(index)) obj = q.get() #print("cc {0} {1}".format(q,obj)) if obj==None: break #we received the end file_name,line,success, msg, func, external_source = obj try: #get function index func_index = -1 if func in func_list: func_index = func_list[func] else: func_list[func] = last_func_index func_index = last_func_index last_func_index +=1 if file_name in info_: info_[file_name].add_fsave(line, success, msg, func_index) else: info_[file_name] = File_Info().add_fsave(line, success, msg, func_index) info_[file_name].external = external_source total_c +=1 if total_c - r_c >10000: r_c = total_c print("::consumer {0:2d} :{1:10d}".format(c_index,total_c)) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) break print("::consumer {0:2d} :{1:10d}".format(c_index,total_c)) #write to temp file wr_fname= "vecmiss_fsave{0}.html".format(str(c_index) if len(list_Queue)>1 else '') print("generate report for consumer {0} {1}".format(c_index,len(info_))) try: uniq_ind = str(c_index)+'_' if len(list_Queue)>1 else '' wr = generate_report(wr_fname,info_ ,only_body = False, unique_id_prefix = uniq_ind,fsave_format = True, function_list= func_list) print(" consumer {0} saved output into {1}".format(c_index, wr)) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) def obtain_info_from(input_): info_ = dict() parser_storage = dict() #can be used for parsing multi-lines if HAS_FSAVE ==True or stdin_parser is None: #just print progress for line in input_: if cmake_build_progress.match(line): #actually we redirect only, stderr so this should not happen print("__"+line.strip()) elif "error" in line or "Error" in line: print("****"+line.strip()) return info_ for line in input_: x = stdin_parser(line, parser_storage) if x is not None: if x.file_name in info_: #ignore col_number info_[x.file_name].add(x.line_pos, x.msg, x.success, x.miss) info_[x.file_name].external = x.external_source else: info_[x.file_name] = File_Info().add(x.line_pos, x.msg, x.success, x.miss) info_[x.file_name].external = x.external_source elif cmake_build_progress.match(line): #actually we redirect only, stderr so this should not happen print("__"+line.strip()) elif "error" in line or "Error" in line: print("****"+line.strip()) return info_ def custom_style(fsave): st = '''''' def header(fsave=False): strx ='\n\n\n\nAuto-Vectorization\n' strx +=''.format(BASE_URL) strx +=custom_style(fsave) strx +='\n\n\n' return strx def footer(): return '\n' def get_compressed_indices_list(set_a): new_list = sorted(list(set_a)) for i in range(len(new_list)-1,0,-1): new_list[i] = new_list[i] - new_list[i-1] return new_list def get_compressed_indices(set_a): a_len = len(set_a) if a_len<=1: if a_len<1: return '' return str(set_a)[1:-1] #we sorted and only saved difference # 1,14,15,19 --> 1,13,1,4 10bytes=>8bytes list_sorted = sorted(list(set_a)) last = list_sorted[0] str_x = str(list_sorted[0]) for i in range(1,a_len): str_x += ','+str(list_sorted[i]-last) last = list_sorted[i] return str_x def get_content(k, v, unique_id_prefix = '', fsave_format=False): inner_str='' content = '' inc_id = 0 for fk,fv in sorted(v.infos.items()): if fsave_format==True: inner_str+='