 * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 // @author George A. Shulinok <sgazeos@gmail.com>, created on 4/18/2019.

#include <system/op_boilerplate.h>
#if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_barnes_symmetrized)

#include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h>
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/BarnesHutTsne.h>

namespace sd {
    namespace ops {
        NDArray* rowCountsPtr = nullptr;

        CUSTOM_OP_IMPL(barnes_symmetrized, 3, 3, false, 0, -1) {
            auto rowP = INPUT_VARIABLE(0);
            auto colP = INPUT_VARIABLE(1);
            auto valP = INPUT_VARIABLE(2);
            auto N = rowP->lengthOf() - 1;
            auto outputRows = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0);
            auto outputCols = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(1);
            auto outputVals = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(2);

            if (block.getIArguments()->size() > 0)
                N = INT_ARG(0);

            if (rowCountsPtr) {
                helpers::barnes_symmetrize(rowP, colP, valP, N, outputRows, outputCols, outputVals, rowCountsPtr);
                delete rowCountsPtr;
                return Status::OK();
            return Status::THROW("barnes_symmetrized: Cannot loop due wrong input data.");

        DECLARE_TYPES(barnes_symmetrized) {
                ->setAllowedInputTypes(0, { DataType::INT32 })
                ->setAllowedInputTypes(1, { DataType::INT32 })
                ->setAllowedInputTypes(2, { ALL_INTS, ALL_FLOATS })
                ->setAllowedOutputTypes(1, { DataType::INT32 })
                ->setAllowedOutputTypes(1, { DataType::INT32 })
                ->setAllowedOutputTypes(2, { ALL_INTS, ALL_FLOATS })

        DECLARE_SHAPE_FN(barnes_symmetrized) {
            auto valPShapeInfo = inputShape->at(2);
            Nd4jLong* outShapeInfo;
            auto rowP = INPUT_VARIABLE(0);
            auto colP = INPUT_VARIABLE(1);
            auto N = rowP->lengthOf() - 1;
            if (block.getIArguments()->size() > 0)
                N = INT_ARG(0);
            auto dataType = rowP->dataType(); //ArrayOptions::dataType(inputShape->at(0));
            NDArray* rowCounts = NDArrayFactory::create_<int>('c', { N }, block.launchContext()); //rowP->dup();
            Nd4jLong len = helpers::barnes_row_count(rowP, colP, N, *rowCounts);
            //            rowCounts->printBuffer("Row Counts");
            if (len <= 0) throw std::runtime_error("barnes_symmetrized: Cannot allocate shape due non-positive len.");
            rowCountsPtr = rowCounts;
            //ALLOCATE(outShapeInfo, block.workspace(), shape::shapeInfoLength(2), Nd4jLong);
//            outShapeInfo[1] = 1;
//            outShapeInfo[2] = len;
           // ShapeUtils::updateStridesAndType(outShapeInfo, ArrayOptions::dataType(valPShapeInfo), 'c');
            //outShapeInfo = ShapeBuilders::createVectorShapeInfo(ArrayOptions::dataType(valPShapeInfo), len, block.workspace());
            outShapeInfo = sd::ShapeBuilders::createShapeInfo(ArrayOptions::dataType(valPShapeInfo), 'c', { 1, len }, block.getWorkspace());
            auto outColsShapeInfo = sd::ShapeBuilders::createShapeInfo(dataType, 'c', { 1, len }, block.getWorkspace());
            auto outRowsShapeInfo = sd::ShapeBuilders::createShapeInfo(dataType, 'c', { 1, N + 1 }, block.getWorkspace());
            return SHAPELIST(CONSTANT(outRowsShapeInfo), CONSTANT(outColsShapeInfo), CONSTANT(outShapeInfo));

