/* ****************************************************************************** * * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // // @author raver119@gmail.com // #include <graph/Context.h> #include <helpers/ShapeUtils.h> #include <graph/Context.h> #include <array/InteropDataBuffer.h> namespace sd { namespace graph { Context::Context(ContextPrototype* prototype, VariableSpace* variableSpace) { _variableSpace = variableSpace; _dataType = prototype->dataType(); if (prototype != nullptr) { for (const auto &v: *(prototype->inputs())) { this->_inputs.push_back(v); } for (const auto &v: *(prototype->getTArguments())) { this->_tArgs.push_back(v); } for (const auto &v: *(prototype->getIArguments())) { this->_iArgs.push_back(v); } for (const auto &v: *(prototype->getBArguments())) { this->_bArgs.push_back(v); } for (const auto &v: *(prototype->getAxis())) { this->_axis.push_back(v); } this->_opNum = prototype->opNum(); this->_isInplace = prototype->isInplace(); this->_nodeId = prototype->nodeId(); this->_useMKLDNN = prototype->isUseMKLDNN(); } if (variableSpace != nullptr && variableSpace->launchContext()->getWorkspace() != nullptr) this->_workspace = variableSpace->launchContext()->getWorkspace(); } sd::DataType Context::dataType(int index) { return _dataType; } sd::DataType Context::dataType() { return dataType(0); } void Context::setDataType(int index, sd::DataType type) { if (this->_dataTypes.size() > (size_t)index) _dataTypes[index] = type; _dataType = type; } Context::Context(int nodeId, VariableSpace *variableSpace) { this->_nodeId = nodeId; this->_variableSpace = variableSpace; this->_isInplace = false; this->_workspace = nullptr; this->_executionTime.first = 0; this->_executionTime.second = 0; if (variableSpace != nullptr && variableSpace->launchContext()->getWorkspace() != nullptr) this->_workspace = variableSpace->launchContext()->getWorkspace(); } Context::Context(int nodeId, VariableSpace *variableSpace, bool isInplace) : Context(nodeId, variableSpace) { this->_isInplace = isInplace; } Context::~Context() { this->_iArgs.clear(); this->_tArgs.clear(); this->_inputs.clear(); this->_fastpath_in.clear(); this->_fastpath_out.clear(); for (auto v:_handles) delete v; if (_context != nullptr) delete _context; } void Context::setTargetEngine(samediff::Engine engine) { _engine = engine; } bool Context::hasWorkspaceProvided() { return this->_workspace != nullptr; } void Context::attachWorkspace(sd::memory::Workspace* workspace) { this->_workspace = workspace; } void Context::setVariableSpace(VariableSpace *variableSpace) { this->_variableSpace = variableSpace; } void Context::forgetWorkspace() { _workspace = nullptr; } std::vector<NDArray*>& Context::fastpath_in() { return _fastpath_in; } std::vector<NDArray*>& Context::fastpath_out() { return _fastpath_out; } bool Context::isFastPath() { auto ie = _fastpath_in.empty(); auto io = _fastpath_out.empty(); // two options here. // either both IN/OUT are filled auto b1 = (!ie && !io) || (!ie && _isInplace); // or at least something is filled, and FastPath is NOT forbidden auto b2 = (!ie || !io) && !_forbidFastPath; return b1 || b2; } void Context::forbidFastPath(bool reallyForbid) { _forbidFastPath = reallyForbid; } VariableSpace *Context::getVariableSpace() { return _variableSpace; } sd::memory::Workspace* Context::getWorkspace() { return _workspace; } sd::memory::Workspace* Context::workspace() { return _workspace; } sd::random::RandomBuffer* Context::getRNG() { return _rng; } void Context::setRNG(sd::random::RandomBuffer* rng) { _rng = rng; } /** * This method returns variableSpace used in this block * @return */ /* VariableSpace* Context::getVariableSpace() { return _variableSpace; } */ Stash* Context::getStash() { return _variableSpace->getStash(); } void Context::trackList(NDArrayList* list) { _variableSpace->trackList(list); } /* void Block::updateVariables() { _variables.clear(); auto x = _inputs.size(); for (auto &v:_inputs) { auto var = _variableSpace->getVariable(v); _variables.emplace_back(var); } } */ int Context::getBranch() { return _variableSpace->flowPath()->branch(this->nodeId()); } void Context::setBranch(int branch) { //_branch = branch; if (_variableSpace->flowPath() != nullptr) _variableSpace->flowPath()->markBranch(this->nodeId(), branch); } Nd4jLong sd::graph::Context::getOuterTime(){ return this->_executionTime.first; } Nd4jLong sd::graph::Context::getInnerTime(){ return this->_executionTime.second; } void sd::graph::Context::setOuterTime(Nd4jLong time){ this->_executionTime.first = time; } void sd::graph::Context::setInnerTime(Nd4jLong time){ this->_executionTime.second = time; } Variable* Context::getVariable(int idx) { if (idx >= this->_inputs.size()) { nd4j_printf("Node %i; Variable [%i] requested, but only %i inputs available\n", this->_nodeId, idx, this->_inputs.size()); throw std::runtime_error("Context: bad Variable index"); } auto p = this->_inputs[idx]; auto v = variable(p); if (Environment::getInstance().isDebugAndVerbose() && v != nullptr && v->getNDArray() != nullptr) { auto array = v->getNDArray(); std::string shape_ = ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(array); auto type = DataTypeUtils::asString(array->dataType()); float m = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); if (!array->isEmpty()) { auto values = array->asIndexedString(16); nd4j_printf("Debug info for node_%i input[%i]; shape: %s; ews: [%i]; order: [%i]; dtype: [%s]; first values: %s\n", this->_nodeId, idx, shape_.c_str(), array->ews(), array->ordering(), type.c_str(), values.c_str()); } else { nd4j_printf("Debug info for node_%i input[%i]; shape: %s; ews: [%i]; order: [%i]; dtype: [%s]; mean value: [%f]\n", this->_nodeId, idx, shape_.c_str(), array->ews(), array->ordering(), type.c_str(), m); } } return v; } Variable* Context::variable(int idx) { return getVariable(idx); } Variable* Context::variable(std::initializer_list<int> p) { if (p.size() != 2) throw std::runtime_error("Variable address should have size of 2"); // FIXME: lol std::vector<int> vec(p); std::pair<int, int> pair(vec[0], vec[1]); return variable(pair); } Variable* Context::variable(int node, int idx) { std::pair<int, int> pair(node, idx); return variable(pair); } Variable* Context::variable(std::pair<int,int>& p) { try { return _variableSpace->getVariable(p); } catch (std::exception &e) { nd4j_printf("Node %i; Non-existent variable requested: [%i:%i]\n", this->_nodeId, p.first, p.second); throw std::runtime_error("Bad variable"); } } void Context::pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArray *array, bool removable) { std::pair<int,int> pair(nodeId, index); pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(pair, array, removable); } void Context::pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(std::pair<int, int> &pair, NDArray *array, bool removable) { if (_variableSpace != nullptr) { if (!_variableSpace->hasVariable(pair)) { auto var = new Variable(array, nullptr, pair.first, pair.second); _variableSpace->putVariable(pair, var); var->markRemovable(removable); } else { auto var = _variableSpace->getVariable(pair); if (var->hasNDArray()) { if (var->getNDArray() != array) { if (var->isRemovable() && var->hasNDArray()) delete var->getNDArray(); var->setNDArray(array); var->markRemovable(removable); } } else { var->setNDArray(array); var->markRemovable(removable); } } } } void Context::pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArrayList* list, bool track) { std::pair<int,int> pair(nodeId, index); pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(pair, list, track); } void Context::pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(std::pair<int, int>& pair, NDArrayList* list, bool track) { if (!_variableSpace->hasVariable(pair)) { auto var = new Variable(nullptr, nullptr, pair.first, pair.second); var->setNDArrayList(list); _variableSpace->putVariable(pair, var); } else { auto var = _variableSpace->getVariable(pair); var->setNDArrayList(list); } if (track) _variableSpace->trackList(list); } Variable* Context::ensureVariable(int idx) { std::pair<int, int> pair(this->nodeId(), idx); if (_variableSpace == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("Context::ensureVariable VariableSpace is NULL!"); if (!_variableSpace->hasVariable(pair)) { auto var = new Variable(nullptr, nullptr, this->nodeId(), idx); _variableSpace->putVariable(pair, var); return var; } else { return _variableSpace->getVariable(pair); } } bool Context::isValueAvailable(int idx) { auto var = ensureVariable(idx); if (var->variableType() == VariableType::NDARRAY) { return var->hasNDArray(); } else if (var->variableType() == VariableType::ARRAY_LIST) { return var->hasNDArrayList(); } return false; } NDArray* Context::getNDArray(int idx) { return array(idx); } NDArray* Context::array(int idx) { // we check for fastpath first if (!_fastpath_in.empty() && _fastpath_in.size() > idx) { return _fastpath_in[idx]; } // if no luck for fastpath - return whatever is available return getVariable(idx)->getNDArray(); } sd::memory::Workspace *Context::fWorkspace() { return workspace(); } sd::memory::Workspace *Context::tWorkspace() { return nullptr; } sd::memory::Workspace *Context::oWorkspace() { return nullptr; } LaunchContext* Context::launchContext() { //FIXME: we need proper context to be shared here if (_context == nullptr) { return LaunchContext::defaultContext(); } else { return _context; } } unsigned long Context::width() { if (!_fastpath_in.empty()) return _fastpath_in.size(); else return _inputs.size(); } void Context::setInputArray(int index, NDArray *array, bool removable) { if (_fastpath_in.size() < index + 1) _fastpath_in.resize(index+1); _fastpath_in[index] = array; if (removable) _handles.emplace_back(array); } void Context::setInputArray(int index, void *buffer, void * shapeInfo, void *specialBuffer, void * specialShapeInfo) { this->setInputArray(index, buffer, const_cast<const void*>(shapeInfo), specialBuffer, const_cast<const void *>(specialShapeInfo)); } void Context::setInputArray(int index, void *buffer, void const* shapeInfo, void *specialBuffer, void const* specialShapeInfo) { auto array = new NDArray(buffer, specialBuffer, reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo)); if (_fastpath_in.size() < index + 1) _fastpath_in.resize(index+1); _fastpath_in[index] = array; _handles.emplace_back(array); if (_context != nullptr) array->setContext(_context); } void Context::setOutputArray(int index, NDArray *array, bool removable) { if (_fastpath_out.size() < index + 1) _fastpath_out.resize(index+1); _fastpath_out[index] = array; if (removable) _handles.emplace_back(array); } void Context::setOutputArray(int index, void *buffer, void * shapeInfo, void *specialBuffer, void * specialShapeInfo) { this->setOutputArray(index, buffer, const_cast<const void *>(shapeInfo), specialBuffer, const_cast<const void *>(specialShapeInfo)); } void Context::setOutputArray(int index, void *buffer, const void * shapeInfo, void *specialBuffer, const void * specialShapeInfo) { if (_fastpath_out.size() < index + 1) _fastpath_out.resize(index+1); auto array = new NDArray(buffer, specialBuffer, reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo)); _fastpath_out[index] = array; _handles.emplace_back(array); if (_context != nullptr) array->setContext(_context); } void Context::setInputArray(int index, void *vdatabuffer, void const* shapeInfo, void const* specialShapeInfo) { auto dataBuffer = reinterpret_cast<InteropDataBuffer*>(vdatabuffer); if (_fastpath_in.size() < index + 1) _fastpath_in.resize(index+1); NDArray *array; if (dataBuffer != nullptr) array = new NDArray(dataBuffer->dataBuffer(), reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo), sd::LaunchContext::defaultContext(), dataBuffer->offset() / DataTypeUtils::sizeOf(ArrayOptions::dataType(reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo)))); else array = new NDArray(nullptr, nullptr, reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo)); _fastpath_in[index] = array; _handles.emplace_back(array); if (_context != nullptr) array->setContext(_context); } void Context::setOutputArray(int index, void *vdatabuffer, void const* shapeInfo, void const* specialShapeInfo) { auto dataBuffer = reinterpret_cast<InteropDataBuffer*>(vdatabuffer); if (_fastpath_out.size() < index + 1) _fastpath_out.resize(index+1); NDArray *array; if (dataBuffer != nullptr) array = new NDArray(dataBuffer->dataBuffer(), reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo), sd::LaunchContext::defaultContext(), dataBuffer->offset() / DataTypeUtils::sizeOf(ArrayOptions::dataType(reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo)))); else array = new NDArray(nullptr, nullptr, reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong const*>(shapeInfo)); _fastpath_out[index] = array; _handles.emplace_back(array); if (_context != nullptr) array->setContext(_context); } void Context::setTArguments(double *arguments, int numberOfArguments) { _tArgs.clear(); _tArgs.reserve(numberOfArguments); for (int e = 0; e < numberOfArguments; e++) _tArgs.push_back(arguments[e]); } void Context::setIArguments(Nd4jLong *arguments, int numberOfArguments) { _iArgs.clear(); _iArgs.reserve(numberOfArguments); for (int e = 0; e < numberOfArguments; e++) _iArgs.push_back(arguments[e]); } void Context::setBArguments(bool *arguments, int numberOfArguments) { _bArgs.clear(); _bArgs.reserve(numberOfArguments); for (int e = 0; e < numberOfArguments; e++) _bArgs.push_back(arguments[e]); } void Context::setCudaContext(Nd4jPointer cudaStream, Nd4jPointer reductionPointer, Nd4jPointer allocationPointer) { #ifdef __CUDABLAS__ _context = new LaunchContext(cudaStream, reductionPointer, allocationPointer); // FIXME: either pass handle from outside, or make sure outside we use the same handle _context->setCublasHandle(LaunchContext::defaultContext()->getCublasHandle()); for (auto v: _fastpath_out) v->setContext(_context); for (auto v: _fastpath_in) v->setContext(_context); #endif } void Context::allowHelpers(bool reallyAllow) { _helpersAllowed = reallyAllow; } bool Context::helpersAllowed() { return _helpersAllowed; } void Context::setTArguments(const std::vector<double> &tArgs) { for (auto t:tArgs) _tArgs.emplace_back(t); } void Context::setIArguments(const std::vector<Nd4jLong> &iArgs) { for (auto i:iArgs) _iArgs.emplace_back(i); } void Context::setBArguments(const std::vector<bool> &bArgs) { for (auto b:bArgs) _bArgs.push_back(b); } void Context::setShapeFunctionOverride(bool reallyOverride) { _shapeFunctionOverride = reallyOverride; } bool Context::shapeFunctionOverride() { return _shapeFunctionOverride; } samediff::ExecutionMode Context::executionMode() { return _execMode; } void Context::setExecutionMode(samediff::ExecutionMode executionMode) { _execMode = executionMode; } bool Context::isTraining() { return _execMode == samediff::ExecutionMode::MODE_TRAINING; } bool Context::isInference() { return _execMode == samediff::ExecutionMode::MODE_INFERENCE; } void Context::setDArguments(sd::DataType *arguments, int numberOfArguments) { _dArgs.clear(); for (int e = 0; e < numberOfArguments; e++) _dArgs.emplace_back(arguments[e]); } void Context::setDArguments(const std::vector<sd::DataType> &dArgs) { _dArgs.clear(); for (auto d:dArgs) _dArgs.emplace_back(d); } void Context::clearFastPath() { _fastpath_in.clear(); _fastpath_out.clear(); for (auto v:_handles) delete v; _handles.clear(); } } }