/* ******************************************************************************
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 *  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 *  information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// @author raver119@gmail.com


#include <system/op_boilerplate.h>
#include <system/pointercast.h>
#include <system/dll.h>
#include <array/DataType.h>
#include <array/ArrayType.h>
#include <array/SpaceType.h>
#include <array/SparseType.h>
#include <initializer_list>

#define ARRAY_SPARSE 2
#define ARRAY_EMPTY 8
#define ARRAY_RAGGED 16

#define ARRAY_CSR 32
#define ARRAY_CSC 64
#define ARRAY_COO 128

// complex values
#define ARRAY_COMPLEX 512

// quantized values
#define ARRAY_QUANTIZED 1024

//  16 bit float FP16
#define ARRAY_HALF 4096

//  16 bit bfloat16
#define ARRAY_BHALF 2048

// regular 32 bit float
#define ARRAY_FLOAT 8192

// regular 64 bit float
#define ARRAY_DOUBLE 16384

// 8 bit integer
#define ARRAY_CHAR 32768

// 16 bit integer
#define ARRAY_SHORT 65536

// 32 bit integer
#define ARRAY_INT 131072

// 64 bit integer
#define ARRAY_LONG 262144

// boolean values
#define ARRAY_BOOL 524288

// UTF values
#define ARRAY_UTF8 1048576
#define ARRAY_UTF16 4194304
#define ARRAY_UTF32 16777216

// flag for extras 
#define ARRAY_EXTRAS 2097152

// flag for signed/unsigned integers
#define ARRAY_UNSIGNED 8388608

// flag for arrays with padded buffer
#define ARRAY_HAS_PADDED_BUFFER  (1<<25)

namespace sd {
    class ND4J_EXPORT ArrayOptions {

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong& extra(Nd4jLong* shape);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool isNewFormat(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool hasPropertyBitSet(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool togglePropertyBit(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void unsetPropertyBit(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void setPropertyBit(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void setPropertyBits(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, std::initializer_list<int> properties);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool isSparseArray(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool isUnsigned(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD sd::DataType dataType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SpaceType spaceType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SpaceType spaceType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD ArrayType arrayType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD ArrayType arrayType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SparseType sparseType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SparseType sparseType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool hasExtraProperties(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool hasPaddedBuffer(const Nd4jLong* shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void flagAsPaddedBuffer(Nd4jLong* shapeInfo);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void resetDataType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong propertyWithoutDataType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo);
        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void setDataType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, const sd::DataType dataType);

        static FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void copyDataType(Nd4jLong* to, const Nd4jLong* from);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong& ArrayOptions::extra(Nd4jLong* shape) {
        return shape[shape[0] + shape[0] + 1];

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool ArrayOptions::isNewFormat(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        return (extra(const_cast<Nd4jLong*>(shapeInfo)) != 0);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool ArrayOptions::isSparseArray(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        return hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_SPARSE);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool ArrayOptions::hasExtraProperties(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        return hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_EXTRAS);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool ArrayOptions::hasPropertyBitSet(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property) {
        if (!isNewFormat(shapeInfo))
            return false;

        return ((extra(const_cast<Nd4jLong*>(shapeInfo)) & property) == property);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool ArrayOptions::isUnsigned(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        if (!isNewFormat(shapeInfo))
            return false;

        return hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UNSIGNED);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD sd::DataType ArrayOptions::dataType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        /*if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_QUANTIZED))
            return sd::DataType::QINT8;
        else */if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_FLOAT))
            return sd::DataType::FLOAT32;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_DOUBLE))
            return sd::DataType::DOUBLE;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_HALF))
            return sd::DataType::HALF;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_BHALF))
            return sd::DataType::BFLOAT16;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_BOOL))
            return sd::DataType ::BOOL;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UNSIGNED)) {
            if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_CHAR))
                return sd::DataType ::UINT8;
            else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_SHORT))
                return sd::DataType ::UINT16;
            else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_INT))
                return sd::DataType ::UINT32;
            else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_LONG))
                return sd::DataType ::UINT64;
            else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF8))
                return sd::DataType ::UTF8;
            else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF16))
                return sd::DataType ::UTF16;
            else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF32))
                return sd::DataType ::UTF32;
            else {
                //shape::printShapeInfoLinear("Bad unsigned datatype (not)stored in shape", const_cast<Nd4jLong*>(shapeInfo));
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
                throw std::runtime_error("Bad datatype A");
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_CHAR))
            return sd::DataType::INT8;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_SHORT))
            return sd::DataType::INT16;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_INT))
            return sd::DataType::INT32;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_LONG))
            return sd::DataType::INT64;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF8))
            return sd::DataType::UTF8;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF16))
            return sd::DataType::UTF16;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF32))
            return sd::DataType::UTF32;
        else {
            //shape::printShapeInfoLinear("Bad signed datatype (not)stored in shape", const_cast<Nd4jLong*>(shapeInfo));
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
            throw std::runtime_error("Bad datatype B");

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SpaceType ArrayOptions::spaceType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        return spaceType(const_cast<Nd4jLong *>(shapeInfo));

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SpaceType ArrayOptions::spaceType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_QUANTIZED))
            return SpaceType::QUANTIZED;
        if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_COMPLEX))
            return SpaceType::COMPLEX;
        else // by default we return continuous type here
            return SpaceType::CONTINUOUS;

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD ArrayType ArrayOptions::arrayType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        return arrayType(const_cast<Nd4jLong *>(shapeInfo));

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD ArrayType ArrayOptions::arrayType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_SPARSE))
            return ArrayType::SPARSE;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_COMPRESSED))
            return ArrayType::COMPRESSED;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_EMPTY))
            return ArrayType::EMPTY;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_RAGGED))
            return ArrayType::RAGGED;
        else // by default we return DENSE type here
            return ArrayType::DENSE;

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool ArrayOptions::togglePropertyBit(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property) {
        extra(shapeInfo) ^= property;

        return hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, property);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void ArrayOptions::setPropertyBit(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property) {
        extra(shapeInfo) |= property;

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void ArrayOptions::unsetPropertyBit(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, int property) {
        extra(shapeInfo) &= ~property;

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SparseType ArrayOptions::sparseType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        return sparseType(const_cast<Nd4jLong *>(shapeInfo));

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD SparseType ArrayOptions::sparseType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
        if (!isSparseArray(shapeInfo))
            throw std::runtime_error("Not a sparse array");

        if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_CSC))
            return SparseType::CSC;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_CSR))
            return SparseType::CSR;
        else if (hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_COO))
            return SparseType::COO;
            return SparseType::LIL;

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void ArrayOptions::setPropertyBits(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, std::initializer_list<int> properties) {
        for (auto v: properties) {
            if (!hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, v))
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, v);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void ArrayOptions::flagAsPaddedBuffer(Nd4jLong* shapeInfo) {
        if (!isNewFormat(shapeInfo))
            return ;

        return setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_HAS_PADDED_BUFFER);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD bool ArrayOptions::hasPaddedBuffer(const Nd4jLong* shapeInfo) {
        if (!isNewFormat(shapeInfo))
            return false;

        return hasPropertyBitSet(shapeInfo, ARRAY_HAS_PADDED_BUFFER);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong ArrayOptions::propertyWithoutDataType(const Nd4jLong *shapeInfo){
        Nd4jLong property = shapeInfo[shapeInfo[0] + shapeInfo[0] + 1];
        property = property & (~ARRAY_BOOL);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_HALF);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_BHALF);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_FLOAT);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_DOUBLE);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_INT);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_LONG);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_CHAR);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_SHORT);
        property = property & (~ARRAY_UNSIGNED);
        return property;

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void ArrayOptions::resetDataType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo) {
        extra(shapeInfo) = propertyWithoutDataType(shapeInfo);

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void ArrayOptions::setDataType(Nd4jLong *shapeInfo, const sd::DataType dataType) {
        if (dataType == sd::DataType::UINT8 ||
            dataType == sd::DataType::UINT16 ||
            dataType == sd::DataType::UINT32 ||
            dataType == sd::DataType::UINT64) {

            setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UNSIGNED);

        switch (dataType) {
            case sd::DataType::BOOL:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_BOOL);
            case sd::DataType::HALF:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_HALF);
            case sd::DataType::BFLOAT16:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_BHALF);
            case sd::DataType::FLOAT32:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_FLOAT);
            case sd::DataType::DOUBLE:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_DOUBLE);
            case sd::DataType::INT8:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_CHAR);
            case sd::DataType::INT16:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_SHORT);
            case sd::DataType::INT32:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_INT);
            case sd::DataType::INT64:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_LONG);
            case sd::DataType::UINT8:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_CHAR);
            case sd::DataType::UINT16:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_SHORT);
            case sd::DataType::UINT32:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_INT);
            case sd::DataType::UINT64:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_LONG);
            case sd::DataType::UTF8:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF8);
            case sd::DataType::UTF16:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF16);
            case sd::DataType::UTF32:
                setPropertyBit(shapeInfo, ARRAY_UTF32);
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
                throw std::runtime_error("Can't set unknown data type");
                printf("Can't set unknown data type");

    FORCEINLINE _CUDA_HD void ArrayOptions::copyDataType(Nd4jLong* to, const Nd4jLong* from) {
        setDataType(to, dataType(from));

#endif // ND4J_ARRAY_OPTIONS_H :)