// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify /** * @const * @namespace */ var nd4j = nd4j || {}; /** * @const * @namespace */ nd4j.graph = nd4j.graph || {}; /** * @enum */ nd4j.graph.ProfilingMode = { NONE: 0, NAN_PANIC: 1, INF_PANIC: 2, ANY_PANIC: 3 }; /** * @enum */ nd4j.graph.ExecutionMode = { SEQUENTIAL: 0, STRICT: 1, AUTO: 2 }; /** * @enum */ nd4j.graph.OutputMode = { IMPLICIT: 0, EXPLICIT: 1, EXPLICIT_AND_IMPLICIT: 2, VARIABLE_SPACE: 3, OPTIMIZED: 4 }; /** * @enum */ nd4j.graph.Direction = { FORWARD_ONLY: 0, FORWARD_AND_BACKWARD: 1, BACKWARD_ONLY: 2 }; /** * @constructor */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration = function() { /** * @type {flatbuffers.ByteBuffer} */ this.bb = null; /** * @type {number} */ this.bb_pos = 0; }; /** * @param {number} i * @param {flatbuffers.ByteBuffer} bb * @returns {nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.__init = function(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.ByteBuffer} bb * @param {nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration=} obj * @returns {nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.getRootAsFlatConfiguration = function(bb, obj) { return (obj || new nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); }; /** * @returns {flatbuffers.Long} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.id = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); }; /** * @returns {nd4j.graph.ExecutionMode} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.executionMode = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? /** @type {nd4j.graph.ExecutionMode} */ (this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : nd4j.graph.ExecutionMode.SEQUENTIAL; }; /** * @returns {nd4j.graph.ProfilingMode} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.profilingMode = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? /** @type {nd4j.graph.ProfilingMode} */ (this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : nd4j.graph.ProfilingMode.NONE; }; /** * @returns {nd4j.graph.OutputMode} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.outputMode = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? /** @type {nd4j.graph.OutputMode} */ (this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : nd4j.graph.OutputMode.IMPLICIT; }; /** * @returns {boolean} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.timestats = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : false; }; /** * @returns {flatbuffers.Long} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.footprintForward = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); }; /** * @returns {flatbuffers.Long} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.footprintBackward = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); }; /** * @returns {nd4j.graph.Direction} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.prototype.direction = function() { var offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 18); return offset ? /** @type {nd4j.graph.Direction} */ (this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : nd4j.graph.Direction.FORWARD_ONLY; }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.startFlatConfiguration = function(builder) { builder.startObject(8); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Long} id */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addId = function(builder, id) { builder.addFieldInt64(0, id, builder.createLong(0, 0)); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {nd4j.graph.ExecutionMode} executionMode */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addExecutionMode = function(builder, executionMode) { builder.addFieldInt8(1, executionMode, nd4j.graph.ExecutionMode.SEQUENTIAL); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {nd4j.graph.ProfilingMode} profilingMode */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addProfilingMode = function(builder, profilingMode) { builder.addFieldInt8(2, profilingMode, nd4j.graph.ProfilingMode.NONE); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {nd4j.graph.OutputMode} outputMode */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addOutputMode = function(builder, outputMode) { builder.addFieldInt8(3, outputMode, nd4j.graph.OutputMode.IMPLICIT); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {boolean} timestats */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addTimestats = function(builder, timestats) { builder.addFieldInt8(4, +timestats, +false); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Long} footprintForward */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addFootprintForward = function(builder, footprintForward) { builder.addFieldInt64(5, footprintForward, builder.createLong(0, 0)); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Long} footprintBackward */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addFootprintBackward = function(builder, footprintBackward) { builder.addFieldInt64(6, footprintBackward, builder.createLong(0, 0)); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {nd4j.graph.Direction} direction */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.addDirection = function(builder, direction) { builder.addFieldInt8(7, direction, nd4j.graph.Direction.FORWARD_ONLY); }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @returns {flatbuffers.Offset} */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.endFlatConfiguration = function(builder) { var offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; }; /** * @param {flatbuffers.Builder} builder * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} offset */ nd4j.graph.FlatConfiguration.finishFlatConfigurationBuffer = function(builder, offset) { builder.finish(offset); }; // Exports for Node.js and RequireJS this.nd4j = nd4j;