title: Deeplearning4j Iterators
short_title: Iterators
description: Data iteration tools for loading into neural networks.
category: Models
weight: 5

## What is an iterator?

A dataset iterator allows for easy loading of data into neural networks and help organize batching, conversion, and masking. The iterators included in Eclipse Deeplearning4j help with either user-provided data, or automatic loading of common benchmarking datasets such as MNIST and IRIS.

## Usage

For most use cases, initializing an iterator and passing a reference to a `MultiLayerNetwork` or `ComputationGraph` `fit()` method is all you need to begin a task for training:

MultiLayerNetwork model = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

// pass an MNIST data iterator that automatically fetches data
DataSetIterator mnistTrain = new MnistDataSetIterator(batchSize, true, rngSeed);

Many other methods also accept iterators for tasks such as evaluation:

// passing directly to the neural network
DataSetIterator mnistTest = new MnistDataSetIterator(batchSize, false, rngSeed);

// using an evaluation class
Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(10); //create an evaluation object with 10 possible classes
    DataSet next = mnistTest.next();
    INDArray output = model.output(next.getFeatureMatrix()); //get the networks prediction
    eval.eval(next.getLabels(), output); //check the prediction against the true class

## Available iterators
