
An interpreter takes  a tensorflow or pytorch model and figure out how to map
various ops. Their attributes and op names are mapped to libnd4j
using information from the above op descriptor.

An interpreter can take in an individual op from tensorflow, onnx or
another framework and translate it to an equivalent op in libnd4j represented
as the equivalent op descriptor.

The usage is as follows:

## Op def files

For each framework in tensorflow/onnx, we have inbuilt definition files
for each tensorflow and pytorch.

For onnx, we have an onnx.pbtxt generated by the dl4j-dev tools submodule 
onnx-defs. This definition file has each op serialized as an [onnx NodeProto](https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/25fd2c332cf854fd38a92aa8f60d232530ab0065/onnx/onnx-ml.proto#L193)
For tensorflow, we have an ops.proto pulled from tensorflow's official repo.

We  use these files to map operation attributes serialized by 
nd4j's generated operation definition tool found in dl4j-dev-tools
to their equivalents in tensorflow and pytorch.

An interpreter has 2 methods:

Interpreter interpreter = ...;

OpDescriptor descriptor = interpreter.interpretTensorflow(nodeFromOtherFramework);
OpDescriptor descriptor = interpreter.interpretOnnx(nodeFromOtherFramework);

//proceed to use descriptor to map for model import...

##Interpreter file format

An interpreter is language neutral. We have a mini syntax
for mapping attributes from one format to another.

Through indexing every attribute and input/output in libnd4j,
we can maintain an index of operation names and attributes
with a mapping syntax. If we want to map a trivial operation like say:
Abs, let's compare tensorflow, onnx and the descriptor in nd4j.

op {
  name: "Floor"
  input_arg {
    name: "x"
    type_attr: "T"
  output_arg {
    name: "y"
    type_attr: "T"
  attr {
    name: "T"
    type: "type"
    allowed_values {
      list {
        type: DT_BFLOAT16
        type: DT_HALF
        type: DT_FLOAT
        type: DT_DOUBLE

input: "X"
output: "Y"
name: "Floor"
op_type: "Floor"
attribute {
  name: "X-types"
  strings: "float"
  strings: "float16"
  strings: "double"
  type: STRINGS
doc_string: "\nFloor takes one input data (Tensor<T>) and produces one output data\n(Tensor<T>) where the floor is, y = floor(x), is applied to\nthe tensor elementwise.\n"

The op descriptor for libnd4j is:
OpDeclarationDescriptor(name=Floor, nIn=1, nOut=1, tArgs=0, iArgs=0, inplaceAble=true, inArgNames=[first], outArgNames=[z], tArgNames=[], iArgNames=[], bArgNames=[], opDeclarationType=OP_IMPL)

Floor is a fairly simple op with 1 input and 1 output.
Inputs and outputs are implicitly tensors.
This is true for both onnx and tensorflow.

Tensorflow has an attribute defined for valid types.
The way we generated the onnx schema proto, we have something equivalent
that allows for a list of types presented as a string.

Mapping a descriptor happens based on attribute.
An example of abs below:

floor {
  tensorflow_mapping: {
     input_mappings: {
       input_mapping {
        first: "x"
     output_mappings: {
        z: "y"
      attribute_mapping_functions: {


  onnx_mapping {
    input_mappings {
       first: "X"
    output_mappings {
        z: "Y"

     attribute_mapping_functions {


Now we can compare this to Convolution.
In tensorflow, the convolution op is represented as:
op {
  name: "Conv2D"
  input_arg {
    name: "input"
    type_attr: "T"
  input_arg {
    name: "filter"
    type_attr: "T"
  output_arg {
    name: "output"
    type_attr: "T"
  attr {
    name: "T"
    type: "type"
    allowed_values {
      list {
        type: DT_HALF
        type: DT_BFLOAT16
        type: DT_FLOAT
        type: DT_DOUBLE
  attr {
    name: "strides"
    type: "list(int)"
  attr {
    name: "use_cudnn_on_gpu"
    type: "bool"
    default_value {
      b: true
  attr {
    name: "padding"
    type: "string"
    allowed_values {
      list {
        s: "SAME"
        s: "VALID"
  attr {
    name: "data_format"
    type: "string"
    default_value {
      s: "NHWC"
    allowed_values {
      list {
        s: "NHWC"
        s: "NCHW"
  attr {
    name: "dilations"
    type: "list(int)"
    default_value {
      list {
        i: 1
        i: 1
        i: 1
        i: 1
In onnx, it's represented as:
input: "X"
input: "W"
input: "B"
output: "Y"
name: "Conv"
op_type: "Conv"
attribute {
  name: "auto_pad"
  s: "NOTSET"
  type: STRING
attribute {
  name: "dilations"
  s: ""
  type: INTS
attribute {
  name: "group"
  i: 1
  type: INT
attribute {
  name: "kernel_shape"
  s: ""
  type: INTS
attribute {
  name: "pads"
  s: ""
  type: INTS
attribute {
  name: "strides"
  s: ""
  type: INTS
attribute {
  name: "X-types"
  strings: "double"
  strings: "float"
  strings: "float16"
  type: STRINGS
attribute {
  name: "W-types"
  strings: "double"
  strings: "float"
  strings: "float16"
  type: STRINGS
attribute {
  name: "B-types"
  strings: "double"
  strings: "float"
  strings: "float16"
  type: STRINGS
doc_string: "\nThe convolution operator consumes an input tensor and a filter, and\ncomputes the output."