/* ****************************************************************************** * * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // // @author raver119@gmail.com // @author Yurii Shyrma (iuriish@yahoo.com) // #include <ops/declarable/helpers/scatter.h> #include <numeric> #include <helpers/ShapeUtils.h> #include <helpers/TAD.h> #include <helpers/ConstantShapeHelper.h> #include <helpers/ConstantTadHelper.h> #include <helpers/PointersManager.h> namespace sd { namespace ops { namespace helpers { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x - indices, y - contains number of bad indices, z - input/output template<typename X> __global__ static void checkIndicesCuda(const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, Nd4jLong* y, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo, const int axis) { const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); __shared__ int xRank, *coords, xLastDim; __shared__ Nd4jLong xLen, numOfBadIndxPerBlock; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[]; coords = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem); xRank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo); xLen = shape::length(xShapeInfo); numOfBadIndxPerBlock = 0; } __syncthreads(); auto xCoords = coords + threadIdx.x * xRank; for (Nd4jLong i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < xLen; i += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) { shape::index2coords(i, xShapeInfo, xCoords); const Nd4jLong currentInd = x[shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, xCoords)]; if(currentInd >= shape::sizeAt(zShapeInfo, axis == -1 ? xCoords[xRank-1] : axis)) { printf("checkIndices cuda: out of range element %lld at index %lld \n", currentInd, i); sd::math::atomics::nd4j_atomicAdd<Nd4jLong>(&numOfBadIndxPerBlock, 1); } } __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x == 0 && numOfBadIndxPerBlock != 0) sd::math::atomics::nd4j_atomicAdd<Nd4jLong>(y, numOfBadIndxPerBlock); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename X> static void checkIndicesCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, Nd4jLong* y, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo, const int axis) { checkIndicesCuda<X><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(vx, xShapeInfo, y, zShapeInfo, axis); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Nd4jLong checkIndices(sd::LaunchContext *context, const NDArray& indices, const NDArray& output, const int axis) { const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 2; const int blocksPerGrid = (indices.lengthOf() + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; const int sharedMem = threadsPerBlock * sizeof(int) * indices.rankOf() + 256; const auto xType = indices.dataType(); PointersManager manager(context, "scatterNDcheckIndices"); // scalar, initial value = 0 NDArray numOfBadIndx(sd::DataType::INT64, context, true); NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&numOfBadIndx}, {&indices}); BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(xType, checkIndicesCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), indices.specialBuffer(), indices.specialShapeInfo(), reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong*>(numOfBadIndx.specialBuffer()), output.specialShapeInfo(), axis), INDEXING_TYPES); NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&numOfBadIndx}, {&indices}); manager.synchronize(); return numOfBadIndx.t<Nd4jLong>(0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x - indices, y - updates, z - input/output template<typename X, typename Y> __global__ static void scatterLockCuda(const int opCode, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void *vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo) { const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); const auto y = reinterpret_cast<const Y*>(vy); auto z = reinterpret_cast<Y*>(vz); __shared__ int xRank, yRank, zRank, xNonUnitDim, yNonUnitDim, zNonUnitDim, *coords; __shared__ Nd4jLong xLen, zLen; __shared__ bool is1Dcase, xySameStride; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[]; coords = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem); xLen = shape::length(xShapeInfo); zLen = shape::length(zShapeInfo); xRank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo); yRank = shape::rank(yShapeInfo); zRank = shape::rank(zShapeInfo); xNonUnitDim = yNonUnitDim = zNonUnitDim = 0; is1Dcase = (shape::isCommonVector(zShapeInfo, zNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(zShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(yShapeInfo, yNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(yShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(xShapeInfo, xNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(xShapeInfo)); if(is1Dcase) xySameStride = shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[xNonUnitDim] = shape::stride(yShapeInfo)[yNonUnitDim]; } __syncthreads(); Nd4jLong yOffset, zOffset; int zFirstCoord, *yCoords, *zCoords; for (Nd4jLong i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < zLen; i += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) { if(!is1Dcase) { yCoords = coords + threadIdx.x * (yRank + zRank); zCoords = yCoords + yRank; shape::index2coords(i, zShapeInfo, zCoords); } for (Nd4jLong j = 0; j < xLen; ++j) { if(is1Dcase) { yOffset = j * shape::stride(yShapeInfo)[yNonUnitDim]; zFirstCoord = x[xySameStride ? yOffset : j * shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[xNonUnitDim]]; if(i != zFirstCoord) continue; zOffset = i * shape::stride(zShapeInfo)[zNonUnitDim]; } else { shape::index2coords(j, xShapeInfo, yCoords); // first xRank coordinates in yCoords are the same for y and x zFirstCoord = x[shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, yCoords)]; if(zCoords[0] != zFirstCoord) continue; for (uint k = 0; k < yRank - xRank; ++k) yCoords[xRank + k] = zCoords[k + 1]; yOffset = shape::getOffset(yShapeInfo, yCoords); zOffset = shape::getOffset(zShapeInfo, zCoords); } switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: z[zOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: z[zOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: z[zOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: z[zOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] - z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] / z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(z[zOffset] < y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(z[zOffset] > y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x - indices, y - updates, z - input/output template<typename X, typename Y> __global__ static void scatterCuda(const int opCode, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void *vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo) { const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); const auto y = reinterpret_cast<const Y*>(vy); auto z = reinterpret_cast<Y*>(vz); __shared__ int xRank, yRank, zRank, xNonUnitDim, yNonUnitDim, zNonUnitDim, *coords; __shared__ Nd4jLong yLen; __shared__ bool is1Dcase, xySameStride; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[]; coords = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem); yLen = shape::length(yShapeInfo); xRank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo); yRank = shape::rank(yShapeInfo); zRank = shape::rank(zShapeInfo); xNonUnitDim = yNonUnitDim = zNonUnitDim = 0; is1Dcase = (shape::isCommonVector(zShapeInfo, zNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(zShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(yShapeInfo, yNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(yShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(xShapeInfo, xNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(xShapeInfo)); if(is1Dcase) xySameStride = shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[xNonUnitDim] = shape::stride(yShapeInfo)[yNonUnitDim]; } __syncthreads(); Nd4jLong xOffset, yOffset, zOffset; int *yCoords, *zCoords; if(!is1Dcase) { yCoords = coords + threadIdx.x * (yRank + zRank); zCoords = yCoords + yRank; } for (Nd4jLong i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < yLen; i += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) { if(is1Dcase) { yOffset = i * shape::stride(yShapeInfo)[yNonUnitDim]; zOffset = x[xySameStride ? yOffset : i * shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[xNonUnitDim]] * shape::stride(zShapeInfo)[zNonUnitDim]; } else { shape::index2coords(i, yShapeInfo, yCoords); yOffset = shape::getOffset(yShapeInfo, yCoords); xOffset = shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, yCoords); // first xRank coordinates in yCoords are the same for y and x -> for (uint j = 0; j < xRank; ++j) xCoords[j] = yCoords[j]; zCoords[0] = x[xOffset]; for (uint j = 0; j < yRank - xRank; ++j) zCoords[j + 1] = yCoords[xRank + j]; zOffset = shape::getOffset(zShapeInfo, zCoords); } switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: z[zOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: z[zOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: z[zOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: z[zOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] - z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] / z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(z[zOffset] < y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(z[zOffset] > y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename X, typename Y> static void scatterCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream, const int opCode, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void *vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo, const bool lock) { if(lock) scatterLockCuda<X,Y><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(opCode, vx, xShapeInfo, vy, yShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo); else scatterCuda<X,Y><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(opCode, vx, xShapeInfo, vy, yShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void scatter(sd::LaunchContext *context, pairwise::Ops op, const NDArray& indices, const NDArray& updates, NDArray& output, const bool lock) { const auto xType = indices.dataType(); const auto yType = updates.dataType(); const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4; const int blocksPerGrid = ((lock ? output.lengthOf() : updates.lengthOf()) + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; const int sharedMem = sizeof(int) * threadsPerBlock * (updates.rankOf() + output.rankOf()) + 256; PointersManager manager(context, "scatter"); NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&output}, {&updates, &indices}); BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, scatterCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), op, indices.specialBuffer(), indices.specialShapeInfo(), updates.specialBuffer(), updates.specialShapeInfo(), output.specialBuffer(), output.specialShapeInfo(), lock), INDEXING_TYPES, GENERIC_NUMERIC_TYPES); NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&output}, {&updates, &indices}); manager.synchronize(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x - indices, y - updates, z - output template<typename X, typename Y> __global__ static void scatterNDLockCuda(const int opCode, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void *vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo) { const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); const auto y = reinterpret_cast<const Y*>(vy); auto z = reinterpret_cast<Y*>(vz); __shared__ int xRank, yRank, zRank, biggerXYRank, xLastDim, *coords, xNonUnitDim, yNonUnitDim, zNonUnitDim; __shared__ Nd4jLong zLen, len; __shared__ bool is1Dcase; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[]; coords = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem); xRank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo); yRank = shape::rank(yShapeInfo); zRank = shape::rank(zShapeInfo); xLastDim = shape::sizeAt(xShapeInfo, -1); biggerXYRank = xRank > yRank ? xRank : yRank; xNonUnitDim = yNonUnitDim = zNonUnitDim = 0; is1Dcase = (shape::isCommonVector(zShapeInfo, zNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(zShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(yShapeInfo, yNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(yShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(xShapeInfo, xNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(xShapeInfo)); len = is1Dcase ? shape::length(xShapeInfo) : shape::length(xShapeInfo) / xLastDim; zLen = shape::length(zShapeInfo); } __syncthreads(); Nd4jLong yOffset, zOffset, xOffset; int *yCoords, *zCoords; if(!is1Dcase) { yCoords = coords + threadIdx.x * (biggerXYRank + zRank); zCoords = yCoords + biggerXYRank; } for (Nd4jLong i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < zLen; i += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) { if(!is1Dcase) shape::index2coords(i, zShapeInfo, zCoords); for (Nd4jLong j = 0; j < len; ++j) { // if !is1Dcase then we loop through first xRank-1 dimensions of x, that is we exclude last x dimension if(is1Dcase) { if(x[j * shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[xNonUnitDim]] != i) continue; yOffset = j * shape::stride(yShapeInfo)[yNonUnitDim]; zOffset = i * shape::stride(zShapeInfo)[zNonUnitDim]; } else { shape::index2coords(j, xRank-1, shape::shapeOf(const_cast<Nd4jLong*>(xShapeInfo)), yCoords); // first xRank-1 coordinates in yCoords are the same for y and x // first iteration yCoords[xRank - 1] = 0; xOffset = shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, yCoords); if(zCoords[0] != x[xOffset]) continue; // rest iterations bool matched = true; for (uint k = 1; k < xLastDim; ++k) { yCoords[xRank - 1] = k; xOffset += shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[xRank-1]; if(zCoords[k] != x[xOffset]) { matched = false; break; } } if(!matched) continue; for (uint k = xLastDim; k < zRank; ++k) yCoords[yRank - zRank + k] = zCoords[k]; yOffset = shape::getOffset(yShapeInfo, yCoords); zOffset = shape::getOffset(zShapeInfo, zCoords); } switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: z[zOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: z[zOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: z[zOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: z[zOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] - z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] / z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(z[zOffset] < y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(z[zOffset] > y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x - indices, y - updates, z - output template<typename X, typename Y> __global__ static void scatterNDCuda(const int opCode, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void *vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo) { const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); const auto y = reinterpret_cast<const Y*>(vy); auto z = reinterpret_cast<Y*>(vz); __shared__ int xRank, yRank, zRank, biggerXYRank, xLastDim, *coords, xNonUnitDim, yNonUnitDim, zNonUnitDim; __shared__ Nd4jLong yLen; __shared__ bool is1Dcase; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[]; coords = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem); yLen = shape::length(yShapeInfo); xRank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo); yRank = shape::rank(yShapeInfo); zRank = shape::rank(zShapeInfo); xLastDim = shape::sizeAt(xShapeInfo, -1); biggerXYRank = xRank > yRank ? xRank : yRank; xNonUnitDim = yNonUnitDim = zNonUnitDim = 0; is1Dcase = (shape::isCommonVector(zShapeInfo, zNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(zShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(yShapeInfo, yNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(yShapeInfo)) && (shape::isCommonVector(xShapeInfo, xNonUnitDim) || shape::isScalar(xShapeInfo)); } __syncthreads(); Nd4jLong yOffset, zOffset; int *yCoords, *zCoords; if(!is1Dcase) { yCoords = coords + threadIdx.x * (biggerXYRank + zRank); zCoords = yCoords + biggerXYRank; } for (Nd4jLong i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < yLen; i += gridDim.x * blockDim.x) { if(is1Dcase) { yOffset = i * shape::stride(yShapeInfo)[zNonUnitDim]; zOffset = x[i * shape::stride(xShapeInfo)[xNonUnitDim]] * shape::stride(zShapeInfo)[zNonUnitDim]; } else { shape::index2coords(i, yShapeInfo, yCoords); yOffset = shape::getOffset(yShapeInfo, yCoords); if(yRank >= xRank) zCoords[xLastDim] = yCoords[xRank - 1]; // saving y coordinate, since it might be changed in next instructions for (uint j = 0; j < xLastDim; ++j) { // first xRank-1 coordinates in yCoords are the same for y and x yCoords[xRank - 1] = j; zCoords[j] = x[shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, yCoords)]; } for (uint j = xLastDim + 1; j < zRank; ++j) zCoords[j] = yCoords[yRank - zRank + j]; zOffset = shape::getOffset(zShapeInfo, zCoords); } switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: z[zOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: z[zOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: z[zOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: z[zOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] - z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] / z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(z[zOffset] < y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(z[zOffset] > y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename X, typename Y> static void scatterNDCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream, const int opCode, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void *vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo, const bool lock) { if(lock) scatterNDLockCuda<X,Y><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(opCode, vx, xShapeInfo, vy, yShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo); else scatterNDCuda<X,Y><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(opCode, vx, xShapeInfo, vy, yShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void scatterND(sd::LaunchContext *context, pairwise::Ops op, const NDArray& indices, const NDArray& updates, NDArray& output, const bool lock) { const int xRank = indices.rankOf(); const int yRank = updates.rankOf(); const int zRank = output.rankOf(); const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4; const int blocksPerGrid = ((lock ? output.lengthOf() : updates.lengthOf()) + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; const int sharedMem = threadsPerBlock * sizeof(int) * ((yRank > xRank ? yRank : xRank) + zRank) + 256; const auto xType = indices.dataType(); const auto yType = updates.dataType(); PointersManager manager(context, "scatterND"); NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&output}, {&updates, &indices}); BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, scatterNDCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), op, indices.specialBuffer(), indices.specialShapeInfo(), updates.specialBuffer(), updates.specialShapeInfo(), output.specialBuffer(), output.specialShapeInfo(), lock), INDEXING_TYPES, GENERIC_NUMERIC_TYPES); NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&output}, {&updates, &indices}); manager.synchronize(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename X, typename Z> __global__ void scatterForLossCuda(const void *vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, void *vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo) { const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); auto y = reinterpret_cast<Z*>(vy); auto z = reinterpret_cast<Z*>(vz); __shared__ Nd4jLong xLen; __shared__ int xRank, *sharedMem; // xRank = zRank, yRank = xRank + 1 if (threadIdx.x == 0) { extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[]; sharedMem = reinterpret_cast<int*>(shmem); xLen = shape::length(xShapeInfo); xRank = shape::rank(xShapeInfo); } __syncthreads(); const auto xInd = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if(xInd >= xLen) return; auto coords = sharedMem + threadIdx.x * (xRank + 1); shape::index2coords(xInd, xShapeInfo, coords); // y last coordinate coords[xRank] = x[shape::getOffset(xShapeInfo, coords)]; const auto yOffset = shape::getOffset(yShapeInfo, coords); if(z == nullptr) { // gradient calculation y[yOffset] -= 1.f; } else { z[shape::getOffset(zShapeInfo, coords)] = y[yOffset]; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename X, typename Z> static void scatterForLossCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream, const void *vx, const Nd4jLong* xShapeInfo, void *vy, const Nd4jLong* yShapeInfo, void *vz, const Nd4jLong* zShapeInfo) { scatterForLossCuda<X, Z><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(vx, xShapeInfo, vy, yShapeInfo, vz, zShapeInfo); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void scatterForLoss(sd::LaunchContext* context, const NDArray& indices, NDArray& updates, NDArray& output, const bool calcGrad) { // shapes of indices and output must be the same // shape of indices should be the same as updates shape with last dimension excluded, for example if updates is {a,b,c} then indices should be {a,b} PointersManager manager(context, "scatterForLoss"); const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 2; const int blocksPerGrid = (indices.lengthOf() + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; const int sharedMem = updates.rankOf() * sizeof(int) * threadsPerBlock + 128; if(calcGrad) { NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&updates}, {&indices}); BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(indices.dataType(), updates.dataType(), scatterForLossCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), indices.specialBuffer(), indices.specialShapeInfo(), updates.specialBuffer(), updates.specialShapeInfo(), nullptr, nullptr), INDEXING_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES); NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&updates}, {&indices}); } else { NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&output}, {&indices, &updates}); BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(indices.dataType(), updates.dataType(), scatterForLossCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, context->getCudaStream(), indices.specialBuffer(), indices.specialShapeInfo(), updates.specialBuffer(), updates.specialShapeInfo(), output.specialBuffer(), output.specialShapeInfo()), INDEXING_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES); NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&output}, {&indices, &updates}); } manager.synchronize(); } } } } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename X, typename Y> static void scatterLockCudaLauncher(const int blocksPerGrid, const int threadsPerBlock, const int sharedMem, const cudaStream_t *stream, const int opCode, const void* vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void* vy, const Nd4jLong *yTadShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *yOffsets, void* vz, const Nd4jLong *zTadShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *zOffsets, const Nd4jLong xLen, const Nd4jLong yTadLen, const Nd4jLong zTadLen) { scatterLockCuda<X,Y><<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, sharedMem, *stream>>>(opCode, vx, xShapeInfo, vy, yTadShapeInfo, yOffsets, vz, zTadShapeInfo, zOffsets, xLen, yTadLen, zTadLen); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x - indices, y - updates, z - input/output template<typename X, typename Y> __global__ static void scatterLockCuda(const int opCode, const void* vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const void* vy, const Nd4jLong *yTadShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *yOffsets, void* vz, const Nd4jLong *zTadShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *zOffsets, const Nd4jLong xLen, const Nd4jLong yTadLen, const Nd4jLong zTadLen) { const int xRank = indices.rankOf(); std::vector<int> zTadDims = ShapeUtils::evalDimsToExclude(output.rankOf(), {0}); int sizeOfUpdDims = xRank; if(output.rankOf() == updates.rankOf() && indices.isVector()) sizeOfUpdDims = 1; std::vector<int> yTadDims(sizeOfUpdDims); std::iota(yTadDims.begin(), yTadDims.end(), 0); auto packY = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(updates.shapeInfo(), ShapeUtils::evalDimsToExclude(updates.rankOf(), yTadDims)); auto packZ = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(output.shapeInfo(), zTadDims); const Nd4jLong zTadLen = shape::length(packZ.primaryShapeInfo()); const Nd4jLong yTadLen = shape::length(packY.primaryShapeInfo()); const auto threadsPerBlock = sd::math::nd4j_max<int>(32, sd::math::nd4j_min<int>(zTadLen, 1024)); const auto blocksPerGrid = indices.lengthOf(); const auto xType = indices.dataType(); const auto yType = updates.dataType(); BUILD_DOUBLE_SELECTOR(xType, yType, scatterLockCudaLauncher, (blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, 1024, context->getCudaStream(), op, indices.specialBuffer(), indices.specialShapeInfo(), updates.specialBuffer(), packY.specialShapeInfo(), packY.specialOffsets(), output.specialBuffer(), packZ.specialShapeInfo(), packZ.specialOffsets(), indices.lengthOf(), yTadLen, zTadLen), INDEXING_TYPES, GENERIC_NUMERIC_TYPES); const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); const auto y = reinterpret_cast<const Y*>(vy); auto z = reinterpret_cast<Y*>(vz); __shared__ bool vectorCase; if(threadIdx.x == 0) vectorCase = yTadLen == xLen && shape::rank(xShapeInfo) <= 1; __syncthreads(); for (int e = 0; e < xLen; e++) { const Nd4jLong zIndex = x[shape::getIndexOffset(e, xShapeInfo)]; const bool isOwner = zIndex < gridDim.x ? blockIdx.x == zIndex : blockIdx.x == zIndex % gridDim.x; if (!isOwner) continue; if(vectorCase) { // means z_rank = 1 and might be yTadLen != zTadLen in this case if(threadIdx.x != 0) continue; const auto yOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(e, yTadShapeInfo); const auto zOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(zIndex, zTadShapeInfo); switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: z[zOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: z[zOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: z[zOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: z[zOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] - z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] / z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(z[zOffset] < y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(z[zOffset] > y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } else { // yTadLen == zTadLen in this case const Y* yTad = y + yOffsets[e]; Y* zTad = z + zOffsets[zIndex]; for (Nd4jLong i = threadIdx.x; i < zTadLen; i += blockDim.x) { const auto yOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, yTadShapeInfo); const auto zOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, zTadShapeInfo); switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: zTad[zOffset] += yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: zTad[zOffset] -= yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: zTad[zOffset] *= yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: zTad[zOffset] /= yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset] - zTad[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset] / zTad[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(zTad[zOffset] < yTad[yOffset]) zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(zTad[zOffset] > yTad[yOffset]) zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } } } } template<typename T, bool locking> __global__ static void scatterCuda(const int opCode, const int numOfSubArrs, void* vx, const Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *xOffsets, void* vy, const Nd4jLong *yShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *yOffsets, const int* indexes, unsigned int arrLenX, unsigned int arrLenY) { __shared__ T *x, *y; if (locking) { for (int e = 0; e < numOfSubArrs; e++) { const auto xIndex = indexes[e]; const bool isOwner = xIndex < gridDim.x ? blockIdx.x == xIndex : blockIdx.x == xIndex % gridDim.x; if (!isOwner) continue; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { x = reinterpret_cast<T *>(vx) + xOffsets[xIndex]; y = reinterpret_cast<T *>(vy) + yOffsets[e]; } __syncthreads(); for (Nd4jLong i = threadIdx.x; i < arrLenX; i += blockDim.x) { const auto xOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, xShapeInfo); const auto yOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, yShapeInfo); switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: x[xOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: x[xOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: x[xOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: x[xOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: x[xOffset] = y[yOffset] - x[xOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: x[xOffset] = y[yOffset] / x[xOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: x[xOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } __syncthreads(); } } else { for (int e = blockIdx.x; e < numOfSubArrs; e+= gridDim.x) { if (threadIdx.x == 0) { const auto xIndex = indexes[e]; x = reinterpret_cast<T *>(vx) + xOffsets[xIndex]; y = reinterpret_cast<T *>(vy) + yOffsets[e]; } __syncthreads(); for (Nd4jLong i = threadIdx.x; i < arrLenX; i += blockDim.x) { const auto xOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, xShapeInfo); const auto yOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, yShapeInfo); switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: x[xOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: x[xOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: x[xOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: x[xOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: x[xOffset] = y[yOffset] - x[xOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: x[xOffset] = y[yOffset] / x[xOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: x[xOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } __syncthreads(); } } } template <typename T> void scatter_(sd::LaunchContext *context, pairwise::Ops op, const NDArray& indices, const NDArray& updates, NDArray& output, const bool lock) { std::vector<int> dims = {0}; auto inverted = ShapeUtils::evalDimsToExclude(output.rankOf(), dims); auto packX = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(output.shapeInfo(), inverted); auto packY = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(updates.shapeInfo(), inverted); auto psX = packX.specialShapeInfo(); auto psY = packY.special(); PointersManager manager(context, "scatter"); auto poX = packX.specialOffsets(); auto poY = packY.special(); NDArray::prepareSpecialUse({&output}, {&updates, &indices}); unsigned int tadLengthX = shape::length(packX.primaryShapeInfo()); unsigned int tadLengthY = shape::length(packY.primary()); if (tadLengthX != tadLengthY) throw std::runtime_error("scatter: Lengths of TADs must be equal"); auto blockSize = sd::math::nd4j_max<int>(32, sd::math::nd4j_min<int>(tadLengthX, 1024)); if (lock) scatterCuda<T, true><<<512, blockSize, 1024, *context->getCudaStream()>>>(op, indices.lengthOf(), output.specialBuffer(), psX, poX, updates.specialBuffer(), psY, poY, reinterpret_cast<int *>(indices.specialBuffer()), tadLengthX, tadLengthY); else scatterCuda<T, false><<<512, blockSize, 1024, *context->getCudaStream()>>>(op, indices.lengthOf(), output.specialBuffer(), psX, poX, updates.specialBuffer(), psY, poY, reinterpret_cast<int *>(indices.specialBuffer()), tadLengthX, tadLengthY); NDArray::registerSpecialUse({&output}, {&updates, &indices}); manager.synchronize(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // x - indices, y - updates, z - output template<typename X, typename Y> __global__ static void scatterNDLockCuda(const int opCode, const void* vx, const Nd4jLong *xTadShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *xOffsets, const void* vy, const Nd4jLong *yTadShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *yOffsets, void* vz, const Nd4jLong *zTadShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong *zOffsets, const Nd4jLong *zShapeInfo, const Nd4jLong numOfXTads, const Nd4jLong numOfZTads, const Nd4jLong yTadLen) { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int xLastDim = indices.sizeAt(-1); // y_tad and z_tad have the same shape std::vector<int> yTadDims(zRank - xLastDim), zTadDims(zRank - xLastDim); for (int j = 0, i = zTadDims.size() - 1; i >=0 ; --i, ++j) { yTadDims[i] = yRank - 1 - j; zTadDims[i] = zRank - 1 - j; } auto packX = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(indices.shapeInfo(), {xRank - 1}); auto packY = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(updates.shapeInfo(), yTadDims); auto packZ = sd::ConstantTadHelper::getInstance().tadForDimensions(output.shapeInfo(), zTadDims); const int threadsPerBlock = MAX_NUM_THREADS / 4; const int blocksPerGrid = packZ.numberOfTads(); const int sharedMem = 8 * threadsPerBlock * xLastDim + 128; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // zTadLen == yTadLen if numOfZTads > 1, in opposite case z and y are vectors // numOfXTads == numOfYTads if numOfZTads > 1, in opposite case z and y are vectors const auto x = reinterpret_cast<const X*>(vx); const auto y = reinterpret_cast<const Y*>(vy); auto z = reinterpret_cast<Y*>(vz); __shared__ Nd4jLong *zTadCoords; __shared__ int xLastDim; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { extern __shared__ unsigned char shmem[]; zTadCoords = reinterpret_cast<Nd4jLong*>(shmem); xLastDim = xTadShapeInfo[1]; // xTad has rank = 1 always } __syncthreads(); Nd4jLong* zTadCoordsPerThread = zTadCoords + threadIdx.x * xLastDim; for (Nd4jLong i = 0; i < numOfXTads; ++i) { const X* xTad = x + xOffsets[i]; for (uint k = 0; k < xLastDim; ++k) zTadCoordsPerThread[k] = xTad[shape::getIndexOffset(k, xTadShapeInfo)]; const auto zTadIndex = shape::coords2index(xLastDim, zShapeInfo + 1, zTadCoordsPerThread); const bool isOwner = zTadIndex < gridDim.x ? blockIdx.x == zTadIndex : blockIdx.x == zTadIndex % gridDim.x; if(!isOwner) continue; if(numOfZTads == 1) { // yTadLen == numOfXTads in this case if(threadIdx.x != 0) continue; const auto yOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(i, yTadShapeInfo); const auto zOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(zTadIndex, zTadShapeInfo); switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: z[zOffset] += y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: z[zOffset] -= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: z[zOffset] *= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: z[zOffset] /= y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] - z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset] / z[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(z[zOffset] < y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(z[zOffset] > y[yOffset]) z[zOffset] = y[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } else { const auto yTad = y + yOffsets[i]; const auto zTad = z + zOffsets[zTadIndex]; for (Nd4jLong j = threadIdx.x; j < yTadLen; j += blockDim.x) { const auto yOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(j, yTadShapeInfo); const auto zOffset = shape::getIndexOffset(j, zTadShapeInfo); switch (opCode) { case pairwise::Add: zTad[zOffset] += yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Subtract: zTad[zOffset] -= yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Multiply: zTad[zOffset] *= yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::Divide: zTad[zOffset] /= yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseSubtract: zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset] - zTad[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::ReverseDivide: zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset] / zTad[zOffset]; break; case pairwise::CopyPws: zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MaxPairwise: if(zTad[zOffset] < yTad[yOffset]) zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset]; break; case pairwise::MinPairwise: if(zTad[zOffset] > yTad[yOffset]) zTad[zOffset] = yTad[yOffset]; break; default: continue; } } } } } */ // PointersManager manager(&context, "NativeOps::concat"); // PointersManager::printDevContentOnDev<int>(vx, 2); // PointersManager::printDevContentOnDev<Nd4jLong>(xShapeInfo, 8); // PointersManager::printDevContentOnDev<float>(vy, 8); // PointersManager::printDevContentOnDev<Nd4jLong>(yShapeInfo, 8); // PointersManager::printDevContentOnDev<Nd4jLong>(zShapeInfo, 8); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<int>(indices.specialBuffer(), indices.lengthOf()); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(indices.special(), shape::shapeInfoLength(indices.rankOf())); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<float>(updates.specialBuffer(), updates.lengthOf()); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(updates.special(), shape::shapeInfoLength(updates.rankOf())); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(output.special(), shape::shapeInfoLength(output.rankOf())); // printf("!!!!!!!\n"); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(packX.special(), 2*shape::rank(packX.primary()) + 4); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(packX.special(), packX.numberOfTads()); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(packY.special(), 2*shape::rank(packY.primary()) + 4); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(packY.special(), packY.numberOfTads()); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(packZ.special(), 2*shape::rank(packZ.primary()) + 4); // manager.printDevContentOnHost<Nd4jLong>(packZ.special(), packZ.numberOfTads()); // printf("dddddddd\n"); // shape::printShapeInfoLinear(packY.primary());