/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Skymind, Inc. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // lstmBlock: Full LSTM layer in one op // @author Alex Black // #include <op_boilerplate.h> #if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_lstmBlock) #include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h> #include<ops/declarable/helpers/lstmBlock.h> namespace nd4j { namespace ops { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_OP_IMPL(lstmBlock, 9, 7, false, 2, 2) { auto maxTSLength = INPUT_VARIABLE(0); auto x = INPUT_VARIABLE(1); // input [seqLen, bS, nIn] at time t auto cLast = INPUT_VARIABLE(2); // previous cell state [bS, nOut], time t-1 auto yLast = INPUT_VARIABLE(3); // previous output [bS, nOut], time t-1 auto W = INPUT_VARIABLE(4); // Weights - concatenated (input-to-hidden, hidden-to-hidden weights) weights, [(nIn+nOut), 4*nOut] auto Wci = INPUT_VARIABLE(5); // weights - cell peephole (t-1) connections to input modulation gate, [nOut] auto Wcf = INPUT_VARIABLE(6); // weights - cell peephole (t-1) connections to forget gate, [nOut] auto Wco = INPUT_VARIABLE(7); // weights - cell peephole (t) connections to output gate, [nOut] auto b = INPUT_VARIABLE(8); // biases, [4*nOut] auto i = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0); // Output - input modulation gate activations [seqLen, bS, nOut] auto c = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(1); // Activations, cell state (pre tanh) [seqLen, bs, nOut] auto f = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(2); // Output - forget gate activations [seqLen, bs, nOut] auto o = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(3); // Output - output gate activations [seqLen, bs, nOut] auto z = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(4); // Output - input gate activations [seqLen, bs, nOut] auto h = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(5); // Cell state, post tanh [seqLen, bs, nOut] auto y = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(6); // current cell output [seqLen, bS, numProj], time t const int peephole = INT_ARG(0); // if 1, provide peephole connections const int dataFormat = INT_ARG(1); // 0=TNS=[seqLen,bS,nIn]; 1=NST=[bS,nIn,seqLen]; 2=NTS=[bS,seqLen,nIn] const double forgetBias = T_ARG(0); const double clippingCellValue = T_ARG(1); // clipping value for ct, if it is not equal to zero, then cell state is clipped REQUIRE_TRUE(x->rankOf()==3, 0, "lstmBlock: Input array 1 (x) rank must be got input with rank %i", x->rankOf()); REQUIRE_TRUE(cLast->rankOf()==2 && yLast->rankOf()==2, 0, "lstmBlock: Input ranks must be 2 for inputs 2/3 (cLast, yLast) - got %i, %i", cLast->rankOf(), yLast->rankOf()); REQUIRE_TRUE(W->rankOf()==2, 0, "lstmBlock: Weights array rank must be 2"); REQUIRE_TRUE(b->rankOf()==1, 0, "lstmBlock: Biases must be rank 1"); REQUIRE_TRUE(i->rankOf()==3 && c->rankOf()==3 && f->rankOf()==3 && o->rankOf()==3 && z->rankOf()==3 && h->rankOf()==3 && y->rankOf()==3, 0, "lstmBlock: Output arrays must all be rank 3"); helpers::lstmBlockTimeLoop(maxTSLength, x, cLast, yLast, W, Wci, Wcf, Wco, b, i, c, f, o, z, h, y, {(double)peephole, forgetBias, clippingCellValue}, dataFormat); return Status::OK(); } DECLARE_TYPES(lstmBlock) { getOpDescriptor() ->setAllowedInputTypes(nd4j::DataType::ANY) ->setAllowedOutputTypes({ALL_FLOATS}); } DECLARE_SHAPE_FN(lstmBlock) { auto x = inputShape->at(1); auto cLast = inputShape->at(2); auto yLast = inputShape->at(3); auto W = inputShape->at(4); auto b = inputShape->at(8); REQUIRE_TRUE(shape::rank(x)==3, 0, "lstmBlock: Input array 1 (x) rank must be got input with rank %i", shape::rank(x)); REQUIRE_TRUE(shape::rank(cLast)==2 && shape::rank(yLast)==2, 0, "lstmBlock: Input ranks must be 2 for inputs 2/3 (cLast, yLast) - got %i, %i", shape::rank(cLast), shape::rank(yLast)); REQUIRE_TRUE(shape::rank(W)==2, 0, "lstmBlock: Weights array rank must be 2"); REQUIRE_TRUE(shape::rank(b)==1, 0, "lstmBlock: Biases must be rank 1"); const int dataFormat = INT_ARG(1); // 0=TNS=[seqLen,bS,size]; 1=NST=[bS,size,seqLen]; 2=NTS=[bS,seqLen,size] int bs; int t; int nOut = cLast[2]; //rank, bs, nOut, ...] Nd4jLong *s(nullptr); ALLOCATE(s, block.getWorkspace(), shape::shapeInfoLength(3), Nd4jLong); // [time, bS, nOut] s[0] = 3; if(dataFormat == 0){ //[rank, seqLen, bs, nIn, ...] s[1] = x[1]; //seqLen s[2] = x[2]; //bS s[3] = nOut; } else if(dataFormat==1){ //[rank, bs, nIn, seqLen, ...] s[1] = x[1]; //bS s[2] = nOut; s[3] = x[3]; //seqLen } else { //[rank, bs, seqLen, nIn, ...] s[1] = x[1]; //bS s[2] = x[2]; //seqLen s[3] = nOut; } ShapeUtils::updateStridesAndType(s, x, 'c'); Nd4jLong *s1 = CONSTANT(s); //7 outputs, all same shape/type return SHAPELIST(s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1, s1); } } } #endif