/* ****************************************************************************** * * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // // @author raver119@gmail.com // #include "testlayers.h" #include <graph/Context.h> #include <iomanip> #include <graph/Variable.h> #include <graph/VariableSpace.h> #include <ops/declarable/OpRegistrator.h> #include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h> #include <helpers/helper_hash.h> #include <array/NDArray.h> #include <array/NDArrayList.h> #include <legacy/NativeOps.h> #include <ops/gemm.h> #include <helpers/PointersManager.h> using namespace sd; using namespace sd::graph; class DeclarableOpsTests1 : public testing::Test { public: const int bS = 2; // batch size const int iD = 1; // input depth (number of picture channels, for example rgb=3) const int iH = 28; // picture height in pixels const int iW = 28; // picture width in pixels const int oD = 3; // output depth (= N for dense layer) const int kH = 5; // kernel height in pixels const int kW = 5; // kernel width in pixels const int sH = 1; // stride step in horizontal direction const int sW = 1; // stride step in vertical direction const int pH = 0; // padding height const int pW = 0; // padding width const int dH = 2; // dilation height const int dW = 2; // dilation width const int oH = (iH - kH - (kH - 1) * (dH - 1) + 2 * pH) / sH + 1; // output height const int oW = (iW - kW - (kW - 1) * (dW - 1) + 2 * pW) / sW + 1; // output width DeclarableOpsTests1() { sd::memory::MemoryTracker::getInstance().reset(); } ~DeclarableOpsTests1() { sd::memory::MemoryTracker::getInstance().summarize(); } }; template <typename T> class TypedDeclarableOpsTests1 : public testing::Test { public: const int bS = 2; // batch size const int iD = 1; // input depth (number of picture channels, for example rgb=3) const int iH = 28; // picture height in pixels const int iW = 28; // picture width in pixels const int oD = 3; // output depth (= N for dense layer) const int kH = 5; // kernel height in pixels const int kW = 5; // kernel width in pixels const int sH = 1; // stride step in horizontal direction const int sW = 1; // stride step in vertical direction const int pH = 0; // padding height const int pW = 0; // padding width const int dH = 2; // dilation height const int dW = 2; // dilation width const int oH = (iH - kH - (kH - 1) * (dH - 1) + 2 * pH) / sH + 1; // output height const int oW = (iW - kW - (kW - 1) * (dW - 1) + 2 * pW) / sW + 1; // output width TypedDeclarableOpsTests1() { printf("\n"); } }; typedef ::testing::Types<double, float> TestingTypes; TYPED_TEST_CASE(TypedDeclarableOpsTests1, TestingTypes); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, BasicInitialization1) { auto concat = new sd::ops::concat(); std::string expName("concat"); ASSERT_EQ(expName, *(concat->getOpName())); auto x0 = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 5 }); auto x1 = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 5 }); auto x2 = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 5 }); auto x3 = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 5 }); auto x4 = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 5 }); x0->assign(1.0f); x1->assign(1.0f); x2->assign(1.0f); x3->assign(1.0f); x4->assign(1.0f); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x0); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, x1); variableSpace->putVariable(-3, x2); variableSpace->putVariable(-4, x3); variableSpace->putVariable(-5, x4); auto nodeVar = new Variable(); variableSpace->putVariable(1, nodeVar); Context block(1, variableSpace); block.getIArguments()->push_back(1); block.fillInputs({ -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 }); ASSERT_FALSE(nodeVar->hasNDArray()); Nd4jStatus result = concat->execute(&block); ASSERT_TRUE(nodeVar->hasNDArray()); ASSERT_EQ(25, nodeVar->getNDArray()->lengthOf()); ASSERT_NEAR(25.0, nodeVar->getNDArray()->reduceNumber(reduce::Sum).e<double>(0), 1e-5); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result); delete variableSpace; delete concat; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, BasicInitialization2) { auto op = sd::ops::OpRegistrator::getInstance().getOperation("concat"); ASSERT_TRUE(op != nullptr); std::string expName("concat"); ASSERT_EQ(expName, *(op->getOpName())); ASSERT_EQ(-1, op->getOpDescriptor()->getNumberOfInputs()); ASSERT_EQ(1, op->getOpDescriptor()->getNumberOfOutputs()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ApplyGradientDescent_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }); exp.linspace(0.9, 0.9); sd::ops::apply_sgd op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, { 1. }, {}); ASSERT_EQ(result.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(z->equalsTo(exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, AssignBroadcastTest_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 1,4 }, { 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 }); sd::ops::assign op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_EQ(result.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(z->equalsTo(exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, AssignBroadcastTest_2) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 1,4 }, { 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 }); auto eps = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 }); auto exp1 = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }); // zero auto exp2 = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 1,4 }, { 3, 6, 9, 12 }); sd::ops::assign_bp op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &y, &eps }); ASSERT_EQ(result.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); auto z1 = result.at(0); auto z2 = result.at(1); ASSERT_TRUE(z1->equalsTo(exp1)); ASSERT_TRUE(z2->equalsTo(exp2)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, AXpY_Test_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }, { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4 }); exp.linspace(3, 3); sd::ops::axpy op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, { 2. }); ASSERT_EQ(result.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(z->equalsTo(exp)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, BasicInitialization3) { auto op1 = sd::ops::OpRegistrator::getInstance().getOperation("concat"); std::string expName("concat"); auto hash = sd::ops::HashHelper::getInstance().getLongHash(expName); auto op2 = sd::ops::OpRegistrator::getInstance().getOperation(hash); ASSERT_TRUE(op1 == op2); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SynonymInitialization2) { auto op = sd::ops::OpRegistrator::getInstance().getOperation("Mul"); auto op2 = sd::ops::OpRegistrator::getInstance().getOperation("multiply"); ASSERT_TRUE(op != nullptr); std::string expName("multiply"); ASSERT_EQ(expName, *(op->getOpName())); ASSERT_TRUE(op == op2); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorMmul1) { NDArray x('c', { 2, 3, 4 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray y('c', { 2, 3, 4 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); x.linspace(1); y.linspace(1); NDArray exp('c', { 2, 2 }, { 650.0, 1586.0, 1586.0, 4250.0 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,1,2,2,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* out = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(out)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(out)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot2) { NDArray x('f', { 2, 3, 4 }, { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24. }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray y('f', { 2, 3, 4 }, { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24. }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray exp('c', { 2, 2 }, { 2300.0, 2444.0, 2444.0, 2600.0 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,1,2,2,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* out = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(out)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(out)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot3) { NDArray x('c', { 2, 3, 4 }, { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24. }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray y('f', { 2, 3, 4 }, { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24. }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray exp('f', { 2, 2 }, { 1090.0, 2818.0, 1168.0, 3040.0 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,1,2,2,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* out = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(out)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(out)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot4) { NDArray x('f', { 2, 3, 4 }, { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24. }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray y('c', { 2, 3, 4 }, { 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24. }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray exp('f', { 2, 2 }, { 1090.0, 1168.0, 2818.0, 3040.0 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,1,2,2,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* out = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(out)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(out)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot5) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,4,2,4 }, { 44,110,160, 66,132, 38, 88,154, 68,170,224,102,204, 82,136,238, 92,230,288,138,276,126,184,322, 116,290,352,174,348,170,232,406, 76,190,160,114,228,182,152,266, 100,250,224,150,300,226,200,350, 124,310,288,186,372,270,248,434, 148,370,352,222,444,314,296,518 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 1,1,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot6) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,4,2,4 }, { 22, 66,110,154, 44, 88,132,176, 34,102,170,238, 68,136,204,272, 46,138,230,322, 92,184,276,368, 58,174,290,406,116,232,348,464, 38,114,190,266, 76,152,228,304, 50,150,250,350,100,200,300,400, 62,186,310,434,124,248,372,496, 74,222,370,518,148,296,444,592 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 1,1,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot7) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,4,2,4 }, { 76,166,112,106,196, 62,136,226, 60,174,208, 98,212,230,136,250, 76,214,336,122,260,174,168,306, 124,286,240,178,340,150,232,394, 100,226,176,142,268,106,184,310, 84,234,272,134,284,274,184,334, 100,274,400,158,332,218,216,390, 148,346,304,214,412,194,280,478 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 1,1,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot8) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,4,2,4 }, { 30, 90,150,210, 60,120,180,240, 38,114,190,266, 76,152,228,304, 46,138,230,322, 92,184,276,368, 54,162,270,378,108,216,324,432, 42,126,210,294, 84,168,252,336, 50,150,250,350,100,200,300,400, 58,174,290,406,116,232,348,464, 66,198,330,462,132,264,396,528 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 1,1,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot9) { // NDArray z('f',{2,2,3}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // z.linspace(1); // z.printShapeInfo(); // z.printIndexedBuffer(); // z.reshapei('c', {4,3}); // z.printShapeInfo(); // z.printIndexedBuffer(); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,4,4,3 }, { 14, 14, 14, 30, 30, 30, 46, 46, 46, 62, 62, 62, 86, 86, 86,198,198,198,310,310,310,422,422,422, 62, 62, 62,142,142,142,222,222,222,302,302,302, 38, 38, 38, 86, 86, 86,134,134,134,182,182,182, 38, 38, 38, 86, 86, 86,134,134,134,182,182,182, 14, 14, 14, 30, 30, 30, 46, 46, 46, 62, 62, 62, 86, 86, 86,198,198,198,310,310,310,422,422,422, 62, 62, 62,142,142,142,222,222,222,302,302,302, 62, 62, 62,142,142,142,222,222,222,302,302,302, 38, 38, 38, 86, 86, 86,134,134,134,182,182,182, 14, 14, 14, 30, 30, 30, 46, 46, 46, 62, 62, 62, 86, 86, 86,198,198,198,310,310,310,422,422,422 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 1,0,1,0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot10) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4,4 }, { 114,258,402,546, 138,314,490,666, 162,370,578,786, 186,426,666,906 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,0,1, 2,0,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot11) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4,4 }, { 98,218,338,458, 134,302,470,638, 170,386,602,818, 206,470,734,998 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,0,1, 2,0,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot12) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,4,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4,4 }, { 272,292,312,332, 368,396,424,452, 464,500,536,572, 560,604,648,692 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,0,1, 2,0,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot13) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4,2,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,3 }, { 640,560,640, 576,624,576, 640,560,640 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,0,2, 2,1,0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot14) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4,2,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,3 }, { 648,600,520, 648,536,648, 520,600,648 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,0,2, 2,1,0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot15) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 2,3,4 }, { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('f', { 4,2,3 }, { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3,3 }, { 624,624,624, 656,656,656, 624,624,624 }); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 2,0,2, 2,1,0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot16) { NDArray x('c', { 1 }, std::vector<double>{2}, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray y('c', { 2,1,2 }, { 1,2,3,4 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray exp('c', { 2,2 }, { 2,4,6,8 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &x, &y }, {}, { 1,0, 1,1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto* result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestTensorDot17) { NDArray x('f', { 16,16 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray y('f', { 1000,16 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray z('c', { 16,1000 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::tensormmul op; auto status = op.execute({ &x, &y }, { &z }, {}, { 1,1, 1,1 }, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, DivergentCheck1) { auto op = sd::ops::OpRegistrator::getInstance().getOperation("switch"); ASSERT_TRUE(op != nullptr); std::string expName("Switch"); ASSERT_EQ(expName, *(op->getOpName())); ASSERT_TRUE(op->getOpDescriptor()->isDivergent()); ASSERT_EQ(2, op->getOpDescriptor()->getNumberOfOutputs()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, AddMatrices1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(1); exp->assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::add addOp; addOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete exp; delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, AddVectorVector1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(1); exp->assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::add addOp; addOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete exp; delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, AddMatrixScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(1); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::add addOp; addOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, AddScalarScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(1); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::add addOp; addOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SubtractMatrices1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp.assign(2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::subtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SubtractTest_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp.assign(2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::subtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SubtractTest_2) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); // auto y({6}, {1,1,1,1,1,1}); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 6 }); x.assign(3); y.assign(1); exp.assign(2); sd::ops::subtract subOp; auto res = subOp.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_TRUE(res.status() == ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(&exp)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestRng1) { /* Nd4jLong *buffer = new Nd4jLong[100000]; sd::random::RandomBuffer *rng = (sd::random::RandomBuffer *) initRandom(nullptr, 123, 100000, (Nd4jPointer) buffer); if (rng == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("RNG initialization failed"); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {5, 3}); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({-1}); block->setRNG(rng); block->getTArguments()->push_back(0.0f); block->getTArguments()->push_back(1.0f); sd::ops::randomuniform uniform; Nd4jStatus status = uniform.execute(block); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); ASSERT_TRUE(x->sumNumber() > 0.0); destroyRandom((Nd4jPointer) rng); delete[] buffer; delete variableSpace; delete block; */ } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, MergeSumTest1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto z = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); z->assign(2); exp.assign(6); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); variableSpace->putVariable(-3, z); variableSpace->putVariable(1, new Variable(NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }))); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2, -3 }); sd::ops::mergeadd merge; merge.execute(block); auto res = variableSpace->getVariable(1)->getNDArray(); ASSERT_TRUE(res->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ClipByValue1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); x->assign(4); x->p(0, -1); x->p(1, 2); exp.assign(3); exp.p(0, 0); exp.p(1, 2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(1, new Variable()); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->getTArguments()->push_back(0.0f); block->getTArguments()->push_back(3.0f); block->fillInputs({ -1 }); sd::ops::clipbyvalue clip; clip.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, MergeAvgTest1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto z = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); z->assign(2); exp.assign(2); auto zu = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); variableSpace->putVariable(-3, z); variableSpace->putVariable(1, new Variable(NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 5 }))); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2, -3 }); sd::ops::mergeavg merge; merge.execute(block); auto res = variableSpace->getVariable(1)->getNDArray(); ASSERT_TRUE(res->equalsTo(&exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SubtractVectorVector1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp.assign(2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::subtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SubtractMatrixScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp.assign(2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::subtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SubtractScalarScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp.assign(2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::subtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseSubtractMatrices1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(3.f); y->assign(1.f); exp.assign(-2.f); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversesubtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseSubtractTest_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); x.assign(3.f); y.assign(1.f); exp.assign(-2.f); sd::ops::reversesubtract subOp; auto res = subOp.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_TRUE(res.status() == ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(&exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseSubtractTest_2) { // auto x('c', {1, 6}); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 6 }); auto z(exp); x.assign(3.f); y.assign(1.f); exp.assign(-2.f); x.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(ReverseSubtract), y, z, true); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(&z)); sd::ops::reversesubtract subOp; auto res = subOp.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_TRUE(res.status() == ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(&exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseSubtractTest_3) { // auto x('c', {1, 6}); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 6 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 6 }); auto z(exp); x.assign(1); y.assign(3); exp.assign(2); x.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(ReverseSubtract), y, z, true); ASSERT_TRUE(z.equalsTo(&exp)); sd::ops::reversesubtract subOp; auto res = subOp.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_TRUE(res.status() == ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(&exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseModTest_1) { // auto x('c', {1, 6}); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 6 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 6 }); auto z(exp); x.assign(2.); y.assign(9.f); exp.assign(1.f); y.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(Mod), x, z, true); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(&z)); x.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(ReverseMod), y, exp, true); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(&z)); sd::ops::reversemod subOp; auto res = subOp.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_TRUE(res.status() == ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(&exp)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(&z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseModTest_2) { // auto x('c', {1, 6}); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5 }); auto z(exp); x.assign(2.f); y.assign(9.f); exp.assign(1.f); x.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(ReverseMod), y, z, true); ASSERT_TRUE(z.equalsTo(&exp)); x.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(ReverseMod), y, exp, true); ASSERT_TRUE(z.equalsTo(&exp)); sd::ops::reversemod subOp; auto res = subOp.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_TRUE(res.status() == ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(&exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseSubtractVectorVector1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp->assign(-2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversesubtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseSubtractMatrixScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp->assign(-2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversesubtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseSubtractScalarScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); x->assign(3); y->assign(1); exp->assign(-2); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversesubtract subOp; subOp.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, MultiplyMatrices1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(3); exp->assign(6); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::multiply mul; mul.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, MultiplyVectorVector1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(3); exp->assign(6); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::multiply mul; mul.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, MultiplyMatrixScalar) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(3); exp->assign(6); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::multiply mul; mul.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, MultiplyScalarScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(3); exp->assign(6); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::multiply mul; mul.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestSoftMax_bp_1) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', { 2, 2 }); for (int e = 0; e < input->lengthOf(); e++) input->p(e, e + 1); auto epsilon = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', { 2, 2 }); epsilon->p(0, 0.1f); epsilon->p(1, 0.2f); epsilon->p(2, 0.3f); epsilon->p(3, 0.4f); auto output = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', { 2, 2 }); output->assign(1.0f); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', { 2, 2 }); exp->p(0, -0.019661194f); exp->p(1, 0.019661194f); exp->p(2, -0.019661194f); exp->p(3, 0.019661194f); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, input); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, epsilon); variableSpace->putVariable(1, output); //variableSpace->putVariable(42, exp); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::softmax_bp op; Nd4jStatus status = op.execute(block); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); ASSERT_TRUE(output->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, BroadcastDivideTest_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 6 }); x.assign(6); y.assign(2); exp.assign(3); sd::ops::divide div; auto res = div.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_EQ(res.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, BroadcastDivideTest_2) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 6 }); x.assign(6); y.assign(2); exp.assign(3); sd::ops::divide_no_nan div; auto res = div.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_EQ(res.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, BroadcastDivideTest_3) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>({ 6,6,6,6,6 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>({ 3,3,0,3,3 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>({ 2, 2, 0, 2, 2 }); sd::ops::divide_no_nan div; auto res = div.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_EQ(res.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, BroadcastReverseDivideTest_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 6 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5, 6 }); x.assign(3.f); y.assign(6.f); exp.assign(2.f); sd::ops::reversedivide div; auto res = div.evaluate({ &x, &y }); ASSERT_EQ(res.status(), ND4J_STATUS_OK); ASSERT_TRUE(res.at(0)->equalsTo(exp)); auto z(exp); x.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(ReverseDivide), y, z, true); y.applyTrueBroadcast(BROADCAST(Divide), x, exp, true); ASSERT_TRUE(z.equalsTo(&exp)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, DivideMatrices1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(6); y->assign(2); exp->assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::divide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, DivideVectorVector1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); x->assign(6); y->assign(2); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::divide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, DivideMatrixScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(6); y->assign(2); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::divide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, DivideScalarScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 1 }); x->assign(6); y->assign(2); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::divide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseDivideMatrices1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(6); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversedivide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseDivideVectorVector1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 15 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(6); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversedivide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseDivideMatrixScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 3 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(6); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversedivide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ReverseDivideScalarScalar1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); x->assign(2); y->assign(6); exp.assign(3); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, y); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, true); block->fillInputs({ -1, -2 }); sd::ops::reversedivide div; div.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(x->equalsTo(&exp)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Test_Cast_1) { // TODO: right now there's no real cast implementation, but genera idea should be the same: arrays equality to be expected auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 5, 5 }); auto yExp = NDArrayFactory::create<float16>('c', { 5, 5 }); x.linspace(1); yExp.linspace(1); sd::ops::cast op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 3 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(yExp.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestRegistrator1) { auto res = sd::ops::OpRegistrator::getInstance().getAllCustomOperations(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestLegacyExecution1) { // auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // x->assign(1.0f); // auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // y->assign(2.0f); // auto z = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // exp->assign(3.0f); // z->assign(120.0f); // std::string opName("add"); // auto hash = sd::ops::HashHelper::getInstance().getInstance()->getLongHash(opName); // auto inputBuffers = new Nd4jPointer[2]; // auto inputShapes = new Nd4jPointer[2]; // inputBuffers[0] = (Nd4jPointer) x->buffer(); // inputBuffers[1] = (Nd4jPointer) y->buffer(); // inputShapes[0] = (Nd4jPointer) x->shapeInfo(); // inputShapes[1] = (Nd4jPointer) y->shapeInfo(); // auto outputBuffers = new Nd4jPointer[1]; // auto outputShapes = new Nd4jPointer[1]; // outputBuffers[0] = (Nd4jPointer) z->buffer(); // outputShapes[0] = (Nd4jPointer) z->shapeInfo(); // //auto status = execCustomOp(nullptr, hash, inputBuffers, inputShapes, 2, outputBuffers, outputShapes, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, false); // auto status = execCustomOp(nullptr, hash, inputBuffers, inputShapes, 2, outputBuffers, outputShapes, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, false); // ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); // ASSERT_NEAR(2.0f, y->meanNumber().e<float>(0), 1e-5); // ASSERT_NEAR(1.0f, x->meanNumber().e<float>(0), 1e-5); // ASSERT_NEAR(3.0f, z->meanNumber().e<float>(0), 1e-5); // delete x; // delete y; // delete z; // delete exp; // delete[] inputBuffers; // delete[] inputShapes; // delete[] outputBuffers; // delete[] outputShapes; // } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestLegacyExecution2) { // auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // x->assign(1.0f); // auto y = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // y->assign(2.0f); // auto z = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {10, 10}); // exp->assign(3.0); // std::string opName("add"); // auto hash = sd::ops::HashHelper::getInstance().getInstance()->getLongHash(opName); // auto inputBuffers = new Nd4jPointer[2]; // auto inputShapes = new Nd4jPointer[2]; // inputBuffers[0] = (Nd4jPointer) x->buffer(); // inputBuffers[1] = (Nd4jPointer) y->buffer(); // inputShapes[0] = (Nd4jPointer) x->shapeInfo(); // inputShapes[1] = (Nd4jPointer) y->shapeInfo(); // auto outputBuffers = new Nd4jPointer[1]; // auto outputShapes = new Nd4jPointer[1]; // execCustomOp(nullptr, hash, inputBuffers, inputShapes, 2, outputBuffers, outputShapes, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, true); // ASSERT_NEAR(2.0, y->meanNumber().e<float>(0), 1e-5); // ASSERT_NEAR(3.0, x->meanNumber().e<float>(0), 1e-5); // delete x; // delete y; // delete z; // delete exp; // delete[] inputBuffers; // delete[] inputShapes; // delete[] outputBuffers; // delete[] outputShapes; // } #ifndef __CUDABLAS__ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestGemv1) { /* auto xBuffer = new float[15]{1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f, 5.f, 6.f, 7.f, 8.f, 9.f, 10.f, 11.f, 12.f, 13.f, 14.f, 15.f}; auto xShape = new Nd4jLong[8] {2, 5, 3, 3, 1, 0, 1, 99}; ArrayOptions::setDataType(xShape, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); auto x = new NDArray(xBuffer, xShape); auto yBuffer = new float[3]{2.f, 4.f, 6.f}; auto yShape = new Nd4jLong[8] {2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 99}; ArrayOptions::setDataType(yShape, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); auto y = new NDArray(yBuffer, yShape); auto z = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('f', {5, 1}); auto expBuffer = new float[5]{28.00f,64.00f,100.00f,136.00f,172.00f}; auto exp = new NDArray(expBuffer, z->shapeInfo()); sd::blas::GEMV<float, float, float>::op('f', x->rows(), x->columns(), 1.0f, x->buffer(), y->rows(), y->buffer(), 1, 0.0, z->buffer(), 1); ASSERT_TRUE(z->equalsTo(exp)); delete []xBuffer; delete []xShape; delete x; delete []yBuffer; delete []yShape; delete y; delete z; delete []expBuffer; delete exp; */ } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Transpose1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 3,5,2 }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 2,5,3 }); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(1, new Variable()); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); // not-in-place block->fillInputs({ -1 }); sd::ops::transpose transpose; Nd4jStatus status = transpose.execute(block); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); auto result = variableSpace->getVariable(block->getNodeId())->getNDArray(); ASSERT_TRUE(exp->isSameShape(result)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp->dataType() == result->dataType()); ASSERT_TRUE(exp->ordering() == result->ordering()); delete exp; delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // not-in-place TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Permute1) { Nd4jLong shapeX[] = { 3, 5,10,15, 150,15,1, 0,1,99 }; Nd4jLong shapeExp[] = { 3, 15,5,10, 50,10,1, 0,1,99 }; const std::vector<int> perm = { 2, 0, 1 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeX, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeExp, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); auto x = new NDArray(shapeX, true); auto exp = new NDArray(shapeExp, true); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(1, new Variable()); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); // not-in-place block->fillInputs({ -1 }); auto arguments = block->getIArguments(); *arguments = perm; // set dimensions to be permuted sd::ops::permute permute; Nd4jStatus status = permute.execute(block); auto result = variableSpace->getVariable(block->getNodeId())->getNDArray(); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); ASSERT_TRUE(result->isSameShapeStrict(*exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; delete exp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestArgumentsValidation1) { Nd4jLong shapeX[] = { 3, 5, 10, 15, 150, 15, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; Nd4jLong shapeExp[] = { 3, 15, 5, 10, 1, 150, 15, 0, -1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeX, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeExp, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); const std::vector<int> perm = { 2, 0, 1 }; auto x = new NDArray(shapeX); auto exp = new NDArray(shapeExp); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(1, new Variable()); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); // not-in-place block->fillInputs({ -1 }); sd::ops::im2col permute; Nd4jStatus status = permute.execute(block); ASSERT_TRUE(status != 0); delete exp; delete block; delete variableSpace; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestReductionShape1) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 4, 5, 5, 10, 10 }); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, input); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); // not-in-place block->fillInputs({ -1 }); // kernel params block->getIArguments()->push_back(MAX_INT); sd::ops::testreduction testop; auto inP = new Nd4jLong[shape::shapeInfoLength(input->shapeInfo())]; memcpy(inP, input->shapeInfo(), shape::shapeInfoByteLength(input->rankOf())); auto inshape = new ShapeList(inP); auto shapes = testop.calculateOutputShape(inshape, *block); ASSERT_EQ(1, shapes->size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, shapes->at(0)[0]); // scalar shape has rank 0 ASSERT_EQ(8192, shapes->at(0)[1]); ASSERT_EQ(1, shapes->at(0)[2]); delete[] inP; delete variableSpace; delete block; delete inshape; delete shapes; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestReductionShape2) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 4, 5, 5, 10, 10 }); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, input); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); // not-in-place block->fillInputs({ -1 }); // kernel params //block->getIArguments()->push_back(4); block->getIArguments()->push_back(1); block->getIArguments()->push_back(2); block->getIArguments()->push_back(3); block->getIArguments()->push_back(4); sd::ops::testreduction testop; auto inshapes = new ShapeList(input->shapeInfo()); auto shapes = testop.calculateOutputShape(inshapes, *block); ASSERT_EQ(1, shapes->size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, shapes->at(0)[0]); ASSERT_EQ(4, shapes->at(0)[1]); ASSERT_EQ(1, shapes->at(0)[2]); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete shapes; delete inshapes; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, TestCustomShape1) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { 2, 3, 4 }); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, input); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); // not-in-place block->fillInputs({ -1 }); sd::ops::testcustom test; auto inshapes = new ShapeList(input->shapeInfo()); auto shapes = test.calculateOutputShape(inshapes, *block); ASSERT_EQ(input->shapeInfo()[0], shapes->at(0)[0]); ASSERT_EQ(input->shapeInfo()[1] * 2, shapes->at(0)[1]); ASSERT_EQ(input->shapeInfo()[2] * 2, shapes->at(0)[2]); ASSERT_EQ(input->shapeInfo()[3] * 2, shapes->at(0)[3]); delete variableSpace; delete block; delete shapes; delete inshapes; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Sum1) { float xBuff[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int xShape[] = {2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 99}; float expBuff[] = {16, 20}; int expShape[] = {2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 99}; const std::vector<int> dimensions = {1,0}; auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>(xBuff, xShape); auto z = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>(1, 2, 'c'); auto exp(expBuff, expShape); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); variableSpace->putVariable(1, z); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); // not-in-place block->fillInputs({-1}); std::vector<int>* arguments = block->getIArguments(); *arguments = dimensions; sd::ops::sum<float> sum; Nd4jStatus status = sum.execute(block); auto result = variableSpace->getVariable(block->getNodeId())->getNDArray(); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); ASSERT_TRUE(result->equalsTo(&exp)); delete block; delete variableSpace; } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Pnormpool2d1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', { bS,iD,iH,iW }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { bS,iD,oH,oW }); // auto z('c',{bS,iD,oH,oW}); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); // variableSpace->putVariable(1, &z); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); block->fillInputs({ -1 }); std::vector<int>* argI = block->getIArguments(); *argI = { kH,kW, sH,sW, pH,pW, dW,dH, 0, 1, 0 }; // 0,1 - kernel Height/Width; 2,3 - stride Height/Width; 4,5 - pad Height/Width; 6,7 - dilation Height/Width; 8 - same mode; 9 - extraParam0 for pnorm case; sd::ops::pnormpool2d pooling; Nd4jStatus status = pooling.execute(block); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); auto result = variableSpace->getVariable(block->getNodeId())->getNDArray(); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(result)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } /*///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, IsMax1) { float xBuff[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; Nd4jLong xShape[] = {2,3,3,3,1,0,1,99}; bool expBuff[] = {0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1}; ArrayOptions::setDataType(xShape, sd::DataType::BOOL); auto x = new NDArray(xBuff, xShape); NDArray exp(expBuff, xShape); auto variableSpace = new VariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, x); auto block = new Context(1, variableSpace, false); block->fillInputs({-1}); std::vector<int>* argI = block->getIArguments(); // *argI = {1}; // dimensions argI->push_back(1); // = {1}; // dimensions sd::ops::ismax ismaxOp; Nd4jStatus status = ismaxOp.execute(block); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, status); auto result = variableSpace->getVariable(block->getNodeId())->getNDArray(); result->printIndexedBuffer("IS_MAX"); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(result)); delete variableSpace; delete block; } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, IsMax1) { NDArray x('c', { 3, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); // NDArray exp('c', {3, 3}, sd::DataType::BOOL); NDArray exp('c', { 3, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); x.linspace(1); exp.p<bool>(0, 2, true); exp.p<bool>(1, 2, true); exp.p<bool>(2, 2, true); sd::ops::ismax ismaxOp; auto result = ismaxOp.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto res = result.at(0); //res->printIndexedBuffer("IS_MAX"); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(res)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, IsMax2) { NDArray x('c', { 3, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); // NDArray exp('c', {3, 3}, sd::DataType::BOOL); NDArray exp('c', { 3, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); x.linspace(1); //exp.p<bool>(0, 2, true); //exp.p<bool>(1, 2, true); exp.p<bool>(2, 2, true); sd::ops::ismax ismaxOp; auto result = ismaxOp.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 0, 1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto res = result.at(0); //res->printIndexedBuffer("IS_MAX"); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(res)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, IsMax3) { NDArray x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>(120.f); //('c', {3, 3}, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); // NDArray exp('c', {3, 3}, sd::DataType::BOOL); NDArray exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>(1.f);//, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); //'c', {3, 3}, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); x.linspace(1); //exp.p<bool>(0, 2, true); //exp.p<bool>(1, 2, true); //exp.p<bool>(2, 2, true); sd::ops::ismax ismaxOp; auto result = ismaxOp.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto res = result.at(0); //res->printIndexedBuffer("IS_MAX"); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(res)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, IsMax4) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 6 }, { 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0 }); auto z = NDArrayFactory::create<bool>('c', { 6 }); auto e = NDArrayFactory::create<bool>('c', { 6 }, { false, false, false, true, false, false }); sd::ops::ismax op; auto result = op.execute({ &x }, { &z }); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), result); ASSERT_EQ(e, z); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, sru_old_test1) { // const int bS = 2; // const int K = 3; // const int N = 4; // NDArray input('c', {bS,K,N}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // NDArray weights('c', {3*K,K}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // NDArray bias('c', {1,2*K}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // NDArray init('c', {bS,K}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // NDArray mask('c', {bS,K}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // NDArray expState('c', {bS,K,N}, {0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // NDArray expOut('c', {bS,K,N}, {1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656}, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); // input.assign(1.5); // weights.assign(0.5); // bias.assign(0.3) ; // init.assign(1.); // mask.assign(1.); // sd::ops::sru_old op; // auto results = op.execute({&input, &weights, &bias, &init, &mask}, {}, {}); // ASSERT_TRUE(results.size() == 2); // auto state = results.at(0); // auto output = results.at(1); // // state->printBuffer(); // // expState.printIndexedBuffer("EXP STATE"); // // state->printIndexedBuffer("OUT STATE"); // ASSERT_TRUE(expState.equalsTo(state)); // ASSERT_TRUE(expOut.equalsTo(output)); // // } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, sru_test1) { const int bS = 2; const int K = 3; const int N = 4; NDArray input('c', { bS,K,N }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray weights('c', { 3 * K,K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray bias('c', { 2 * K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray init('c', { bS,K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray mask('c', { bS,K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray expState('c', { bS,K,N }, { 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656, 1.090533, 1.174509, 1.252403, 1.324656 }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray expOut('c', { bS,K,N }, { 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715 }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); input.assign(1.5); weights.assign(0.5); bias.assign(0.3); init.assign(1.); mask.assign(1.); sd::ops::sru op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input, &weights, &bias, &init, &mask }); ASSERT_TRUE(results.size() == 2); auto output = results.at(0); auto state = results.at(1); ASSERT_TRUE(expState.equalsTo(state)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOut.equalsTo(output)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, sru_bp) { const int bS = 2; const int K = 3; const int N = 4; std::vector<double> expGradXBuff = { -0.0259303, -0.03869125, -0.0302272, -0.02299165, -0.0259303, -0.03869125, -0.0302272, -0.02299165, -0.0259303, -0.03869125, -0.0302272, -0.02299165, -0.0259303, -0.03869125, -0.0302272, -0.02299165, -0.0259303, -0.03869125, -0.0302272, -0.02299165, -0.0259303, -0.03869125, -0.0302272, -0.02299165 }; std::vector<double> expGradWBuff = { 0.42526005,0.42526005,0.42526005, 0.42526005,0.42526005,0.42526005, 0.42526005,0.42526005,0.42526005, -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, 0.42526005,0.42526005,0.42526005, 0.42526005,0.42526005,0.42526005, 0.42526005,0.42526005,0.42526005, -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.5282811 , -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215, -0.15967215 }; std::vector<double> expGradBBuff = { -0.7043748, -0.7043748, -0.7043748, -0.2128962, -0.2128962, -0.2128962 }; std::vector<double> expGradInitBuff = { 1.1421, 1.1421, 1.1421, 1.1421, 1.1421, 1.1421 }; std::vector<double> stateBuff = { 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715, 0.847983, 0.874549, 0.896109, 0.913715 }; auto input = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K,N }); auto weights = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 3 * K,K }); auto bias = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 1,2 * K }); auto init = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K }); auto mask = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K }); auto state = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K,N }, stateBuff); auto inGradCt = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K }); auto inGradH = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K,N }); auto expGradX = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K,N }, expGradXBuff); auto expGradW = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,3 * K,K }, expGradWBuff); auto expGradB = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 1,2 * K }, expGradBBuff); auto expGradInit = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,K }, expGradInitBuff); input.assign(1.5); weights.assign(0.5); bias.assign(0.3); mask.assign(1.); init.assign(1.); inGradCt.assign(0.5); inGradH.assign(0.5); sd::ops::sru_bp bp; auto resultsBP = bp.evaluate({ &input, &weights, &bias, &init, &state, &inGradCt, &inGradH, &mask }, {}, {}); ASSERT_TRUE(resultsBP.size() == 4); auto gradX = resultsBP.at(0); auto gradW = resultsBP.at(1); auto gradB = resultsBP.at(2); auto gradInit = resultsBP.at(3); // expGradX.printBuffer("Exp GRAD"); // gradX->printBuffer("Res GRAD"); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradX.equalsTo(gradX, 1e-4)); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradW.equalsTo(gradW)); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradB.equalsTo(gradB)); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradInit.equalsTo(gradInit)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, sru_bi_1) { const int bS = 2; const int K = 3; const int N = 4; NDArray input('c', { N,bS,2 * K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray weights('c', { 2 * K,6 * K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray bias('c', { 4 * K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray init('c', { bS,2 * K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray mask('c', { bS,2 * K }, sd::DataType::DOUBLE); NDArray expState('c', { N,bS,2 * K }, { 1.02857, 1.02857, 1.02857, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.02857, 1.02857, 1.02857, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.08501, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.0569, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.02857, 1.02857, 1.02857, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.11288, 1.02857, 1.02857, 1.02857 }); NDArray expOut('c', { N,bS,2 * K }, { 0.779265, 0.779265, 0.779265, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.779265, 0.779265, 0.779265, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.800804, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.790317, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.779265, 0.779265, 0.779265, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.810752, 0.779265, 0.779265, 0.779265 }); input.assign(1.5); weights.assign(0.5); bias.assign(0.3); init.assign(1.); mask.assign(1.); sd::ops::sru_bi op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input, &weights, &bias, &init, &mask }, {}, {}); ASSERT_TRUE(results.size() == 2); auto output = results.at(0); auto state = results.at(1); // state->printBuffer(); // output->printBuffer(); ASSERT_TRUE(expState.equalsTo(state)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOut.equalsTo(output)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, sru_bi_bp_1) { const int bS = 2; const int K = 3; const int N = 3; std::vector<double> expGradXBuff = { 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129, 0.00408129 }; std::vector<double> expGradInitBuff = { 1.05121, 1.05121, 1.05121, 1.02676, 1.02676, 1.02676, 1.05121, 1.05121, 1.05121, 1.02676, 1.02676, 1.02676 }; std::vector<double> expGradWBuff = { 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.0088245, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.0084390, 0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.0088245, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.0084390, 0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.0088245, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.0084390, 0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.0088245, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.0084390, 0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.0088245, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.0084390, 0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.0088245, 0.02595354,-0.090096 ,-0.00882456,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.0084390, 0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906,0.01651665,-0.0559437,-0.00843906, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.0086892, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.0085608, 0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.0086892, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.0085608, 0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.0086892, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.0085608, 0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.0086892, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.0085608, 0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.0086892, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.0085608, 0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.0086892, 0.02124567,-0.0731508,-0.00868926,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.0085608, 0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086,0.02084955,-0.0712011,-0.00856086, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.0085608, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.0086892, 0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.0085608, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.0086892, 0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.0085608, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.0086892, 0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.0085608, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.0086892, 0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.0085608, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.0086892, 0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.0085608, 0.01671156,-0.0570699,-0.00856086,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.0086892, 0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926,0.02534988,-0.0880002,-0.00868926 }; std::vector<double> expGradBBuff = { -0.0734389, -0.0734389, -0.0734389, -0.0717151, -0.0717151, -0.0717151, -0.0734389, -0.0734389, -0.0734389, -0.0717151, -0.0717151, -0.0717151, -0.00869156, -0.00869156, -0.00869156, -0.00856306, -0.00856306, -0.00856306, -0.00869156, -0.00869156, -0.00869156, -0.00856306, -0.00856306, -0.00856306 }; std::vector<double> stateBuff = { 1.028569, 1.028569, 1.028569, 1.112884, 1.112884, 1.112884, 1.028569, 1.028569, 1.028569, 1.112884,1.112884, 1.112884, 1.056905, 1.056905, 1.056905, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.056905, 1.056905,1.056905, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.056905, 1.056905, 1.056905,1.085009, 1.085009, 1.085009, 1.056905, 1.056905, 1.056905 }; auto input = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { N,bS,2 * K }); auto weights = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 2 * K,6 * K }); auto bias = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4 * K }); auto init = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,2 * K }); auto mask = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,2 * K }); NDArray state('c', { N,bS,2 * K }, stateBuff); auto inGradCt = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { bS,2 * K }); auto inGradH = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { N,bS,2 * K }); NDArray gradBias('c', { bS,4 * K }, expGradBBuff); NDArray expGradX('c', { N,bS,2 * K }, expGradXBuff); NDArray expGradW('c', { N,2 * K,6 * K }, expGradWBuff); auto expGradB = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4 * K }); gradBias.reduceAlongDimension(reduce::Sum, expGradB, { 0 }); // [bS, 4K] -> [4K] NDArray expGradInit('c', { bS,2 * K }, expGradInitBuff); input.assign(1.5); weights.assign(0.5); bias.assign(0.3); mask.assign(1.); init.assign(1.); inGradCt.assign(0.5); inGradH.assign(0.5); sd::ops::sru_bi_bp bp; auto resultsBP = bp.evaluate({ &input, &weights, &bias, &init, &state, &inGradCt, &inGradH, &mask }, {}, {}); ASSERT_TRUE(resultsBP.size() == 4); auto gradX = resultsBP.at(0); auto gradW = resultsBP.at(1); auto gradB = resultsBP.at(2); auto gradInit = resultsBP.at(3); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradX.equalsTo(gradX)); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradW.equalsTo(gradW)); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradB.equalsTo(gradB)); ASSERT_TRUE(expGradInit.equalsTo(gradInit)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ArgMax1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); x.linspace(1); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<Nd4jLong>('c', { 3 }); exp.assign(4); sd::ops::argmax op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ArgMax2) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); x.linspace(1); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<Nd4jLong>('c', { 5 }); exp.assign(2); sd::ops::argmax op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ArgMax3) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); auto dim = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }, { 0. }); x.linspace(1); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<Nd4jLong>('c', { 5 }); exp.assign(2); sd::ops::argmax op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &dim }, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ArgMax4) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); auto dim = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }, { 1 }); x.linspace(1); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<Nd4jLong>('c', { 3 }); exp.assign(4); sd::ops::argmax op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &dim }, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ArgMax5) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); auto dim = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 2 }, { 0, 1 }); x.linspace(1); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<Nd4jLong>(14); sd::ops::argmax op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &dim }, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ArgMax6) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 4, 5 }); auto dim = NDArrayFactory::create<float>(-1.f); x.linspace(1); sd::ops::argmax op; auto expected = op.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 2 }); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), expected.status()); auto exp = expected.at(0); auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &dim }, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(*exp, *z); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, ArgMin1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); x.linspace(1); // auto exp('c', {3, 1}); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<Nd4jLong>('c', { 3 }); exp.assign(0.0f); sd::ops::argmin op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x }, {}, { 1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, SquareTests1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); x.linspace(1); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 5 }); exp.linspace(1); exp *= exp; sd::ops::square op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x }, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, OneHotTests_1) { auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 4 }, { 0.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 4, 3 }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }); sd::ops::onehot op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &indices }, { 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -1, 3 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); // z->printBuffer(); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, OneHotTests_2) { auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 2, 2 }, { 0.f, 2.f, 1.f, -1.f }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 2, 2, 3 }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }); sd::ops::onehot op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &indices }, { 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -1, 3 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, OneHotTests_3) { auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4 }, { 0.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f }); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4, 3 }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }); sd::ops::onehot op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &indices }, { 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -1, 3 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); // z->printIndexedBuffer("z"); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, OneHotTests_4) { auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4 }, { 0.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f }); auto depth = NDArrayFactory::create<float>(3.0f); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4, 3 }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }); sd::ops::onehot op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &indices, &depth }, { 1.0f, 0.0f }, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, OneHotTests_5) { auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4 }, { 0.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f }); auto depth = NDArrayFactory::create<float>(3.0f); auto on = NDArrayFactory::create<float>(1.0f); auto off = NDArrayFactory::create<float>(0.0f); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4, 3 }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }); sd::ops::onehot op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &indices, &depth, &on, &off }, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, OneHotTests_6) { auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3 }, { 0.f, 1.f, 2.f }); auto e = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 3, 3 }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }); sd::ops::onehot op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &indices }, { 1.0, 0.0 }, { 0, 3 }); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(e, *z); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, OneHotTests_7) { auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<int>('c', { 3 }, { 0, 1, 2 }); auto e = NDArrayFactory::create<float16>('c', { 3, 3 }, { 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1. }); sd::ops::onehot op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &indices }, { 1.0, 0.0 }, { 0, 3 }, {}, { sd::DataType::HALF }, false); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(e, *z); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, FillAs_1) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 2, 2 }); x.assign(117); float scalar = 119.f; sd::ops::fill_as op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x }, { scalar }, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(x.isSameShape(result.at(0))); ASSERT_NEAR(scalar, result.at(0)->meanNumber().e<float>(0), 1e-5f); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, LRN1) { sd::ops::lrn lrn; lrn.getOpName(); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Test_Range_Integer_1) { auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<int>('c', { 4 }); exp.linspace(1); sd::ops::range op; auto result = op.evaluate({}, {}, { 1, 5, 1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size()); auto array = result.at(0); // array->printIndexedBuffer("Range integer 1"); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(array)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(array)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Test_Range_Integer_2) { auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4 }); exp.linspace(1); auto start = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto stop = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); auto step = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 1, 1 }); start.p(0, 1.f); stop.p(0, 5.f); step.p(0, 1.f); sd::ops::range op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &start, &stop, &step }, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size()); auto array = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(array)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(array)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Test_Range_Integer_3) { auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 4 }); exp.linspace(1); sd::ops::range op; auto result = op.evaluate({}, { 1.f, 5.f, 1.f }, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size()); auto array = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(array)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(array)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test1) { NDArray input('c', { 3, 3 }, { -1.f, 1.f, -2.f, 2.f, -3.f, 3.f, -4.f, 4.f, 5.f }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 3, 3 }, { 1.14195199e-01, 8.43794734e-01, 4.20100661e-02, 2.68454951e-01, 1.80883523e-03, 7.29736214e-01, 9.02116571e-05, 2.68917160e-01, 7.30992629e-01 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, {}, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test2) { NDArray input('c', { 3, 3, 3 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5,5 ,-6,6, -7,7, -8,8, -9,9, -10,10, -11,11, -12,12, -13,13, 14 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 3, 3, 3 }, { 4.73142e-02,4.73847e-02,6.69062e-03, 9.50330e-01,8.67881e-04,9.92976e-01, 2.35563e-03,9.51747e-01,3.33106e-04, 4.74259e-02,2.26032e-06,4.74259e-02, 2.91395e-07,9.99998e-01,3.94360e-08, 9.52574e-01,1.12535e-07,9.52574e-01, 7.58256e-10,4.74259e-02,1.22325e-11, 1.00000e+00,1.32293e-11,1.19203e-01, 3.77513e-11,9.52574e-01,8.80797e-01 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 1 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test3) { NDArray input('c', { 3, 3, 3 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5,5 ,-6,6, -7,7, -8,8, -9,9, -10,10, -11,11, -12,12, -13,13, 14 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 3, 3, 3 }, { 2.47262e-03,1.23395e-04,3.35350e-04, 1.23395e-04,4.53979e-05,1.23395e-04, 6.14417e-06,1.23395e-04,5.56530e-09, 9.97527e-01,1.12521e-07,9.99665e-01, 1.52281e-08,9.99955e-01,2.06090e-09, 9.99994e-01,2.78912e-10,6.69285e-03, 3.05146e-07,9.99876e-01,4.13855e-08, 9.99877e-01,5.60254e-09,9.99877e-01, 7.58251e-10,9.99877e-01,9.93307e-01 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test4) { NDArray input('c', { 1, 5 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 1, 5 }, { 0.01198,0.08855,0.00441,0.24072,0.65434 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 1 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test5) { NDArray input('c', { 1, 5 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 1, 5 }, { 1,1,1,1,1 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0 }); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test6) { NDArray input('c', { 5, 1 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 5, 1 }, { 0.01198,0.08855,0.00441,0.24072,0.65434 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test7) { NDArray input('c', { 5, 1 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 5, 1 }, { 1,1,1,1,1 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 1 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test8) { NDArray input('c', { 5 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, 3 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 5 }, { 0.01198,0.08855,0.00441,0.24072,0.65434 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, {}, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test9) { NDArray input('c', { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5,5 ,-6,6, -7,7, -8,8 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 2 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test10) { NDArray input('c', { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5,5 ,-6,6, -7,7, -8,8, -9,9, -10,10, -11,11, -12,12, -13,13, 14, -14, 15, -15, 16,-16 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { 0.119203, 0.880797, 0.017986, 0.982014, 0.002473, 0.997527, 0.000335, 0.999665, 0.000045, 0.999955, 0.000006, 0.999994, 0.000001, 0.999999, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.00000 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 4 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test11) { NDArray input('c', { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5,5 ,-6,6, -7,7, -8,8, -9,9, -10,10, -11,11, -12,12, -13,13, 14, -14, 15, -15, 16,-16, -2.1, 2.1, -2.2, 2.2, -2.3, 2.3, -2.4, 2.4, -2.5,2.5 ,-2.6,2.6, -2.7,2.7, -2.8,2.8, -2.9,2.9, -3.0,3.0, -3.1,3.1, -3.2,3.2, -3.3,3.3, 3.4, -3.4, 3.5, -3.5, 3.6,-3.6 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray expOutput('c', { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.268941, 0.731059, 0.731059, 0.268941, 0.524979, 0.475021, 0.475021, 0.524979, 0.524979, 0.475021, 0.475021, 0.524979, 0.524979, 0.475021, 0.475021, 0.524979, 0.524979, 0.475021, 0.475021, 0.524979, 0.524979, 0.475021, 0.475021, 0.524979, 0.524979, 0.475021, 0.475021, 0.524979, 0.001229, 0.998771, 0.998771, 0.001229, 0.475021, 0.524979, 0.524979, 0.475021 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 4 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, softmax_test12) { NDArray input('f', { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -5,5 ,-6,6, -7,7, -8,8, -9,9, -10,10, -11,11, -12,12, -13,13, 14, -14, 15, -15, 16,-16, -2.1, 2.1, -2.2, 2.2, -2.3, 2.3, -2.4, 2.4, -2.5,2.5 ,-2.6,2.6, -2.7,2.7, -2.8,2.8, -2.9,2.9, -3.0,3.0, -3.1,3.1, -3.2,3.2, -3.3,3.3, 3.4, -3.4, 3.5, -3.5, 3.6,-3.6 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray exp('c', { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, { 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.017986, 0.401312, 0.017986, 0.401312, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.000000, 0.001359, 0.017986, 0.401312, 1.000000, 0.998641, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.000000, 0.001659, 0.017986, 0.401312, 1.000000, 0.998341, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.000000, 0.001113, 0.017986, 0.401312, 1.000000, 0.998887, 0.017986, 0.401312, 0.017986, 0.401312, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.017986, 0.401312, 1.000000, 0.998641, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.000000, 0.001359, 0.017986, 0.401312, 1.000000, 0.998341, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.000000, 0.001659, 0.017986, 0.401312, 1.000000, 0.998887, 0.982014, 0.598688, 0.000000, 0.001113 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); auto expOutput = NDArray('f', { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); expOutput.assign(exp); sd::ops::softmax op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 3 }, {}); auto z = results.at(0); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), results.status()); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(expOutput.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_1) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 24., 23., 22., 21., 20., 19., 18., 17., 16., 15., 14., 13., 12., 11., 10., 9., 8., 7., 6., 5., 4., 3., 2., 1. }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0,1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_2) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, {}, {}, {}, true); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(input)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(&input)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_3) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 12., 11., 10., 9., 8., 7., 6., 5., 4., 3., 2., 1., 24., 23., 22., 21., 20., 19., 18., 17., 16., 15., 14., 13. }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 1,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); // result->printBuffer(); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_4) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 16,15,14,13,20,19,18,17,24,23,22,21,4,3,2,1,8,7,6,5,12,11,10,9, }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0,2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); // result->printBuffer(); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_5) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 21., 22., 23., 24., 17., 18., 19., 20., 13., 14., 15., 16., 9., 10., 11., 12., 5., 6., 7., 8., 1., 2., 3., 4. }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0,1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_6) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 4., 3., 2., 1., 8., 7., 6., 5., 12., 11., 10., 9., 16., 15., 14., 13., 20., 19., 18., 17., 24., 23., 22., 21. }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 2 }, {}, {}, true); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); // result->printBuffer(); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(input)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(&input)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_7) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 9., 10., 11., 12., 5., 6., 7., 8., 1., 2., 3., 4., 21., 22., 23., 24., 17., 18., 19., 20., 13., 14., 15., 16. }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); //expected.printIndexedBuffer("E"); //result->printIndexedBuffer("R"); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_8) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 12., 11., 10., 9., 8., 7., 6., 5., 4., 3., 2., 1., 24., 23., 22., 21., 20., 19., 18., 17., 16., 15., 14., 13. }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 2,1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); // result->printBuffer(); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_9) { float inBuff[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 }; float expBuff[] = { 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12. }; Nd4jLong shapeInfo[] = { 3, 2, 3, 4, 12, 4, 1, 0, 1, 99 }; ArrayOptions::setDataType(shapeInfo, sd::DataType::FLOAT32); NDArray input(inBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray expected(expBuff, shapeInfo); NDArray output(shapeInfo); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_10) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4, 3 }, { 1.5375735, 0.1592365, 0.09966054, 0.677872, 1.144433, -1.0355669, 0.48456487, -0.67863184, 0.85020787, 0.13950661, 0.20998026, -1.1660044 }); auto i = NDArrayFactory::create<int>('c', { 1 }, { -1 }); auto e = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', { 4, 3 }, { 0.09966054, 0.1592365, 1.5375735, -1.0355669, 1.144433, 0.677872,0.85020787, -0.67863184, 0.48456487, -1.1660044, 0.20998026, 0.13950661 }); sd::ops::reverse op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &x, &i }, {}, {}, {}); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(e.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(e.equalsTo(z)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_11) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 2,3,4 }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 2,3,4 }, { 24.f, 23.f, 22.f, 21.f, 20.f, 19.f, 18.f, 17.f, 16.f, 15.f, 14.f, 13.f, 12.f, 11.f, 10.f, 9.f, 8.f, 7.f, 6.f, 5.f, 4.f, 3.f, 2.f, 1.f }); input.linspace(1); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0, 1, 2 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_12) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create<float>({ 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<float>({ 4.f, 3.f, 2.f, 1.f, 0.f }); //input.linspace(1); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { 0 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); //result->printIndexedBuffer("Result reverse"); //expected.printIndexedBuffer("Expected reverse"); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_13) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create<float>({ 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<float>({ 4.f, 3.f, 2.f, 1.f, 0.f }); //input.linspace(1); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, { -1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Reverse_14) { auto input = NDArrayFactory::create<double>({ 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f }); auto expected = NDArrayFactory::create<double>({ 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f }); //input.linspace(1); sd::ops::reverse op; auto results = op.evaluate({ &input }, {}, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, results.status()); auto result = results.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.isSameShapeStrict(*result)); ASSERT_TRUE(expected.equalsTo(result)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Test_Expose_1) { auto input0 = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4 }); auto input1 = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 2, 3 }, { 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6 }); sd::ops::expose op; auto result = op.evaluate({ &input0, &input1 }); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z0 = result.at(0); auto z1 = result.at(1); ASSERT_TRUE(input0.equalsTo(z0)); ASSERT_TRUE(input1.equalsTo(z1)); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Test_Expose_2) { auto list = new NDArrayList(0, true); auto var = new Variable(nullptr, "arraylist", -1, 0); var->setNDArrayList(list); VariableSpace variableSpace; variableSpace.putVariable(-1, var); variableSpace.trackList(list); Context block(1, &variableSpace); block.pickInput(-1); sd::ops::expose op; auto result = op.execute(&block); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result); ASSERT_TRUE(variableSpace.hasVariable(1)); auto var1 = variableSpace.getVariable(1); ASSERT_EQ(var->variableType(), var1->variableType()); auto list1 = var1->getNDArrayList(); ASSERT_TRUE(list == list1); } TEST_F(DeclarableOpsTests1, Test_Release) { auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', { 8, 8 }); // x.printShapeInfo("x shape"); }