/* ******************************************************************************
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 *  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 *  information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Created by raver119 on 06.10.2017.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "system/Environment.h"
#include <helpers/StringUtils.h>
#include <thread>
#include <helpers/logger.h>
#include <memory/MemoryCounter.h>

#ifdef _OPENMP

#include <omp.h>


#ifdef __CUDABLAS__

#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <system/BlasVersionHelper.h>

namespace sd {

    sd::Environment::Environment() {
        _maxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
        _maxMasterThreads = _maxThreads.load();

#ifndef ANDROID
        const char* omp_threads = std::getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS");
        if (omp_threads != nullptr) {
            try {
                std::string omp(omp_threads);
                int val = std::stoi(omp);
            } catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
                // just do nothing
            } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
                // still do nothing

         * Defines size of thread pool used for parallelism
        const char* max_threads = std::getenv("SD_MAX_THREADS");
        if (max_threads != nullptr) {
            try {
                std::string t(max_threads);
                int val = std::stoi(t);
            } catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
                // just do nothing
            } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
                // still do nothing

         * Defines max number of threads usable at once
        const char* max_master_threads = std::getenv("SD_MASTER_THREADS");
        if (max_master_threads != nullptr) {
            try {
                std::string t(max_master_threads);
                int val = std::stoi(t);
            } catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
                // just do nothing
            } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
                // still do nothing

        if (_maxMasterThreads.load() > _maxThreads.load()) {
            nd4j_printf("Warning! MAX_MASTER_THREADS > MAX_THREADS, tuning them down to match each other\n","");

         * If this env var is defined - we'll disallow use of platform-specific helpers (mkldnn, cudnn, etc)
        const char* forbid_helpers = std::getenv("SD_FORBID_HELPERS");
        if (forbid_helpers != nullptr) {
            _allowHelpers = false;

         * This var defines max amount of host memory library can allocate
        const char* max_primary_memory = std::getenv("SD_MAX_PRIMARY_BYTES");
        if (max_primary_memory != nullptr) {
            try {
                std::string t(max_primary_memory);
                auto val = std::stol(t);
            } catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
                // just do nothing
            } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
                // still do nothing

         * This var defines max amount of special (i.e. device) memory library can allocate on all devices combined
        const char* max_special_memory = std::getenv("SD_MAX_SPECIAL_BYTES");
        if (max_special_memory != nullptr) {
            try {
                std::string t(max_special_memory);
                auto val = std::stol(t);
            } catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
                // just do nothing
            } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
                // still do nothing

         * This var defines max amount of special (i.e. device) memory library can allocate on all devices combined
        const char* max_device_memory = std::getenv("SD_MAX_DEVICE_BYTES");
        if (max_device_memory != nullptr) {
            try {
                std::string t(max_device_memory);
                auto val = std::stol(t);
            } catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
                // just do nothing
            } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
                // still do nothing

        const char* blas_fallback = std::getenv("SD_BLAS_FALLBACK");
        if (blas_fallback != nullptr) {
            _blasFallback = true;

#ifdef __CUDABLAS__
        int devCnt = 0;
	    auto devProperties = new cudaDeviceProp[devCnt];
	    for (int i = 0; i < devCnt; i++) {
		    cudaGetDeviceProperties(&devProperties[i], i);

		    //cudaDeviceSetLimit(cudaLimitStackSize, 4096);
		    Pair p(devProperties[i].major, devProperties[i].minor);

	    BlasVersionHelper ver;
        _blasMajorVersion = ver._blasMajorVersion;
        _blasMinorVersion = ver._blasMinorVersion;
        _blasPatchVersion = ver._blasPatchVersion;

	    delete[] devProperties;


    bool sd::Environment::blasFallback() {
        return _blasFallback;

    sd::Environment::~Environment() {

    void Environment::setMaxPrimaryMemory(uint64_t maxBytes) {
        _maxTotalPrimaryMemory = maxBytes;

    void Environment::setMaxSpecialyMemory(uint64_t maxBytes) {
        _maxTotalSpecialMemory = maxBytes;

    void Environment::setMaxDeviceMemory(uint64_t maxBytes) {
        _maxDeviceMemory = maxBytes;

    Environment& Environment::getInstance() {
      static Environment instance;
      return instance;

    bool Environment::isVerbose() {
        return _verbose.load();

    bool Environment::isExperimentalBuild() {
        return _experimental;

    sd::DataType Environment::defaultFloatDataType() {
        return _dataType.load();

    std::vector<Pair>& Environment::capabilities() {
        return _capabilities;

    void Environment::setDefaultFloatDataType(sd::DataType dtype) {
        if (dtype != sd::DataType::FLOAT32 && dtype != sd::DataType::DOUBLE && dtype != sd::DataType::FLOAT8 && dtype != sd::DataType::HALF)
            throw std::runtime_error("Default Float data type must be one of [FLOAT8, FLOAT16, FLOAT32, DOUBLE]");


    void Environment::setVerbose(bool reallyVerbose) {
        _verbose = reallyVerbose;

    bool Environment::isDebug() {
        return _debug.load();

    bool Environment::isProfiling() {
        return _profile.load();

    bool Environment::isDetectingLeaks() {
        return _leaks.load();

    void Environment::setLeaksDetector(bool reallyDetect) {

    void Environment::setProfiling(bool reallyProfile) {

    bool Environment::isDebugAndVerbose() {
        return this->isDebug() && this->isVerbose();

    void Environment::setDebug(bool reallyDebug) {
        _debug = reallyDebug;

    int Environment::tadThreshold() {
        return _tadThreshold.load();

    void Environment::setTadThreshold(int threshold) {
        _tadThreshold = threshold;

    int Environment::elementwiseThreshold() {
        return _elementThreshold.load();

    void Environment::setElementwiseThreshold(int threshold) {
        _elementThreshold = threshold;

    int Environment::maxThreads() {
        return _maxThreads.load();

    int Environment::maxMasterThreads() {
        return _maxMasterThreads.load();

    void Environment::setMaxThreads(int max) {
        // FIXME: not possible at this moment, since maxThreads is limited by number of threads in pool. however we can allocate more threads if we want

    void Environment::setMaxMasterThreads(int max) {
        if (max > maxThreads()) {
            max = maxThreads();

        if (max < 1)

        _maxMasterThreads = max;

    bool Environment::precisionBoostAllowed() {
        return _precBoost.load();

    void Environment::allowPrecisionBoost(bool reallyAllow) {

    bool Environment::isCPU() {
#ifdef __CUDABLAS__
        return false;
        return true;

    int Environment::blasMajorVersion(){
        return _blasMajorVersion;

    int Environment::blasMinorVersion(){
        return _blasMinorVersion;

    int Environment::blasPatchVersion(){
        return _blasPatchVersion;

    bool Environment::helpersAllowed() {
        return _allowHelpers.load();

    void Environment::allowHelpers(bool reallyAllow) {

    void Environment::setGroupLimit(int group, Nd4jLong numBytes) {
        sd::memory::MemoryCounter::getInstance().setGroupLimit((sd::memory::MemoryType) group, numBytes);

    void Environment::setDeviceLimit(int deviceId, Nd4jLong numBytes) {
        sd::memory::MemoryCounter::getInstance().setDeviceLimit(deviceId, numBytes);

    Nd4jLong Environment::getGroupLimit(int group) {
        return sd::memory::MemoryCounter::getInstance().groupLimit((sd::memory::MemoryType) group);

    Nd4jLong Environment::getDeviceLimit(int deviceId) {
        return sd::memory::MemoryCounter::getInstance().deviceLimit(deviceId);

    Nd4jLong Environment::getGroupCounter(int group) {
        return sd::memory::MemoryCounter::getInstance().allocatedGroup((sd::memory::MemoryType) group);

    Nd4jLong Environment::getDeviceCounter(int deviceId) {
        return sd::memory::MemoryCounter::getInstance().allocatedDevice(deviceId);

    uint64_t Environment::maxPrimaryMemory() {
        return _maxTotalPrimaryMemory.load();

    uint64_t Environment::maxSpecialMemory() {
        return _maxTotalSpecialMemory.load();