/* ****************************************************************************** * * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // // @author Yurii Shyrma (iuriish@yahoo.com) // #include <helpers/FullPivLU.h> #include <ops/declarable/helpers/triangular_solve.h> #include <numeric> namespace sd { namespace ops { namespace helpers { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A{M,K} * x{K,N} = b{M,N} template <typename T> void FullPivLU<T>::solve(const NDArray& A, const NDArray& b, NDArray& x) { if(A.rankOf() != 2) throw std::runtime_error("FullPivLU::solve: input matrix A must be 2D !"); if(A.sizeAt(0) != b.sizeAt(0)) throw std::runtime_error("FullPivLU::solve: A and b must have the same number of rows !"); if(A.sizeAt(1) != x.sizeAt(0)) throw std::runtime_error("FullPivLU::solve: number of A columns must be equal to number of x rows !"); NDArray LU = A.dup(); const int rows = LU.sizeAt(0); const int cols = LU.sizeAt(1); const int diagLen = math::nd4j_min<int>(rows, cols); std::vector<int> rowsInds(rows), colsInds(cols); int numOfTranspos = 0; int nonZeroPivots1 = diagLen; T maxPivot = T(0); for(int k = 0; k < diagLen; ++k) { NDArray bottomRightCorner = LU({k,rows, k,cols}, true); const int indPivot = static_cast<int>(bottomRightCorner.indexReduceNumber(indexreduce::IndexAbsoluteMax).t<Nd4jLong>(0)); int colPivot = indPivot % (cols-k); int rowPivot = indPivot / (cols-k); T currentMax = math::nd4j_abs<T>(bottomRightCorner.t<T>(rowPivot, colPivot)); // take into account that this was calculated in corner, not in whole LU rowPivot += k; colPivot += k; if(currentMax == T(0)) { nonZeroPivots1 = k; for(int i = k; i < diagLen; ++i) rowsInds[i] = colsInds[i] = i; break; } if(currentMax > maxPivot) maxPivot = currentMax; rowsInds[k] = rowPivot; colsInds[k] = colPivot; if(k != rowPivot) { NDArray row1 = LU({k,k+1, 0,0}, true); NDArray row2 = LU({rowPivot,rowPivot+1, 0,0}, true); row1.swapUnsafe(row2); ++numOfTranspos; } if(k != colPivot) { NDArray col1 = LU({0,0, k,k+1}, true); NDArray col2 = LU({0,0, colPivot,colPivot+1}, true); col1.swapUnsafe(col2); ++numOfTranspos; } if(k < rows-1) LU({k+1,rows, k,k+1}, true) /= LU.t<T>(k, k); if(k < diagLen-1) LU({k+1,rows, k+1,cols},true) -= mmul(LU({k+1,rows, k,k+1},true), LU({k,k+1, k+1,cols},true)); } //***************************************************// const T threshold = maxPivot * DataTypeUtils::eps<T>() * (T)diagLen; int nonZeroPivots2 = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nonZeroPivots1; ++i) nonZeroPivots2 += static_cast<int>(math::nd4j_abs<T>(LU.t<T>(i,i)) > threshold); if(nonZeroPivots2 == 0) { x.nullify(); return; } //***************************************************// std::vector<int> rowsPermut1(rows), rowsPermut2(rows), colsPermut(cols); std::iota(rowsPermut1.begin(), rowsPermut1.end(), 0); std::iota(colsPermut.begin(), colsPermut.end(), 0); for(int k = diagLen-1; k >= 0; --k) math::nd4j_swap<int>(rowsPermut1[k], rowsPermut1[rowsInds[k]]); for(int k = 0; k < diagLen; ++k) math::nd4j_swap<int>(colsPermut[k], colsPermut[colsInds[k]]); for(int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) for(int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) if(i == rowsPermut1[j]) { rowsPermut2[i] = j; break; } //***************************************************// NDArray c = b.ulike(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) c({i,i+1, 0,0}, true).assign(b({rowsPermut2[i],rowsPermut2[i]+1, 0,0}, true)); NDArray cTopRows1 = c({0,diagLen, 0,0}, true); // TriangularSolver<T>::solve(LU({0,diagLen, 0,diagLen}, true), cTopRows1, true, true, cTopRows1); ops::helpers::triangularSolve2D<T>(nullptr, LU({0,diagLen, 0,diagLen}, true), cTopRows1,true,true, cTopRows1); if(rows > cols) c({cols,-1, 0,0}, true) -= mmul(LU({cols,-1, 0,0},true), c({0,cols, 0,0}, true)); NDArray cTopRows2 = c({0,nonZeroPivots2, 0,0}, true); // TriangularSolver<T>::solve(LU({0,nonZeroPivots2, 0,nonZeroPivots2}, true), cTopRows2, false, false, cTopRows2); ops::helpers::triangularSolve2D<T>(nullptr, LU({0,nonZeroPivots2, 0,nonZeroPivots2}, true),cTopRows2,false,false, cTopRows2); for(int i = 0; i < nonZeroPivots2; ++i) x({colsPermut[i],colsPermut[i]+1, 0,0}, true).assign(c({i,i+1, 0,0}, true)); for(int i = nonZeroPivots2; i < cols; ++i) x({colsPermut[i],colsPermut[i]+1, 0,0}, true).nullify(); } template class ND4J_EXPORT FullPivLU<float>; template class ND4J_EXPORT FullPivLU<float16>; template class ND4J_EXPORT FullPivLU<bfloat16>; template class ND4J_EXPORT FullPivLU<double>; } } }