 * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// @author raver119@gmail.com


        (0, aggregateOps::HierarchicSoftmax) ,\
        (1, aggregateOps::Dot) ,\
        (2, aggregateOps::Axpy) ,\
        (3, aggregateOps::SkipGram) ,\
        (4, aggregateOps::CBOW) ,\
        (5, aggregateOps::GEMM)

        (0, ShiftLeft), \
        (1, ShiftRight), \
        (2, CyclicShiftLeft), \
        (3, CyclicShiftRight), \
        (4, IntAnd), \
        (5, IntOr), \
        (6, IntXor)

        (0, EqualTo),\
        (1, GreaterThan),\
        (2, LessThan),\
        (3, Epsilon),\
        (4, GreaterThanOrEqual),\
        (5, LessThanOrEqual),\
        (6, NotEqualTo),\
        (7, And),\
        (8, Or),\
        (9, Xor) ,\
        (10, Not)

       (0, Add), \
       (1, Subtract), \
       (2, Multiply), \
       (3, Divide), \
       (4, ReverseDivide), \
       (5, ReverseSubtract), \
       (6, CopyPws), \
       (7, Pow), \
       (13, MinPairwise) ,\
       (14, MaxPairwise) ,\
       (15, AMinPairwise) ,\
       (16, AMaxPairwise) ,\
       (17, SquaredSubtract),\
       (18, FloorMod),\
       (19, FloorDiv),\
       (20, ReverseMod),\
       (21, SafeDivide),\
       (22, Mod) ,\
       (23, TruncateDiv), \
       (26, Atan2) ,\
       (27, LogicalOr) ,\
       (28, LogicalXor) ,\
       (29, LogicalNot) ,\
       (30, LogicalAnd), \
       (31, DivideNoNan), \
       (32, IGamma), \
       (33, IGammac)

// these ops return same data type as input
        (0, Abs), \
        (1, Sign), \
        (2, Ones), \
        (3, Neg), \
        (4, Round), \
        (5, TimesOneMinus), \
        (6, Cube), \
        (7, OneMinus), \
        (11, Reciprocal), \
        (12, Square), \
        (13, CompareAndSetTransform) ,\
        (15, Identity), \
        (17, Ceiling), \
        (18, Floor), \
        (19, ClipByValue) ,\
        (21, Copy)

        (0, Assign)

// these ops return bool
        (1, IsInf), \
        (2, IsNan), \
        (3, IsFinite), \
        (4, IsInfOrNan), \
        (5, MatchConditionBool), \
        (6, IsPositive) , \
        (7, Not)

        (2, ScaledTanh), \
        (3, Affine), \
        (4, TanhDerivative), \
        (5, HardTanhDerivative), \
        (6, SigmoidDerivative), \
        (7, SoftSignDerivative), \
        (8, TanDerivative) ,\
        (9, SELUDerivative) ,\
        (10, HardSigmoidDerivative) ,\
        (11, RationalTanhDerivative) ,\
        (12, RectifiedTanhDerivative) ,\
        (13, SwishDerivative) ,\
        (14, ACoshDerivative) ,\
        (15, ASinhDerivative) ,\
        (16, SinhDerivative), \
        (17, LogSigmoidDerivative) ,\
        (18, SpecialDerivative), \
        (19, Stabilize), \
        (20, StabilizeFP16) ,\
        (21, CubeDerivative) ,\
        (22, Cosine), \
        (23, Exp), \
        (24, Log), \
        (25, SetRange), \
        (26, Sigmoid), \
        (27, Sin), \
        (28, SoftPlus), \
        (29, Tanh), \
        (30, ACos), \
        (31, ASin), \
        (32, ATan), \
        (33, HardTanh), \
        (34, SoftSign), \
        (36, HardSigmoid), \
        (37, RationalTanh) ,\
        (38, RectifiedTanh) ,\
        (39, Sinh) ,\
        (40, Cosh) ,\
        (41, Tan) ,\
        (42, SELU) ,\
        (43, Swish) ,\
        (44, Log1p), \
        (45, Erf), \
        (46, ACosh), \
        (47, ASinh), \
        (48, Rint), \
        (49, LogSigmoid), \
        (50, Erfc) ,\
        (51, Expm1), \
        (52, ATanh) ,\
        (53, GELU) ,\
        (54, GELUDerivative), \
        (55, PreciseGELU) ,\
        (56, PreciseGELUDerivative)

// these ops return one of FLOAT data types
        (1, Sqrt), \
        (3, RSqrt)

        (0, SummaryStatsVariance), \
        (1, SummaryStatsStandardDeviation)

#define SCALAR_INT_OPS \
        (0, ShiftLeft), \
        (1, ShiftRight), \
        (2, CyclicShiftLeft), \
        (3, CyclicShiftRight), \
        (4, IntAnd), \
        (5, IntOr), \
        (6, IntXor)

        (0, EqualTo),\
        (1, GreaterThan),\
        (2, LessThan),\
        (3, Epsilon),\
        (4, GreaterThanOrEqual),\
        (5, LessThanOrEqual),\
        (6, NotEqualTo),\
        (7, And),\
        (8, Or),\
        (9, Xor) ,\
        (10, Not)

#define SCALAR_OPS \
        (0, Add),\
        (1, Subtract),\
        (2, Multiply),\
        (3, Divide),\
        (4, ReverseDivide),\
        (5, ReverseSubtract),\
        (6, MaxPairwise),\
        (7, ELU), \
        (8, ELUDerivative), \
        (13, MinPairwise),\
        (14, CopyPws),\
        (15, Mod),\
        (16, ReverseMod),\
        (17, Remainder),\
        (18, FMod) ,\
        (19, TruncateDiv) ,\
        (20, FloorDiv) ,\
        (21, FloorMod), \
        (22, SquaredSubtract),\
        (23, SafeDivide), \
        (24, AMaxPairwise), \
        (25, AMinPairwise), \
        (26, Atan2) ,\
        (27, LogicalOr) ,\
        (28, LogicalXor) ,\
        (29, LogicalNot) ,\
        (30, LogicalAnd) ,\
        (31, Pow) ,\
        (32, PowDerivative) ,\
        (33, CompareAndSet) ,\
        (34, SXELogitsSmoother), \
        (35, LeakyRELU), \
        (36, LeakyRELUDerivative), \
        (37, ReplaceNans) ,\
        (38, LogX) ,\
        (39, RELU), \
        (40, RELU6), \
        (41, Step), \
        (42, LstmClip), \
        (43, TruncateMod) ,\
        (44, SquaredReverseSubtract) ,\
        (45, ReversePow), \
        (46, DivideNoNan), \
        (47, IGamma), \
        (48, IGammac)

#define REDUCE3_OPS \
        (0, ManhattanDistance), \
        (1, EuclideanDistance), \
        (2, CosineSimilarity), \
        (3, Dot), \
        (4, EqualsWithEps) ,\
        (5, CosineDistance) ,\
        (6, JaccardDistance) ,\
        (7, SimpleHammingDistance)

        (0, CountNonZero), \
        (1, CountZero), \
        (2, MatchCondition)

        (0, Any) ,\
        (1, All), \
        (2, IsFinite), \
        (3, IsInfOrNan), \
        (4, IsNan), \
        (5, IsInf), \
        (6, IsPositive)

        (0, Sum), \
        (1, Max), \
        (2, Min), \
        (3, Prod), \
        (4, ASum), \
        (5, AMax) ,\
        (6, AMin) ,\
        (7, ReduceSameBenchmarkOp)

        (0, Mean), \
        (1, AMean) ,\
        (2, Norm1), \
        (3, Norm2), \
        (4, NormMax), \
        (5, NormFrobenius), \
        (6, NormP), \
        (7, SquaredNorm) ,\
        (8, Entropy) ,\
        (9, LogEntropy) ,\
        (10, ShannonEntropy) ,\
        (12, ReduceFloatBenchmarkOp)

#define RANDOM_OPS \
        (0, UniformDistribution) ,\
        (1, DropOut) ,\
        (2, DropOutInverted) ,\
        (3, ProbablisticMerge) ,\
        (4, Linspace) ,\
        (5, Choice) ,\
        (6, GaussianDistribution) ,\
        (7, BernoulliDistribution) ,\
        (8, BinomialDistribution),\
        (9, BinomialDistributionEx),\
        (10, LogNormalDistribution) ,\
        (11, TruncatedNormalDistribution) ,\
        (12, AlphaDropOut),\
        (13, ExponentialDistribution),\
        (14, ExponentialDistributionInv), \
        (15, PoissonDistribution), \
        (16, GammaDistribution)

        (0, ShiftLeft), \
        (1, ShiftRight), \
        (2, CyclicShiftLeft), \
        (3, CyclicShiftRight), \
        (4, IntAnd), \
        (5, IntOr), \
        (6, IntXor)

        (0, EqualTo),\
        (1, GreaterThan),\
        (2, LessThan),\
        (3, Epsilon),\
        (4, GreaterThanOrEqual),\
        (5, LessThanOrEqual),\
        (6, NotEqualTo),\
        (7, And),\
        (8, Or),\
        (9, Xor) ,\
        (10, Not)

        (0, Add),\
        (1, CopyPws),\
        (2, Divide),\
        (3, Multiply),\
        (4, Pow),\
        (5, ReverseSubtract),\
        (6, Subtract),\
        (7, MaxPairwise),\
        (8, MinPairwise),\
        (9, Copy2) ,\
        (10, Axpy),\
        (11, ReverseDivide),\
        (12, CompareAndSet),\
        (13, CompareAndReplace),\
        (14, Remainder),\
        (15, FMod),\
        (16, Atan2) ,\
        (17, TruncateDiv),\
        (18, FloorDiv), \
        (19, FloorMod) ,\
        (20, SquaredSubtract) ,\
        (21, ReverseMod),\
        (22, SafeDivide), \
        (23, Mod) ,\
        (24, RelativeError) ,\
        (25, BinaryRelativeError) ,\
        (26, BinaryMinimumAbsoluteRelativeError) ,\
        (27, LogicalOr) ,\
        (28, LogicalXor) ,\
        (29, LogicalNot) ,\
        (30, LogicalAnd) ,\
        (31, PowDerivative), \
        (32, LogPoissonLoss), \
        (33, LogPoissonLossFull) , \
        (34, AMaxPairwise), \
        (35, AMinPairwise) ,\
        (36, TruncateMod), \
        (37, ReplaceNans), \
        (38, DivideNoNan), \
        (39, IGamma), \
        (40, IGammac)

        (0, IndexMax), \
        (1, IndexMin), \
        (2, IndexAbsoluteMax), \
	    (3, IndexAbsoluteMin) , \
	    (4, FirstIndex) , \
	    (5, LastIndex)