/* ****************************************************************************** * * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // // @author raver119@gmail.com // #ifndef LIBND4J_HELPER_GENERATOR_H #define LIBND4J_HELPER_GENERATOR_H #include <system/op_boilerplate.h> #include <system/pointercast.h> #include <array/DataTypeUtils.h> #include <system/dll.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER // include for uint64_t on MSVC #include <stdint.h> #elif ANDROID #include <stdint.h> #ifndef UINT64_C #if defined(__LP64__) #define UINT64_C(c) c ## UL #else #define UINT64_C(c) c ## ULL #endif //LP64 #endif // UINT64 #endif // MSVC/ANDROID #ifdef __GNUC__ #include <inttypes.h> #endif namespace sd { namespace random { #ifdef __CUDACC__ class ND4J_EXPORT CudaManaged { private: protected: void *devHolder; public: void *operator new(size_t len) { void *ptr; cudaHostAlloc(&ptr, len, cudaHostAllocDefault); return ptr; } void operator delete(void *ptr) { cudaFreeHost(ptr); } }; class ND4J_EXPORT RandomBuffer : public CudaManaged { #else class ND4J_EXPORT RandomBuffer { #endif private: void *devHolder; Nd4jLong size; uint64_t *buffer; uint64_t *devBuffer; Nd4jLong offset; Nd4jLong seed; Nd4jLong position; Nd4jLong generation; Nd4jLong currentPosition; Nd4jLong amplifier; unsigned int synchronizer; #ifdef __CUDACC__ curandGenerator_t gen; #endif public: /** * This method allocates buffer of size * sizeof(Nd4jLong) * * @param size * @return */ #ifdef __CUDACC__ __host__ RandomBuffer(Nd4jLong seed, Nd4jLong size, uint64_t *hostBuffer, uint64_t *devBuffer) { this->buffer = hostBuffer; this->seed = seed; this->size = size; this->generation = 1; this->currentPosition = 0; this->offset = 0; this->amplifier = seed; this->synchronizer = 0; this->devBuffer = devBuffer; cudaMalloc(&devHolder, sizeof(sd::random::RandomBuffer)); } __host__ Nd4jPointer getDevicePointer() { return reinterpret_cast<Nd4jPointer>(devHolder); } __host__ ~RandomBuffer() { cudaFree(devHolder); } __host__ void propagateToDevice(sd::random::RandomBuffer *buffer, cudaStream_t stream) { cudaMemcpyAsync(devHolder, buffer, sizeof(sd::random::RandomBuffer), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream); } __host__ __device__ #endif RandomBuffer(Nd4jLong seed, Nd4jLong size, uint64_t *buffer) { this->buffer = buffer; this->seed = seed; this->size = size; this->generation = 1; this->currentPosition = 0; this->offset = 0; this->amplifier = seed; this->synchronizer = 0; this->devBuffer = buffer; } inline _CUDA_HD uint64_t *getBuffer() { return this->buffer; } inline _CUDA_HD uint64_t *getDeviceBuffer() { return this->devBuffer; } #ifdef __CUDACC__ _CUDA_HD curandGenerator_t *getGeneratorPointer() { return &gen; } _CUDA_HD curandGenerator_t getGenerator() { return gen; } _CUDA_H void setBuffer(uint64_t *ptr) { this->buffer = ptr; } #endif inline _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong getSize() { return this->size; } inline _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong getSeed() { return this->seed; } void _CUDA_HD setSeed(Nd4jLong seed) { this->seed = seed; this->amplifier = seed; this->generation = 1; } Nd4jLong _CUDA_HD getAllocatedSize() { return this->size * sizeof(double); } inline _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong getOffset() { return this->currentPosition; } void _CUDA_HD setOffset(Nd4jLong offset) { this->currentPosition = offset; } void _CUDA_HD reSeed(Nd4jLong amplifier) { this->amplifier = amplifier; } inline _CUDA_D uint64_t getElement(Nd4jLong position) { Nd4jLong actualPosition = this->getOffset() + position; Nd4jLong tempGen = generation; if (actualPosition >= this->size) { tempGen += actualPosition / this->size; actualPosition = actualPosition % this->size; } #ifdef __CUDACC__ // __syncthreads(); auto ret = static_cast<uint64_t>(devBuffer[actualPosition]); #else auto ret = static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer[actualPosition]); #endif if (tempGen != generation) ret = safeShift(ret, tempGen); if(generation > 1) ret = safeShift(ret, generation); if (amplifier != seed) ret = safeShift(ret, amplifier); #ifdef __CUDACC__ // __syncthreads(); #endif if (amplifier != seed || generation > 1 || tempGen != generation) ret = next64(seedConv(static_cast<Nd4jLong>(ret))); return ret; } uint64_t _CUDA_HD next64(uint64_t shiftedSeed) { const auto s0 = static_cast<uint64_t>(shiftedSeed); auto s1 = static_cast<uint64_t>(shiftedSeed) % sd::DataTypeUtils::max<int>() + 11; uint64_t r0, r1; s1 ^= s0; r0 = rotl(s0, 55) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14); // a, b r1 = rotl(s1, 36); // c return r0 + r1; } static _CUDA_HD inline uint64_t rotl(const uint64_t x, uint64_t k) { return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k)); } uint64_t static _CUDA_HD inline safeShift(uint64_t x, uint64_t y) { if (y != 0 && x > sd::DataTypeUtils::max<uint64_t>() / y) { return x / y + 11; } else return (x * y) + 11; } uint64_t _CUDA_HD seedConv(Nd4jLong seed) { uint64_t x = static_cast<uint64_t>(seed); uint64_t z = (x += UINT64_C(0x9E3779B97F4A7C15)); z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) * UINT64_C(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9); z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) * UINT64_C(0x94D049BB133111EB); return z ^ (z >> 31); } void _CUDA_HD incrementGeneration() { this->generation++; } Nd4jLong _CUDA_HD getNextIndex() { currentPosition++; if (currentPosition >= size) { currentPosition = 0; generation++; } Nd4jLong ret = currentPosition; return ret; } uint64_t _CUDA_HD getNextElement() { // TODO: proper implementation needed here return generation == 1 ? buffer[getNextIndex()] : buffer[getNextIndex()] * generation; } /** * This method skips X elements from buffer * * @param numberOfElements number of elements to skip */ #ifdef __CUDACC__ __device__ void rewind(Nd4jLong numberOfElements) { if (gridDim.x > 1) { __shared__ bool amLast; if (threadIdx.x == 0) { unsigned int ticket = atomicInc(&synchronizer, gridDim.x); amLast = (ticket == gridDim.x - 1); } __syncthreads(); if (amLast) { if (threadIdx.x == 0) { synchronizer = 0; Nd4jLong newPos = this->getOffset() + numberOfElements; if (newPos > this->getSize()) { generation += newPos / this->size; newPos = newPos % this->size; } else if (newPos == this->getSize()) { newPos = 0; generation++; } this->setOffset(newPos); } } } else { if (threadIdx.x == 0) { Nd4jLong newPos = this->getOffset() + numberOfElements; if (newPos > this->getSize()) { generation += newPos / this->size; newPos = newPos % this->size; } else if (newPos == this->getSize()) { generation++; newPos = 0; } this->setOffset(newPos); } } } #endif void rewindH(Nd4jLong numberOfElements) { Nd4jLong newPos = this->getOffset() + numberOfElements; if (newPos > this->getSize()) { generation += newPos / this->size; newPos = newPos % this->size; } else if (newPos == this->getSize()) { generation++; newPos = 0; } this->setOffset(newPos); } /** * This method returns random int in range [0..MAX_INT] * @return */ int _CUDA_D nextInt() { auto u = nextUInt64(); return u <= sd::DataTypeUtils::max<int>() ? static_cast<int>(u) : static_cast<int>(u % sd::DataTypeUtils::max<int>()); }; uint64_t _CUDA_D nextUInt64() { return getNextElement(); } /** * This method returns random int in range [0..to] * @param to * @return */ int _CUDA_D nextInt(int to) { int r = nextInt(); int m = to - 1; if ((to & m) == 0) // i.e., bound is a power of 2 r = ((to * (Nd4jLong) r) >> 31); else { for (int u = r; u - (r = u % to) + m < 0; u = nextInt()); } return r; }; /** * This method returns random int in range [from..to] * @param from * @param to * @return */ int _CUDA_D nextInt(int from, int to) { if (from == 0) return nextInt(to); return from + nextInt(to - from); }; /** * This method returns random T in range of [0..1] * @return */ template<typename T> _CUDA_D T nextT() { auto u = static_cast<float>(nextUInt64()); auto m = static_cast<float>(sd::DataTypeUtils::max<uint64_t>()); return static_cast<T>(u / m); } /** * This method returns random T in range of [0..to] * @param to * @return */ template<typename T> _CUDA_D T nextT(T to) { if (to == static_cast<T>(1.0f)) return nextT<T>(); return nextT<T>(static_cast<T>(0.0f), to); } /** * This method returns random T in range [from..to] * @param from * @param to * @return */ template<typename T> _CUDA_D T inline nextT(T from, T to) { return from + (nextT<T>() * (to - from)); } inline _CUDA_D uint64_t relativeUInt64(Nd4jLong index) { return getElement(index); } /** * relative methods are made as workaround for lock-free concurrent execution */ inline int _CUDA_D relativeInt(Nd4jLong index) { auto u = relativeUInt64(index); return u <= sd::DataTypeUtils::max<int>() ? static_cast<int>(u) : static_cast<int>(u % sd::DataTypeUtils::max<int>()); } /** * This method returns random int within [0..to] * * @param index * @param to * @return */ inline int _CUDA_D relativeInt(Nd4jLong index, int to) { auto rel = relativeInt(index); return rel % to; } /** * This method returns random int within [from..to] * * @param index * @param to * @param from * @return */ inline _CUDA_D int relativeInt(Nd4jLong index, int from, int to) { if (from == 0) return relativeInt(index, to); return from + relativeInt(index, to - from); } /** * This method returns random T within [0..1] * * @param index * @return */ template <typename T> inline _CUDA_D T relativeT(Nd4jLong index) { /** * Basically we just get float u/m value, and convert into to * * FIXME: once we add support for additional datatypes this code must be tweaked */ auto u = static_cast<float>(relativeUInt64(index)); auto m = static_cast<float> (sd::DataTypeUtils::max<uint64_t>()); return static_cast<T>(u / m); } /** * This method returns random T within [0..to] * * @param index * @param to * @return */ template<typename T> _CUDA_D T relativeT(Nd4jLong index, T to) { if (to == static_cast<T>(1.0f)) return relativeT<T>(index); return relativeT<T>(index, static_cast<T>(0.0f), to); } /** * This method returns random T within [from..to] * * @param index * @param from * @param to * @return */ template<typename T> _CUDA_D T relativeT(Nd4jLong index, T from, T to) { return from + (relativeT<T>(index) * (to - from)); } }; class ND4J_EXPORT IGenerator { protected: Nd4jLong limit; Nd4jLong seed; uint64_t *buffer; sd::random::RandomBuffer *realBuffer; public: _CUDA_HD IGenerator(sd::random::RandomBuffer *buffer) { this->limit = buffer->getSize(); this->buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(buffer->getBuffer()); this->realBuffer = buffer; this->seed = buffer->getSeed(); } _CUDA_HD RandomBuffer *getBuffer() { return realBuffer; } _CUDA_HD void setOffset(Nd4jLong offset) { this->realBuffer->setOffset(offset); } _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong getElementAbsolute(Nd4jLong position) { return buffer[position]; } _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong getElementRelative(Nd4jLong position) { return buffer[realBuffer->getOffset() + position]; } virtual _CUDA_HD void refreshBuffer() = 0; }; class ND4J_EXPORT Xoroshiro128 : public IGenerator { protected: uint64_t state[2]; static inline _CUDA_HD uint64_t rotl(const uint64_t x, int k) { return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k)); } /** * This method returns 64 random bits * @return */ uint64_t _CUDA_HD next64() { const uint64_t s0 = state[0]; uint64_t s1 = state[1]; const uint64_t result = s0 + s1; s1 ^= s0; state[0] = rotl(s0, 55) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14); // a, b state[1] = rotl(s1, 36); // c return result; } uint64_t _CUDA_HD seedConv(Nd4jLong seed) { uint64_t x = static_cast<uint64_t>(seed); uint64_t z = (x += UINT64_C(0x9E3779B97F4A7C15)); z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) * UINT64_C(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9); z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) * UINT64_C(0x94D049BB133111EB); return z ^ (z >> 31); } void _CUDA_H jump(void) { static const uint64_t JUMP[] = { 0xbeac0467eba5facb, 0xd86b048b86aa9922 }; uint64_t s0 = 0; uint64_t s1 = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof JUMP / sizeof *JUMP; i++) for(int b = 0; b < 64; b++) { if (JUMP[i] & 1ULL << b) { s0 ^= state[0]; s1 ^= state[1]; } next64(); } state[0] = s0; state[1] = s1; } public: _CUDA_HD Xoroshiro128(sd::random::RandomBuffer *buffer) : IGenerator(buffer) { // } _CUDA_HD void refreshBuffer() { state[0] = seedConv(this->seed); state[1] = seedConv(this->seed * 119 + 3); int fd = 3 + 3; for (Nd4jLong i = 0; i < limit; i++) { buffer[i] = next64(); } } }; } } #endif //LIBND4J_HELPER_GENERATOR_H