/* ****************************************************************************** * * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ******************************************************************************/ // // @author raver119@gmail.com // #include "testlayers.h" #include <array/NDArray.h> #include <graph/GraphExecutioner.h> #include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h> using namespace sd; using namespace sd::ops; class ListOperationsTests : public testing::Test { }; TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Write_1) { NDArrayList list(5); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {128}); x.linspace(1); sd::ops::write_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {&x}, {}, {1}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); ASSERT_EQ(1, list.elements()); auto result2 = op.execute(&list, {&x}, {}, {2}); ASSERT_EQ(2, list.elements()); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Stack_1) { NDArrayList list(10); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {10, 100}); auto tads = exp.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {100}); row->assign((double) e); list.write(e, row); tads.at(e)->assign(row); } sd::ops::stack_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {}, {}, {1}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); // z->printShapeInfo(); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_UnStackList_1) { NDArrayList list(0, true); auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {10, 100}); auto tads = x.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {100}); row->assign((double) e); //list.write(e, row); tads.at(e)->assign(row); delete row; } sd::ops::unstack_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {&x}, {}, {0}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); ASSERT_EQ(list.elements(), 10); // auto z = result.at(0); // z->printShapeInfo("The first of"); // ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); // ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = list.read(e); ASSERT_TRUE(row->equalsTo(tads.at(e))); //list.write(e, row); delete row; } } //TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_UnStackList_2) { //// NDArrayList list(0, true); // auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {10, 100}); // auto tads = x.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); // for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { // auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {100}); // row->assign((double) e); // //list.write(e, row); // tads->at(e)->assign(row); // delete row; // } // // sd::ops::unstack_list op; // // auto result = op.execute(nullptr, {&x}, {}, {0}); // // ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); // ASSERT_EQ(result->size(), 10); // // // auto z = result.at(0); //// z->printShapeInfo("The first of"); //// ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); //// ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); // for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { // auto row = result.at(e); // ASSERT_TRUE(row->equalsTo(tads->at(e))); // //list.write(e, row); // } // // // delete tads; //} TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Read_1) { NDArrayList list(10); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {1, 100}); exp.assign(4.0f); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {1, 100}); row->assign((double) e); list.write(e, new NDArray(row->dup())); delete row; } sd::ops::read_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {}, {}, {4}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Pick_1) { NDArrayList list(10); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {4, 100}); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {100}); row->assign((double) e); list.write(e, new NDArray(row->dup())); delete row; } auto tads = exp.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); tads.at(0)->assign(1.0f); tads.at(1)->assign(1.0f); tads.at(2)->assign(3.0f); tads.at(3)->assign(3.0f); sd::ops::pick_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {}, {}, {1, 1, 3, 3}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Size_1) { NDArrayList list(10); auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<int>(10); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {100}); row->assign((double) e); list.write(e, new NDArray(row->dup())); delete row; } sd::ops::size_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {}, {}, {1}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Create_1) { auto matrix = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {3, 2}); matrix.linspace(1); sd::ops::create_list op; auto result = op.execute(nullptr, {&matrix}, {}, {1, 1}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); // we return flow as well ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size()); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Split_1) { NDArrayList list(0, true); auto exp0 = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {2, 5}); auto exp1 = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {3, 5}); auto exp2 = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {5, 5}); auto matrix = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {10, 5}); auto lengths = NDArrayFactory::create<int>('c', {3}); lengths.p(0, 2); lengths.p(1, 3); lengths.p(2, 5); auto tads = matrix.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); auto tads0 = exp0.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); auto tads1 = exp1.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); auto tads2 = exp2.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); int cnt0 = 0; int cnt1 = 0; int cnt2 = 0; for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {5}); row->assign((double) e); tads.at(e)->assign(row); if (e < 2) tads0.at(cnt0++)->assign(row); else if (e < 5) tads1.at(cnt1++)->assign(row); else tads2.at(cnt2++)->assign(row); delete row; } sd::ops::split_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {&matrix, &lengths}, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(Status::OK(), result.status()); ASSERT_EQ(3, list.height()); ASSERT_TRUE(exp0.isSameShape(list.readRaw(0))); ASSERT_TRUE(exp0.equalsTo(list.readRaw(0))); ASSERT_TRUE(exp1.isSameShape(list.readRaw(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(exp1.equalsTo(list.readRaw(1))); ASSERT_TRUE(exp2.isSameShape(list.readRaw(2))); ASSERT_TRUE(exp2.equalsTo(list.readRaw(2))); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Scatter_1) { NDArrayList list(0, true); auto s = NDArrayFactory::create<double>(0.0); auto matrix = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {10, 5}); auto tads = matrix.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {1, 5}); row->assign((double) e); tads.at(e)->assign(row); delete row; } auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {1, 10}); for (int e = 0; e < matrix.rows(); e++) indices.p(e, 9 - e); sd::ops::scatter_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {&indices, &matrix, &s}, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = tads.at(9 - e); auto chunk = list.readRaw(e); ASSERT_TRUE(chunk->isSameShape(row)); ASSERT_TRUE(chunk->equalsTo(row)); } } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Clone_1) { auto list = new NDArrayList(0, true); VariableSpace variableSpace; auto var = new Variable(nullptr, nullptr, -1, 0); var->setNDArrayList(list); variableSpace.putVariable(-1, var); variableSpace.trackList(list); Context block(1, &variableSpace); block.pickInput(-1); sd::ops::clone_list op; ASSERT_TRUE(list == block.variable(0)->getNDArrayList()); auto result = op.execute(&block); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result); auto resVar = variableSpace.getVariable(1); auto resList = resVar->getNDArrayList(); ASSERT_TRUE( resList != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(list->equals(*resList)); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, BasicTest_Gather_1) { NDArrayList list(0, true); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto row = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {3}); row->assign((double) e); list.write(e, new NDArray(row->dup())); delete row; } auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {10, 3}); auto tads = exp.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); for (int e = 0; e < 10; e++) { auto tad = tads.at(9 - e); tad->assign(e); } auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {1, 10}); indices.linspace(9, -1); sd::ops::gather_list op; auto result = op.execute(&list, {&indices}, {}, {}); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result.status()); ASSERT_EQ(1, result.size()); auto z = result.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(z)); //exp.printIndexedBuffer("e"); //z->printIndexedBuffer("z"); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(z)); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, GraphTests_Sequential_1) { Graph graph; auto matrix = NDArrayFactory::create_<float>('c', {3, 3}); auto tads = matrix->allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); for (int e = 0; e < tads.size(); e++) { tads.at(e)->assign((float) (e+1)); } auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', {3, 3}); auto tadsExp = exp.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); tadsExp.at(0)->assign(0.f); tadsExp.at(1)->assign(-1.f); tadsExp.at(2)->assign(-2.f); auto indices = NDArrayFactory::valueOf<int>({3}, 1, 'c'); //indices->linspace(0); auto variableSpace = graph.getVariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, matrix); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, indices); auto nodeA = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, 0, 1, {-1}); // creating list sd::ops::create_list opB; auto nodeB = new Node(&opB, 2, {1},{},{}, 0.0f, {}, {0, 1}); //nodeB->setCustomOp(&opB); // filling list with matrix sd::ops::split_list opC; auto nodeC = new Node(&opC, 3, {2, 1, -2}); //nodeC->setCustomOp(&opC); // reading chunks from List. We're adding op number 3 in inputs, to ensure graph will execute this node after split sd::ops::read_list opD; auto nodeD0 = new Node(&opD, 5, {2, 3}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {0}); auto nodeD1 = new Node(&opD, 6, {2, 3}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {1}); auto nodeD2 = new Node(&opD, 7, {2, 3}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {2}); //nodeD0->setCustomOp(&opD); //nodeD1->setCustomOp(&opD); //nodeD2->setCustomOp(&opD); // using OneMinus on each chunk separately auto nodeE0 = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, sd::transform::OneMinus, 10, {5}); auto nodeE1 = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, sd::transform::OneMinus, 11, {6}); auto nodeE2 = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, sd::transform::OneMinus, 12, {7}); // writing chunks back to the List sd::ops::write_list opF; auto nodeF0 = new Node(&opF, 15, {2, 10}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {0}); auto nodeF1 = new Node(&opF, 16, {2, 11}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {1}); auto nodeF2 = new Node(&opF, 17, {2, 12}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {2}); // nodeF0->setCustomOp(&opF); // nodeF1->setCustomOp(&opF); // nodeF2->setCustomOp(&opF); // now we're stacking chunks back to matrix state sd::ops::stack_list opG; auto nodeG = new Node(&opG, 20, {2, 15, 16, 17}); //auto nodeG = new Node<float>(OpType_CUSTOM, 0, 20, {2}); // nodeG->setCustomOp(&opG); graph.addNode(nodeA); graph.addNode(nodeB); graph.addNode(nodeC); graph.addNode(nodeD0); graph.addNode(nodeD1); graph.addNode(nodeD2); graph.addNode(nodeE0); graph.addNode(nodeE1); graph.addNode(nodeE2); graph.addNode(nodeF0); graph.addNode(nodeF1); graph.addNode(nodeF2); graph.addNode(nodeG); // let's also validate structural integrity graph.buildGraph(); ASSERT_EQ(0, nodeA->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(1, nodeB->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(2, nodeC->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(3, nodeD0->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(3, nodeD1->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(3, nodeD2->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(4, nodeE0->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(4, nodeE1->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(4, nodeE2->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(5, nodeF0->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(5, nodeF1->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(5, nodeF2->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(6, nodeG->getLayer()); auto result = GraphExecutioner::execute(&graph); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result); ASSERT_TRUE(variableSpace->hasVariable(2)); auto list = variableSpace->getVariable(2)->getNDArrayList(); ASSERT_TRUE(list != nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(3, list->height()); ASSERT_EQ(3, list->elements()); ASSERT_TRUE(variableSpace->hasVariable(20)); auto stack = variableSpace->getVariable(20)->getNDArray(); ASSERT_TRUE(stack != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(stack)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(stack)); } TEST_F(ListOperationsTests, GraphTests_Sequential_2) { Graph graph; auto scalar = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>(0.0f); auto matrix = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {3, 3}); auto tads = matrix->allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); for (int e = 0; e < tads.size(); e++) { tads.at(e)->assign((float) (e+1)); } auto exp = NDArrayFactory::create<double>('c', {3, 3}); auto tadsExp = exp.allTensorsAlongDimension({1}); tadsExp.at(0)->assign(0.f); tadsExp.at(1)->assign(-1.f); tadsExp.at(2)->assign(-2.f); //auto indices = NDArray<float>::valueOf({1, 3}, 1.0f, 'c'); auto indices = NDArrayFactory::create_<double>('c', {1, 3}); indices->linspace(0); auto variableSpace = graph.getVariableSpace(); variableSpace->putVariable(-1, matrix); variableSpace->putVariable(-2, indices); variableSpace->putVariable(-3, scalar); auto nodeA = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, 0, 1, {-1}); // creating list sd::ops::create_list opB; auto nodeB = new Node(&opB, 2, {1},{},{}, 0.0f, {}, {0, 1}); // nodeB->setCustomOp(&opB); // filling list with matrix sd::ops::scatter_list opC; auto nodeC = new Node(&opC, 3, {2, -2, 1, -3}); //nodeC->setCustomOp(&opC); sd::ops::read_list opD; auto nodeD0 = new Node(&opD, 5, {2, 3}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {0}); auto nodeD1 = new Node(&opD, 6, {2, 3, 15}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {1}); auto nodeD2 = new Node(&opD, 7, {2, 3, 16}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {2}); // nodeD0->setCustomOp(&opD); // nodeD1->setCustomOp(&opD); // nodeD2->setCustomOp(&opD); // using OneMinus on each chunk separately auto nodeE0 = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, sd::transform::OneMinus, 10, {5}); auto nodeE1 = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, sd::transform::OneMinus, 11, {6}); auto nodeE2 = new Node(OpType_TRANSFORM_SAME, sd::transform::OneMinus, 12, {7}); // writing chunks back to the List sd::ops::write_list opF; auto nodeF0 = new Node(&opF, 15, {2, 10}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {0}); auto nodeF1 = new Node(&opF, 16, {2, 11}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {1}); auto nodeF2 = new Node(&opF, 17, {2, 12}, {},{}, 0.0f, {}, {2}); // nodeF0->setCustomOp(&opF); // nodeF1->setCustomOp(&opF); // nodeF2->setCustomOp(&opF); // now we're gathering chunks back to matrix state sd::ops::pick_list opG; auto nodeG = new Node(&opG, 20, {2, -2, 15, 16, 17}); //auto nodeG = new Node<float>(OpType_CUSTOM, 0, 20, {2}); //nodeG->setCustomOp(&opG); graph.addNode(nodeA); graph.addNode(nodeB); graph.addNode(nodeC); graph.addNode(nodeD0); graph.addNode(nodeD1); graph.addNode(nodeD2); graph.addNode(nodeE0); graph.addNode(nodeE1); graph.addNode(nodeE2); graph.addNode(nodeF0); graph.addNode(nodeF1); graph.addNode(nodeF2); graph.addNode(nodeG); // let's also validate structural integrity graph.buildGraph(); ASSERT_EQ(0, nodeA->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(1, nodeB->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(2, nodeC->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(3, nodeD0->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(4, nodeE0->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(5, nodeF0->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(6, nodeD1->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(7, nodeE1->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(8, nodeF1->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(9, nodeD2->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(10, nodeE2->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(11, nodeF2->getLayer()); ASSERT_EQ(12, nodeG->getLayer()); auto result = GraphExecutioner::execute(&graph); ASSERT_EQ(ND4J_STATUS_OK, result); ASSERT_TRUE(variableSpace->hasVariable(2)); auto list = variableSpace->getVariable(2)->getNDArrayList(); ASSERT_TRUE(list != nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(3, list->height()); ASSERT_EQ(3, list->elements()); ASSERT_TRUE(variableSpace->hasVariable(20)); auto stack = variableSpace->getVariable(20)->getNDArray(); ASSERT_TRUE(stack != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.isSameShape(stack)); ASSERT_TRUE(exp.equalsTo(stack)); }