Fariz Rahman
Python4j ( #422 )
* types
* pom fix
* basic exec + tests
* safe exec
* exec fixes + tests
* prim tests
* lists and dicts
* collections tests
* list test
* api
* exec and return all vars
* context manager + fixes
* leak fixes
* jobs tests
* gc basic working
* more gc fixed
* copyright headers
* try-catch-finally
* gc fixes
* validate var name (startswith _collapsed..)
* try block refac
* pythonexecutioner nits
* hashset->set
* call() gc fix
* gc fixes
* type check fix
* types fixes
* refacs
* rem numpyarray
* threadsafety check
* private->public
* threadsafe checks
* pythonGC test
* threading fixes + tests
* threading tests+
* threading test fixes
* make PythonException unchecked
* nits
* docstrings
* path fixes
2020-05-21 11:47:12 +10:00