* Initial performance improvement for Bias Add, loop coords helpers and increment aligned parallel threading Signed-off-by: AbdelRauf <rauf@konduit.ai> * One more test for Rauf Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com> * disable couple of perf tests Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>master
@ -165,6 +165,14 @@ namespace samediff {
static int64_t parallel_long(FUNC_RL function, FUNC_AL aggregator, int64_t start, int64_t stop, int64_t increment = 1, uint64_t numThreads = nd4j::Environment::getInstance()->maxMasterThreads());
static double parallel_double(FUNC_RD function, FUNC_AD aggregator, int64_t start, int64_t stop, int64_t increment = 1, uint64_t numThreads = nd4j::Environment::getInstance()->maxMasterThreads());
* This method will execute function in parallel preserving the parts to be aligned increment size
* PLEASE NOTE: this function can use smaller number of threads than requested.
static int parallel_aligned_increment(FUNC_1D function, int64_t start, int64_t stop, int64_t increment, size_t type_size = sizeof(float), uint32_t req_numThreads = nd4j::Environment::getInstance()->maxMasterThreads());
@ -638,4 +638,86 @@ namespace samediff {
return intermediatery[0];
int Threads::parallel_aligned_increment(FUNC_1D function, int64_t start, int64_t stop, int64_t increment, size_t type_size , uint32_t req_numThreads) {
if (start > stop)
throw std::runtime_error("Threads::parallel_for got start > stop");
auto num_elements = (stop - start);
//this way we preserve increment starts offset
//so we will parition considering delta but not total elements
auto delta = (stop - start) / increment;
// in some cases we just fire func as is
if (delta == 0 || req_numThreads == 1) {
function(0, start, stop, increment);
return 1;
int numThreads = 0;
int adjusted_numThreads = samediff::ThreadsHelper::numberOfThreads(req_numThreads, (num_elements * sizeof(double)) / (200 * type_size));
if (adjusted_numThreads > delta)
adjusted_numThreads = delta;
// shortcut
if (adjusted_numThreads <= 1) {
function(0, start, stop, increment);
return 1;
//take span as ceil
auto spand = std::ceil((double)delta / (double)adjusted_numThreads);
numThreads = static_cast<int>(std::ceil((double)delta / spand));
auto span = static_cast<Nd4jLong>(spand);
auto ticket = samediff::ThreadPool::getInstance()->tryAcquire(numThreads);
if (ticket != nullptr) {
//tail_add is additional value of the last part
//it could be negative or positive
//we will spread that value across
auto tail_add = delta - numThreads * span;
Nd4jLong begin = 0;
Nd4jLong end = 0;
//we will try enqueu bigger parts first
decltype(span) span1, span2;
int last = 0;
if (tail_add >= 0) {
//for span == 1 , tail_add is 0
last = tail_add;
span1 = span + 1;
span2 = span;
else {
last = numThreads + tail_add;// -std::abs(tail_add);
span1 = span;
span2 = span - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) {
end = begin + span1 * increment;
// putting the task into the queue for a given thread
ticket->enqueue(i, numThreads, function, begin, end, increment);
begin = end;
for (int i = last; i < numThreads - 1; i++) {
end = begin + span2 * increment;
// putting the task into the queue for a given thread
ticket->enqueue(i, numThreads, function, begin, end, increment);
begin = end;
//for last one enqueue last offset as stop
//we need it in case our ((stop-start) % increment ) > 0
ticket->enqueue(numThreads - 1, numThreads, function, begin, stop, increment);
// block and wait till all threads finished the job
// we tell that parallelism request succeeded
return numThreads;
else {
// if there were no threads available - we'll execute function right within current thread
function(0, start, stop, increment);
// we tell that parallelism request declined
return 1;
@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author AbdelRauf
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <pointercast.h>
#include <op_boilerplate.h>
namespace nd4j {
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect( (x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect( (x), 0)
#define likely(x) (x)
#define unlikely(x) (x)
using zip_size_t = std::pair<size_t, size_t>;
template<size_t Index>
struct CoordsState :CoordsState<Index - 1> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride;
Nd4jLong adjust;
CoordsState() :CoordsState<Index - 1>() {}
struct CoordsState<0> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride;
Nd4jLong adjust;
CoordsState() {}
template<size_t Index>
struct ZipCoordsState :ZipCoordsState<Index - 1> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride1;
Nd4jLong stride2;
Nd4jLong adjust1;
Nd4jLong adjust2;
ZipCoordsState() : ZipCoordsState<Index - 1>() {}
struct ZipCoordsState<0> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride1;
Nd4jLong stride2;
Nd4jLong adjust1;
Nd4jLong adjust2;
ZipCoordsState() {}
#define COORDS(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::coord)
#define STRIDE(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::stride)
#define LAST_NUM(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::last_num)
#define OF_ADJUST(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::adjust)
#define ZIP_LAST_NUM(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::last_num)
#define ZIP_COORDS(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::coord)
#define ZIP_STRIDE1(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::stride1)
#define ZIP_STRIDE2(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::stride2)
#define ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::adjust1)
#define ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::adjust2)
FORCEINLINE void index2coords_C(Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong rank, const Nd4jLong* bases, Nd4jLong* coords) {
for (size_t i = rank - 1; i > 0; --i) {
coords[i] = index % bases[i];
index /= bases[i];
coords[0] = index; // last iteration
FORCEINLINE void index2coords_F(Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong rank, const Nd4jLong* bases, Nd4jLong* coords) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < rank - 1; i++) {
coords[i] = index % bases[i];
index /= bases[i];
coords[rank - 1] = index; // last iteration
FORCEINLINE size_t offset_from_coords(const Nd4jLong* strides, const Nd4jLong* coords, const Nd4jLong& rank) {
size_t offset = 0;
size_t rank_4 = rank & -4;
for (int i = 0; i < rank_4; i += 4) {
offset = offset
+ coords[i] * strides[i]
+ coords[i + 1] * strides[i + 1]
+ coords[i + 2] * strides[i + 2]
+ coords[i + 3] * strides[i + 3];
for (int i = rank_4; i < rank; i++) {
offset += coords[i] * strides[i];
return offset;
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t offset_from_coords(const Nd4jLong*& x_strides, const Nd4jLong*& z_strides, const Nd4jLong* coords, const Nd4jLong& rank) {
zip_size_t offset = { 0,0 };
size_t rank_4 = rank & -4;
for (int i = 0; i < rank_4; i += 4) {
offset.first = offset.first
+ coords[i] * x_strides[i]
+ coords[i + 1] * x_strides[i + 1]
+ coords[i + 2] * x_strides[i + 2]
+ coords[i + 3] * x_strides[i + 3];
offset.second = offset.second
+ coords[i] * z_strides[i]
+ coords[i + 1] * z_strides[i + 1]
+ coords[i + 2] * z_strides[i + 2]
+ coords[i + 3] * z_strides[i + 3];
for (int i = rank_4; i < rank; i++) {
offset.first += coords[i] * x_strides[i];
offset.second += coords[i] * z_strides[i];
return offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
constexpr size_t StridesOrderInd() {
return Last_Index_Faster ? Rank - Index - 1 : Index;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == Index), size_t>::type
coord_inc_n(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, Index, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(COORDS(cbs, Ind) < LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset += cbs.CoordsState<Ind>::stride;
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
return last_offset;
//overflow case should not happen
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
//last_offset = 0;// last_offset + strides[Ind] - adjust_stride;
return 0;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != Index), size_t >::type
coord_inc_n(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, Index, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(COORDS(cbs, Ind) < LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset = last_offset + cbs.CoordsState<Ind>::stride;
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
else {
//lets adjust offset
last_offset -= OF_ADJUST(cbs, Ind);
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
last_offset = coord_inc_n<Rank, Index + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, last_offset);
return last_offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset) {
return coord_inc_n<Rank, Index, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs,/* 1,*/ last_offset/*, 0*/);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords_ews(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset, size_t ews) {
if (ews == 1) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
return last_offset + STRIDE(cbs, Ind);
return coord_inc_n<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs,/* 1,*/ last_offset/*, 0*/);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), zip_size_t>::type
coord_inc_n(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, zip_size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) < ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset.first += ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
last_offset.second += ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
return last_offset;
//overflow case should not happen
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
//last_offset = 0;// last_offset + strides[Ind] - adjust_stride;
return { 0,0 };
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), zip_size_t >::type
coord_inc_n(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, zip_size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) < ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset.first += ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
last_offset.second += ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
else {
//lets adjust offset
last_offset.first -= ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(cbs, Ind);
last_offset.second -= ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
last_offset = coord_inc_n<Rank, rankIndex + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, last_offset);
return last_offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t inc_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, zip_size_t last_offset) {
return coord_inc_n<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, last_offset);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), size_t>::type
init_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, size_t offset = 0) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
STRIDE(cbs, Ind) = strides[Ind];
OF_ADJUST(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] * strides[Ind] - strides[Ind];
offset += COORDS(cbs, Ind) * strides[Ind];
return offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), size_t>::type
init_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, size_t offset = 0) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
STRIDE(cbs, Ind) = strides[Ind];
OF_ADJUST(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] * strides[Ind] - strides[Ind];
offset += COORDS(cbs, Ind) * strides[Ind];
return init_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, index / bases[Ind], bases, strides, offset);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex];
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex] && eq_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1>(cbs, coords);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_zip_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return ZIP_COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex];
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_zip_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return ZIP_COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex] && eq_zip_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1>(cbs, coords);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), zip_size_t>::type
init_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, zip_size_t offset = {}) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind) = x_strides[Ind];
ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind) = z_strides[Ind];
ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
offset.first += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
offset.second += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
return offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), zip_size_t>::type
init_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, zip_size_t offset = {}) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind) = x_strides[Ind];
ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind) = z_strides[Ind];
ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
offset.first += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
offset.second += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
return init_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, index / bases[Ind], bases, x_strides, z_strides, offset);
//inc coords for non constant Ranks
template<bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, Nd4jLong* coords, size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip = 0) {
Nd4jLong val;
for (int i = rank - skip - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset += strides[i];
else {
last_offset -= coords[i] * strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords<false>(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, Nd4jLong* coords, size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip) {
Nd4jLong val;
for (int i = skip; i < rank; i++) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset += strides[i];
else {
last_offset -= coords[i] * strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;
template<bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t inc_coords(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, Nd4jLong* coords, zip_size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip = 0) {
Nd4jLong val = 0;
for (int i = rank - skip - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset.first += x_strides[i];
last_offset.second += z_strides[i];
else {
last_offset.first -= coords[i] * x_strides[i];
last_offset.second -= coords[i] * z_strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t inc_coords<false>(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, Nd4jLong* coords, zip_size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip) {
Nd4jLong val = 0;
for (int i = skip; i < rank; i++) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset.first += x_strides[i];
last_offset.second += z_strides[i];
else {
last_offset.first -= coords[i] * x_strides[i];
last_offset.second -= coords[i] * z_strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2019 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
@ -17,147 +18,600 @@
// @author Yurii Shyrma, created on 26.02.2018
// @author AbdelRauf
#include <type_traits>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <memory>
#include <execution/Threads.h>
#include <execution/ThreadPool.h>
#include <LoopsCoordsHelper.h>
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/addBias.h>
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define align32 __attribute__((aligned(32)))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define align32 __declspec(align(32))
#define align32
namespace nd4j {
namespace ops {
namespace helpers {
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void _add(const T* __restrict xx, const T* __restrict yy, T* __restrict zz, const size_t& N) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < N; c++)
zz[c] = xx[c] + yy[c];
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void _add_inplace(T* __restrict xx, const T* __restrict yy, const size_t& N) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < N; c++)
xx[c] = xx[c] + yy[c];
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void _add_broadcast_inplace(T* __restrict xx, const T yy, const size_t& N) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < N; c++)
xx[c] = xx[c] + yy;
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void _add_broadcast(const T* __restrict xx, const T yy, T* __restrict zz, const size_t& N) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < N; c++)
zz[c] = xx[c] + yy;
static constexpr size_t MIN_NN = 32;
static constexpr size_t MIN_NN_K = 2;
template<typename X, typename Y>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<X, Y>::value, const X*>::type
flattened_bias(const Y* b_real, X* b_stack, const size_t b_stack_size, std::unique_ptr<X[]>& b_heap, const Nd4jLong num, Nd4jLong yStrideC)
//best results when buffer used much , may result bad perf if buffer is used once
X* b_new = nullptr;
if (yStrideC != 1) {
if (num > b_stack_size) {
b_heap.reset(new X[num]);
b_new = b_heap.get();
else {
b_new = b_stack;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
b_new[i] = b_real[i * yStrideC];
else {
//no need , just pass normal bias
return static_cast<const X*>(b_real);
return const_cast<const X*>(b_new);
template<typename X, typename Y>
static typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<X, Y>::value, const X*>::type
flattened_bias(const Y* b_real, X* b_stack, const size_t b_stack_size, std::unique_ptr<X[]>& b_heap, const Nd4jLong num, Nd4jLong yStrideC)
//best results when buffer used much , may result bad perf if buffer is used once
X* b_new = nullptr;
if (num > b_stack_size) {
b_heap.reset(new X[num]);
b_new = b_heap.get();
else {
b_new = b_stack;
if (yStrideC != 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
b_new[i] = static_cast<X>(b_real[i * yStrideC]);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
b_new[i] = static_cast<X>(b_real[i]);
return const_cast<const X*>(b_new);
template<typename T, size_t constRank>
static void channel_atTheEnd_stride1_C(const Nd4jLong*& x_strides, const Nd4jLong*& bases, T* x, const T* b, T* z, const bool& inplace, const Nd4jLong& start, const Nd4jLong& stop, const Nd4jLong& inc)
size_t loop_count = (stop - start) / inc;
nd4j::CoordsState<constRank - 1> cst;
size_t offset = nd4j::init_coords<constRank>(cst, start, bases, x_strides);
if (!inplace) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
_add(&(x[offset]), b, &(z[offset]), inc);
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
_add_inplace(&(x[offset]), b, inc);
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
template<typename T, size_t constRank >
static void channel_atTheEnd_generic_C(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, const bool& inplaceOp, const bool same_stride, const bool same_order, T* x, const T* b, T* z, Nd4jLong start, Nd4jLong stop, Nd4jLong inc) {
//just ensure that passed sameStride is correct, because when bases are equal orders matters
bool sameOrderStride = same_order && same_stride;
if (sameOrderStride && x_strides[constRank - 1] == 1) {
channel_atTheEnd_stride1_C<T, constRank>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, start, stop, inc);
else {
size_t loop_count = (stop - start) / inc;
nd4j::ZipCoordsState<constRank - 1> cst;
nd4j::zip_size_t offset = nd4j::init_coords<constRank>(cst, start, bases, x_strides, z_strides);
Nd4jLong x_stride = ZIP_STRIDE1(cst, constRank - 1);
Nd4jLong z_stride = ZIP_STRIDE2(cst, constRank - 1);
if (same_order && x_stride == 1 && z_stride == 1) {
/* bases are equal with different strides , but the last one is 1. So we can still vectorize it */
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
_add(&(x[offset.first]), b, &(z[offset.second]), inc);
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T* xx = &(x[offset.first]);
T* zz = &(z[offset.second]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < inc; j++)
zz[j * z_stride] = xx[j * x_stride] + b[j];
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
* this is our main optimization which benefits from everything for the continuous last_channel C order case
* as it is intended for full continous we do not need any rank info
template<typename T>
void channel_atTheEnd_continous_C(T* x, const T* b, T* z, bool inplaceOp, Nd4jLong start, Nd4jLong stop, Nd4jLong inc) {
size_t nums = (stop - start);
size_t num_inc = nums - nums % inc;
if (inplaceOp) {
size_t offset_p = start;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inc; i += inc) {
_add_inplace<T>(&(x[offset_p]), b, inc);
offset_p += inc;
if (nums > num_inc)
_add_inplace<T>(&(x[offset_p]), b, nums - num_inc);
else {
size_t offset_p = start;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inc; i += inc) {
_add<T>(&(x[offset_p]), b, &(z[offset_p]), inc);
offset_p += inc;
if (nums > num_inc)
_add<T>(&(x[offset_p]), b, &(z[offset_p]), nums - num_inc);
template<typename T, typename T2, size_t constRank>
static void channel_NC_stride1_C(const Nd4jLong*& x_strides, const Nd4jLong*& bases, T* x, const T2* b, T* z, const bool& inplace, const Nd4jLong yStrideC, const Nd4jLong& start, const Nd4jLong& stop, const Nd4jLong& inc)
size_t loop_count = (stop - start) / inc;
nd4j::CoordsState<constRank - 1> cst;
size_t offset = nd4j::init_coords<constRank>(cst, start, bases, x_strides);
if (!inplace) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[COORDS(cst, 1) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast(&(x[offset]), yy, &(z[offset]), inc);
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[COORDS(cst, 1) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast_inplace(&(x[offset]), yy, inc);
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
template<typename T, typename T2, size_t constRank >
void channel_NC_generic_C(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, const bool& inplaceOp, const bool same_stride, const bool same_order, const Nd4jLong yStrideC, T* x, const T2* b, T* z, Nd4jLong start, Nd4jLong stop, Nd4jLong inc) {
//just ensure that passed sameStride is correct, because when bases are equal orders matters
bool sameOrderStride = same_order && same_stride;
if (sameOrderStride && x_strides[constRank - 1] == 1) {
channel_NC_stride1_C<T, T2, constRank>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, inc);
else {
// (stop-start) % inc == 0 because we handled inside partitioning using the channel size
size_t loop_count = (stop - start) / inc;
nd4j::ZipCoordsState<constRank - 1> cst;
nd4j::zip_size_t offset = nd4j::init_coords<constRank>(cst, start, bases, x_strides, z_strides);
Nd4jLong x_stride = ZIP_STRIDE1(cst, constRank - 1);
Nd4jLong z_stride = ZIP_STRIDE2(cst, constRank - 1);
if (same_order && z_stride == 1 && x_stride == 1) {
/* bases are equal with different strides , but the last one is 1. So we can still vectorize it */
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[ZIP_COORDS(cst, 1) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast(&(x[offset.first]), yy, &(z[offset.second]), inc);
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T* xx = &(x[offset.first]);
T* zz = &(z[offset.second]);
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[ZIP_COORDS(cst, 1) * yStrideC]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < inc; j++)
zz[j * z_stride] = xx[j * x_stride] + yy;
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank - 1>(cst, offset);
template<typename T, typename T2>
void channel_NC_continous_numHW_C(Nd4jLong rank, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, T* x, const T2* b, T* z, bool inplaceOp, const Nd4jLong yStrideC, Nd4jLong start, Nd4jLong stop, Nd4jLong inc) {
// (stop-start) % inc == 0 because we handled inside partitioning using the channel size
size_t loop_count = (stop - start) / inc;
nd4j::CoordsState<1> cst;
//note: we had to manually pass index
size_t offset_p = nd4j::init_coords<2>(cst, start / inc, bases, x_strides);
//partitioning was done using numHW, so we can increment from rank 2
if (inplaceOp) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[COORDS(cst, 1) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast_inplace(&(x[offset_p]), yy, inc);
offset_p = nd4j::inc_coords<2>(cst, offset_p);
else {
if (yStrideC == 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[COORDS(cst, 1)]);
_add_broadcast(&(x[offset_p]), yy, &(z[offset_p]), inc);
offset_p = nd4j::inc_coords<2>(cst, offset_p);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[COORDS(cst, 1) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast(&(x[offset_p]), yy, &(z[offset_p]), inc);
offset_p = nd4j::inc_coords<2>(cst, offset_p);
template<typename T, typename T2, size_t constRank, size_t b_index, size_t skip>
static void channel_generic_stride_skip_F(const Nd4jLong*& x_strides, const Nd4jLong*& bases, T* x, const T2* b, T* z, const bool& inplace, const Nd4jLong yStrideC, const Nd4jLong& start, const Nd4jLong& stop, const Nd4jLong& inc)
// (stop-start) % inc == 0 because we handled inside partitioning using the channel size
size_t loop_count = (stop - start) / inc;
nd4j::CoordsState<constRank - 1> cst;
size_t offset_p = nd4j::init_coords<constRank, 0, false>(cst, start, bases, x_strides);
if (!inplace) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[COORDS(cst, b_index) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast(&(x[offset_p]), yy, &(z[offset_p]), inc);
offset_p = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank, skip, false>(cst, offset_p);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[COORDS(cst, b_index) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast_inplace(&(x[offset_p]), yy, inc);
offset_p = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank, skip, false>(cst, offset_p);
template<typename T, typename T2, size_t constRank, size_t b_index>
void channel_generic_F(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, const bool& inplaceOp, const bool same_stride, const bool same_order, const Nd4jLong yStrideC, T* x, const T2* b, T* z, Nd4jLong start, Nd4jLong stop, Nd4jLong inc) {
//just ensure that passed sameStride is correct, because when bases are equal orders matters
bool sameOrderStride = same_order && same_stride;
if (sameOrderStride && x_strides[0] == 1) {
channel_generic_stride_skip_F<T, T2, constRank, b_index, 1>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, inc);
else {
// (stop-start) % inc == 0 because we handled inside partitioning using the channel size
size_t loop_count = (stop - start) / inc;
nd4j::ZipCoordsState<constRank - 1> cst;
nd4j::zip_size_t offset = nd4j::init_coords<constRank, 0, false>(cst, start, bases, x_strides, z_strides);
Nd4jLong x_stride = ZIP_STRIDE1(cst, 0);
Nd4jLong z_stride = ZIP_STRIDE2(cst, 0);
if (same_order && z_stride == 1 && x_stride == 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[ZIP_COORDS(cst, b_index) * yStrideC]);
_add_broadcast(&(x[offset.first]), yy, &(z[offset.second]), inc);
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank, 1, false>(cst, offset);
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++) {
T* xx = &(x[offset.first]);
T* zz = &(z[offset.second]);
T yy = static_cast<T>(b[ZIP_COORDS(cst, b_index) * yStrideC]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < inc; j++)
zz[j * z_stride] = xx[j * x_stride] + yy;
offset = nd4j::inc_coords<constRank, 1, false>(cst, offset);
template <typename X, typename Y>
static void addBias_(const NDArray& input, const NDArray& bias, NDArray& output, const bool isNCHW) {
// bias [oC]
// if(input_rank == 4)
// input and output have same shapes: [bS, oH, oW, oC] (NHWC) or [bS, oC, oH, oW] (NCHW)
// if(input_rank == 5)
// input and output have same shapes: [bS, oD, oH, oW, oC] (NHWC) or [bS, oD, oC, oH, oW] (NCHW)
// else
// apply applyBroadCast
const X* x = input.bufferAsT<X>();
const Y* y = bias.bufferAsT<Y>();
Nd4jLong* x_shapeInfo = input.getShapeInfo();
Nd4jLong* z_shapeInfo = output.getShapeInfo();
X* x = input.bufferAsT<X>();
X* z = output.bufferAsT<X>();
const bool inOutAreSame = x == z;
const Y* b = bias.bufferAsT<Y>();
const Nd4jLong rank = x_shapeInfo[0];
const Nd4jLong* bases = &(x_shapeInfo[1]);
const Nd4jLong* x_strides = &(x_shapeInfo[rank + 1]);
const Nd4jLong* z_strides = &(z_shapeInfo[rank + 1]);
const bool inplaceOp = (x == z);
const bool same_order = inplaceOp || (input.ordering() == output.ordering());
const bool channel_atTheEnd = !isNCHW;
const bool same_stride = inplaceOp || shape::strideEquals(x_shapeInfo, z_shapeInfo);
bool isContinuous = false;
int posOfNonUnityDim;
const uint bS = output.sizeAt(0); // batch size
const Nd4jLong yStrideC = bias.strideAt(posOfNonUnityDim);
const Nd4jLong zStrideB = output.strideAt(0);
char order = input.ordering();
if(output.rankOf() == 4) {
const uint C = isNCHW ? output.sizeAt(1) : output.sizeAt(3); // channels
const uint oH = isNCHW ? output.sizeAt(2) : output.sizeAt(1); // height
const uint oW = isNCHW ? output.sizeAt(3) : output.sizeAt(2); // width
const Nd4jLong zStrideC = isNCHW ? output.stridesOf()[1] : output.stridesOf()[3];
const Nd4jLong zStrideH = isNCHW ? output.stridesOf()[2] : output.stridesOf()[1];
const Nd4jLong zStrideW = isNCHW ? output.stridesOf()[3] : output.stridesOf()[2];
if(inOutAreSame) {
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_3D {
for (uint b = start_x; b < stop_x; b += inc_x)
for (uint c = start_y; c < stop_y; c += inc_y)
for (uint h = start_z; h < stop_z; h += inc_z)
for (uint w = 0; w < oW; ++w)
z[b * zStrideB + c * zStrideC + h * zStrideH + w * zStrideW] += static_cast<X>(y[c * yStrideC]);
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, C, 1, 0, oH, 1);
else {
const Nd4jLong xStrideB = input.stridesOf()[0];
const Nd4jLong xStrideC = isNCHW ? input.stridesOf()[1] : input.stridesOf()[3];
const Nd4jLong xStrideH = isNCHW ? input.stridesOf()[2] : input.stridesOf()[1];
const Nd4jLong xStrideW = isNCHW ? input.stridesOf()[3] : input.stridesOf()[2];
if (isNCHW) {
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_3D {
for (uint b = start_x; b < stop_x; b += inc_x)
for (uint c = start_y; c < stop_y; c += inc_y)
for (uint h = start_z; h < stop_z; h += inc_z)
for (uint w = 0; w < oW; ++w)
z[b * zStrideB + c * zStrideC + h * zStrideH + w * zStrideW] = x[b * xStrideB + c * xStrideC + h * xStrideH + w * xStrideW] + static_cast<X>(y[c * yStrideC]);
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, C, 1, 0, oH, 1);
} else {
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_3D {
for (uint b = start_x; b < stop_x; b++)
for (uint h = start_y; h < stop_y; h++)
for (uint w = start_z; w < stop_z; w++)
for (uint c = 0; c < C; c++)
z[b * zStrideB + c * zStrideC + h * zStrideH + w * zStrideW] = x[b * xStrideB + c * xStrideC + h * xStrideH + w * xStrideW] + y[c * yStrideC];
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, oH, 1, 0, oW, 1);
else if(output.rankOf() == 5) {
const uint C = isNCHW ? output.sizeAt(1) : output.sizeAt(4); // channels
const uint oD = isNCHW ? output.sizeAt(2) : output.sizeAt(1); // depth
const uint oH = isNCHW ? output.sizeAt(3) : output.sizeAt(2); // height
const uint oW = isNCHW ? output.sizeAt(4) : output.sizeAt(3); // width
const Nd4jLong zStrideC = isNCHW ? output.stridesOf()[1] : output.stridesOf()[4];
const Nd4jLong zStrideD = isNCHW ? output.stridesOf()[2] : output.stridesOf()[1];
const Nd4jLong zStrideH = isNCHW ? output.stridesOf()[3] : output.stridesOf()[2];
const Nd4jLong zStrideW = isNCHW ? output.stridesOf()[4] : output.stridesOf()[3];
if(inOutAreSame) {
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_3D {
for (uint b = start_x; b < stop_x; b += inc_x)
for (uint c = start_y; c < stop_y; c += inc_y)
for (uint d = start_z; d < stop_z; d += inc_z)
for (uint h = 0; h < oH; ++h)
for (uint w = 0; w < oW; ++w)
z[b * zStrideB + c * zStrideC + d * zStrideD + h * zStrideH + w * zStrideW] += static_cast<X>(y[c * yStrideC]);
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, C, 1, 0, oD, 1);
else {
const Nd4jLong xStrideB = input.stridesOf()[0];
const Nd4jLong xStrideC = isNCHW ? input.stridesOf()[1] : input.stridesOf()[4];
const Nd4jLong xStrideD = isNCHW ? input.stridesOf()[2] : input.stridesOf()[1];
const Nd4jLong xStrideH = isNCHW ? input.stridesOf()[3] : input.stridesOf()[2];
const Nd4jLong xStrideW = isNCHW ? input.stridesOf()[4] : input.stridesOf()[3];
auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_3D {
for (uint b = start_x; b < stop_x; b += inc_x)
for (uint c = start_y; c < stop_y; c += inc_y)
for (uint d = start_z; d < stop_z; d += inc_z)
for (uint h = 0; h < oH; ++h)
for (uint w = 0; w < oW; ++w)
z[b * zStrideB + c * zStrideC + d * zStrideD + h * zStrideH + w * zStrideW] = x[b * xStrideB + c * xStrideC + d * xStrideD + h * xStrideH + w * xStrideW] + static_cast<X>(y[c * yStrideC]);
samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, C, 1, 0, oD, 1);
else {
//for rank>5
if (rank > 5) {
const int channelDim = isNCHW ? 1 : input.rankOf() - 1; // second or last
const_cast<NDArray&>(input).applyBroadcast(nd4j::broadcast::Add, { channelDim }, bias, output);
if (same_order && same_stride) {
isContinuous = shape::elementWiseStride(x_shapeInfo) == 1 && shape::elementWiseStride(z_shapeInfo) == 1;
// check_continuity(order, bases, x_strides, rank);
}//if ( sameOrder && same_stride)
bool treat_as_lastC = false;
if (rank == 2 && isNCHW) {
//we believe we better treat it as channel at the end case;
treat_as_lastC = true;
if (channel_atTheEnd || treat_as_lastC) {
//N..HWC case here
//flattened bias variables
constexpr size_t BSIZE1 = 3 * MIN_NN * MIN_NN;
constexpr size_t BSIZE2 = BSIZE1 + MIN_NN * MIN_NN;
X flatBias_stack[BSIZE2] align32;
std::unique_ptr<X[]> flatBias_heap;
const X* bias_new;
X* bias_extra = nullptr;
size_t total_num = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
total_num *= bases[i];
Nd4jLong inc;
size_t rank_skip = 1;
if (order == 'c') {
size_t b_stack_size = BSIZE2;
inc = bases[rank - 1];
if (isContinuous) {
//for continous we need extra stack memory
// to create vectorizable bias from small size
b_stack_size = BSIZE1;
bias_extra = &(flatBias_stack[BSIZE1]);
bias_new = flattened_bias(b, (X*)flatBias_stack, b_stack_size, flatBias_heap, inc, yStrideC);
if (isContinuous && inc < MIN_NN_K * MIN_NN && total_num > inc * MIN_NN_K) {
//for small size where total_num is sufficient we need to recreate vectorizable buffer
size_t old_inc = inc;
//sizeof bias_extra is MIN_NN * MIN_NN
size_t new_inc = inc < MIN_NN ? inc * MIN_NN : inc * MIN_NN / MIN_NN_K;
//if there is a room then lets multiply
new_inc = (new_inc * MIN_NN_K <= total_num && new_inc < MIN_NN * MIN_NN / MIN_NN_K) ? MIN_NN_K * new_inc : new_inc;
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_inc; i += inc) {
//copy to our buffer
X* cp = &(bias_extra[i]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < inc; j++) {
cp[j] = bias_new[j];
//vectorizable buffer
inc = new_inc;
bias_new = bias_extra;
else {
inc = bases[0];
if (isContinuous) {
//we can choose other inc and index for that case
//but for now lets choose all till the last one
uint32_t req_numThreads = nd4j::Environment::getInstance()->maxMasterThreads();
isContinuous = false;
if (rank > 2) {
if (req_numThreads < 2 || bases[rank - 1] >= req_numThreads) {
inc = total_num / bases[rank - 1];
isContinuous = true;
rank_skip = rank - 1;
else if (rank > 3 && bases[rank - 1] * bases[rank - 2] >= req_numThreads) {
inc = total_num / bases[rank - 1] / bases[rank - 2]; //for continuous case it is its stride
rank_skip = rank - 2;
isContinuous = true;
FUNC_1D func = [order, isContinuous, rank, x, b, bias_new, z, x_shapeInfo, z_shapeInfo, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, rank_skip]
(uint64_t thread_id, int64_t start, int64_t stop, int64_t increment) -> void {
const Nd4jLong rank = x_shapeInfo[0];
const Nd4jLong* bases = &(x_shapeInfo[1]);
const Nd4jLong* x_strides = &(x_shapeInfo[rank + 1]);
const Nd4jLong* z_strides = &(z_shapeInfo[rank + 1]);
const bool inplaceOp = (x == z);
if (order == 'c') {
if (isContinuous) {
channel_atTheEnd_continous_C(x, bias_new, z, inplaceOp, start, stop, increment);
// rank is in [2,5]
else if (rank == 4) {
channel_atTheEnd_generic_C<X, 4>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, x, bias_new, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 5) {
channel_atTheEnd_generic_C<X, 5>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, x, bias_new, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 2) {
channel_atTheEnd_generic_C<X, 2>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, x, bias_new, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 3) {
channel_atTheEnd_generic_C<X, 3>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, x, bias_new, z, start, stop, increment);
else {
//generic F case
if (isContinuous) {
if (rank == 4) {
if (rank_skip == rank - 2) {
channel_generic_stride_skip_F<X, Y, 4, 3, 2>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, increment);
else {
channel_generic_stride_skip_F<X, Y, 4, 3, 3>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 5) {
if (rank_skip == rank - 2) {
channel_generic_stride_skip_F<X, Y, 5, 4, 3>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, increment);
else {
channel_generic_stride_skip_F<X, Y, 5, 4, 4>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 3) {
channel_generic_stride_skip_F<X, Y, 3, 2, 2>(x_strides, bases, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 4) {
channel_generic_F<X, Y, 4, 3>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 5) {
channel_generic_F<X, Y, 5, 4>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 2) {
channel_generic_F<X, Y, 2, 1>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 3) {
channel_generic_F<X, Y, 3, 2>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
samediff::Threads::parallel_aligned_increment(func, 0, total_num, inc);
else {
//NC...HW case here
size_t numNC = 1;
size_t numHW = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
numNC *= bases[i];
for (size_t i = 2; i < rank; i++) {
numHW *= bases[i];
Nd4jLong total_num = numNC * numHW;
Nd4jLong inc = (order == 'c') ? bases[rank - 1] : bases[0];
if (order == 'c' && isContinuous) {
//sometimes last dimension is too big and multithreading could suffer using unfair partitioning
//so we will do it only when inc is smaller our value or multithreading turned off
uint32_t req_numThreads = nd4j::Environment::getInstance()->maxMasterThreads();
if (req_numThreads < 2 || numNC >= req_numThreads || inc <= 2 * 8196 || rank == 3) {
inc = numHW;
else {
//treat it as stride1c case
isContinuous = false;
FUNC_1D func = [order, isContinuous, rank, x, b, z, x_shapeInfo, z_shapeInfo, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC]
(uint64_t thread_id, int64_t start, int64_t stop, int64_t increment) -> void {
const Nd4jLong rank = x_shapeInfo[0];
const Nd4jLong* bases = &(x_shapeInfo[1]);
const Nd4jLong* x_strides = &(x_shapeInfo[rank + 1]);
const Nd4jLong* z_strides = &(z_shapeInfo[rank + 1]);
const bool inplaceOp = (x == z);
if (order == 'c') {
if (isContinuous) {
channel_NC_continous_numHW_C<X, Y>(rank, bases, x_strides, x, b, z, inplaceOp, yStrideC, start, stop, increment);
// rank is in [3,5]
else if (rank == 4) {
channel_NC_generic_C<X, Y, 4>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 5) {
channel_NC_generic_C<X, Y, 5>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 3) {
channel_NC_generic_C<X, Y, 3>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else {
//the same can be applied for NCHW case
//generic F case
//continous case is missing
if (rank == 4) {
channel_generic_F<X, Y, 4, 1>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 5) {
channel_generic_F<X, Y, 5, 1>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
else if (rank == 3) {
channel_generic_F<X, Y, 3, 1>(bases, x_strides, z_strides, inplaceOp, same_stride, same_order, yStrideC, x, b, z, start, stop, increment);
samediff::Threads::parallel_aligned_increment(func, 0, total_num, inc);
void addBias(nd4j::graph::Context& block, const NDArray& input, const NDArray& bias, NDArray& output, const bool isNCHW) {
@ -167,8 +621,6 @@ void addBias(nd4j::graph::Context& block, const NDArray& input, const NDArray& b
BUILD_DOUBLE_TEMPLATE(template void addBias_, (const NDArray& input, const NDArray& bias, NDArray& output, const bool isNCHW), FLOAT_TYPES, FLOAT_TYPES);
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Abdelrauf
#include "testlayers.h"
#include <LoopsCoordsHelper.h>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace nd4j;
class LoopCoordsHelper : public testing::Test {
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_strides(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* strides) {
return STRIDE(cbs, rankIndex) == strides[rankIndex];
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_strides(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* strides) {
return STRIDE(cbs, rankIndex) == strides[rankIndex] && eq_strides<Rank, rankIndex + 1>(cbs, strides);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_zip_strides(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* strides1, const Nd4jLong* strides2) {
return ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, rankIndex) == strides1[rankIndex] && ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, rankIndex) == strides2[rankIndex];
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_zip_strides(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* strides1, const Nd4jLong* strides2) {
return ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, rankIndex) == strides1[rankIndex] && ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, rankIndex) == strides2[rankIndex]
&& eq_zip_strides<Rank, rankIndex + 1>(cbs, strides1, strides2);
TEST_F(LoopCoordsHelper, Init_Tests) {
constexpr size_t test_Index = 131;
constexpr size_t Rank = 5;
Nd4jLong shape[Rank] = { 3, 5 ,7, 8, 9};
Nd4jLong multiply_st[] = { 2,3,3,5,6,7,9,3 };
Nd4jLong strides_c[Rank] ;
Nd4jLong strides_f[Rank];
Nd4jLong coords[Rank];
Nd4jLong coords_f[Rank];
strides_f[0] = multiply_st[0] * shape[0];
strides_c[Rank-1] = multiply_st[Rank-1] * shape[Rank-1];
for (int i = 1; i < Rank; i++) {
strides_f[i] = strides_f[i - 1] * multiply_st[i] * shape[i];
for (int i = Rank-2; i >=0; i--) {
strides_c[i] = strides_c[i+1] * multiply_st[i] * shape[i];
//init our base coords
index2coords_C(test_Index, Rank, shape, coords);
index2coords_F(test_Index, Rank, shape, coords_f);
size_t offset_calc = offset_from_coords(strides_c, coords, Rank);
size_t offset_calc_f = offset_from_coords(strides_f, coords_f, Rank);
CoordsState<Rank-1> cts;
CoordsState<Rank-1> cts_f;
ZipCoordsState<Rank-1> zcts;
ZipCoordsState<Rank-1> zcts_f;
size_t offset = init_coords<Rank>(cts, test_Index, shape, strides_c);
size_t offset_f = init_coords<Rank,0,false>(cts_f, test_Index, shape, strides_f);
zip_size_t zoffset = init_coords<Rank>(zcts, test_Index, shape, strides_c, strides_c);
zip_size_t zoffset_f = init_coords<Rank, 0, false>(zcts_f, test_Index, shape, strides_f, strides_f);
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_coords<Rank>(cts, coords));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_coords<Rank>(cts_f, coords_f));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_zip_coords<Rank>(zcts, coords));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_zip_coords<Rank>(zcts_f, coords_f));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_zip_strides<Rank>(zcts, strides_c, strides_c));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_zip_strides<Rank>(zcts_f, strides_f, strides_f));
ASSERT_EQ(offset , offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset.first , offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset.second , offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(offset_f , offset_calc_f);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset_f.first , offset_calc_f);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset_f.second , offset_calc_f);
TEST_F(LoopCoordsHelper, Increment_Use_Tests) {
constexpr size_t Rank = 4;
Nd4jLong shape[Rank] = { 3, 5 ,7, 8 };
Nd4jLong multiply_st[] = { 2,3,3,5,6,7,9,3 };
Nd4jLong strides_c[Rank];
Nd4jLong strides_f[Rank];
Nd4jLong coords[Rank] = {};
Nd4jLong coords_f[Rank] = {};
Nd4jLong coords2[Rank] = {};
Nd4jLong coords2_f[Rank] = {};
Nd4jLong zcoords2[Rank] = {};
Nd4jLong zcoords2_f[Rank] = {};
strides_f[0] = multiply_st[0] * shape[0];
strides_c[Rank - 1] = multiply_st[Rank - 1] * shape[Rank - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < Rank; i++) {
strides_f[i] = strides_f[i - 1] * multiply_st[i] * shape[i];
for (int i = Rank - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
strides_c[i] = strides_c[i + 1] * multiply_st[i] * shape[i];
int total = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < Rank; i++) {
total *= shape[i];
CoordsState<Rank - 1> cts;
CoordsState<Rank - 1> cts_f;
ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1> zcts;
ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1> zcts_f;
size_t offset = init_coords<Rank>(cts, 0, shape, strides_c);
size_t offset_f = init_coords<Rank, 0, false>(cts_f, 0, shape, strides_f);
zip_size_t zoffset = init_coords<Rank>(zcts, 0, shape, strides_c, strides_c);
zip_size_t zoffset_f = init_coords<Rank, 0, false>(zcts_f, 0, shape, strides_f, strides_f);
size_t offset2 = 0;
size_t offset2_f = 0;
zip_size_t zoffset2 = {};
zip_size_t zoffset2_f = {};
for (int j = 0; j < total; j++) {
index2coords_C(j, Rank, shape, coords);
index2coords_F(j, Rank, shape, coords_f);
size_t offset_calc = offset_from_coords(strides_c, coords, Rank);
size_t offset_calc_f = offset_from_coords(strides_f, coords_f, Rank);
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_coords<Rank>(cts, coords));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_coords<Rank>(cts_f, coords_f));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_zip_coords<Rank>(zcts, coords));
ASSERT_TRUE(eq_zip_coords<Rank>(zcts_f, coords_f));
ASSERT_EQ(offset, offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset.first, offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset.second, offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(offset_f, offset_calc_f);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset_f.first, offset_calc_f);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset_f.second, offset_calc_f);
ASSERT_EQ(offset2, offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset2.first, offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset2.second, offset_calc);
ASSERT_EQ(offset2_f, offset_calc_f);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset2_f.first, offset_calc_f);
ASSERT_EQ(zoffset2_f.second, offset_calc_f);
offset = inc_coords<Rank>(cts, offset);
offset_f = inc_coords<Rank,0,false>(cts_f, offset_f);
zoffset = inc_coords<Rank>(zcts, zoffset);
zoffset_f = inc_coords<Rank, 0, false>(zcts_f, zoffset_f);
offset2 = inc_coords(shape,strides_c, coords2, offset2, Rank);
offset2_f = inc_coords<false>(shape, strides_f, coords2_f, offset2_f, Rank);
zoffset2 = inc_coords(shape, strides_c, strides_c, zcoords2, zoffset2, Rank);
zoffset2_f = inc_coords<false>(shape, strides_f, strides_f, zcoords2_f, zoffset2_f, Rank);
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <performance/benchmarking/LightBenchmarkSuit.h>
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/legacy_helpers.h>
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/addBias.h>
using namespace nd4j;
using namespace nd4j::graph;
@ -64,6 +65,87 @@ TEST_F(PlaygroundTests, test_avx) {
nd4j_printf("Optimal level: %i; Binary level: %i;\n", ::optimalLevel(), ::binaryLevel());
TEST_F(PlaygroundTests, test_s_0) {
std::vector<std::vector<Nd4jLong>> shapes = {{32, 224, 224, 3}, {32, 56, 56, 64}, {32, 7, 7, 512}};
std::vector<int> threads = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16};
for (auto shape: shapes) {
for (auto t: threads) {
auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', shape);
auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', {shape[3]});
auto z = x.ulike();
std::vector<Nd4jLong> values;
Context ctx(1);
ctx.setInputArray(0, &x);
ctx.setInputArray(1, &y);
ctx.setOutputArray(0, &z);
nd4j::ops::biasadd op;
for (int e = 0; e < 10000; e++) {
auto timeStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
nd4j::ops::helpers::addBias(ctx, x, y, z, false);
auto timeEnd = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto outerTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(timeEnd - timeStart).count();
std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
nd4j_printf("Shape: [%lld, %lld, %lld, %lld]; Threads: [%i]; Time: %lld us;\n", shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3], t, values[values.size() / 2]);
TEST_F(PlaygroundTests, test_s_1) {
std::vector<std::vector<Nd4jLong>> shapes = {{32, 3, 224, 224}, {32, 64, 56, 56}, {32, 512, 7, 7}};
std::vector<int> threads = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16};
for (auto shape: shapes) {
for (auto t: threads) {
auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', shape);
auto y = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', {shape[1]});
auto z = x.ulike();
std::vector<Nd4jLong> values;
Context ctx(1);
ctx.setInputArray(0, &x);
ctx.setInputArray(1, &y);
ctx.setOutputArray(0, &z);
nd4j::ops::biasadd op;
for (int e = 0; e < 10000; e++) {
auto timeStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
//op.execute({&x, &y}, {&z}, {true});
nd4j::ops::helpers::addBias(ctx, x, y, z, true);
auto timeEnd = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto outerTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(timeEnd - timeStart).count();
std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
nd4j_printf("Shape: [%lld, %lld, %lld, %lld]; Threads: [%i]; Time: %lld us;\n", shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3], t, values[values.size() / 2]);
TEST_F(PlaygroundTests, test_s_0) {
auto x = NDArrayFactory::create<float>('c', {32, 112, 112, 16});
Reference in New Issue