Add jenkinsfile for pipeline build and dockerfile for build

Signed-off-by: brian <>
Brian Rosenberger 2022-10-13 16:53:50 +02:00
parent 941275df3a
commit a9890feb9f
2 changed files with 7 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ pipeline {
OSSRH = credentials('OSSRH')
steps {
withGradle {
sh 'sh ./gradlew test --stacktrace -PCAVIS_CHIP=cpu \
-Pmavenuser=$MAVEN_USR -Pmavenpass=$MAVEN_PSW \
-PossrhUsername=$OSSRH_USR -PossrhPassword=$OSSRH_PSW'
//steps {
// withGradle {
// sh 'sh ./gradlew test --stacktrace -PCAVIS_CHIP=cpu \
// -Pmavenuser=$MAVEN_USR -Pmavenpass=$MAVEN_PSW \
// -PossrhUsername=$OSSRH_USR -PossrhPassword=$OSSRH_PSW'
// }
//stash includes: '/cavis-native/cavis-native-lib/build/lib/*.jar', name: 'cuda-build'
stage('publish-linux-cpu') {
environment {

View File

@ -487,7 +487,6 @@ chipList.each { thisChip ->
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
logger.quiet("Adding artifacts from task {} to the publication.", "${thisChip}SupportJar" )
artifact tasks.getByName("${thisChip}SupportJar")