RL4J: Fix QLearningDiscrete.setTarget() and add CartpoleNative (#8250)

* Fixed QLearningDiscrete.setTarget()

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Boulanger <aboulang2002@yahoo.com>

* Added native java version of Cartpole

Signed-off-by: unknown <aboulang2002@yahoo.com>
Alexandre Boulanger 2019-09-30 20:27:51 -04:00 committed by Samuel Audet
parent d5e98afcef
commit 5959ff4795
2 changed files with 161 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -218,15 +218,14 @@ public abstract class QLearningDiscrete<O extends Encodable> extends QLearning<O
INDArray dqnOutputAr = dqnOutput(obs); INDArray dqnOutputAr = dqnOutput(obs);
INDArray dqnOutputNext = dqnOutput(nextObs); INDArray dqnOutputNext = dqnOutput(nextObs);
INDArray targetDqnOutputNext = null; INDArray targetDqnOutputNext = targetDqnOutput(nextObs);
INDArray tempQ = null; INDArray tempQ = null;
INDArray getMaxAction = null; INDArray getMaxAction = null;
if (getConfiguration().isDoubleDQN()) { if (getConfiguration().isDoubleDQN()) {
targetDqnOutputNext = targetDqnOutput(nextObs);
getMaxAction = Nd4j.argMax(dqnOutputNext, 1); getMaxAction = Nd4j.argMax(dqnOutputNext, 1);
} else { } else {
tempQ = Nd4j.max(dqnOutputNext, 1); tempQ = Nd4j.max(targetDqnOutputNext, 1);
} }
@ -243,8 +242,6 @@ public abstract class QLearningDiscrete<O extends Encodable> extends QLearning<O
} }
double previousV = dqnOutputAr.getDouble(i, actions[i]); double previousV = dqnOutputAr.getDouble(i, actions[i]);
double lowB = previousV - getConfiguration().getErrorClamp(); double lowB = previousV - getConfiguration().getErrorClamp();
double highB = previousV + getConfiguration().getErrorClamp(); double highB = previousV + getConfiguration().getErrorClamp();
@ -255,5 +252,4 @@ public abstract class QLearningDiscrete<O extends Encodable> extends QLearning<O
return new Pair(obs, dqnOutputAr); return new Pair(obs, dqnOutputAr);
} }
} }

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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
package org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.mdp;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.deeplearning4j.gym.StepReply;
import org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.space.ArrayObservationSpace;
import org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.space.DiscreteSpace;
import org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.space.Encodable;
import org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.space.ObservationSpace;
import java.util.Random;
With the setup below, it should hit max score (200) after 4000-5000 iterations
public static QLearning.QLConfiguration CARTPOLE_QL =
new QLearning.QLConfiguration(
123, //Random seed
200, //Max step By epoch
10000, //Max step
10000, //Max size of experience replay
64, //size of batches
50, //target update (hard)
0, //num step noop warmup
1.0, //reward scaling
0.99, //gamma
Double.MAX_VALUE, //td-error clipping
0.1f, //min epsilon
3000, //num step for eps greedy anneal
true //double DQN
public static DQNFactoryStdDense.Configuration CARTPOLE_NET =
.l2(0.001).updater(new Adam(0.0005)).numHiddenNodes(16).numLayer(3).build();
public class CartpoleNative implements MDP<CartpoleNative.State, Integer, DiscreteSpace> {
public enum KinematicsIntegrators { Euler, SemiImplicitEuler };
private static final int NUM_ACTIONS = 2;
private static final int ACTION_LEFT = 0;
private static final int ACTION_RIGHT = 1;
private static final int OBSERVATION_NUM_FEATURES = 4;
private static final double gravity = 9.8;
private static final double massCart = 1.0;
private static final double massPole = 0.1;
private static final double totalMass = massPole + massCart;
private static final double length = 0.5; // actually half the pole's length
private static final double polemassLength = massPole * length;
private static final double forceMag = 10.0;
private static final double tau = 0.02; // seconds between state updates
// Angle at which to fail the episode
private static final double thetaThresholdRadians = 12.0 * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0;
private static final double xThreshold = 2.4;
private final Random rnd = new Random();
@Getter @Setter
private KinematicsIntegrators kinematicsIntegrator = KinematicsIntegrators.Euler;
private boolean done = false;
private double x;
private double xDot;
private double theta;
private double thetaDot;
private Integer stepsBeyondDone;
private DiscreteSpace actionSpace = new DiscreteSpace(NUM_ACTIONS);
private ObservationSpace<CartpoleNative.State> observationSpace = new ArrayObservationSpace(new int[] { OBSERVATION_NUM_FEATURES });
public State reset() {
x = 0.1 * rnd.nextDouble() - 0.05;
xDot = 0.1 * rnd.nextDouble() - 0.05;
theta = 0.1 * rnd.nextDouble() - 0.05;
thetaDot = 0.1 * rnd.nextDouble() - 0.05;
stepsBeyondDone = null;
return new State(new double[] { x, xDot, theta, thetaDot });
public void close() {
public StepReply<State> step(Integer action) {
double force = action == ACTION_RIGHT ? forceMag : -forceMag;
double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);
double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
double temp = (force + polemassLength * thetaDot * thetaDot * sinTheta) / totalMass;
double thetaAcc = (gravity * sinTheta - cosTheta* temp) / (length * (4.0/3.0 - massPole * cosTheta * cosTheta / totalMass));
double xAcc = temp - polemassLength * thetaAcc * cosTheta / totalMass;
switch(kinematicsIntegrator) {
case Euler:
x += tau * xDot;
xDot += tau * xAcc;
theta += tau * thetaDot;
thetaDot += tau * thetaAcc;
case SemiImplicitEuler:
xDot += tau * xAcc;
x += tau * xDot;
thetaDot += tau * thetaAcc;
theta += tau * thetaDot;
boolean done = x < -xThreshold || x > xThreshold
|| theta < -thetaThresholdRadians || theta > thetaThresholdRadians;
double reward;
if(!done) {
reward = 1.0;
else if(stepsBeyondDone == null) {
stepsBeyondDone = 0;
reward = 1.0;
else {
reward = 0;
return new StepReply<>(new State(new double[] { x, xDot, theta, thetaDot }), reward, done, null);
public MDP<State, Integer, DiscreteSpace> newInstance() {
return new CartpoleNative();
public static class State implements Encodable {
private final double[] state;
State(double[] state) {
this.state = state;
public double[] toArray() {
return state;