More test fixes

Brian Rosenberger 2022-10-11 07:59:22 +02:00
parent a32644bdb7
commit 2b4d44ea67
4 changed files with 7 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ configurations.all {
allprojects { Project proj ->
apply plugin: ''
@ -162,21 +161,3 @@ allprojects { Project proj ->
task aggregatedJavadocs(type: Javadoc, description: 'Generate javadocs from all child projects as if it was a single project', group: 'Documentation') {
subprojects.each { proj ->
proj.tasks.withType(Javadoc).each { javadocTask ->
logger.quiet("Adding javadoc for project " +
source += javadocTask.source
classpath += javadocTask.classpath
excludes += javadocTask.excludes
includes += javadocTask.includes
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/docs/javadoc")
title = "$ $version API" true
options.links ''
options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet')

View File

@ -130,19 +130,3 @@ echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf
CAVIS_AVX_EXTENSION = {avx2 | avx512}, default is avx2
# Zeppelin Spark dependencies #
To add the dependency to the language models, use the following format in the Dependencies section of the of the Spark Interpreter configuration (Interpreters -> Spark -> Edit -> Dependencies):
In your case it should work with
Native cpu code under linux needs libc6-dev
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class HelperUtils {
if("CUDA".equalsIgnoreCase(backend) && cudnnHelperClassName != null && !cudnnHelperClassName.isEmpty()) {
if(DL4JClassLoading.loadClassByName(cudnnHelperClassName) != null) {
log.debug("Attempting to initialize cudnn helper {}",cudnnHelperClassName);
helperRet = DL4JClassLoading.<LayerHelper>createNewInstance(
helperRet = (LayerHelper) DL4JClassLoading.<LayerHelper>createNewInstance(
(Class<? super LayerHelper>) layerHelperSuperClass,
new Object[]{arguments});
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class HelperUtils {
ClassLoader classLoader = DL4JClassLoading.getDl4jClassloader();
try {
helperRet = DL4JClassLoading.<LayerHelper>createNewInstance(
helperRet = (LayerHelper) DL4JClassLoading.<LayerHelper>createNewInstance(
(Class<? super LayerHelper>) layerHelperSuperClass,
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class HelperUtils {
} else if("CPU".equalsIgnoreCase(backend) && oneDnnClassName != null && !oneDnnClassName.isEmpty()) {
helperRet = DL4JClassLoading.createNewInstance(
helperRet = DL4JClassLoading.<LayerHelper>createNewInstance(
log.trace("Created oneDNN helper: {}, layer {}", oneDnnClassName,layerName);

View File

@ -12,15 +12,12 @@ configurations.archives.artifacts.with { archives ->
dependencies {
//Todo clean this
api platform(project(":cavis-common-platform"))
//api "org.bytedeco:javacpp:1.5.7" //for some reason we needed to apply version numbers here, they do not end up in POM otherwise
api "org.bytedeco:javacpp:1.5.7" //for some reason we needed to apply version numbers here, they do not end up in POM otherwise
api "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-joda:2.10.5"
api 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:2.0.3'
api 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:2.0.3'
//TODO for the two below.. either platform specific uber jars or a single big one with all platforms
api group: "org.bytedeco", name: "javacpp", version: "1.5.7", classifier: "linux-x86_64"
//api group: "org.bytedeco", name: "javacpp", version: "1.5.7"
// api group: 'net.brutex.cavis-native', name: 'cavis-native-lib', version: '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT', classifier: "linux-x86_64-avx2-cpu"
//api group: 'net.brutex.cavis-native', name: 'cavis-native-lib', version: '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
//api group: "org.bytedeco", name: "javacpp", classifier: "linux-x64_86"
rootProject.getAllprojects().each { Project sproj ->
if(! && !"cavis-common-platform")
&& !"Cavis")