few minor tweaks for recent MSVC update

Signed-off-by: raver119 <raver119@gmail.com>
raver119 2020-06-16 09:07:20 +03:00
parent 9ca679e080
commit 08a77d929b
2 changed files with 1 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace cnpy {
struct ND4J_EXPORT npz_t : public std::unordered_map<std::string, NpyArray> {
struct ND4J_EXPORT npz_t : public std::map<std::string, NpyArray> {
void destruct() {
npz_t::iterator it = this->begin();
for(; it != this->end(); ++it) (*it).second.destruct();

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@ -3963,9 +3963,6 @@ namespace simdOps {
#ifndef __clang__
#pragma omp declare simd uniform(extraParamsRef)
op_def static Y merge(X old, X opOutput, X *extraParamsRef) {
return update(old, opOutput, extraParamsRef);