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2019-06-06 14:21:15 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Yurii Shyrma (, created on 16.07.2018
#include <GradCheck.h>
#include <NDArrayFactory.h>
namespace nd4j {
void GradCheck::fillGradArrays(const LossFunc loss, const std::vector<NDArray*>& gradArrs) {
const int numInGradArrs = gradArrs.size();
// fill input gradient arrays in accordance to type of loss function
switch(loss) {
case MEAN:
for(int i = 0; i < numInGradArrs; ++i)
*gradArrs[i] = 1. / gradArrs[i]->lengthOf();
case SUM:
for(int i = 0; i < numInGradArrs; ++i)
*gradArrs[i] = 1.;
throw std::invalid_argument("GradCheck::fillGradArrays: invalid type of loss function !");
bool GradCheck::checkGrad(ops::DeclarableOp& opFF, ops::DeclarableOp& opBP, const OpArgsHolder& argsHolderFF, const OpArgsHolder& argsHolderBP,
const std::vector<bool>& whatArrsToCheck, const std::vector<double>& idxRange, const LossFunc loss ) {
const int numInArrsFF = argsHolderFF.getNumInArrs(); // also numInArrsFF = number of output arrays in opBP
const int numInGradArrsBP = argsHolderBP.getNumInArrs() - numInArrsFF; // because argsHolderBP.getNumInArrs() = numInArrsFF + numInGradArrsBP
const std::vector<NDArray*>& inArrsFF = argsHolderFF.getInArrs();
const std::vector<NDArray*>& inArrsBP = argsHolderBP.getInArrs();
// fill input gradient arrays in accordance to type of loss function
fillGradArrays(loss, std::vector<NDArray*>(&inArrsBP[numInArrsFF], &inArrsBP[numInArrsFF + numInGradArrsBP]));
// beck prop pass
ResultSet* outArrsBP = opBP.execute(argsHolderBP); // number of output arrays in back prop = numInArrsFF;
NDArray tmpScalar(nd4j::DataType::DOUBLE, inArrsFF[0]->getContext()); // scalar = 0
for(int i = 0; i < numInArrsFF; ++i) { // loop through input array
if(!whatArrsToCheck.empty() && static_cast<bool>(whatArrsToCheck[i]) == false)
const Nd4jLong idxStart = static_cast<Nd4jLong>(idxRange[0] * inArrsFF[i]->lengthOf());
const Nd4jLong idxEnd = static_cast<Nd4jLong>(idxRange[1] * inArrsFF[i]->lengthOf());
for(Nd4jLong j = idxStart; j < idxEnd; ++j) { // loop through all elements for current array
double& elem = inArrsFF[i]->t<double>(j);
const double orig = elem;
// add epsilon, feed forward
elem = orig + EPSILON;
ResultSet* outArrsFF = opFF.execute(argsHolderFF);
int numOutArrs = outArrsFF->size();
double scorePlus = 0.;
for(int k = 0; k < numOutArrs; ++k) { // loop through output array
if(loss == SUM)
NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceSameScalar(LaunchContext::defaultContext(), reduce::Sum, outArrsFF->at(k)->getBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getShapeInfo(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialShapeInfo(), nullptr, tmpScalar.buffer(), tmpScalar.shapeInfo(), tmpScalar.specialBuffer(), tmpScalar.specialShapeInfo());
NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceFloatScalar(LaunchContext::defaultContext(), reduce::Mean, outArrsFF->at(k)->getBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getShapeInfo(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialShapeInfo(), nullptr, tmpScalar.buffer(), tmpScalar.shapeInfo(), tmpScalar.specialBuffer(), tmpScalar.specialShapeInfo());
scorePlus += tmpScalar.e<double>(0);
delete outArrsFF;
// subtract epsilon, feed forward
elem = orig - EPSILON;
outArrsFF = opFF.execute(argsHolderFF);
double scoreMinus = 0.;
for(int k = 0; k < numOutArrs; ++k) { // loop through output array
if(loss == SUM)
NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceSameScalar(LaunchContext::defaultContext(), reduce::Sum, outArrsFF->at(k)->getBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getShapeInfo(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialShapeInfo(), nullptr, tmpScalar.buffer(), tmpScalar.shapeInfo(), tmpScalar.specialBuffer(), tmpScalar.specialShapeInfo());
NativeOpExecutioner::execReduceFloatScalar(LaunchContext::defaultContext(), reduce::Mean, outArrsFF->at(k)->getBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getShapeInfo(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialBuffer(), outArrsFF->at(k)->getSpecialShapeInfo(), nullptr, tmpScalar.buffer(), tmpScalar.shapeInfo(), tmpScalar.specialBuffer(), tmpScalar.specialShapeInfo());
scoreMinus += tmpScalar.e<double>(0);
delete outArrsFF;
// restore initial element value
elem = orig;
// calculate numerical gradient
const double numericalGrad = (scorePlus - scoreMinus) / (2 * EPSILON);
if(std::isnan(numericalGrad) || std::isinf(numericalGrad)) {
printf("GradCheck::checkGrad: got wrong value for numerical gradient for input array # %i and its element at position %lld ! \n", i, j);
throw std::runtime_error("");
// get analytical gradient
const double analyticGrad = outArrsBP->at(i)->e<double>(j);
if(std::isnan(analyticGrad) || std::isinf(analyticGrad)) {
printf("GradCheck::checkGrad: got wrong value for analytical gradient for input array # %i and its element at position %lld ! \n", i, j);
throw std::runtime_error("");
// printf("num = %.5f, ana = %.5f\n", numericalGrad, analyticGrad);
// calculate relative error
double relError;
if(numericalGrad == 0. && analyticGrad == 0.)
relError = 0.;
relError = math::nd4j_abs<double>(analyticGrad - numericalGrad) / (math::nd4j_abs<double>(analyticGrad) + math::nd4j_abs<double>(numericalGrad));
// verify result
if(relError > MAXRELERR || std::isnan(relError)) {
if(math::nd4j_abs<double>(analyticGrad - numericalGrad) < MINABSERR)
printf("numericalGrad = %f, analyticGrad = %f \n", numericalGrad, analyticGrad);
printf("GradCheck::checkGrad: got RELERROR = %f > MAXRELERROR(%f) for input array # %i and its element at position %lld ! \n", relError, MAXRELERR, i, j);
delete outArrsBP;
return false;
delete outArrsBP;
return true;